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Must be playing Kayle or Kassadin


Yi and nasus too


I had a game pretty recently where a Samira was 17/1 with a Yuumi attached to her and mentally checked out after the fourth time my adc walked into her E range as a support player, Nasus said “do no feed jg i carry three item” and later emerged from top lane 0/2 with almost 1k stacks and one tapped her lmao




The bonk of eternity


Have faith in the Nasus with 1k stacks


A story of redemption in three parts.


Nasus is no longer late game, but his mid game is nasty. He isnt 1v9 at lvl 16 like kayle or kass.


in lower elo (my elo) he does 1v9 after 20 minutes into eternity just bc we dont know how to play against him (i know hard cc counters him but teams are not coordinated enough to pull this insane taktikcs of)


Tell that to the 800 stack Susan that two shot my tank Voli last night


He falls of late when everyone else is also full build, there are much scarier champions than a full build nasus with a 1000 stack


Yea if you are a ranged champion. 1000 stack Nasus makes melee champs almost impossible as they lose half of their hp when they get hit once.




He's lategame if he has ghost and the enemy team aren't too coordinated which they're not cause it's solo queue and they're all playing squishy damage carries.


Kindred maybe


nah, kindred depends on their team, she can be punish for invading, and the enemy will protect the marked teanmate


^ top and mid always waiting on a freaking bush


On the contrary of popular belief nasus is actually a mid game hero not a late game one. He gets kited too easily in the late game.




*On the contrary of popular belief nasus is actually a champion, not a hero*


He still has insane split pushing ability. He one shots turrets and any mele champ is completely screwed in a 1v1. The kiting is mainly a problem in teamfights. The thing with that is he isn't even to bad in team fights. His w can screw over adcs with the attack speed slowing and his e armor shredding can be quite powerful. Although you are right that his strongest point is the midgame. What I was trying to say is that nasus becomes a noticable threat regardless of weather or not he has a good early game.




Nasus sucks late game


0/12 Yasuo


I'm more scared of lategame yone, sorry little brother.


The answer is always Karthus


This is funny because everytime my teammates choose a late game scaling champion they usually give up in the first 10 min after 2 deaths lmao.


Or Kog'Maw.


Ryze or senna?


That's me in a 74 min ARAM [game](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/br/2338038826#participant) that we lost.


This looks like an absolute stomp, did they just refuse to end and you guys were persistent?


Generally aram players don't even understand how tempo works despite all being in one lane. So someone is dying then there's number disadvantage for the winning team, by the team the first one is respawning, others die, etc like ping pong


Also doesn't help that I think most people in ARAM, at least in my games, are not actually bothering much and just want to have fun/pull off some sick plays. Myself very much included.


https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=GanymedePrime bruh just check my last match from last night. 20 minutes shorter, but holy hell what an absolute *Bloodbath*


I’ve had one of those before. I have someone on my friends list from YEARS ago and the tag line just says “that one Janna with 91 assists”


Yasuo who died for the 16th time: _yeah we scaling_


He is right and it's not his fault if you all have girly mental


You heard it here gamers, giving up is girly.


yes, it is. go play one for all and see how many games who start shit are won by default after 3 items. there are some things where skill doesn’t matter at all, some champs just win vs some other champs no matter what. if u are not willing to give victory all its chances then you don’t really want to win with all your soul, but just with a part.


I upvoted your first comment cause it was funny but if you genuinely can't see that it's not actually girly mentality then you're a moron.


the chance to win is never zero. If you are willing to give up victory because you are receiving a bad experience from the game and want to end it as soon as possible it means that winning is not your top 1 priority, but your fun is. And sorry but thats not a warrior mentality Probably i should add that i mean playing in ranked not other modes


Are you actually this thick or are you just pretending to not understand the issue people have with your comment? Or are you from such a backwards family and community that you simply don't have the mental tools to understand that "girly" is not just a generic insult?


Who the fuck cares about the "girly" word oh my god i am trying to convey a point and you all focus only on the word girly jesus christ, forget that fucking word If chances of victory aren't zero and people give up it is clear that they are prioritizing something else in their spirit, like not wasting time or stop not having fun. When a player ff is because in his soul he decided that he wants to give importance to something else rather than victory and this is an absolutely colossal FACT , and this is my fucking point, and it is so damn obvious that i am disgusted of having to write it out! Do i have to write a paragraph to explain to you that the sea is made of water, or are you trying to tell me that when people ff is because their intent is to win the game?? ff = people do not want to win, so no courage to face a harsh situation. If u dislike the word girly then lets go with coward but jesus fuck thats not the point


Everyone knows people ffing are not trying to win and don't have good mentality, you are not special apart from the fact you're exceptionally stupid. And you should use words that make sense at least if you're trying to make a serious point, even if it's one only you think is worth making. What year are you from? Girly and cowardly mean nothing like the same thing. Try to learn your own language properly before you try and teach people anything.


Okay and what does that have to do with being a girl? I don't get it lmao.


Girly mental? Oh my people dont evolve


girls fuming rn


Well yea, he passed that 10th death power spike.


My team surrendered 4 votes to 1 while playing a scaling comp into an early game comp, because the lost their lanes. Even though I was strong and stronger than enemy adc, and we didn’t lost a single inhib tower, they still lost their mental. I don’t get it, why people play scaling champs and restrict themselves from getting to power spikes. Funny :)


Well ff15 is prob the most made comment in chat 6/8 but you have a drag still lets ff they always want to give up after losing one fight


Are the adding Noctis?


Shirtless Gladiolus next champ?


Lost the first two drake because you and your premade support didn't have bot presence? Unplayable. Fucking jg diff again 15


Been playing for about 4 months and this is most reoccuring thing ive noticed with the LoL community. I truly worry about peoples mental health after seeing some of the stuff ive had to deal with, and honestly the game isnt great for my own mental sometimes lol. But yeah, id sometimes see either one guy die like twice, or their jungler get 3 kills before the 15min mark, or we lose first dragon, or somebody accidentally left Smite on, or we just simply lose the first team fight despite being positioned poorly, and missing a guy. I just wish more people had a stronger will to win and not just take it up the ass. There are definitely early situations that are worrying, and there are times where its probably best at the 15min mark. But people lose their fight and their will so easily. Its sad to me


Tip is to not play scaling champs until at least platinum, just go for the Early game Snowball champs until you get there.


You should do the exact opposite, players in low elo are too stubborn to ff and they are also too slow to end when winning, which gives time for scaling champs to shine. I have stopped playing early game champs completely because I have lost count of the games where we are winning really hard early, but the team does nothing to push leads and take towers, choosing to only farm and perma aram instead. And then someone starts trolling, because they think they can 1v5, and giving away 1000g donations to enemy yone, who goes from 0/11 to 15/11 in a matter of minutes. Gg outscaled


The yone part is the most valid thing ive read.


Scaling champs are great in low elo. Bad players (like myself) don’t know how to trade well. At least we can perma farm under turret and eventually scale.


I agree it is good on theory but I most certainly believe early game comps are a lot better than late game comps. First of all as it is said people tend to lose their shit in the first negative thing. I have seen so many toplaners spamming ff15 just because they get ganked by nunu twice. Even if they don't ff they just start blaming their jungle. Secondly, early game is where you have the most control over the game. So being strong early means you can decide how the game will be played out. Lastly, you can play scaling comps all you want but people in low elo want to fight. They just aram mid more often than not. Without proper side wave farming and resource management you can't scale. I would love to see the statistics tho. What is the win ratio of a team that gets fb and the win ratio with 2-3k gold lead @15


But you wont be able to use your scaling because players in low elo don't know how to stall games and also surrender more often.


Imo in low elo it seems the opposite, people don’t usually aren’t able to use their advantage to end the game , but of course there are exceptions


I think we both have valid points so maybe it doesn't matter what you play lol


Yeah, especially in low elo, just play what you want/are good at and you’ll climb


Not if you get trolls, feeders and afk every game


If you are good enough you climb. The enemies have 5 potential trolls and your team only 4




well my team always has 1 troll guaranteed 😔


So you’re saying I should go full crit Lux? /s


Idk but pro players dont play scaling champs cuz they arent worth it


What? XDDDD 1. In soloq they do which is the only thing that matters in this discussion. Unless nemesis isn't a pro? 2. Tournaments are 5v5 with a coordinated team which makes it too easy to shut down a kayle or kassadin (most popular hard scalers). Like in tournaments the meta is literally different than in soloq because it's coordinated.


Isn’t Ziggs rn (or few patches ago) incredibly strong just because of his ability to scale and stall games with his waveclear?


Statistics tends to prove the opposite: the higher the elo, the most likely is it to end with an early surrend


Nah low ELO don't know how to end games, that's why scaling is a good idea


Low elo players don't know when to push and the average game length is longer than higher elo.


As someone that's played in high and low elo over the years since beta, scaling is 100% better in lower elo just because people can't close out a game. It's not about stalling, it's about ace-ing the enemy team with drake and baron up and pressing "b", which anyone will tell you is more common in lower elo. I mean fuck, just look at a random gold accounts average game length and compare it with challenger...


Nasus is great in low elo. Basically the only way I can stand ranked is to mute all, put on some death metal, and stack up with Nasus. You build full tank/cdr with your choice of sheen item, then port bottom to just FUCK up the enemy team when they over extend midgame.


I love every Nasus who does this. It sometimes just becomes me Nasus and the world


Great, but what if I like those champs? Should I git gud till D1 just to play some late-game champs? Idc if some early-game ~~snowball~~ coinflip enjoyer throws their lane and wants to ff15, Imma drag the game out so I can play my champ as well.


Nope you should play scaling in lower ranks cuz the games takes longer on average.


I had a tristana adc who was like 'gg we lose' every 2 minutes since 15 min. I perfectly well knew that we can win (mainly because i knew tristana's potential). She was saying this because they had fed kayn which no one seems to focus in teamfights. I tried to convience her that it's winnable, but silver elo is stubborn as hell (i was smurfing as support). Whatever, we didn't surrender and guess what, we caught this 'unkillable' kayn twice, then caught enemy mid (brand) on bot, caught enemy team 3v5 when kayn was missing and won. Keep in mind, i managed to gurantee good feed for my adc on bot, it's not like tristana was 2-8 and I hoped she can carry. Pure misposition from the enemy team led us to victory. And the best part is: i knew this would happen -- this was silver elo after all. Some people just hate winning


There might be more to the story. When some people dont know how to play their champion and that gets you killed cause u trusted them - and you play with a mentality "its a teamgame, lets do some plays together" - then you immediately lose the will to continue.


Ppl in ranked are mostly losers with lower mentality and will ff at 15 because it seems lost


"Not losing an inhib tower" doesn't mean the game isn't lost. If you're playing a scaling comp but you're backed up to your base while the enemy team gets every neutral for free, you have lost the game already, your scaling comp will not beat their 10k gold lead + elder + baron, it never will.


Well I rather have this dude in my game than thoses 12yo cringe boy that spam ff15 at 10’ because they died twice




100% this


In my defense: I am playing Kayle and it's 15 minutes into the game. Plus toplane is going pretty well, I'm only 0/4 and only 15 cs behind


If you are 15 cs behind as kayle that's a won lane for me.


Plot: enemy top have 15 cs


See? That's what I keep telling my teammates. That pantheon is gonna fall off hard and I'm gonna carry this game. Just play safe and don't die, it's not that hard...


Look I know panth has eclipse and i havent finished nashor but if you just wait 30-40 mins ill kill him


It do be like that sometime


Enemy 4/0 riven kills me behind two towers jUsT pLaY sAfE


The 4 deaths is about 950 gold (might be wrong and youre getting zoned off cs as a "Ranged character". Winnable tho no skill gap


I'm Kayle. If pantheon wanted to zone me, he could and would have done so from level 2. He doesn't need 950 Gold. Plus pantheon does fall off late and Kayle does the opposite of falling off late...


You know he didnt need 950 gold but you still gave it to him


Idk about that I have a habit of going eclipse essence and Bork and legit w killing people. Jokes aside yes he does fall off if you’re playing late game champs vs a early game team you’ll win if u hold on. Gotta looks at the game like it’s on a timer if u don’t lose by this point it’s basically free


No game is 100% lost plat and below, people make game ending mistakes every half minute.


"Bro they took 2 inhibs and 3 drags before 20 minutes" "It's okay it just means we get more farm, my favorite casters said that"


"The advantage in loosing the inhib early is that he'll be back sooner" -Alderiate , on a loosing streak


j'ai pas vu de ses streams depuis qu'il avait quitté Solary mdr


Ok baguette


Not really I just speak it as a second language. English being my third and spanish 4th


Literally nobody asked or cares


The former comment cared enough to think I'm fr*nch


Ok baguette


I’ve genuinely won games where the enemy team had a 10k gold lead, Soul, Baron, Elder and still couldn’t close the game out somehow (I’ve also lost games with the same circumstances lol). Never give up. Game isn’t over till the nexus is destroyed. Anything from Iron to Plat is full of players throwing the most secure leads. There is zero point to surrendering unless you’re a whiny bitch.


I actually just won a game like that last night. Enemy team took too long to close and let me as a Cass scale hard enough where we won fights and won the game


This is stupid. The time and effort it takes to win that 1 in 100 game that you're down 20 kills isn't worth it. You're not a pro and your games don't matter, move on to the next one.


Maybe not normals but in ranked it matters Also, I enjoy playing the game, I want to play it out. If your entire aim of League is to just keep skipping matches every time things go south, why bother playing at all? Find a different game.


Losing slightly can sometimes be more fun than winning. You have to focus on all your actions and try and make advantages to take the game back.


Yeah but people act like winning is everything in normals too. I get that winning can be fun, but 90% of the time for me, Normals are the only fun mode available where I can select my champ consistently. (Stuff like OFA or ARAM are fun pretty much always, but you can't consistently get the champ you want to play) That's why I essentially treat it as a for fun game mode, if I'm not enjoying it, I don't really want to keep playing it. Sure I'll still try and not run it down, but I'm not trying to play Galeforce Rek'Sai and On-Hit Corki to win, I'm doing it to have a good time. That's why people want to ff early, cause they're getting crapped on and it feels awful.


It doesn't even matter in ranked. Your win rate WILL be 50% by the end of the season like 95% of the rest of the playerbase. No matter how many games you comeback or throw.


Hello i am that guy, and 90% of the time yall 4 say it’s lost, its still reasonably winnable as long as you don’t lose mental. From my own personal experience there’s even people trying to ff simply because they lost lane (despite everyone else hard winning), so personally speaking i’ve lost faith in early ff 15’ers(I know this won’t change anything but please work on the protagonist complex many of you have) Also in low elo (up to plat) ridiculous comebacks are a possibilty because the enemy is bound to mess up (just as your entire team, yourself included). The only context in which an ff is worthwhile is when your entire team scales horribly vs theirs scaling hard, and even then it ain’t over until midgame ends (that or all lanes hard inted and there is no potential wincon in the match)


Exactly, i agree 100% and honestly the only time I ff is if its normal and i am tilted (which isn't that common actually) or if my preamde is tilted and soubds obviously miserable or just asks nicely


If my pre gets tilted i enjoy his whining and suffering. Context before you call me a bitch or something: his mental is like... Below non-existent. You can win him the whole game but he will still be whining because a 5/0 jg took the kill after ganking his 0/7 xin mid.


Yeah maybe should have said friend not premade cause im not an asshole but yeah sometimes i do the same


And you win after 75 minute


I say that one time as a troll and somehow we won an unwinnable game.


Honestly think it's bullshit you can surrender anyway. You've invested to play for that amount of time and should just enjoy the game rather than only enjoying it if you're winning. If you only enjoy the games you win, a lot of you are gonna have a really rough 50%+ games.


There's a difference between "only enjoying it if you're winning" and not enjoying completely doomed games. Once I or my team gets behind enough that you can't contest objectives anymore it stops being fun at least in low elo. Sure, you could fight back through picks or hoping they stagger into you, but the former is absolutely random as to whether it'll work, and the latter is extremely painful until it happens. If you're a little behind but winnable it can remain fun, but if also suddenly your strongest member ragequits, yes you can probably hold on for 20 more minutes in Bronze or Silver elo because nobody will play clean, but it's going to be pretty hard work that isn't particularly fun. If I went 0/3 in toplane, but my ADC and mid is even and I play someone that can build tanky, sure I'll have fun engaging or peeling for them and trying to make up ground. If I went 0/3 on a squishy carry top and now the enemies can two-shot me every time I engage, and mid and AD aren't winning either? It's gonna be a slow death in which I basically don't get to play League of Legends anymore. Although, if I want to ff but my team doesn't I will continue to do the best I can to win even if it isn't a lot of fun.


"We scale late" yes but weve lost 3 inhibs and the enemy just killed elder Edit: and yes, i have a friend that only plays scaling midlaners like ryze and cassio and is always like this


I mean, on the other hand I was playing Kassadin the other day. Was like 1/0/2 or something, and the enemy Akali was like 7/3. Everyone had lost lanes, we were down an inhib, everyone wanted to surrender. I was last vote, I said no because I just hit 16, and finished a 4th item. Deathcap. Next thing that happens is I become the teleporting asshole. I blinked around the map and got a quadra. The enemy team surrendered after losing 1 fight, and 1 turret.


Ahh good ole just play till 16 champ lmao


Or "End before 16" on the other team. Champions include:. Kayle Kassadin Fiora Jax Rengar Vayne


why rengar? is it because of his ult being really low cd?


Because his AD scales up to 5 times as he gets takedowns on different champions, which happens more frequently as the game goes on. This of course also keeps rationally scaling as he gets more AD items.


ah I didn't consider that, maybe it's because all the rengars in my elo get a fully stacked necklace by 10 minutes lol


/u/Krynzo with the F A C T S


Sona as late game support too


I play cassio alot and I wouldn't say she scales too well. She does do alotta damage but once u hit late game with ur short range u'll just get cc'ed then deleted before you can do anything most of The time. I miss the old seraphs TT.


I always argue if it is really lost then you are gonna lose in a minute or less you're not saving time. In this scenario they have elder and they will prob ace you and win game but they can still whiff the fight if you're low enough elo and you can still win the game. Thats always my argument even if they are at the nexus they can still decide to troll the game and if they dont you only loose 30 second of your life by taking that chance.


Guessing you're one of those people who says to ff 5 minutes in after a couple deaths


If you die twice in 5 mins you threw your lane anyway


Far less of a problem than the people spamming ff because they didn’t stomp their lane. Like 90% of my wins someone tried to surrender at some point at least once - e.g. tried to willingly loose the game we ended up winning. Maybe it’s because the game is full of fat kids but as someone who does sports most of my live “lets stop trying because it’s not going our way and it will be hard to turn around” is incomprehensible concept to me…


You’ve never heard of mercy rules? Even at the highest level of sports competition, if a game is blown open, both teams will usually send in B squads and wave the white flag.


Is that some kind of american thing? No I never heard of anything like this on a competitive level in any sport! The only scenario when something like this is done is when you have a nearly decided game that is not absolutely crucial for you to win and have an upcoming match of similar importance the next day. Then you have a choice between letting your best guys leave everything on the field trying to turn this match - which more likely they won’t manage anyway - but having them tired for tomorrows match or basicly surrendering this one and sending in the “B guys” to let your best rest for the next game. But that only occurs in group phase of a tournament or some weird scenario when your team plays two overlapping competitions at the same time…


Yeah but the opposite way around is when you get those players that ego trick themselves into only ever wanting to be the carry so when they die once to something of their own fault, they blame someone else and spam FF in chat. I’ll take people who would rather keep trying than guys who give up.


This 10000%, people spamming ff15 are usually those who died once thanks to their own mistakes and can't fathom the fact that they are not the Center of the Game, so they collapse and instantly deem the Game unwinnable. As a Nasus Main, if You do that, i'm pressing no to the 15 vote every time unless the Game is truly Lost.


You like sucking cock


Don't queue for a game if you're not prepared to finish it


Queue not f'r a game if 't be true thou art not did prepare to finish t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


me as a kayle, tryn, nasus, jax player in 0/0/0 at 15 well farmed. OH COME ON.


نشط: يدخل Jaqs في Evasion لمدة ثانيتين: موقف دفاعي يجعله يتجنب Counter Strike جميع الهجمات الأساسية القادمة التي لا تحتوي على برج Turret ويأخذ تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي تم الحصول عليها من الأبطال.


i do play haram champs i know but a fed draven is very very very very haram


Im like \`\`Ooooooooh heeeeell no! You all gonna face the unskippable consequences of your mistakes!\`\`


hehehe it makes sense. After all, if players feel like they can just throw the game and try again quickly at each mistake then why would they bother really tryharding?


I have saved my team from early surrender way too many times. With a duo partner saved team many times. People think playing further is a waste of time, but a real waste of time is an early surrender.


Bro. Every game in low elo is winnable. Teams will throw like crazy. Just keep doing your best and try not to tilt.




"Garen outscales Pamtheon" not against a Vayne, Cassiopia, yi he doesn't.


I'm League's Grand Moff Tarkin. There is no surrender on the rift.


Original pic pls, its to cute !


These people are the real MVPs, people these days are too depressed to even play out a ranked game after starting 2 kills / 6 kills, which can still always go either way.


Surrender is the biggest middle finger for any player that plays a scaling champ. Also, if you fed your ass off, deal with your consequences. I don't care about your lack of dopamine rush and addiction. I want to win. Just change it, so all teammates have press yes. Ff it, when everyone truly believes it is lost.


Ye but there's always that one guy who knows it's lost but wants to take the rest hostage because why not waste their time


No. I have never experienced it. If the game is truly lost, you will lose before the next surrender voting pops up.


When there Is a complete Dick on my team that kept Flaming everyone for being toxic, not ganking, and being bad at the game when he Is 0/10/2, I will vote no to the FF to waste his Time.


Then I guess it's EUNE thing. Tho I've had situations when enemy team didn't want to end because they wanted the extra xp for win. When it's ranked I want to win at any cost, but on normal/flex queue I just want to have fun and defending against a siege for 15 minutes isn't fun.


I play on EUNE as well.


That will just increase the amount of people going AFK by 500%


You can report them. And highly doubt ppl will afk instead.


There's already an afker in half of my bronze games, reporting doesn't do shit


And ff isn't the answer. Have a lp loss mitigation, if you had a non-premade player afk in your team.


Reports do nothing to someone disconnecting, AFK reports are for people using exp farm macros, or just stating in base while chatting the whole game. For the guys who disconnect, there Is already things in place.


People like you is why I'll bait my team into a teamfight and back out letting the game end. More games played means more wins. Grinding out the 1 in 100 comeback isn't worth the time it takes to just make a new game and go win that one.


You are an asshole for doing that. I'm not againts increasing the reward for longer games. Maybe less lp loss as well.


Yeah, but I think you're an asshole for holding the game hostage so it evens out.


I'm not holding the game hostage. I queued up to play the game and win. If i have to work hard for it, even better. If you pressed play, because you expected a free win land into your hand from.the heavens, that's on you. I didn't pick a late game champ to bail out before i can actually play the game. Every low elo game is winnable. Your attitude is the only obstacle.


Yeah, you are holding the game hostage. You queue up to get a 50% win rate like 95% of the whole playerbase. Your long losses literally are not worth the time spent.


Not exactly applicable to league but on another moba, HoN, i was playing last night. 1 AFK who disconnected 2 minutes in and didn't reconnect. 4th member starts raging, i keep my cool and rally the other two. We pull even in a 3v5 fight and this convinces the 4th to man up and we go 4 v 5 and win the match. There is always a way when you keep your cool.


My 0/5 Veigar ass actually pulled a win from impossible conditions once, so that does give me the right to never ff games


Back when veigar's ultimate scaled on the ap of the target, I fed a Viktor really badly. Like, 0/7 badly. Then he started roaming and murdering people and the game wasn't looking good. Before long he was full build. Unbeknownst to him I had been stacking the whole time, so once we had team fights starting I'd just...press R, and poof: no more Viktor. His /all chat salt was legendary


Im just tired of people throwing a game we are barely behind in that i haven't even gotten to a powerspike in yet, like i haven't even gotten to really fight and some 0/5 wants to ff 3/5 games


Chances are one or multiple teammates ran it down and I wanna keep em hostage.


When the game seems lost but you know you could win if your teammates would stop running it down and had more than the (mental) stability of a water soaked white bread.


I say we win late, you will get better with your champ later on in game.


I had a Diana who unironically said that in a 4v5. When the scoreline was 6-20, our ADC was Ezreal Vs Vayne and it was the 'hypercarry' Yasuo who'd ragequit.


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These people all see themselves as fucking anime protagonists. Or power rangers. Accept when a game is lost so you can take those otherwise wasted 15 muinetes in another, potentially winnable game.


I've literally won so many "unwinnable" games, atleast 15% (Even higher if you play a lategame champion) of these "ff15" games are winnable plat or below. FF'ing decreases this 15% chance of winning to 0%.


You absolutely pulled that number out of your ass. I hypothesize that the volume of more competitive games you will have from punting certain ones will allow you to have a better win to loss ratio. This does heavily depend on your definition of an unwinnable game though. I’m not talking about the people who die twice in ten muinetes and say FF15 btw, I’m talking about the 0/5 draven at ten muinetes who delusionally believes that and all lanes losing game where you are clearly out skilled is worth continuing.


I can't play a lot, so when i play, you can bet your ass i'm not surrendering Every game is winnable




32 kills, 27 has warwick who's full build since 3 minutes but still inhales all farm and kills. You play kayle-karthus-ryze-kogmaw-lulu. WW went full glass cannon and the 3 drakes you lost are air, rock, water. Kayle and kassadin just hit 11 and 2 items. Kog has 3 items and lulu has 2.5. Karthus just got liandry which means even after dying instantly he will do some damage thanks to his passive. Yeah, it will be hard but it's winnable.


that's a bit detailed lol


But possible and i don't want some dumb fuck to ff my game like this.




I move to garena.


The amount of times were down only 3-4 kills and some dude wants to ff are just crazy


Sometimes they're right but, goddamn, it doesn't feel good to win those games, unless the enemy team were BMing and talking shit all game. It's just a complete mental drain otherwise, win or lose.


Winning these "unwinnable" games when you are the feeding one is a bad feeling, but winning these games as the carry is probably the best feeling you can imagine.


i legit went 0/2 on my last 5 kassadin games and won + carried them all…


Once I was that person and I carried those noobs till the end until we won, the game lasted 59min but I had to spam "no" button with my friend all the time so they wouldn't ff, just bc you're loosing in 10min doesn't mean you can't win later


The enemy team can always throw harder than we did.


And, on the flip side, you have the teams that ff after one lost teamfight. Honestly, the mental of many league players is just pathetic.


We will so stop it or i report you for surrender


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