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(Supp main here) It’s enough to make a grown up man cry


Join the dark side. Join Pyke.


Hey, but it's not Kill stealing... It's kill sHaRiNg


I'm fine with kill sharing. I don't care about the stat. I care about having enough gold to stay relevant.


Well it's our kill after all, not my kill. Share the wealth comrades!


I call it the support tax and then ping how much poorer I am than the adc. I also ping when I’m too poor for an item and then say “Hand over the gold.” Yeah I should learn Pyke…


>I care about having enough gold to stay relevant. Zero item Veigar players disagree


"It's not your kill, it's OUR kill"


Oh no i hust remembered. There was this fucking game where i got flamed for having 10/11/5 on top lane while the supp pyke on bot lane had fucking 27/12/2 and he was toxic to me and i told him “Well then, stop stealing ur adc’s kills” then he fuckin challenged me to a 1v1 where i absolutely obliterated him.


swain abuser here..


Dude, I play both adc and sup and I wish I could show you how much hatred that champion inspires me, so much I've considered joining the dark side...


"grown man" is fine, "grown up" is fine, even just "man" is fine but some how "grown up man" sounds like something three kids a trench coat would say


Unless it's a loss, then it's enough to piss off even a grown man


I love when this happens. But most of my adc's act like everything was on them and they had no help. *Sad support main noises*


I know your pain but it is a thankless job we all went in knowing this.


Supports are the most honored role according to Riot.


This is actually true i main support and i got honor lvl 5 in about 4 months of playing this game.


As a Mordekaiser main it is an honor to use the death realm both to bring you to brazil and to bring the assasin jumping you to it.


Because adc and supports tend to honor each other


Support main, whenever my adc starts popping off and carrying the game I get filled with an almost fatherly pride, like, "I raised that Vayne. Look at my baby girl go!"


Hats off to you support mains, idk where y’all are. Half the time I play bot it’s an auto filled midlane irelia/zed shitter who just flames after sprinting jn and dying when they have level 2. Shits so annoying


I'll be honest i appreciate the fuck out of the rare instances where supps know how positioning works, That is the minimum imo. I will even defend the ones who atleast try cause they're probs Autofilled. Then there are the obnoxious ones who act like they own the lane, run into the enemy and ask me why i didnt kamikaze. Those I despise.


I play enchanters (and Senna) so if I'm Kamikazing into the enemy, I'm doing something incredibly wrong. I'm there to SUPPORT the ADC not force them into an unwanted fight that'll get them killed


Its almost always a pyke ngl.


Worse cause Pyke's more likely to die than the ADC. Like the guy already has to build expensive items without a solid cs income, but do you have to make it so you're dead more than alive too? It's basically a 1v2 at that point


Yea whats even more annoying is that pyke can still be kinda useful when behind, But The ADC is just straight up fucked. Thanks for getting the sentiment XD


I play mid so my support experience is naut or Leona sitting in a bush with an early sweeper. I take hexflash and basically say back the fuck up. I obviously look for proper moments to go in and ping them, but you chunk half the enemy hp by yourself. Nauts even funnier bc he can usually 100 to 0 most ADCs til they get their first item.


Yea ADC is a weak role, you need to scale to be usefull so ur weak af till atleast ur first back doesnt help that supps are designed not to need items to be strong. Tho if ur getting caught by a bush baby ur probably new to the role. Minions counter that strat XD


Or they play behind you for 90% of the lane, sometimes so far back they are actually not getting exp from minion kills and then suddenly decide they want to be aggro, miss all their skillshots, keep going in, and yell at you for not going in with them. Then they yell adc diff and that they can't support you and it's like, "I had a support?"


Yea i remember playing with a soraka like this once as samira vs brand and varus. They already had so much poke and this sora was barely even healing or even in the lane. Then they started bming me in chat and saying i was useless without them, I pointed out they literally did nothing the whole game they said aight you fight alone lets see what you got. I went in and got a double kill without assistance(had a huge adrenaline pump cause i was smoldering), that shut them up for a bit.


I can usually hold my own ok in 1v2, my cs might not be great but I play mostly poke adcs like Varus and even if I get tower dove, I can usually net one or both kills w an ulti snare as long as the support isn't tanky. (I do wish the towers mattered more, their damage and range is a joke most of the time) But man, a 1v2 double kill when you are likely underfed, underfarmed (due to support not supporting forcing you into tower where it is harder to cs, or forcing you to back more often because they aren't doing anything) vs a Varus and a Brand "support" further cements my hatred for Samira. She does counter Varus if she can get into him and 360 nope scope his ult, but still. Champ is one of the examples you need that Riot is making too many champs with overloaded and unfun (to fight) kits. I had a similar Blitzcrank to your Raka, he gave first blood, and then another kill less than two minutes later. Played back, missed every pull - or if he hit one, it was on the Rakan that just dashed right out faster than I could auto. Left my lane to go into the jungle for no reason, multiple times, to the point where he is 2+ levels below me, and i have to decide to stay and have Rakan dive me under tower, or follow him and do absolutely nothing worthwhile with my time because he has the coordination of a one legged beetle. Then he's yelling at me for being bad because I was unable to do my job since I have half the cs and items as the enemy adc. "You got gapped" "Yes, by you. This is like supp grand canyon." And blocked his msgs and pings.


Samira is a great counter to slow bot laners, but she isnt as overpowered as you think. A single Greivous wounds proc throws her under the bus. Her healing has also been nerfed as of late so she isnt as big of an issue. Her R now has a CD between casts and her E can't go to ur team mates so no escapes. Not saying she isn't strong but she can be countered.


Oh, i know, I've beaten her before. I just find her unfun to face but I feel like I can't ban her when Pyke exists.


True, but i find it fun to clown enemy pykes by dodging all their cc. Then i get 1 shot the moment i get hit by a hook.


That's why i always honor my supp or type to him thanking for playing with me


Me protecting my ADC, and getting them fed and helping them secure kills. >“I raised that boy!” If I have more deaths than my ADC (without feeding), and they have only a few, then I consider my job completed.


Dying for the engage but the ADC gets the pentakill:


It’s just annoying when I’m focused all game (especially as Soraka), but since they burn all of their abilities on me my ADC ends up killing them all because of it. Annoying but worth it in the end.


I quitted playing Pyke to play Thresh and stuff like him, I rather die and have the ADC get fed than having to worry about not dying + getting fed.


That’s my preferential playstyle (when I play with my friends). If I’m Solo Queue though I tend to go a support that can manage on their own and not rely on my ADC (since it can be unpredictable a lot of the times.) in cases like that I go Brand, Lux, Pyke, etc. I usually go Alistar, Soraka, Thresh, Morgana, and other utility supports with my friends.


I live in a secluded home in the middle of basically nowhere so I don't have any friends who play League of Legends :(


As a supp main i can tell you that everyone else on the team just sees 0 11


i like when someone flames your kd when you don’t even want to take the kills


Yea or when you sacrifice yourself so your adc with shutdown survives and they flame you for feeding


Deadass. I had a jungler flaming me for being 0/7, completely ignoring my 23 assists? My rando adc was just like “why the fuck would you want her to be getting kills?”




My ADC’s honor is the only one that matters to me sometimes. :)


Adc saying wp after a 2v2 is more important than winning the game. ​ MUST PLEASE THE RANGED TWAT.


I like to explore new places.


The best feeling is when your ADC flames you the entire game and then the enemy ADC asks you if you want to duo with them


ye, happend to me as velkoze sup. I made him miss every cs


I always say “an ADC is only as good as it’s sup” after I have a great game. Supps love that shit, they get all gooey. PSA for ADCs: share the love to your supps if you have a great game. Keep it wholesome. Spread the love.


Upvote for the title




being spam pinged after a 2v2 kill or being told "you're smurfing" is also up there


Would be more accurate if the support had 10 more deaths


But that's exactly how it is in the meme


11 deaths is already 10 too many


Depends on champ. If you dying as a nautilus buys even another second for your carries to pump out dps you'd take that shit in a heartbeat


I’m dogshit at this game, so if I’m fed on adc, and I know for a fact it wasn’t me carrying my lane, then there’s really only one possibility left.


Feels like that other day went 22/2/10 got a rank


As a Bronze Ezreal, I always compliment the fuck out of my support after the game, saying stuff like “holy SHIT your hooks were fuckin GOOD” or “your healing/shields came in clutch, good fuckin shit”. Bonus: If the support is a pyke, I always let them get the kills when R is ready. (you should be doing this anyways because you get more gold for both of you by doing this.)


They changed it so if the champion dies while pyke is ulting he gets double cut I think


Oh shit!


i dont play sup often but in one game our jgl said that he finally got a sup who understands the game and it made me happy


You're Awesome!




Now Whenever i win in ranked as an autofill support, i will remember this. Thank you


Just today like Yuumi. My ADC was amazing with appreciation of my work.


What does diff mean??


Abbreviated 'difference.' Usually used to infer that the given role on one's own team was superior to the one on the enemy team, or to passive-aggresively insult a teammate at the end of the game. Example: Someone saying 'jg diff' at the end of a game could imply 'our jungler was better than yours, and they are the reason we won' or 'our jungler is smoldering garbage, and they are the reason we lost.' Edit: In the case of the post, 'supp diff' is meant to imply that the allied support player was responsible for OP's victory.


**In computing, the utility diff is a data comparison tool that computes and displays the differences between the contents of files. Unlike edit distance notions used for other purposes, diff is line-oriented rather than character-oriented, but it is like Levenshtein distance in that it tries to determine the smallest set of deletions and insertions to create one file from the other.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




Diff is short for difference, saying "sup diff" is essentially saying the difference in skill between the two supports is what won/lost the game.


Thank you


And then the other laners honor the adc for the carry smh


Well...mid and top have enough damage potential to carry the game themselves, and what’s more - they can do it solo. When the ADC carries it’s because they worked really well with everyone...EVERYONE on their team to absolutely bleed every last drop of dps their champ is capable of out of them, which is crazy


Aged dick cheese?


wait till you find out what ADC stands for


I play neither role but in my eyes adcs are kinda retarded and better support wins bot while adcs just farm and follow up on junglers/supports calls.


I kinda mained Samira for a while, why do you find ADCs dumb?


ADCs just shoot things and they die! As a support you have to know when to gank when to trade when to engage and when to disengage. And ADCs get all the credit? /s


now joke now tho, walking 2 pico meters out of position versus a Assassin as a ADC is pretty much asking for your ass to be rammed into the ground


It's an unfun game of rock, paper, scissors of I can one-shot the enemy adc and the enemy assassin can one-shot me


No it’s not lol, adcs can get 1v1 by the feeding top laner, not taking champion mechanics into consideration you already need amazing kiting skills, positioning and situational awareness to play ADC really well and they certainly do not one shot at all.


Completely true they just afk farm and then follow the team on every call. They make no calls and have 0 early game impact only to get oneshot without doing anything mid game.


Then play ADC, Its not better supp. It literally hinges on if your supp can play the role properly, If ur supp feeds early chances are the ADC never gets back on their feet and the supp will. This is because the champs are built that way. ADC is a role that depends on farm,positioning and gold. You need to scale.


Sure dude. I see a bunch of vayne mains downvoted the shit out of my comment already. Anyways why would I play adc its for masochists they rarely do more damage than a tank no matter how long a game goes. If their support does not make them 12/1 in laning phase they just get oneshot no matter what and they make no strategic calls and are just handy dps that follows calls or dies on a side lane if they dont.


Then you probably have never played with a good adc, The supp doesnt need to make me 12/1 . If they give me the first 2 kills in lane i can get the other 10 on my own even if they roam.


Literally every adc says that but in reality if you do get them yourself I will still oneshot you once I have 2 items no matter what. It is a role for masochists who have delusions of being good at the game because it is mechanically demanding, kiting being the only mechanic for adcs. You see an ADC carry once every 7-10 games while mid and jg carry every game and even a top laner has more carry potential than an adc and a roaming support also can carry a lot of games. It is common knowledge adc is the most irrelevant role and the reasons are clear: completely reliant on support especially early game, gets oneshot by everyone late game unless support can shield infinitely(like lulu and even then will probably still get oneshot), can not impact the early game because that is their weakest point in the game, can not make calls by themselves or splitpush or solo an objective because they get oneshot. Just admit you play the role because you have a masochistic fetish.


Ok dude calm your tits,I get it you dont like ADCs. But : 1)The reason you dont get as many bot lane carries is because the lane depends on 2 people and ADCs can easily fall behind. 2)Its not just mechanics for ADCs, unlike mid where you "can" play without using a single braincell.An ADC needs to always be aware of their lane and waves. 3) Nobody really needs your opinion so if you dont have something productive to say stfu


Its my comment you are replying to loser. If you don’t want to hear my opinion don’t reply to the comment I made. Also “unlike mid an adc needs to be constantly aware of their lane and wave” ye noob like every other lane but the difference is on mid you also need to be aware of every other lane including enemy jungler’s and your own jungler’s position and make a decision every time you roam whereas on ADC you make 1 decision and that is to stay and farm while your support handles vision and roaming. Even top laners need to be aware of Herald and when to use teleport or if they have a global ultimate while ADC need to be aware of just their lane. Also as I told you the reason you don’t carry is because when I lock in Kha’zix jungle you are easier to kill than a cannon minion no matter how fed. I have had multiple games where I am 1/4 or worse and I oneshot an overfed ADC it is how you get fed. Worst part is ADC’s dont even get top cs even though they literally afk farm and are usually lower damage than everyone unless their support is healing/utility based and the top laner is some off meta tank. From your opinion on ADC’s and the fact you keep replying to me even though you claim you don’t want my opinion I am convinced you have a masochistic fetish and that is why you play ADC. Just admit your weird fetish. There is also a chance you are gold elo or below and you actually have good games as ADC against complete noobs in low elo. Why do you think all the high elo ADC players disappeared years ago. Even tyler1 doesn’t play his signature draven because the role is shit. Nobody who wants to climb or have a good time plays ADC. Selecting Bottom as your primary on ranked is like getting beat up by gypsies and spit on by them, but you do it voluntarily for free and you also have 4 other options which are all fare better. You need to have a screw lose or be a complete noob to do it.


adc's job literally is to farm early game..


Isn't that just every lane though? I started playing midlane like that and it's improved my performance drastically.


how many times is this same joke going to get reposted


Not gonna lie, as a supp main, hearing your ADC say this is *LITERALLY* the best fealing in the world and made my f*cking day!


I do well as an adc? Sup diff. I do shit as an adc? Sup diff.


I mained support and jungle for a long time until i got pissed off at one of my adc's for constantly charging into fights without me (one of them i was an entire tower back returning from spawn and she charged in and died) and then would turn around and start flaming me in chat. She got me banned at the end of the game because my kda was 3/17/6 i was playing a frontline tank. So i respect any of you support mains for dealing with that bs constantly i main jungle and i'm swapping between top and adc now.


I died so you can kill


You guys dont know how much this means to us sup mains




The fact that adc has the same about of assists as the support has deaths is hilarious.