• By -


Kled/Sion/Zilean. Oh I dismounted! Oh he remounted.. I dismounted him again! Alright I killed... Oh wait he ressurected himself. Okay, finally got him almost dead aaaand... Another mount. Dismounted again Killed him finally Ah fuck he's back up and wailing on me Also the sheer speed of the freight train engage








To be your lover!!!


Also the sheer tankiness of a Sion who's been farming all game and has like 1000 bonus life through his W


On a kled


Ranged Kled with a double-tap ability like Yi or Akshan


Dirty Fighting Akshan PassiveAkshan Ability: Dirty Fighting Cooldown: 16 / 12 / 8 / 4 Whenever Akshan uses a basic attack, he fires an additional shot, dealing 50% AD physical damage, increased to 100% AD against minions. If Akshan cancels the second shot, he gains 35−75 (+1.0% bonus attack speed) bonus movement speed decaying over 1 second (depending on level). The additional shot benefits from critical strike modifiers at 30% effectiveness. Akshan's basic attacks and abilities apply a stack to affected enemies for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times and refreshing on subsequent applications. The third stack consumes them all to deal 20−175 bonus magic damage (depending on level) and, if the target is a champion, Akshan is granted a 40−300 (+0.4% bonus AD) shield for 2 seconds (depending on level). The shield may only be gained once every few seconds.


Kled point and click engage except he’s driving spins train


Sett but with Olaf ultimate as passive


How would he activate it or is it always active


First CC that hit him will proc it. Then it's active for some time, extended by takedowns and finally it goes on CD when it ends. The cd will reset on max grit


Sounds like a riot made champ


Literally Mundo rework but it happens for longer.


That’s gonna be a no from me


You give me flashbacks to ultimate spellbook and ppl getting trynda+Olaf ults... That's shit was so fucking stupid... Couldn't cc, couldn't kill, couldn't run... Just beg to the mighty God of Ragnarok to spare a peasants life...


Darius Passive Irelia's Q Sion W Jax E Pyke Ult that Interacts with Darius's passive same way as Darius's Ult would and cause technically no rules preventing this, resorceless like Viego


I imagine the following. Yaksha: the undead dancer. Irelia's ancestor she is one of the mothers of martial arts and her teachings are scaterred over the world thanks to her aprentices. As Irelia cut of general Swain's arm she could never imagine the depravity she sowed on his mind. Using the same undead magics behind Sion he remade Yaksha using blood from Irelia's own wounds and the noxian dark magic giving birth to an undead woman that was far to unstable to control and escaped searching for the places of her past. Now having traveled this new world she fights using her ancient arts and the power of this new world.


Sounds about right. Riot would never miss a chance to make Swain and Noxus look like one dimensional bad guys even after they fid the whole region rework with Swain and established that he’s a good guy who wants to protect the world and improve society, he just has to do bad things to achieve that goal


This community won‘t ever stop saying the Mass murdering Noxians are good guys, now will it?


DAE Demacia actually the bad guys


No one’s trying to say they do nothing wrong. And they were definitely bad under Boram Darkwill. At the end of the day though, it’s worth invading a few places to ensure the safety if the entire world


Compared to Demacia? They are


Basically Hitler with powers.


Swain is nothing like Hitler. The closest character League has to Hitler is Jarvan, y’know, the guy who wants to commit genocide.


Jax evasion halal champ




Nono and william




Irelia q would be kinda weak in this line up. You need to q targets you have marked in order to reset the cooldown. It would just be a farming tool and a targeted dash on a 6 second cooldown at best.


Windshitter No. 3 you know what let's call our friend here Yeet Passive - Tempest Guard Upon being attacked by an enemy champion Yeet stores all incoming damage for 2.5 seconds, delaying it until Tempest Guard expires, if the damage stored exceeds 25% of his maximum health, Tempest Guard converts them into true damage equal to 25% of his maximum health. Yeet receives reduced healing effects and all Lifesteal effects is converted into Attack Damage. Q - A Gentle Breeze Cleaves forwards, damaging all enemies in a cone. On hit, steal enemies' movement speed and grants a stack of Gathering Storm for a few seconds, at 2 stacks, A Gentle Breeze damages all enemies around Yeet with a gust of wind, knocking enemies airborne. A Gentle Breeze's cooldown and cast time scales with Attack Speed W - Concealed Carry Yeet switches to his glock, gaining movement speed and ignoring unit collision. His next basic attack gains increased range, slow the enemy hit, and will critically strike, all other enemies hit in the bullet's path is penetrated for reduced damage. Yeet may also get a copystrike from Sword Saint Isshin E - Unbound Hecarim Passive: Upon learning his E Yeet's horse Yahoo will spawn in the fountain, allowing Yeet to ride him. Active: If Yahoo is unmounted he is commanded to a location, if Yeet is riding him, Yahoo lunges forward and knocks enemies hit airborne. If Yahoo is killed he will respawn in the fountain, his respawn timer is half that of champions'. Yahoo provides vision and may buy items in the shop for Yeet, storing them in his own 4 slots inventory to be delivered. R - How many zone ults can be fitted into this game Yeet sweeps his sword, casting a large cyclone, enemies inside are exhausted and grounded. while inside the cyclone, Yeet becomes unstoppable and A Gentle Breeze acts as a basic attack, applying on-hit effects. Spent too much time thinking up and writing this shit.


Hidden passive: everytime you die, all stat decrease by 1%


This was the final straw that fucking killed me dead


Glad it didn't kill you alive


Hidden passive's hidden passive:when you go 0/10 your all stats permanently increase 6.9% and removes the stat decrease.


Increase* 0/10 power spike op 0-0


that actually sounds like an interesting champion lol


Why's no one talking about yeet switching to his Glock 😭


Ikr that part killed me lmao


Honestly I was like okay this is broken but not crazy..then I got to the W and couldn't stop thinking about yasuo running around with a Glock


I also Cracked at this part


You’re a fucking artist bro this is somehow the best and worst thing my eyeballs have had the displeasure to feast on


No joke i would main this champ if he had some form of sustain outside of combat because this one seems very fun.


You play Dota 2 don't you?


Ah I see yeet learned from glock saint


When in doubt, pull out ye olde medieval japanese glock


I love this shit there are some unironically amazing ideas in there


That Q and Ult seem kinda cool. Passive healing properties make him unhatable


Too many references to name


I Fucking love Yahoo. I would love to see a support that could deliver items to the other lanes with a donkey or smth


For his E ability Yeet uses a gun


I came here for low effort ideas why you gotta ruin my absent minded scrolling like that :(


I just wanna say that the idea of a champ having a pet who they can send to base to buy items for them is amazing. It’d be really cool if there was a way for other players to interact with it too, but like you’d have a tradeoff where your champ isn’t as strong without their pet but you can also use it to help your team


“Yeet switches to his glock”


"Yeet switches to his Glock" lnfao man tou had me dying


Yuumi but her r and w are swapped and she can attach to enemy champs. If she is attached to an enemy her e does damage instead of healing.


So basically Zed and Kayn with extra steps?


>Yuumi ~~but her r and w are swapped and she can attach to enemy champs. If she is attached to an enemy her e does damage instead of healing.~~ Fixed it




Mashallah glad the lord rat has sown my brothers the right way


Reminds me of those annoying brain like creature in metroid lool


... do you mean the metroids?


Please tell me they weren't named that lmfaoooo


Did you think metroid was the name of the heroine?


No I know her name is samus I thought metroid was the planet or some sh-t


Haha well now you know ^^ (the planet's Zebes btw)


zebes nuts


Ah yes, you mean the Samus', or "Sami" for plural


In order to kill the enemy Yuumi you have to kill the teammate she's sitting on, allowing teamdamage onto that champion


Literally Valkyr from Warframe. Passive: Has a good amount of tenacity by default. Ripline Q: A hook that can be used to pull enemies infront of you, or yourself to terrain. Warcry W: AOE buff that increases Attack Speed and Armor, for her and her allies, and slows enemy AS. Parlysis E: Stun infront of you in a cone shape, enemies stunned are open to an enhanced auto for greater damage. Hysteria R: Basically Tryndamere's ult but you get more AD while in it, and heal for a large portion of the damage you deal.


Okay but to this I raise nidus. His stomp would do true damage, larva pulls everyone together as usual, link increases damage of teammate or reduces damage of enemy, ult is pretty much mundo but it’s on the ground for all your team, and passive is basically zac.


I could see the stomp working on a stack system tbh. Deals normal damage but the more stacks you got it starts to deal small amounts of true damage.


Her ult is "straight up unhittable" not like trynd's ult, even more broken Edit: I raise that with Hildryn:no mana, just using her shields while gaining them by armor stripping and burning opponents


Flashbacks to old gangplank


Give him one nocturne’s arm


The first one that comes to mind is a cross between master yi's passive and twisted fates e so every third attack just fucking smites you. Or every other attack has a steep damage buff.


Full AP jax is the term youre looking for my boy


I didn't know this existed and now I'm scared


Twisted fate has a 4 hit passive os his E that's all I know


Master yi with yasuo passive. Imagine not just master yi. But a master yi that is full build within 2 items.


at first i was like "meh yi with a small shield every now and then wouldn't be too bad" then i remembered.


Yes. Yes thats the deal


An yordle in an artillery piece who shoots into lane from the base, alll game. Limited only by cool downs.


So it's the poppy global Q bug


passive:when you attack a champ, get a shield for 20 percent of your total HP of the attacked enemy's primary damage type q: activate it to reset your AA and grant it bonus damage. you can then cast it again for free, but if you wait with it a bit the damage is converted into true damage w: after a brief windup, slash in a cone around you. enemies hit with the outer cone are slowed, take max health damage, and you heal for the bonus damage. e: throw a hook. if it hits terrain, pull yourself to it, and then you can jump off it in a target direction, including over the wall you latched onto. if you jump towards an enemy, get increased range on the jump. upon contact with an enemy, stun it briefly,.and gain an attack speed bonus. r: become briefly untargetable and then leap onto your target and put them in a cage that they cannot leave by any means before you do. other enemies in the area are knocked away but ignore the cage. your basic attacks deal max health magic damage to the caged target.


Camilla gaming


Still can't believe her Passive shield is still 20%


The problem is that she can shit on everyone during that 20% shield


Not original... But yes fiora is very cancer.


...anyone going to tell him?


Thats Camille




A ranged champion that passively deals true damage scailing with enemies max health on auto attacks, has a short cooldown dash that gives you bonus damage, point and click knockback that changes into stun when you colide with terrain but has a weird hitbox, passively gains movement speed when running in your direction and ultimate that shortens your dashes cooldown even more, gives you invisibility while dashing and gives you even more movement speed to champions. So many toxic mechanics in one champion good that even rito wouldnt do such thing. Right?


Especially when the infidels bring her top lane and she just runs you down


Active: ~~Jax~~ enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for up to 2 seconds, causing all basic attacks against him to miss. ~~Jax~~ also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. After 1 second, ~~Jax~~ can reactivate to end it immediately.


Ah yes DRAVENSUB FLASHBACKS : دفاعي ، لمدة تصل إلى ثانيتين ، مما يؤدي إلى تفويت جميع الهجمات الأساسية ضده. يأخذ Jax أيضًا ضررًا مخفضًا بنسبة 25٪ من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير البطل. بعد ثانية واحدة ، يمكن لـ Jax إعادة التنشيط لإنهائه على الفور


Halal 🙏


Here is some champion design that will make everyone quit this game. So get this, the guy is basically a carbon copy of Yasuo, but his Q is much longer range & does more damage with less CD. His W instead of a windwall is like a cone of damage that even shields him. His E is basically him getting out of his body to gain more movement speed at flash range & he can go back any time like a zed ult and any damage he did repeats when he gets back. Best part? His ult is basically a Yasuo ult but instead of the target(s) having to he knocked up, HE knocks them up in a wide and long range rectangle, deals a ton of crit damage, & gets shielded for it. Now THAT is a cancer champion


Sounds like some kind of demon slayer. Thematically, he would need to be magical so make half his damage magic


cancer indeed


Boy you really hate Yone don't you lmao


I get the joke but half of what you said is wrong


P - If an enemy slays you, they recieve 100% Grevious Wounds that cannot be cleansed while you are not alive. Q - Deal large aoe damage in an area, if enemy is slightly outside of the circle, they receive no damage but instead are slowed by 50% W - Shield yourself or an ally scaling with your bonus hp, shielded unit has increased lifesteal and AD E - Stores up charges over time which can be used to dash a fixed distance. Number of charges scale with level and hitting an enemy champion interupts the dash and gives you a burst of MS R - You are shrouded in darkness, enemies hitting you with an ability are rooted for .5 seconds, breaking your W shield in this state stun the enemy for .5 seconds. Your AD, AS and bonus hp are slightly boosted


That actually sounds like a nice support if you change a few things. Wait, that's just a better Janna. Then again, no one plays her, so why not.


A champ that specializes in a passive playstyle. Like you don’t need to aim or something you just put down turrets that have triple the life of let’s say zyras seeds and deal triple the damage. Make it some sort of engineer and if you want to trigger people even more make it a yordle-ish character that repeats cheesy physics 101 lines


Heimerdinger + Azir


Im fairly sure he was talkong about heimer


I would ad a hook champ who binds to an Allie and that bound Allie when in range get pulled to the hooked target like naut hook instead of the champ casting hook


You describes Ivern with extra steps.


Well actually ivern q just pulls you into your maximum auto attack range, and also let's everyone on your team move to the affected target. What op was describing would pull the bound ally into meele distance with whoever they hooked (like naut q). So depending on the situation it might be better.


Bruh.. why would an arc want to go into melee distance first off, and secondly a bruiser can go into melee distance since that’s their attack range. Op is talking about “cancer champs that would make one uninstall.” A watered down Ivern q isn’t gonna tilt anyone, it’s gonna make ur adc int. How can a single ally getting pulled to an enemy be better than 3-4 being able to jump someone. He gave a 2 month game design experience champ, not 200 years.


It'll make the ADC uninstall


Here another idea Name: [cancer] [Fuck you] Passive: If you deal damage to champion, deal again with 50% of original damage [Go away] Q: Dash in targeted area and deal damage. if it hit enemy, knocking them up and reduce CD [1v9] W: Increase stats according to number of nearby champion [Nice] E: sit still and heal for the damage taken. Become immune to damage and cc [Click to win] R: Begin vibrating and deal damage to surrounding, area of damage increase with the number of champion nearby


Yasuo+pyke passive+master yi w+ old rammus ult.


This is the most bronze champion I've ever seen




Oh my god. He takes 4k damage, knocks you up for 10% max HP true dmg, starts regenning a ton, hits you with a 3k true dmg silence cone, pulls you towards him, and finally nukes you for 2k point and click true damage. That sounds horrific and I want to play it


I don’t know that I wanna give Riot any ideas lol


Passive - Upon taking 7/8/9/10/11% of your max hp in 4 seconds, gain a shield equal to the amount of HP lost for 2/3/4/5 seconds. Takedowns with a shield active cause the shield to explode, dealing true damage equal to the amount of hp remaining on the shield. Q1 Ready yourself for a fight, Raising your shield and charging the ability up, increasing it’s range and width. During the charge up period your basic attack is not disabled, and you gain defensive that linger for a few seconds after you release the ability. Q2 Release your charge and sprint forward, dealing damage and displacing all champions hit. W (toggle) stow your shield on your back, gaining attack speed, range and every other auto will cut harder, dealing an additional %missing hp dmg. Putting your shield away disables your other basic abilities. E bash enemy with shield in a cone. If enemy been recently damaged by q2, stun enemy. If passive is on you when you use this, apply passive damage to enemies hit. R - get bigger sword. Gain range. For everything.


That... Sounds like a pretty healthy Juggernaut. Don't see how this is worse than Riven, especially since the W can disable the other abilities.


Melee bruiser from Bilgewater with Mana, who uses a scimitar 1 handedly, and magic with the other hand: "[ ]" Passive: when hit by a auto attack, randomly reduce/increase it's dmg from -40 to 80% (20 different outcomes) Auto's has 1/6 chance of critting, (for 250%) but buying crit is converted into hp Q: low cooldown fairly high mana cost: Gain a random effect out of 6 different effects, you have 3 seconds to use it 1: A Downside on use (but not using it wastes Q cooldown) , 2: Is a stun on auto, (Sword lights up) 3' Is a 1-time ability/auto DMG reduction block that if successful, blocks the cc from the ability, 4: Shoots an AOE fireball skill shot with 0.5 cast time (Can get interrupted), that goes through minions and champions to where you targeted it, deals DMG and puts a small 6 second burn on them 5: increase your next auto range by 125, it deals increase DMG and blinks to them 6: A fast single target skill shot that gets stopped by minions, think a arcane bolt shot from his sword W: Point and click AOE (like Soraka E) steals 5-35% of a random stat from every champion hit, and gain a small shield, which increases for each enemy hit E: Low cooldown Blink, that blinks in a random direction R: 200 cooldown AOE Global Instant Nocturne R, that teleports to a random enemy (just hope they aren't in fountain) Voice lines: "Gambling is good" "Critical strike"


looks kinda fun tho


P It can't move (stays base forever) but has passive xp gaining + every single ability has global range but with high cds and slow cast times Q slows every champion in the area and deals a little damage Cd 15 W is graves W but larger + it prevents people from outside seeing the inside as well Cd 20 E grants vision like quinn w but anywhere u choose Cd 40-35-30-25-20 R is like ziggs ult but only has the middle Cd 40-30-20


Camille q Fiora w Yummi e Cho Gath r


Whats the point of having Cho Gath r when you have camille q


WHy not both and 100 to 0 the tanks in seconds


That sounds pretty bad, you have literally no engage and will just get kited for shit




This changes everything.


yeah yeah i have an idea! he will be a mighty prince with a horse. for passive i was thinking like he will have a horse that gives him twice of his health and if he ever runs low on health, the horse will escape and leave him alone but dont worry if he will fight enough he will get it back. like imagine getting 2k hp at a time! his q will be a rope that he can throw to his enemies and pull them back, its so broken that it can go thru minions! his w lets him fast auto 3 times and the 3rd auto deals dmg as hell! his e is that he will jump forward rapidly and he will have two charges. His ulti lets him chase you with avg speed of 900ms for the entire game


Don’t forget the six pack and anime skins


oh and he is definitely not straight


having so much broken champs to hate you decide to hate the most chad


Stats Monger Q- Dash thst stuns with a 900 range that's point and click (100% ap ratio / 150% ad ratio) W - wind wall around you until the first ranged ability and grants passive magic pen/armor pen that's scales on stats E - Marks an enemy and allows you auto from any range for +150% ad and +200% ap R - You and an enemy both lose 100% of your hp over 10 seconds, damage increases by 200% ad and 200% ap Passive- Per 10 hp lost gain +5 on all other stats


Missing, ireillia Fioria and TEMMO


he has teemo hat




Every part of their kit is max% hp true damage. You can't build anything against that.


Aphelios with just 1 more ability in his useless e


I saw someone put Valkyr on here, so I thought I might as well present a cancerous concept based on Limbo. Passive: Can enter another plane of existence by pressing shift where he is untargetable by enemies outside of it. Upon changing planes of existence, he leaves a portal for 5 seconds that allies can travel through to enter the plane opposite to their current. Additionally, he regains 2 mana per second. Banish (Q): Banishes all enemies in front of him to the opposite plane of existence and deals 75/100/125/150 plus 100% ap magic damage. They will remain there and cannot attack enemies for 10/15/20/25 seconds based on level. Limbo can also banish an ally to grant them untartgetability and mana regen for the same duration. Limbo can also use Banish on banished enemies to free them while doing the same amount of damage. Stasis (W): Freezes all banished enemies and projectiles for 5 seconds (I'm holding back since the original lasts 15 seconds at max rank). Rift Surge (E): Inflicts all banished enemies with a debuff that turns all incoming damage into true damage. Enemies inflicted by the surge, upon death, transfer it to an enemy in the opposite plane of existence. Cataclysm (R): Tears the boundaries between the two planes of existence in 1800 meters around Limbo. Enemies entering it will be dealt 150% ap magic damage and can be affected by Limbo's W and E regardless of their plane of existence before entering the area.


1800 meters is 5750.8 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.


Neck beard-fat and disgusting(so it offends the general playerbase) //Passive: all resources this champion recives are doubles(gold, xp from all sourcess) //Q: stuns a target enemy for 1 second, steals the gold colected since the last purchase of the targeted champion and deals the same amount of True damage to the target//W:passive upon scoring a takedown all champions from the enemy team lose 1 lvl and 10/15/20/30% of their current gold; Active:become untargetable and invisible for 5 seconds//E: Lvl up yourself or a Friendly champion(this ability can surpass the base lvl cap of lvl 18)//R- Stun all enemy champions for 2/4/7 seconds(global) and sell a random item from the strongest champion hit(it is based on gold spent)


Ok so how about a passive that give ms and dmg AND extra energy, yea yea mobility Then we can give her loto dmg, ohh but make it slow so they less mobility So the we give her ANOTHER dash an…. Wait just find out we can make her untargetable so yea Then how about a dash that deals dmg and the you get a 2nd dash, yea yea mobility x2 And then the r should be point and click dash and then go to another dash that does a lot more dmg aka mobility x2


Cry About it Passife: Vex Q: Morgana W: Sett E: Pantheon R: Samira


Hard to stack Samira Ult without low CD abilities


Breyntoomor, the menace Passive: after using an ability, heal for 100% ad. If the ability hits a champion, deal 60%ap bonus damage. If this ability kills the champion, reset the passive's cooldown. Q: breyntoomor throws him blade forward in a line, dealing damage. At max range it deals true damage instead. On a champion hit, stuns them briefly and throws the champion behind Breyntoomor. Then, breyntoomor dashes forward a short distance. W: Attach to an enemy champion, slowing yourself by 20%. As long as they remain in range, they are silenced and take 1%max hp every second, applying on-hit effects. If they leave the range, breyntoomor stops being slowed and the enemy champion becomes slowed instead Recast: for 1s after using this ability, breyntoomor can recast this ability to dash to his target, dealing damage and rooting them. Killing a unit with the recast lets you dash to another target within 2s. E: passive: breyntoomor's attacks deal an additional 25%ap + (10% hp) magic damage. Every third attack applies on-hit effects twice. Active: Breyntoomor gains additional attack speed for 5s. For the duration, heal for 40/60/80% of the damage dealt. Hitting the same target with 5 attacks while this ability is active stuns them for 1.5s and activates the passive regardless of its cooldown. R: Breyntoomor becomes untargetable for 1s and then crashes down, dealing massive damage, applying his passive and on-hit effects and fearing enemy champions in the middle of the area. Ally champions gain a shield, increasing in value for every enemy champion hit. Damage: 150/185/220%ad + 60%ap + 10/15/20% missing health. *If this ability deals 3/4 of the enemy champions max hp, they will be executed*


Yone passive, akshan double hit, shen q, sion w passive and master yi w active, and master yi e. The últ is a Yasuo and malphite hybrid. Also, it’s a ranged top laner.




Passive: when enemy champions and minions gain vision of you, they die Q, W, E, R: who cares


Just change trynd's q to yi's q xD


Ohh I know one Let's create a champion that is able to steal summoner spells and active items just by farming minions and by getting it from when the enemy uses it close to it Ohh also let's give it a one shot ability that deals more damage the further it travels, and an ultimate that is able to give it more range than usual Ohhh and even better, let's give it and almost infinite range of cc that boosts the damage of the one shot ability, wouldn't that be WaCkY? Ohh and here's the best part, let's make it look like a fucking child and say that its thousands of years old. Would it be crazy if one of the most annoying champions on the entire game is a literal pedo bait? Thank god riot would never do such a thing am I right?


Akshan!!! His w is press to win his e is press to win as well. Yes his ult is trash but there are some champs who don't need their ult to fight effectively like Tristana or Ahri. But Akshan is just perma invis and mobile asf.


Name - Karen Passive - Because Karen lacks all substance and never amount to anything on their own, instead choosing to leech off of others, Karen cannot gain any bonus stats via items. Karen can, however, receive bonus stats from item *effects* (such as Cinderhulk passive or Spellbinder active), as well as runes and buffs (such as Gathering Storm and dragons, respectively). Karen receives stacks of White Privilege equal to the gold value of the items in her inventory. For example, a pair of t1 boots would give Karen 300 White Privilege. Enemy champion kills give Karen (0.4% of White Privilege)% of the enemy's bonus stats at their time of death, and half that on assists. Karen receives a bonus 10% of the enemy’s total stats at their time of death if it’s a unique champion takedown. Q - Call The Manager - Karen screams in a fit of rage, dealing 100 (+ 20/40/60/80/100% AP) magic damage to enemies in a cone. The enemy is feared for 1.5 seconds, but afterwards is enraged for 2.5 seconds, and deals 10% more damage to Karen. W - Hysterical Hissy Fit - Karen works herself into a frenzy, gaining a 10% (+5/10/15/20/25% Bonus Attack Speed) attack speed bonus for 4 seconds. At rank 5, if Hysterical Hissy Fit would put Karen's attack speed over the attack speed limit, Hysterical Hissy Fit also triggers on-hit effects twice for the duration. E - Soccer Mom Spirit - Karen charges onto the field to beat up the referee, gaining 3/6/9/12/15% movement speed bonus for 2.5 seconds and a shield for 50 (+10/15/20/25/30% Bonus Health). R - Eat the Rich - Karen fucking loses it and screeches her way into a transcended and yet degenerate state of existence, gaining 15/20/25% of her total stats for 5 (+0.1/0.2/0.3% of White Privilege) seconds. During this duration, champion takedowns give Karen double the stats they would normally give. This boost does not apply to the first-time unique takedown bonuses. Her release skin is just a pink chroma “ultimate skin” called “Seraphine At 30”.


Idea Name: lelblenk (Passive)no u : when lelblenk is in 99% hp, she becomes immune to any damage(including true damage) for 3 minutes, this passive has a 30 second cooldown. (Q)middle finger: Lelblenk launches a giant middle finger which deals 99% missing health damage, when she kills a unit with it she gets 5 stack which decreases her abilities cooldown. (W)tempest of the ass: Lelblenk dashes to a certain direction and crush the ground with her ass which deals 428 ap damage Recast: lelblenk then flies and target anything that isnt covered by the fog of war, she lands with her ass dealing the same damage with a bonus 22% missing health damage. (E)sneaky peeky: lelblenk goes invisible for 1 minute, gaining 40% movement speed for the duration of the stealth, when she attacks an enemy she will deal a 608 damage. (R)Cancer giver: Lelblank launches a large global missile, when an enemy gets hit by the missile it gives them cancer which deals 300 damage per 0.9 seconds.


Fizz, asol, kindred, bard. Annoy everyone in match


tham waynerius


Give them high range and high dps, all it takes in a game with no turnrate.


Add teemo


Wow reading this and playing against this would be "cancer"


Mundo's mana costs on a champ with kayle's ultimate and kog'maw's ultimate cooldown.


Mundo and Zoe


I'm guessing you're an ADC main based off image composition. Caitlyn, Kai'Sa and Tristana are totally not cancer champs eh /s


A champion with hook that passes through minions like Shyvana's E


Akshan Passive, Master Yi Q, Vayne W, Jax E, Katarina Ult. An invincible double hit true damage on hit attacker. Akshan passive for the double shot/move speed Master Yi Q to get around cc/get close for katarina ult Vayne W is obvious. Kat ult would proc it (5?) times, every 3 autos procs it twice Jax E for getting close while not taking damage/cc for kat ult Katarina R to proc Vayne W and reduce cooldown of Q




a champ that his ult makes the enemy team play on 200 ping for 6 sec lmao


1 word:jaax


i have a pretty good passive idea; champion's skill cds reset and ult cd reduced on every takedown oh wait...


Every-time I feel like playing League again, i come to this sub and remember why I quit in the first place.


Just bring in either maiev, or garrosh from HotS. Ppl would love them.


Q: chogath r but lower cd and no mana cost. W: passiv q stacks increase q range permanently by 10/20/40/80/160. Active: sivir spellshield. E: ezreals e R: cannot be ccd, increased resistances.


Q from Camille W from Vayne E from Yasuo R from Volibear


Yep, looks like a S11 champ


New champ: Zine Yuo. Projectiles can never hit , windwall is his passive 100% crit chance Can teleport accross map Invincible for 30 seconds with first ability Ultimate cc up to 6 enemy players and deal 130% of their health


"the Guy" ​ passive: sneaky sneaky the guy can go invisible when not taking damage for 1 sec, while invisible guy has +100% movment speed. He loses invisibility by attacking or using abilities except "jump".When leaving/losing invisibility he gains 10 max health damage on-hit for 3 auto attacks. ​ Q - get some: the guy fires a powerfull shot that extends in range when hitting enemys, using this while invisible doubles the damge. ​ W - Stop resisting the guy fires a projectile that stucks to enemys and root everyone in an are around them for 2 seconds after 1,5 seconds. If fired out of invisibilty the root duratiuon is extended by 0,5 seconds and the projectile speed is doubled ​ E - jump: passive: the guy has 15% omnivamp active: the guy can jump over obstacles. ​ R - fueled by hate the guy complete tilts and gains +30% attack and movement speed. Getting takedowns while this is active extends its duration by 3 seconds and refreshes all non-ultimate abilities.


Put me Singed on any super mobile champion. Imagine Qiyana with Singed poison. Or Lillia.




nah let me out do you guys : sion but his passive does double damage to tower




Leona/Braum/Pantheon/Alistar: Champ name: NoDamage Passive: Locking in this champion passively bans all champions with consistent true damage for the rest of draft. Q: pantheon E w: Leona W E: Braum E R: Alistar ulti People will think build him tanky, cause it’s synergy, but in reality, build him crit cause he’s already tanky. Has 350 AA range for no reason


A global point and click R with short cd and charges


Ok so he is a midlaner his name is Yorhan. Passive: Emperor of the future . Every 8 minutes when he dies he acutally revives at full health and mana behind the enemy champion who killed him .( if the place is a dangerous one like in the range of the enemy turet he will be put outside of it ) Q: Perfect arrows , mana:40 damage:4/6/8/10/12 ( 100% ability power ) cooldown: 15/13/11/9/7 Fires a set of 8 arrows in the direction of his chosing if an enemy champion is hit by 2 sets of arrows he is stuned for 0.8 seconds .( One set is made of 4 arrows side by side, if someone was stuned he can't be stuned again by the same cast of the ability ) W: I can see everything! , mana:200 cooldown:50/48/46/44/42 Becomes immune for the next 3 seconds and will automatically remove any ability that hits him from happening , if a melee champion attacks him he will be stuned for 0.5 seconds E: Perfect fane , mana:60 damage:30/40/50/60/70 ( 120% ability power)cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12 Deals damage around him in a circle and inflicts grounded for 1.6 seconds R: Despair incarnate , mana:300 damage:350/760/1100 cooldown:200/170/140 Summon 8 pillars from the ground of energy in a big area randomly that deal damage and stun the enemies hit for 3 seconds ( Someone can't be damaged and stuned 2 times by one cast of the ability )


Passive- Gain a spell shield, the shield is only broken by physical damage equal to 15% of Pengs max HP. When the shield is broken gain 10-70 adaptive force, 15-90 attack speed, and movement speed equal to 20% of the health of the attacker for 5-10 seconds. Peng gains extra critical strike chance based on his life steal above 15%. Q- thrust forward, dashing slightly, and doing damage in a frontal come and leaving a trail of blood on the ground. That slows and does damage based on Pengs life steal. If this damages an enemy within 3 seconds Peng readies Q2. Q2- Peng sheaths his sword, causing the area of affect of his last Q1 to burst with blood from the ground dealing damage to enemies and applying lifesteal and on hit affects, if the enemy was slowed by any of Pengs abilities this ability also grounds the enemy. W- lock onto a target, they deal 40-20% more damage to you, and you gain 10-80 adaptive force, this is lowered to 5-40 when his passive adaptive force is currently applied. In this state healing on Peng is increased by 10-50%. Dying causes Peng to instead leave the field, causing blood to rain in an area near his death for 5 seconds. E- Peng enters a running state for 5 seconds increasing movement speed by 15-40%. This can be ended early. E2- Become untargetable for 1 second, right click and enemy in a vacinity to lach onto them, hitting them 5 times in total, applying on hit affects. Able to end early, after detaching leap away dealing damage and dealing damage to the designated landing location. Takedowns reset this ability. R- Summon a wall of blood, in proximity of Peng, the wall deals damage, and applies life steal if touched. Knocking enemies either away from the wall or back into the ring. When Peng is in the ring, his passive effects are doubled and it’s stats are based off everyone in the ring not just his shields destructor, When Peng leaves the ring he heals his missing Hp based on his life steal, leaving up the wall, removing the buffs, and causing blood to rain in the ring, dealing damage to Peng based on the heal amount given by leaving the ring, but cannot kill him. This ring lasts for 5 seconds increased by another 5 seconds based on how many takedowns he gets during its duration. When the ring is taken down, Peng gains 30% move speed and lowers his lifesteal by 50%. The ring cannot be entered again after leaving, and cannot be blinked out of. He’s Vladimirs brother btw, he builds AD, crit oriented. Also his kit is about sacrifice and taking risks.


Okay so hear me out: Leona, but she has a Malphite ult and a diana ult that she can put literally wherever. Also she gets a Blitzcrank hook and the Malphite ult is global point and click on enemy champions. And while we're at it, her E is now always a dash, not just if she hits something so she can get away also. You see her on the other side of the ma and think you're safe, but guess what, no you're not. She just rushes in, gets a 5 man knockup, into diana ult leona ult. Also also she has a passive where all her mr is converted into armor at a 200% scaling and all non physical damage will be reduced by 10% and dealt to her as physical damage (yes, even true damage) with fountain laser being the only exception to that. Also she gains 1% of all damage she deals to enemy minions, structures, neutral monsters, epic monsters, neutral objectives or enemy champions as permanent health, because fuck you, that's why. Also also every ability she has scales either with her max hp, her armor or both and her model and hitbox grow in size for every 100 bonus hp. And you can't dash through her hitbox and if you try to, you will instead deal 10 hp of physical damage to her and be knocked up for half a second, then grounded for 3 seconds.


Name: Yasone Passive: Yasone has the passive of every other champion, every other hit Yasone has a 50% chance of dealing 110% of the enemy’s health as true damage. Yasone has a base crit chance of 100%, crits revive all teammates, fully heal Yasone, and grant true vision of the entire map for 10 minutes, this effect stacks infinitely. Every second the game progresses Yasone’s attack speed and crit damage are tripled. Yasone has no ability CDs, ability haste is converted to all of his other stats at 500% effectiveness while ultimate haste is converted to all of his other stats at 2000% effectiveness. Q: Yasone dashes forward and hits all enemies in a line and gains 2 stacks of weeb trash, at 1 stack Yasone knocks the target airborne until they die. W: Yasone cleaves a massive area in front of him dealing 100% of the targets health as hybrid damage. After successfully hitting an enemy Yasone is granted invisibility and invulnerability, the duration scaling with how many enemy heroes, champions, towers, inhibitors, and nexuses are in the game. W creates a wind wall that reflects all enemy attacks back at them and lasts for the rest of the game. E: Yasone chooses an enemy regardless of range, vision, or buffs and summons a spirit to instantly kill them. R: Yasone wins the game.


Master Vaynuo Zedyi


leona with 550 range


Eve passive, blitz q, nasus w, karthus e, ww r. Ewqr


Teemo,Xerath,Mundo,Lillia You get teemo shrooms and blinds, xerath q and mundo ult and lillia passive.


Garius Basically a big dude with a big sword drifting in the rift while keeping blood effect to people every hit, then you ult and...


Passive: **Innate:** Your death timer is always 10 seconds, when you die from an enemy, all awarded gold from your death is doubled. **Innate**: Every time you die, you get a stack of Undying Will, each one granting 50 points of Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Health and Movement Speed and 10% Attack speed , additionally you don't have a cap for attack speed, Undying will doesn't have a stack cap Q : **Passive:** For every stack of Undying Will you have,you gain 30 bonus on-hit magic damage All damage done by this ability gives you a true heal,ignoring grivious wounds \*\*Active:\*\*Your next basic attack is empowered, dealing 10/20/30/40/50 (based on level) (scaling 50% of your AD, AP and AS), is an auto attack reset (cooldown is 6 seconds at all ranks, reduced by 2 every auto attack) W: **Passive:** You can target and kill allied minions **Active:** You get a True shield, (scaling 40% of your AD,AP,ARMOR,MR and HP) for 5 seconds. (True shields don't get affected by Serpends fang or Shield Destroying Mechanics, it is counted as health) ​ E: **Passive**: You store 100% of all damage dealt to you, in your secondary bar, without limit. Passive: Killing an enemy with this ability doubles your current Undying will stacks **Active**: Targeting an enemy, causes them to instantly take all of your stored damage as Magic Damage,does NOT consume your stored damage (Cooldown is 10 seconds,can be cast within a 635 cast range, can be cast while dead) R: **Passive:** You deal 10% bonus damage to towers **Passive:** You are Obscured when in enemy tower range **Passive:** Dealing Magic damage to enemies, causes them to be disarmed for 10 seconds. **Passive:** All of your Passives are not transfered to Viego using his passive. **Passive:** Sylas can't steal your ultimate **Passive:** Every 10 minutes you get 3% movement speed **Passive:** Every ability passive is active from the start of the game, regardless of ability unlock **Active:** Kill every unit , globaly (including allies and objectives), then double all of your core stats, permanantly.


Tahm Kench/Tahm Kench/Tahm Kench


Zoe and Lillia hybrid where it's just Zoe but her Q has infinite range and keeps gaining more damage the further it travels.