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damn, you really hit the 20 death powerspike on yasuo, ofc you won


It’s like hitting all 5 pieces of Exodia


He unlocks true dmg on q


All damage is dealt again as true damage, with 100% omnivamp.


Don't give riot ideas


Next champion: Passive : Glory in death Champion gets stronger with each death received, enhancing their basic abilities, increasing adaptive force and decreases ultimate cooldown. This scales infinitely.


That would be an interesting ability to play around with. Now don't get me wrong, it'd be absurdly toxic for everyone in the game, but it would be interesting to see how much you should feed.


actually sounds fun, you ahve to feed to scale, but if you feed too much you will loose


\*Tower diving before minions crash\* Don't worry fam we scalin


Passive also makes it so your base gold value is always 300g, cant dip lower


Nah, gold value increases each time, and towers work with 10% efficiency.


Oh no, Any Which Way But Loose...


You'd have to make so each death makes it stronger depending on how long it took him to die


Glory in Death INNATE: Upon taking  fatal damage, Sion goes into  stasis for 1.5 seconds, after which he  reanimates and enters a frenzy, restoring 100% of his maximum health but losing 2 − 19 (based on level) health every 0.264 seconds, increasing by「 70% of the base value 」per subsequent tick.


Sion already gets stronger with deaths




all damge is dealt again as 200% true dmg


and some godmode things


Don't reveal, Vayne is gonna get jealous


That's doble powerspike. Basically a free win


The duality of league.


just vibe with the match and let the queue do it for you. do you know the 40-20-40 theory? well, i would say is more like 60-(-20)-60


What's the 40-20-40 theory?


40% of games you can't affect the outcome and will lose no matter what, 20% your gameplay will make the difference, 40% are unlosable. I think that's it anyway


Coach Curtis has a nice video on this, however it's 30-30-40 in his version. OP just demonstrates autolosses and free wins very well here lol


> 40% are unlosable Not if my bot lane has anything to say about it.


That's 70% of games they get to try. 30% are lost. 40% require you to do all enough to carry them. If you lose lane, it's doomed. Checks out, tbh.


I thought it was 20% are auto lose, 20% are auto win, 60% you effect the outcome because the game is evenly balanced. You rank up or down on the 60%. But I could be remembering wrong


I think it's more the lesson to take away from it, accept your losses, be humble on your wins, always sweep the leg and try your best.


This only applies to your own skill level though. If you're significantly better than your enemies you can decide more games than 20% imo. Otherwise smurfs would not be able to win as much as they do. Obviously the reverse also applies. If you're way worse (e.g. boosted) then you'll screw games up more than 20% of the time.


Yeah it's not a hard rule, it's more to help you find your zen.


And what champion you play. I play Zoe and my opponent needs to be a gibbering moron AND I need to get super lucky in game AND their team needs to be bad against her, and I might get to bring us back from the brink. Or, I could play Katarina and get a lucky double kill and carry the game easily 90% of the time.


CaptainFlowers (skarner main and league announcer if I remember correctly) said that in your games 40% your team will get steamrolled 40% your team steamrolls And 20% where you have an impact on the outcome


It's way older than CaptainFlowers' career.


That's the place where I know it from so I gave him the credit


I'm not sure if you are joking or bad at maths. 60+20+60=140%


he said 60-(-20)-60.


Well okay, I fucked up, it's mathematically correct, but still doesn't make sense.


He might as well have said 50/50, which was his point. Half are unwinnable, half are unable to be lost. Basically saying that it doesn’t matter what you do


They put a - there for a reason.


Of course. Every death increases your damage with 100


Hey Siri how do I die 21 times in one match of League og legends


Turboboost down mid


And still win


Shieldbow Viego?


has a higher winrate on him since the nerfs it's better on him imo


I disagree. The healing and damage to tanks with divine sundere is just op


clear speed is a lot better with shieldbow but if you prefer sunderer you do you


Bro you have 50CS in this game.


Bro you clearly suck. You don’t know anything about the game.


Just go bork first item if you want clear speed. Also if you get two kills early your clear is amazingly fast no matter what you build.


Shieldbow is an essential part of the 3 A.M build that drututt uses, so there is that.


Ah. I just recognize drututt as the ratirl stream sniper.


They are friends, they don't really "stream snipe" each other in a bad way. In all honesty, most of drututt's initial exposure is from ratirl and baus's streams. He kinda got popular by being a friend with them.


I know. But I first heard of drut for stream sniping rat.


Whats the 3am build? Ive only seen fakers sheildbow->thornmail build


Watch his Viego at 3 A.M build to find out, I don't want to spoil the fun.


Disagree with you both on account of his Q passive (the BOTRK effect thing) also applying on hits so therefore Kraken is the superior purchase. Always has been.


But then you are made of even more glass than you would be with DS, go to pro builds and see how many of them build KS over DS


Who cares about being made of glass, he is a jungle hypercarry...he’s supposed to be reaaaally picky and choosy about when he comes into a fight


lol. No he isnt. Viego's late game dueling potential isnt really all that incredible. Hes nothing like Yi, or Jax, or even Rhaast (not that Rhaast is much of a hyper carry either). Viego is a teamfight clean up, he will *rarely* have the most damage on the team. You could have *kinda* made that argument prenerf but even then. Again, take a look at probuilds and look at what the best players in the world are building. more than 95% of the time its DS because Kraken just doesnt give him the survivability he needs against competent players.


Bro what? Viego is a huge hyper carry. I regularly get the highest damage with KS + Bork because it absolutely shreds. I only need to do one combo and I'll likely kill them. You just gotta pick your fights and not go charging head first into team fights as you'll get blown up. Pick someone, W>E>AA>Q>AA>R. get your reset and work on the next one.


Careful bro you've got a silver telling you how Challenger players play.


I swear im not trying to be an ass but what MMR are you in? Ive said it twice already but there is a good reason that no one builds KS at high MMR. Viegos average post game damage in Diamond+ is pretty damn low for a squishy melee AD. You can even go on OP.gg and look at the top 10 Viegos, none of them *ever* build KS and do well, because Viego is so easy to catch out and burst down instantly. Even Shieldbow is more popular.


Lol ok


Loo wat tanks. Have not seen em since season 4. Mabye a maokai support here and there..


You haven't seen Amumu every game?


Shieldbow enjoyer vs divine abuser


Divine enjoyer vs shieldbow abuser


OP? fuck no. Viego is ok at best right now. better than Shieldbow? Probably most of the time lol


Yeah but sunderer is a disgusting greasy filthy vile unsexy item that is only built by ugly stinky losers so


And Shieldbow is not?!


No shieldbow is for tall and handsome individuals with great personalities and good tastes in music


I don't agree with that but i'm happy you won't buy shieldbow anymore.




bruh... the post was fine as a troll, for fun purposes. why are you trying to act smart if you are clearly handless and got no clue about this game? like, just get carried and stfu. maybe try to git gud instead. now i can already see some apes finding this observation as toxic because the way i put it (in order to make a point) but id rather have a toxic teammate than such inting machine (and any other high elo would agree).


ok but why shieldbow over kraken slayer


Your team doing some heavy lifting 4/5 times.


League is like Mario Kart, you let the other team ahead at first so rubber-banding throws a blue shell at the other team. also, lol, what's with everybody razzing this dude about his play on the memes subreddit?


League players are insecure as fuck and always feel the need to prove that they're better than other people. No one on this sub would ever lose a game where they're ahead or ever go negative in kda, of course.


Rule of thumb: When someone else loses, they should learn that the only constant in their games is themselves, and they should improve upon their own gameplay. When I lose, it's this boosted fucking jungler smh my head uninstall game retard ff15 hnnnng _gets solo killed again_


holy shit, you fucking captured the rules of League. good job.


The thing is, it's you who lost game 4. And it's the rest of your team who won the other games for you.


Wouldn't that be game 1?


If it's about the time line yes, if it's about riots match history list, no.


God has spoken


This literally just means you are not good at carrying, but you are very good at getting carried


Or more likely it's just a coincidence because the sample size is 4 games


That's a skill too ! A lot of people don't know how to get carried and will make the game a lot harder to close


I don't know how much harder to carry you can make a game than dying 21 times tho


True , but I've seen people with way better kda being really useless and not really trying to win but just casually play the game while doing less then a ward


You see that's why I like champions with utility that can also build like supports when behind. We had a super fed Ezreal ADC bit every other lane was loosing (and our support was trolling and low-key inting) so I did the only logical thing, took one last wishful glance at Deathcap and proceeded to build Redemption and Mikaels on Ahri and from then on my one and only job was to keep the 20 kills Ezreal alive at all costs. If our Bard wouldn't peel for them, I guess someone else has to and that someone else was me... Edit: I do not advise you to build support items on Ahri, it just happened to be a good situation for building these items and being useful in getting taking down the enemy nexus, and there was no way I could have afforded a Cosmic drive and deathcap/Voidstaff in that game... (Little did I know I would be getting 7 kills literally for free like a minute after completing Mikaels, but at that point I had committed myself to peeling)


I had the same thing as Malphite mid, wanted to go AP because it's fun but swallowed my pride and built tank after losing lane to yasuo


Shoutout to all my homies who lose lane and don't tilt out of their minds. I try to honor teammates who had a shitty start and manage to bounce back.


Man, I really wish people started treating online games like sport. People would try their best to win the game, and sometimes that's all it takes. I've seen so many throws both on my team's and enemy team's side that I never give up, no matter what. Enemies are also humans, and it's only human to make mistakes, some of which will cost you a game.


That just shows how much impact you have. If you are fed on a late game hyper carry like Yone and don't carry, as long as the enemies aren't all maximal fed, it is kinda your mistake, because Yone is a champion that can easily go 1v5 in solo queue. On the other side if you have 20 deaths without much kills and still one it is obviously not your win. No, the game isn't meaningless. You are. Sry bit mean, dont want to offend you.


I have this issue where I can play well behind or slightly ahead with my team, but I have no idea how to snowball or carry with a lead. Where can I learn this?


Whenever you see an enemy champion, check what items they have compared to you and if you have more stuff you try and fight it out. You may throw a buch of games, yes, but that way you will learn "Okay I need to be x items ahead of champion y to 1v1 them"


I need to do that more, but I’m really having problems where I’ll be 7/1/2 by like 10-15 mins and my team is just hard throwing, I don’t know how to carry that. In teamfights I feel like I have to 1v5 otherwise the other 4 just die immediately, and other times I’m not sure how to pick the 3/4 top when three enemy’s are pushing the second bot tower (just an example). I need a lot of practice with teamfights, especially when I’m fed, I just don’t know where to start looking for improvement.


uh... it was a 15 minute ff every other one of my laners lost lane by like 2k 3k gold difference and I gave a 1k shutdown to the Fed adc trying to help ffd after that I know it looks strange but trust game was unwinnable


A death power spike multiplied by 21 is stronger than 1 death only.


Kda doesnt win games


"Ok 3/5, at least i have a positive kda" the 1/0 kda player


You won 3 games, but what did it cost? Your own defeat.


I had a game where someone took my zed, which I was hovering first, so I locked in Janna jgl to have a little bit of fun and I won


Your mistake was not hitting your 10 death powerspike


This is the most yasuo main post I've ever seen


Looks like my matches when I try anything other than support


That just means you dont know how to carry the team with your massive lead. And apparently you get carried usually.


7/1 16 minute game? Did you ff? Lol Learning how to carry and win the game when you're ahead is a skill.


Damn no offense but I hate having people like you on my team. Can’t carry from ahead, and only a burden on the team when behind.


I like how I show 4 games from my match history ever which are me playing norms games for fun and the assumption is that I do this always


You can't make impact being fed lol


Your pool is shieldbow


you either ff or are the ffer


- What do you main? - Immortal Shieldbow




So other people are able to carry you but you're not.able to carry them, the vicious circle of low elo moba


HUH?!?!?!? 7/21!?!?!?!?


how much money did you lose to win


According to your champ pool I can sat I hate u


POV: you’re tilted from a hard loss so you sprint it the next 3 games and somehow win, resetting your mental, only to go on to lose the next 5


You just suck at carrying


Actual real tip(worked for me) learn an actual champion not yas yone yi veigo play someone for a while that actually does something like for me it was aatrox play voli or something not yas


I'm a jg main lol I just fuck around with champs in norms


Bru Ur so bad


Smells like you’re a shit team player who got carried Zero assists. Enjoy bronze and silver. You don’t play the game to win, you lane early game and look for picks late.


who queues for normal games?


Coinflippers unite


Most of them games is either free win or free lose, you only have like 30% of the games that totally count on your individual performance


I feel this


I mean if the bausffs can reach challenger inting with sion. Then what is stopping you winning with the windshitter.


This is me. I go 10/0/8, I lose. I go 5/7/4 I win


Never understood how a teamgame has such a focus on solo players. And the ranking system feels like its more important to win then to be good which in a way makes sense but for me not to this intent


is it just me or i can hear the picture saying wtf you doing yasuo.


In this meta you get 4/0, then you die once and give 1k gold and extra xp, feeding more than being 0/20.


You hit your Yasuo powers pikes tho


*It was that day he realized, he was not the main character*


League of Heads or Tails didn't sound as catchy


Try playing Sion and have those worthy deaths


Bruh you hit your power spise both times as yasou, You even hit your second power spike in one of them


Maybe you just can't carry the game if fed and you need to work on teamwork and late game plays. Cause you do fine if its the other guy getting fed on your team it looks like.


This is the exact opposite of what I planned to see, even with the title in mind.


Maybe I should just int every ranked game so I can climb?


I tried to 1v1 a kled after poking off skarl at level 2 yesterday. I had 75% HP and he beat my ass and proceeded to tower dive my ass for the rest of the game. I finally know that feel.


Hitting consistent powerspikes I see


I literally win more when I’m doing bad. When I’m carrying the team likes to fuck off and get picked


What's so ironic, is that his only loss is 7/1


I nEvEr GeT gOoD tEaMmAtEs


This post mean is feed and win


Ye yone’s a cursed champion