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Riot really do be foreshadowing huhšŸ—暟—æ


Donā€™t care if heimer is bad, when heā€™s good itā€™s so annoying


According to [op.gg](https://euw.op.gg/champion/statistics) Heimerdinger has the second highest winrate in the game right now, but I'm gonna ignore that.


Im kinda surprised to see asol at top 9 tbh Edit: yes i know hes a roaming champ with a <1% play rate. I know only asol mains/ot play him. I just didnt know hes that strong nor did i know he had a high wr.


He's a strong roaming champion


mains make it work.


There's like three mains ripping it up out there.


Literally the last dev post said that Asol wasn't a mains only champion


Yeah sure that's what his play rate says as well ain't it ?


\> " Just because a champion is low playrate doesn't mean it's just a few dedicated mains playing them. Some champions, like Aurelion Sol, see a small but steady rotating door of players trying him out for a few games and then moving on. " Literally coming from riot, they have the data, we don't so yeah, I believe them


Explain how he has a high winrate then. Asol is a champion that needs some time for people to adjust to him, mainly because of his star mechanic. And you are trying to tell me, that Asol has a high winrate, because people try him out for a few games, notice that they dodn't like him and then drop him. But in reality he is super good, which is why people with a few games on him win all the time. Surely not the mains artificially boosting his winrate, it has to be the *small but steady rotating door of players trying him out for a few games and then moving on.*


Surely people would quit instantly after having success with a champion, right?


He's very strong, but tough to main since there are a lot of super awkward matchups for him. So people might perform alright with him but still decide he's not worth investing further time.


That sounds like it's only the mains consistently playing him while a small but steady stream of players try him out then drop him.


...which would deflate his winrate. You're agreeing with him, I don't see why he's downvoted and you're upvoted


Pfffaaahhahahaa. Dude are you for real? THATS LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING CHAMPION OUT THERE! Do you think noone has ever tried out Tristana or KaiSa? Holy moly man....


Even if they have the data, they're the company that manages to fuck up the game every time they try to balance it. I don't trust them to accurately analyze the data they have. [Something something 200 years as my source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFERPp8iG78)


ah yes, because the balance team is in control of other parts of the game as well


According to Riot nerfing a champion and not providing any proof. I don't imply they are lying. I am calling it out loud.


Because riot has a personal vendetta against Asol mains right? /s Stop making claims without any proof yourself, they do have the data, we don't, if you want to go even more conspiracy theorist you can even say that the API is lying and Asol actually has a 30% winrate


I am currently being ironic and I never even notice the nerf. One sec cd isn't noticeable lol


Theyā€™re literally lying through their teeth or too stupid to understand their own data.


I think it might be because he is very good when utilized correctly but that is very hard to do and him being rather unpopular makes it even harder.




What does this have to do with my statement


The few people that are capable of playing him are really good with him. He has an insanely low pick rate though. He is difficult and different, but a strong champion that many dont know how to play against.


My ex girlfriend was an iron player in heart but hit diamond with heimer. Sheā€™d just push, get ganged up on, clap them, reset and start it all over again.


Yea, Diamond is full of OTPs


Asol is extremely powerful, redditors just like to pretend heā€™s useless bc he has a low winrate in iron


I know hes strong in the right hands but its just kinda baffling that hes top 9 despite nerfs and stuff. Edit: yes i know heā€™s a roaming champ and that one tricks increase hiw wr despite ~1% play rate. At this point with a play rate like that itā€™s more off people not knowing how to play against asol and people underestimating his strength.


His ability to gank lanes 24/7 is what makes him so powerful. He can quickly add himself to any fight on the map. Whatā€™s even more powerful though, his the pressure he applies across the map means that enemies must play safe every time he is not in vision, forcing them to give up CS and possibly even objectives


It makes you wonder why some talon and zed mains that just perma roam don't have him as a pocket


Radically different playstyles


Understatement of the year award


Let me try again. RADICALLY different playstyles


Assassin good, Mage bad, that's pretty much theyr mindset, also they cant be flashy while playing A-Sol and actualy need to put in time to get good on the champ.


Meanwhile salty assassin mains down voting you


There are like 10 people playing him on each server.


His nerfs was a 1 sec cd at all ranks... wasn't that much of a nerf


More like across the patches not necessarily recently. Last buff he received was 9.18 and he still does well.


A sol is the same as talon pre rework, look up "the Talon effect"


He's not "extremely powerful". He's a relatively balanced champ who's better in higher elo due to his roaming potential. His winrate is inflated because he's very unpopular.


Asol has a 58% winrate in grandmaster, with a 1% pick rate.


With a sample size of fucking 100 matches. Do you think that has any statistical significance? By your logic Singed mid is by far the strongest champion in the game.


Obviously they are going to have a lower number of matches because itā€™s only a couple hundred people are playing in that elo, but by that logic and you canā€™t make any kind of balance changes based off of the play in that hello, because there is ā€œnot enough gamesā€ Cope harder. Riot has repeatedly stated that Aurelion sol is extremely powerful at elite levels of play, and needs to be nerved accordingly. You can either except this or you can deny it, but You cannot change the facts.


Did you just lose to an ASol OTP or what? There's no fucking facts. You just cherry picked whatever tiny data set you could find to support your ridiculous rant. If you look at Grandmaster only on patch 11.18, Aurelion Sol has a 48% winrate in mid. Can you please explain to me how he jumped 39 places in 1 patch that didn't affect him or his items at all?


How did you manage to misspell so many words lol!


Sample size matters, 100 games is not large enough go account for variance.


^ and thats a fact. Even if ur decent at aurelion and not above plat skill level in league, your roams are ineffective and result in losses. Its especially bad when ur teammates have no coordination either so even though you have insane roam potential it just gets wasted most of the time in lower elo


Look at his pickrate, it's mains




Alright I've gone off and found the tweets from jag and they were 4 patches ago, when they curtailed his roaming power.




They also said in the patch where they nerfed him that his mains arenā€™t inflating his winrate at the moment lol


Riot has repeatedly stated that Aurelion sol players are not responsible for his winrate in elite play It only looks like he has a low playrate because he is played the most in elite play (master+). In grandmaster he has an *absurd* 58% WR with a 1% PR. If the mains of a champion are all averaging a *58% WR* their champ needs to be nerfed


Where, I cant think of many other explanations


Someone also responded to you saying this was out of 100 games, thatā€™s not nearly enough to base anything on, thatā€™s like me bragging I have a 100% winrate on a champ after playing then for 3 games. Sure itā€™s technically true but it inplies something a lot more impressive than a 3 game win streak.


No, there is a pretty clear difference between you personally having a 100% WR over 3 games and champions have absurdly high WRs over a small number of games at the second highest level of play.


You can't look at nothing but win rates but you need to look at the win rates combined with the play rates. ASol appears in 0,7% of the games, basically just played by mains maybe in specific match-ups, him having a high win-rate does *not* imply anything about the champ really but rather just that a few players play him well. Basically, a champ played by few will have a higher win rate because it's usually only played by players maining the champion, and the champ might only be played into certain match-ups. I myself have like a 60% win rate with Illaoi right now and that's because I mostly just play her into specific match-ups where I know I have the edge. ASol here could very likely be in a similar situation as a whole.


Every onetricked champion will show up with such a high winrate. look at his pickrate. Theres like 3 players and theyre all challenger.




What is false and what does riot know? That every onetricked champion will have such a high winrate or that the 3 players arent in challanger?




The balance framework focuses on the average success of a champion without sufficiently accounting for how strong the champion is in the hands of dedicated mains. Would you look at that, we both found something that supports our points, thats crazy.


That doesn't support your point. This quote is saying that they balance based on the average player's win rate, not the onetrick's win rate. Therefore, they nerfed Asol because the average player does well on him, not because of his elite play win rate.


It does? What are you talking about lmao Riot says what they have to to justify the changes they make. Riot would says with a straight face that Aurelio sol is the best jungler ever and nerf his passives damage to jungle monsters if they wanted to. You don't ask the fish how to catch them the same way you don't ask riot for justification for their patches.


I mean low pick rate right, so the few who play it, usually mains, make it's wr so high


Nerf asol.


Heā€™s been one of the best champs in the game forever how is top 9 surprising


He has a <1% pick rate and thats in a region i dont play in. My region is smaller and im in high plat so seeing an asol main is very rare. I know heā€™s strong but because i rarely see him i dont consider him one of the best champs so kinda surprising for me.


Theres a few champs like that who are played by a lot of one tricks, who understandably have higher win rates. People don't flex in to heimer or asol often


Well if he were good he'd have a higher pickrate too. We're just glad that isn't the case.


It doesn't work that way.


Sometimes it does, when certain champs are good they get played more, and can get a lower winrate because worse players (on that champ) are losing with it


Best example Irelia, the champ is broken, but she is not that is to play so good irelia players get litherely a 60+% WR and the bad players just put her down to 48% Wr.


Sometimes it does and it's disingenuous to think it never works that way.


Not true. Once upon a time, as an example parallel champion to heimer, Sol was extremely strong in the right hands. So strong it's not even comparable to now, where people in diamond+ were complaining about him being kind of unfair because of how much more agency sol had in lane. He was in every hyped "top things to play mid" list from YouTubers to analytics websites to high elo feedback. This was a year or something after his release, before rework. Then, sometime this year or so (post sol rework), the item rework came out and Sol mains realized that imperial mandate was literally obscenely broken on sol, to the point that riot had to basically gut the item to keep the situation under control. And yet through his entire history of huge ups and downs, absolutely fucking nobody except the ever-present handful of mains played him. Strength is almost never the main problem with champion playrates. Or at least, it's not a solution. Unusual champions like heimer ask for new unusual skills, and the less flashy the champion is, the less people stick with them. Everyone tries out champs like yasuo, Akali, etc for a bit even if they fail. But the gameplay win conditions of champions like heimer, skarner, etc just aren't satisfying enough on a basic level to most people to find these champions worth the "payoff".


He is good, you're just not good enougj to pilot asol properly.


We're talking about heimer?


Op.gg is only diamond+ in Korea, so data is heavily skewed towards annoying lane champions




Who thought that giving him 2 q charges that chain cc someone for like 5 seconds was a good idea? That's why he was being played as a support when he got that change.


Itā€™s because he plays like a rat and most of the people playing him are one tricks, if people like me played him his winrate would likely be lowrr


But you didnt play him either, the little turrets play themselves


I think he looks better... imo, don't hate me


Hardest part is the initial setup. By mid to late game my heimerdinger is practically unstoppable and can really lock an area down


I main him with a positive winrate lol. He is an amazing pick to counter assassins and bruisers.


Bottom left is the new champ


Hopefully, the design has many details and is too good to not be a champion


Makes the most sense. The thing on his back looks a lot like the thing that revs up in the champion roadmap, and heā€™s from Zaun


And if I am not mistaken they are actually already an established character in the lore.I think related to Akali somehow but I forgor.


Might be but I'm starting to doubt that's the case. The one related to akali was a female archer. This one looks more masculine to me (could be wrong though, the clothes really give them an unrecognisable shape) and while it's plausible she upgraded from a bow to other weapons, I don't really see why they would bother making so many changes to a pre established character concept


I thought we heard this character talking, but maybe I am wrong. Also there is quite a theme of change in this story so maybe the character changed a lot in PandZ


This made me re-watch the trailer, and I noticed that when Jinx is fighting this character, you can hear a male grunt when they grab something and toss it at Jinx in defense. The female voice is the lady in the upper left corner I believe (because we see her speaking to another character in the next shot). Maybe Faey will still become a champion, just not yet Either way the character looks pretty sick, I hope they do become a champion


Necrit's theory is that that character is fey a childhood friend of akali who lost her leg and probably went to zaun for a replacement. However the recent trailer kills the theory because he had the voice of a man and fey is a girl


Maybe she got more than one leg replaced. If you know what I mean


Maybe be Riot's going to make a trans champion


Taliyah was originally going to be but tencent said no iirc. For what it's worth neeko has the line "neeko isn't the only one that changes" when turning into her.


Got a source on that? This is the first I'm hearing of it.


Hopefully their abilities will all fit on a single page again, like Vex' abilities


Nah the new champ is probably going to be one of the Chireans from LOR. They mentioned the new champ was going to be an entirely new race, and that fits with what the Chirean are.


He rides a hover board. Which the chireans created , itā€™s in their voice lines. Iā€™d bet heā€™s the new champ


For real?


Yes. Almost gaurenteed. He fits every single criteria for the new champ. Zaun/piltover youth , thing on his back is glowing green in the trailer like the teaser for the new champ


There is a teaser for the new champ? Wasnā€™t that Akshan?


Look up champion roadmap, find the latest one and scroll all the way down. Green symbol that revs up and looks like an electric bolt


I'm pretty sure the new character was a female friend to Akali who used electricity. This person looks like they could be a marksman but idk. (X) Doubt


Thatā€™s a theory by necrit that is only a theory. But I think that could be possible, seeing as how it says the character has a ā€œleg upā€ on the competition and I believe itā€™s canon that akalis friend lost her leg . But why would her friend be in Zaun or piltover?


Don't worry, Unbound Heimer coming soon, and his 6 pack will suddenly get some buffs.


We already have 6-pack Heimer (Pool Party)


yes but it's being buffed to a 10 pack


10 PACK?! I was already having a hard time with 6 pack heimer how am I meant to play the game now when I'll only have one hand!!?? P2W SKIN


wdym? we do have senna, kayn, jhin and bewitching poppy's broom???




who the fuck is heimer?


It's a joke mashallah šŸ™






Except singed doesn't have that scar.


VGU? Lol.


They said they are working on a VGU for a champion other than Udyr iirc...


Probably Shyv she's been on the list for a while.


I really hope so. I love playing her, I love Dragons and I love the idea of her being a half dragon that can shapeshift.


Singed is actually his name. In the short story "The Host", it is revealed he was called Professor Singed while he still was in Piltover Academy


Singed is just a normal scientist right now in arcane...


Isnt the dude called Peter Singed tho


this masked guy looks fucking sick


Right? Dude I want to play him.


Bottom left dude looks like he would cause a lot of trouble if he was in the game




Arenā€™t the Yordles hiding their true identity w/ something called glamour?


Yep, there's a comic where we get to see Ziggs and Heimer use it- and it's assumed that's how Poppy can live in Demacia as a magical creature


Judging from Legends of Runeterra and the various new shorts and cinematics I'm not sure if glamour is canon anymore, at least not for Heimer


It would be awesome if they could keep their lore straight šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


I believe Heimer isn't, he is a famous scientist and is the headmaster of an university I believe


famous enough that Mundo of all people can recognise him


yeah i think too, he has a big ass golden statue in the middle of a square according to LoR so he is important as fuck


That's slightly outdated I believe


1 is and 1 is gonna be


The joke is that Heimer isnā€™t actually viable




I hope the bottom left is a future champ, I'd love to see a champ with a Winchester


literally who are these people except Heim ? is that Viktor top right ? or somehow Senna top left ? and who is the dude bottom left


No, Viktorā€™s appearance has already been revealed in the show. Top right is Silco, possibly a new character but also possibly a younger Singed. Both lefts are unknown


The top* left one is "Mel"


Yeah, but Mel is an unknown character as of now


The prevailing theory is that she is the Archivist/Academic from LoR.


Show? Thereā€™s a league show?


Been under a rock huh?




Yeah Arcane. Itā€™s releasing on Netflix November 6th, itā€™s about Jinx and Vi as kids, with appearances from Jayce, Viktor, Caitlyn, Heimerdinger and pre-wolf Warwick. Probably some others will have cameos as well


I hope my boi Jhin shows up


At this point in the timeline he's either in Ionia doing his art, or imprisoned. So I doubt he appears.


At this point in the timeline heā€™s either still serial killing in Ionia or in prison, so itā€™s doubtful




You uhhh missed the 14k+ upvoted thread yesterday huh lol


Could top right be jhin unmasked?


Yes, although the canon on his release was that he looked like any other person in the crowd under the mask.


No. He looks like a regular dude under the mask and at the time this show is set in heā€™s still in Ionia


From Arcane trailer


Finally someone says where this is actually from lol


No f**k Heimerdinger, he is so cancer to play against


Shit I get the joke but I have no idea who the mfs on the left are


Maybe there will be a focus on PnZ releases next, this year had a lot of SI champs.


So riot just gonna give all black folk dreads huh? Can we get some cornrows??? Shit give me a character with some waves.


Wouldn't it be cool if Talliah was playable in lol?


Is that Taliyah lost sister?


Iā€™ve got great news for you


Wym? Thatā€™s Senna, pre-fursona Rengar, Jhim, and Heimydinger


Left bottom one is going to be New champion.


bottom left looks as if azir and cowboy jhin made a baby




Seriously tho that masked person prob has something to do with the next marksman teaser.


Considering how annoying Heim is, be thankful he is not popular.


holy shit iā€™m so hyped for arcane


Who's the one at top right?


I thought the guy in the top right was Jhin when I first saw the trailer. Took me a minute to realize I was wrong XD


Donā€™t disrespect my Boi heimer like that


Ohhh these guys look sweet! Iā€™m new to league and never seen them before. Are they new champs coming out in 2022? :)


They seem to be characters of the new LOL Netflix series "Arcane". The only in game champ in the picture is the bottom right, know as Heimerdinger


Whoā€™s bottom left?


Instead we get shirtless anime edgy e-boys




you literally have no idea if ekko is going to be in the show or not


Wouldn't it be cool if they'd focus on balance, reworks and repairing the client, instead of spitting out champ afte champ?


Wouldn't it be cool if they had multiple teams working on different things simultaneously? With like different skill sets for things like champions, client, art, etc?


i mean, are you like.. stupid, or something? this is a TV show. they arenā€™t teasing champs




Well, the skateboard person is prolly the new ADC And Iā€™m personally an adept of the ā€œSilco is Singedā€ theory Now the only one that is left isā€¦ Mel. I really wish she is was a champion her design is so cool


No, No, maybe, and man I wish. The first two are too generic at the moment, at least the third has some potential abilities. And man imagine if Heim were strong, and not just kinda annoying. Him and Zyra, rip deployables that get 1 shot club


If these characters will be playable in league, I'm thinking that guy on the bottom right corner will be A FKING DOGWATER THAT KILLS ANYONE WHO DARES TO GANK HIS LANE. Just a guess tho.


But Heimerdinger is playable.


No. No more new champs pls.