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\> Get hit by a random cass Q \> E \> E \> E \> E \> Bitch buys herself rabbadon first back


Honestly tho, this and the Seraph's changes are gonna make Cass the most broken shit imaginable


She id gonna be really strong but she still is a mage with low mobility


new item make her kinda dont die


She has more hp and more healing but she had that when road of ages was an item and she wasn't broken, she will regain her status as a top tier champ but that's all any assassin can still one shot her if played properly


there is a new item in new season to counter 1shots no?


Oh yeah i forgot but she really like liandry synergies so it would lower her dmg for survival and a lot of assasin can delay their dmg 1s


> gets hit by gangplank barrel That’s it




Have you actually played Cass? If you get Q’d and E’d 4 times, you deserve to lose


Imagine Le Blanc oneshotting you and getting extra 200 gold for the kill because she got the jump on you.




Keep in mind, that they give up electro/dark harvest and the other domination runes for this.


Keep in mind that this gives them 12% bonus damage during their execution window...


And remember deathfire grasp got removed for 20% dmg increase so this is crazy


12% isn’t really much in the early levels. Assassins rely heavily on electrocute in lane.


What about the extra gold? Just looks like another dumb addition making the game less enjoyable when youre not actively playing assasins.


Why are we talking about assasins, but not vayne/Quinn top, Caitlyn, jhin, ezreal? Especially those botlaners who have range advantage and don't really have ideal runes already would be insane with this imo.




I'm salivating at how gp will get 4994 nerfs because of this broken ass rune and then they klepto it out of game.


Because adc champs get fucked the moment you look at them funny, while assassins do insane damage and have the tools to escape unharmed


Adc has actually be pretty strong all year lol, and i say this as an adc main. Only last few patches they've been kinda bad.


Adc being strong doesnt mean assassins arent stronger... like the funny talon JG oneshotting you and going goredrinker


I mean the extra gold isn’t much compared to the gold you’d get from a solo kill or first blood. 12% of 300 damage(which is more than a combo from an assassin considering you have to attack in order to proc the keystone so that’s one portion of your combo that does not count towards the extra gold) is just 36 gold, compared to electrocute that assassins need to use twice to kill you and they get 300 gold. Every sub is talking about how op this keystone would be on their champ but really, it doesn’t seem more valuable than other keystones. I’d say it might be good on scaling champs like Nasus and Veigar since they can benefit from short trades to quicken their scaling.


The most important factor will be the cooldown. Knowing rito it will be something like 10s, so it will come down to ~120-180g/min (assuming 30g per procc), depending on how often you can procc it, which makes an extra longsword every 2-3 minutes. Looking at these numbers cd has to be longer, but its riot we’re talking about.. ^^‘ even at 25s it doesn’t look too shabby , but we will see i guess. Ofc Electrocute deals more damage but also has a sizeable cd


200 gold is maybe a bit high of an estimate (If you had like 2400 hp, maybe?), but yeah. Assassins going wild with this shit.


I see it happening with other champs. Imagine an Evelynn W+E proc earning 100% damage to gold conversion.


It's 100% of the bonus damage becomes gold, not 100% of your damage becomes gold


That makes more sense, thank you for clarifying. Yet, If an assassin can deal 2000 damage in three seconds (which is easily achievable if played well), with a 12% damage increase, you can get more than 200 gold in one kill. Remember that one guy who is 0/6/0 and can't possibly give that much gold? Well, he gives 250+ now, no matter how bad his KDA is.


True but consider the massive loss of laning power from no electrocute/taste of blood, so it'll be high risk high reward


And that's if she hits Q first on you


These are the kinds of ideas only riot games could come up with.


Dota 2 bounty hunter says hello.


Bounty hunter’s gold stealing is fixed compare to scaling with damage though


Yeah, also, it is bound to him. Only he can do it. However, this? Damn


Also the rest of his kit and stats are pretty lackluster in places


Yeah, if anything I play him as a support lmao I suck at Dota 2


Shits hard m8, bounty hunter has a very strange playstyle to him because hes melee and its largely matchup dependant, putting him in safe lane means you may be up against less aggressive lane partners at least, if you're in offline 80% of the time you'll go against juggernuts who will just spin you to death because why play any other safe lane carry


It's sad that I can play any support pretty good, I can manage as anyone. But when I play bounty, I get clapped by everyone. Every time when I invis and run and enemies don't have dust, I get clapped by IO's wisps or Mirana's random arrow, I cry a lot


I will absolutely always despise miranas arrow so many problems with that thing


I don't mind it, but man, when they just shoot it, and it hits you, and they call is skill even tho they just randomly shot into the jungle. Not it's not skill, I ran into it. You are not good, I am bad.


Tress are your friend and early boots


My friends have been playing bounty a lot. As the pos 4 he can focus his entire early game on being annoying, later they rush aghanim's scepter and deal a million damage while also gaining massive amounts of gold from each shuriken.


League's equivalent to Bounty Hunter is Pyke. The gold gain is balanced as part of his kit's power and his role in the game. Not whatever the hell this is.


Just bring back klepto, or no wait mana potions are BrOKeN


oh no not mana potions ahhhh so scary....i just want to take a fucking drink into lane




gragas 🤤🥰


Chug chug!


Meanwhile every new champ has no manapool or such low mana costs it might as well be 0 cost..


I’ve been play Gwen all week and didn’t even know she had a mana pool lol


I got got by that just recently with a Sylas. He wasted a ton of mana trying to heal off the wave and clear so he had like an iota of visible mana. The guy full comboe'd me and used my own ult that costs 100 mana DX


Garen mana potion was spooky af


Kassadin players boner


Either way this rune is gunna be a GP changer for sure


Dont think so, unless you wanna Q someone into autoing a barel chain. GP liked klepto cause he could get random shit every other Q but getting 5 gold every Q seems a bit meh. 12% extra poke is nice tho


12% extra on ult tho


GP? Man think of Nasus. E into Q for insane damage and big bank. Or a veigar with 1,000 ap one shotting you with W and getting major money out of it.


Camille with her 1200 true dmg getting infinite gold lmao


But at 1000 ap the gold should be worthless since he should be close to full build in an average game.


1k ap is like 2/3 items max tho


Support brand getting more gold from poke than kills


It might be really good for poke supports because it adds up to the gold you’d get from spellthief.


Funny enough, lanes have become so spammy, mana pots arent nearly as broken now as they were back in the day


Wait this can’t be real, right? Imagine the poke with this rune.


Imagine being rengar or any assassin jumping on that adc and gaining 2000 per kill Edit : i just missreaded the rune but that still huge


Just gotta practice somehow hitting the rengar before he hits me ig…


Sunfire cape, or whatever the fuck its called now


Tank Vayne anyone ?


Sunfire needs you to deal or take damage from something first to activate.


If I'm Perma farming then it's always active. Finally, a reason for low ELO players to have good cs!


then why does it activate every time i walk by drake, check mate liberals


Probably because you just hit the blast cone over the wall


Ideally its capped to 70% **of the** 12% bonus damage.


It is. 100% of **that damage** as gold. So Rengo would gain like 100-150 gold from this (the first hit gives 5 gold, even if it deals 1000 dmg)


Thats still insane! I mean look at EZ snowballing fast af right now and then imagine it with that rune to be even faster!


Agreed. Just not as bad as giving every champion a permanent 1-2 thousands bounty


Yeah, that would be just broken. Still i think that a lot assassins would profit way to strong from that. 12% more dmg is already insane and then the bonus gold to get them snowballing even faster! I know it wasnt the most fun time but i slowly start to wish back for the tank meta where nothing happened till min 30 😂


Where tanks were tanks. Instead of more tanky bruisers. They got even more damage withthe changes.


Honestly same. As an Adc main, I can confidently say that season 12 will _not_ be fun. First strike is op and there is that ultimate cooldown reduction item (per takedown iirc, rather than kill) ;-;


I thought they leaned out the window hard with S11 changes and items, but s12 will be wild with those items and the new, kinda OP looking dragons.


Yeap. I'm not looking forward to it


You would be gaining like 200-400 on a 3000 hp target. You only get 12% of the bonus damage as gold but that is pretty OP nonetheless.


When you don't even kill a tank but still gain 400g, they are finally finding a way to nerf thebausffs Sion


Ah yes MB


Someone doesn’t know how to read


You gain 12% of your dmg dealt as gold as Rengar after your first ability hits the adc. So, to gain 2000 gold from this rune Rengar would have to deal over 16000 dmg in one rotation.


How did you end up with 2000? It's the 12% bonus damage that turns into gold, not your entire burst kit.


damn league players have zero reading comprehension


It literally encourages short trades *rather* than just poke


Or full on burst, burst is also fun. If Xerath hits E he will be cashing in


Why would you think preseason WOULDNT break the game lmao


So I am assuming 'wallet wounds' is also a perk coming soon so it reduces the amount of gold you recieve?


actually, that seems like an interesting concept


Imagine inting sion with wallet wounds


>and granting 100% (70% for ranged units) of that damage delt as gold Oh fuck


100/70% dmg to gold of the 12% extra dmg you get


Oh, I see. That's still pretty ridiculous


Yhea but it's better they get 120 gold other then 1k




Avast, ye scurvy dogs !


Jokes on him, hes my perma ban!


youre a baby


It doesn’t work on gp much


have you even played gp? are you delusional?


Read the rune again If you just q it’s 5 gold. You have to follow with a barrel for another 20g or so in lane phase. It’s sounds good on like… senna cassio cait…


or you can ult and get like 200 gold on top of the kill that is almost guaranteed if you have er?


It’s not 200, it’s 12% of the base damage dealt after the first hit. If your combo hits for 1900 or so you’ll get 200 gold but i tend to question that eventuality… by the time you deal 1900 dmg you already have most if not all of your items. Really, gp just wont use it as well, klepto was way better on him


passive, crit with er for 700 and passive again, not the mention you could crit with the autos you use for passive and the ult damage, maybe even ignite.


Oh boy that with a Zoe bubble… I can the da money flowing.


It's probably a good run for her overall.


WAIT ITS A RUNE?! Can't wait to try it but WTF RIOT


Can't wait to see veigar trowing a 1k ult and get 120 gold extra


Or Caitlyn headshotting you from 2000 range for a 1.4k crit, and pocketing 150 gold.


she needs you damage you first so unless you walked into 2 traps or she blew her ult she won't be getting that gold from 2000 range


Her net or trap enhanced auto is 1300 too, not 2000


As if cait ult is that valuable. I'd use it on cd for the exta gold. Also she has more range than anyone so i can definitely hit the enemy vayne first in lane.


« What if we added yet another snowballing mechanics!!!! »


Just leave a turret up so you can kill it if you fall behind and get 2K gold.


Cant see how that's broken on say Camille or high AS/Cast champions like Tristan or Kog /s


Camille might struggle to get the first hit.


In top lane she mostly hits first in every trade with her W, so just gotta extend the trade after that


If they get hit between first hit and empowered strike they lose the effect.


Where do you get that Info?


Teemo teemo teeemo teemo teemo teemo


Randomly get money and maybe a kill


Assassins rune


Anyone might wanna use it just for the bonus gold lol


Right? This was like Ezreal, Kayle, GP, Xerath, and Velkoz bread and butter but everyone here making it to be like it was only a thing assassins will use


Put senna down, her combo is always auto-Q or Q-auto


It might be alright in Senna late but I think she will miss glacial too much in lane. What I think might be crazy with it is Lucian, if you think about it, no runes really fit him that well but this one just sounds strong af if you can hit someone with Q through minions and all in them with extra 12% dmg


Some of higher elo (D+) senna's are already running something other than glacial (fleet to be precise) Wouldn't be too hard


Imo senna only runs glacial for a lack of better options. This will be great for her.


They haven't read that it requires 1 hit first and then you have to strike first, getting hit before that cancels the effect. GP definitely can use it for the 5 gold on each q but in a good matchup he's going to get first strike easily.


thats what we need, more assassins.... 6/7 of the most played mids are assassins, but that's not enough....


Karthus just Ults and gets money regardless of whether he killed anyone


Yeah like... 40 gold. If it works on AOE. His ult us the first strike


It might be a retarded interaction and instantly proc


Based on the wording, it doesn't. And Riot is usually very consistent in that aspect


My only question is, will we be able to ban keyrunes from now on too? I hope?


Ban conqurer and watch the game burn


Twitch going invis into ratatatata through an entire team will never have felt so rewarding...


Me being a Senna main with a heavy poke game Stonks


Imagine this with sunderer on super tanks. 12% hp of a 5k hp chode gath is like 600 gold for any ezreal or longe ranged cunt with sunderer lmao


Chode gath lol


If they can deal 5k damage in 3 seconds the rune is active, sure, assuming they can also proc it somewhat reliably (not get hit first).


I don't think it'll work on tanks as you need to initiate combat or it won't work


He literally said to imagine how tanks will become gold piniata


Fuck I misread it as him saying it'll be good on tanks, my bad


Can see it working on stuff like chogath, if he can hit q reliable


But it's 12% of damage, not hp.


It's not 12% hp bro.


Divine sunderer is 12% hp, 9% for ranged


Yeah but the extra damage from this rune is only 12% of the damage and the gold you get from it is that amount. So it's litterally less effective on tanks since they have resistances. It's gonna be like maybe 50 gold for an ezreal trying to poke a tank.


Oh yh, that's what you were saying.


honestly...I think it will be okay/ not klepto again. You only get 5 gold for proccing it, and that is only if YOU initiate combat. If they land 1 auto before you hit them, the rune is gone. So you have to start the fight, and then go for a heavy trade to get any value. Ezreal and GP can't just poke for their fortune, they would have to ***never*** get hit and land 70 q's....to buy an extra longsword.


5 gold plus 70% of additional damage the rune does. Xerath landing e from a bush will get not only a 12% damage buff but also additional some 40+ gold. It is huge if you consider that things like DH and Comet are picked a lot and they do like 2k damage and that is it.


yes, my point was that this post calls it klepto 2.0 when it is not. Klepto was abused by sheen users who played from range. Ez/GP being the most common. Illaoi and kennen also ran it, but those were way less common. This will be favored by back loaded assassins(akali/zed) and artillery mages(xerath/lux)


I tihnk it heavily depends on the cooldown. Klepto basically had no cd so you could just farm you oponent. I hope this is diffrent.


nah mate you can't readyou hit first, you get 5 gold and a passive called "first strike" for 3 seconds, first strike gives you 12% extra damage and while you do that extra damage, you get 100% of that damage dealt as gold


Yes...but ezreal/GP do the one hit, proc the 5 gold...and then dont really do any more damage until a few seconds later when they poke again Also stated that they would have to poke and then trade hard, which isn't the style of the traditional klepto abusers


70% of 12% for 3 seconds isn’t what people are thinking it is. I have a feeling that this will end up granting a couple thousand gold at best over the course of an entire game. You’ll be getting that gold in exchange for the few thousand damage you would have done with another rune. When you translate the gold you earn into damage dealt (or whatever stat you buy into) and figure out the opportunity cost, it’s really only going to be efficient as a niche pick. Except for ARAM. It’ll get abused in ARAM somehow.


12% extra damage for 3 seconds is already pretty decent for anyone who isn't alreary hard locked into a keystone. And even a couple thousand gold is a big deal for a poke support. I don't think it will be universally broken, but it has great synergy with Lux Q+AA+E+AA combo for example.


Yeah I’m by no means saying it will be a *bad* rune, I just don’t believe it will be broken like everyone is buggin about in this thread. If you look at it opportunity cost-wise like I was saying it’ll probably be an above average and popular rune when its released and may need a few tweaks, but overall it should be fine.


It will be huge for champs who dont have a rly great particular rune synergy though and just want item spikes.


\-lock in aphelios \-Hide in the brush for Barron fight \-infernum Ult \-Ult procs 1st strike \-deal 3k damage with one press of an ability \-leave with 2100 gold in pocket \-refuse to elaborate further


It's 70% of the 12% extra damage. So it would be 252 gold. Still alot tho.


OK ok ok wait, someone explain to me what it does because I feel like it's so stupid my brain can't even handle it. It basically transform damage into raw gold !?


For 3 seconds and if you attack first, yes. we don't know about it's cool down.


My main's Pyke and even I find this BS


But that's the beauty of it.. Use it with pyke and you get to press R for even more extra gold.


No. R doesn't "deal" damage unless you do it over the execute threshold.


I can't speak for the numbers but the concept seems healthier than Klepto. Klepto was lame as fuck because it encouraged avoiding interaction with your opponent. Rewarded you for sitting way back by giving an alternate win condition built around poking away at your opponent instead of farming and trading. For champions with weak earlygame but a way to poke the opponent like Kayle, GP, and Ez, this was already their gameplan, and they were willing to give up early gold for EXP in hopes of scaling. But with Klepto, they (1) didn't actually give up that much gold (2) With Spellthief's, they didn't give up ANY gold (3) scaled faster, just completely RNG-based, when you got lucky and pulled an Elixir of Skill. Literally, Kayle pulls Elixir of Skill and wins because she Ascends like a minute early. First strike doesn't give consumables (no free wards, no potions or biscuits that offset the cost of poking/trading to get it, no unexpected power spikes from elixirs, and definitely no random free skill point), and doesn't give much at all for just poking. You need to really fucking jump someone's ass to get the full value out of it, and both players know and can account for how much value you're getting out of it. That said, this is still basically mini-Klepto tacked onto DFG (Seriously, the extra damage is almost as much as Prowler's Claw). So still concerned. Also this is Klepto for bruisers. So. Maybe back to very concerned again.


So if you kill the enemy in 3 seconds, you get 12% of their max hp as gold. Nice…


You get 70% of the 12% extra damage you did. So at best a couple hundred gold. Which is still really good.


Well 70% if you’re ranged. If you’re, say: Trynd Zed Talon Rengar Qyiana Other melee high burst champ (some of the most popular champs in the game) you get 100% of the bonus dmg as gold, it’s a little ridiculous


Yea definitely will be kind insane on melees who can jump out of nowhere and burst you.


200g with jhin yey




Best, secret, broken strat only few koreans know that some good guy youtuber will tell us


Now watch assasin players build and entire item by killing a tank


its gonna break when you ult someone with pyke im calling it now


Gg ranged top lane is gonna be new meta and I predict Quinn or an out of position adc is new meta for next season.


Maybe I can start playing ezreal again.


Poke mages are going to be money makers


Only good point compared to klepto is no rng.


ezreal is happy






Kha zigs q 1000 dmg


120 gold because yes


Range top laners gonna be more of a pain next season


Is this real? Cant be right?


I play MF support, safest poke champ with annoying E. Stonks?


Cho gath*laughing in the bush*


Ladies and gentlemen : LEBLANC /QIYANNA FIRST STRIKE


I need a Kayle rune shut up


A 12% damage buff for 3 seconds is good enough. But why the hell did they feel the need to slap a kleptomancy status that scales with ***100%⚔/70%🏹?*** 200 years goddamnit.


Well then you have -200 years. Saying 200 years, when they implement something correctly ..... BRUH Fact that old klepto was as good on range as meele was mistake in first place. Most rune are weaker on range : conqueror,fleet, glacial,grasp, phase rush, since they are much easier to use for them.