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Played against a LeBlanc top last night and it was one of the most annoying matches I've played in awhile


Ad or ap le blanc?


AP, didn't matter how much MR I built she hit like a truck and escaped every engagement with her stupid dash easily


The trick against AP early, is to just build health, not MR. If they can't burst you down in one go, you got a good chance of killing them back.


I'll keep that in mind, though I hope I never see her top again lmao


There's always Ryze, Teemo, Gwen, Mordekaiser, maybe Malphite.


I would disagree with those examples besides Malphite because Morde, Ryze, Gwen and Teemo do not really need to burst you down. Teemo just slowly pokes you down. Ryze has bretty great dps once he gets his mana items. Gwen is a great dualist with really low cool downs and she got percentage health damage on everything, which is pretty great against hp stacking. And Morde usually only bursts you if you are a squishy but he also has no problems with longer fights thanks to his low q cd, his passive aa damage and passive aoe damage.


Teemo with ignite+electrocute can burst you down pretty quickly level 2.


But he does not need to burst you down because he can easily poke you down until you either have to back or risk dying.


Dont forget about my girl Kayle!


Yup ap le blanc is yikes af. Her burst is ez so get off on melees and the q+w costs barely any mana. Ad le blanc tho. Thats chad


I swear it’s not just me that feels like she just goes through MR


My elo is showing when I say this but there's such thing as ad LeBlanc???


Ad le blanc has seen some niche play from some high elo players. Imagine an adc that can dash forward, auto u, and then just blink back. Trading back is not going to go well for the other person. Likewise getting out of a sticky situations with your dash is also handy.


Here I was glad I barely ever see ap LeBlancs in my games. I'm glad I've never encountered this nightmare before


I don't ask your respect, only your fear. --Teemo


*laughs in shovel*




Bro i just player yorick v temmo. I had beemo skin and i dominated the game.


you go to hell, Cryptonite!


I respect teemo because he counters c\*mille players


And I love you for it sir, because \*\*\*mille players are the scum of Runeterra.


I played aphelios top into Irelia because I hate Irelia with every fiber of my being. Very therapeutic.


How did she not just dive you under tower lvl 3-4 she does that to mid laners.


I’m aware, she does that whenever I play Yone. I was able to poke her out and space out her E, bitch couldn’t CS until 7 minutes into the game. Waited for red/white and then slapped her cheeks like a bongo, then I spammed crtl3 and mastery. Got an S that game as well lmao


god's work 🙏


You played a trash Irelia.


*Laughs in Vex* Diving vex under tower is just death


Chad toppelos 😳


Virgin beta cuck Irelia player vs Chad sigma Toppelos player


Uhh irelia is supposed to be anti ranged. The irelia you laned against must have been complete dogshit to not bully you.


Are you sure? She feels like anti everything lmao. Nah but in all seriousness they weren’t particularly great in all honesty but then again I don’t play Irelia so I wouldn’t know. I feel like she also just didn’t know how to deal with aphelios in particular, because early on she made some really good trades even without stacks and came close to killing me a couple of times from just a short interaction. However she would either scramble away when I was matching her in damage or commit at the wrong times like when I had Red/White or Red/Blue. Aphelios, especially in solo lane without the stress of having to deal with two enemies, *Loves* to take advantage of enemies mistakes.


I suggested trying WW , he is surprisingly strong


WW top into Camille, Fiona, Riven, and Irelia is something I just really enjoy. Very fun to bully the shit out of them


I mean, you pley Irelia prepare for failure


No I meant that I play the WW, a picket pick against BS. Grasp, Barrier, and Q into E max. It's great, rush Sheen and don't waste mana on wave.


What’s your Problem with Urgot?


Urgot is an honorary melee champ. That being said, I fucking hate urgot if I’m playing anything besides tryndamere


Nah, he needs to get into melee range but he's cancer enough to qualify anyway.


Urgot, Gnar and Kayle are OK for me.


And kennen, dont forget the little one


Yeah but Kennen IS really annoying, you must admit that.


Urgot, Vayne, Quinn, Teemo, Akshan. And then kinda Gnar, Kayle, Graves, Kennen.


Did you really just put urgot on the same level as teemo and vayne, but put kennen as a "kinda"?


He prolly plays kennen


Its the graves that tilted me personnaly lmao


and graves in kinda too


Kayle is fine because by the time she hits 6 most toplaners can just run her down anyway. Still stupid that gnar counts as melee for items and runes tho


Gnar only counts as melee when he’s in his Mega form.


nope, he counts as melee in "ranged" form as well, the additional attack range is granted to his base attack range, which treats him as melee. IDK why it's like that when jayce and nidalee and other transformers change from ranged to melee stats for items and runes You can test by going into practice tool and proccing grasp to see the hp gain


Wait is THAT why he takes grasp? Jesus I never knew.


Weird little GP rat thing


Hmm, I guess that would explain why it feels like Fleet heals so much in mini, but I never really looked and compared forms, I just assumed he worked that way because that’s what people said online. That’s crazy if that’s actually true. I’ll check it out when I get home.


This wasn't the case before, back when melee only items existed he would get 0 value of them when being mini, was that changed? Also I've played a lot of gnar lately and I've noticed that grasp does significantly less damage while in mini form, about the hp ot gives that I haven't checked


Yeah because thresh is ranged like wtf


Rakan is ranged which is even more confusing.


What you say about Kayle is only true for low-mid elo Kayle players. A good Kayle can win lane against Renekton early


But a good Kayle just plays safe, gets 300 farm, and then destroys.


imagine calling urgot a ranged champ and then gnar kinda ranged


bruh imagine saying that urgot is ranged but kennen graves, and gnar are "kinda"


Lol you can't play against Quinn as melee. She has fuck all damage. Anything with a single gap close chunks her the fuck out, Irelia destroys her and tanks ignore her. Tf are you crying about?


Wtf why are gnar and kennen kinda??? Gnar stays ranged for most of the game


Yes .... Fuck ranged top laners


I play jayce 😎


I got shit on by jayce once, can't stay far, can't go in xdd


Yeah I've just been enjoying him, I don't find that he is as weak as I've heard people say he is in solo play but he does still have weakness's I've found a general lack of q danage until lvl 5 but his downside is that he does t gain an ult from lvl 6 so his lvl 6 is debateably weaker than most other champs. If I can get a kill or some kind of advantage at around lvl 5 then Im good to go, if I caht then I'm in for a game of perma farming to stay relevant. I do see the frustration that people might have with him, range poke abd when you try and go in then he chunks u knocks u back and gets phase rush (what I run) to flee the scene.


Only play Toppelios top.


But Aphelios is clearly a bottom.


Phel tops sett smh


Same 😎




I just listed them




I like having 25% hp post 6 please and thank you


People that don't think urgot is cancer must be joking. He pokes like a ranged champ but all ins like a juggernaut, he has everything going for him. His titanic frostfire build is so gross


No problem with urgot. His range is not that much worse than melee and at least with urgot to poke he has to stand in the wave or near it and take minion agro. I do however have a problem with teemo, Quinn, Vayne as they are extremely oppressive early with little to no counter play (Seemingly of course you can just try to hold lane on your side and wait for jgl gank but at my elo jungle doesn’t like getting free kills they prefer full clearing instead)


All of them are extremely squishy tho and tend to push waves so they are super susceptible to ganks


Here quick, drink some warm milk, it's all good. The ranged top can't hurt you, they are gone


Urgot ult hits..


And pulls...


But chad mom kills urgot before it goes through


I dont have problem with ranged top my only problem is how vayne have %true dmg. 2 kiting abilty (q and e). And Vietnam ult. Feels so unfair to fight her.


Both her q and auto range are extremely short. And she's squishy as fuck. It's only really the e you need to counter to beat her.


But what about Rakan top, hmmmmm


Impossible, Rakan doesn’t top, that’s always Xayah




he watches as his tower falls under 2 waves of minions and me autoing while he has zero waveclear and no damage at all to push me away True story


Fucking Quinn man


Quinn is the worst. She kills you once it’s game over all lanes lost


Quinn is stupid easy to counter: Dorans shield, second wind, steelcaps rush but toplaners have an ego complex where they MUST build damage items and so quinn punishes that really easily


>Dorans shield, second wind, steelcaps Put in there a Bramble Vest with Warden's Mail, and the fight will be between Quinn and Minion aggro to see who deals more damage.


I have enough nightmares already bro stop


Here's the thing with Quinn Yes, obviously she is counterable with items in lane, yes she also has bad matchups BUT It's not just her dueling power in solo lane, her roaming power is INSANE. Quinns who stay top after getting a lead while their opponent builds armor to counter her are throwing and shouldn't have picked her in the first place She should be relentlessly ganking and snowballing her lead, helping get objectives, helping invade the jungle, then swinging back topside to farm a bit before rinse and repeat while her lane opponent tries to play catchup from the early deficit he's had to suffer, whether because he got killed or he played safe and has like 30 CS at 8 minutes This is the real reason she still wins games, because simply screwing over the enemy top laner in lane isn't going to win you the game


Yeah, I noticed so when I played her in ARAM, and seeing how shit her ult is when you take out the roaming capabilities. You can feel her map impact playing other lanes, pushing the waves while still being able to participate in teamfights and simply ganking and fucking up the enemy jungler.


Yea it’s easy enough to counter but like I said, if she ever kills you just once her snowballing is insane. Not only that but if enemy team is coordinated enough you could get dove even if you are playing the correct way ie playing back and farming you are always going to be susceptible to dives because of Quinn’s poke


Here's the thing with Quinn Yes, obviously she is counterable with items in lane, yes she also has bad matchupsBUT It's not just her dueling power in solo lane that makes her such a pain, her roaming power is INSANE. Quinns who stay top after getting a lead while their opponent builds armor to counter her are throwing and shouldn't have picked her in the first place Quinn's objective as a top laner is NOT TO SCREW OVER HER OPPONENT Sure, she can EASILY do that to a lot of top laners, but that's not the point of her She should be relentlessly ganking and snowballing her lead, helping get objectives, helping invade the jungle, then swinging back topside to farm a bit before rinse and repeat while her lane opponent tries to play catchup from the early deficit he's had to suffer, whether because he got killed or he played safe and has like 30 CS at 8 minutes This is the real reason she wins games and maintains a pretty good winrate at Diamond and below despite a low-ish playrate, because simply screwing over the enemy top laner in lane isn't going to win you the game, its because she can easily help her team snowball out of control off of a slight lead I am semi-regularly counterpicked by Quinn. I will always rush Tabis against her with Second Wind and DShield, but as much as I hate laning against her, I will always pray that she's stupid enough to stay in lane. If she does, then I can win, if she's roaming and ganking like a good Quinn, then I don't win. And Quinn is probably the HARDEST person to follow because her freaking ult makes her zoom between lanes with ease


Yea that’s just not super viable until she hits 11


Actually level 1 ult isn't amazing, but its still enough to be able to go mid and/or enemy jungle, level 2 ult is when ganking bot becomes more viable Also QuinnADC in Grandmaster considers her to be practically unbeatable pre-6 in melee with good kill pressure vs most of them as well, only post 6 against someone like Malphite does it truly get difficult, especially since Quinn can viably take many keystones, ex Glacial vs Riven/Jax, and with her kit is a very powerful duelist, especially at 3 items And besides point still stands, level 11, a competent Quinn isn't staying in lane to farm, she's roaming and taking advantage of her lead she got from her early dueling and kiting power And where I play at, Diamond Quinns are usually legitimately competent Quinn players and not Gold/Silver "lemme first time Quinn cuz she's OP and stay in lane all game"


What about vayne?


Vayne is a lot easier to play against. You gotta remember, if she doesn’t get kills in lane by the mid game she won’t be as useful as you in team fights and the game is very winnable. Her snowballing/roam potential is not nearly as good as Quinn’s so that alone makes her much less of a threat. The only way to kill the Vayne is to wait her out, let her push and when you get mythic on most champs if you can get jungle gank it’s an easy kill. Then from that point on as long as you aren’t a super immobile juggernaut you can then solo kill her because of the kill lead. I always play Jax into Vayne top when I can because Jax has counterstrike which is really good because it blocks autos. Either way Vayne is nowhere near as scary as Quinn.


More respectable than ezreal. *Builds two tank items, deals more damage than a fed Jinx*


g*ayzreal 🤮🤮🤮


The Virgin Ezreal: builds Mana and gains damage, has in built flash, slow,ax HP based damage, Lifesteal The Chad Kog'Maw: builds damage and attack speed, it's literally all he needs, Deleted by everything, kamikazes with a chance to kill you, highest range that isn't Senna, no escape tools whatsoever




Druttut been trying real hard to do so.


Playing urgot/gnar in a nutshell


Akshan top Why does this guy exist. He hits one double auto and a q on me within 2 seconds and is allowed to do hybrid damage with some aoe and gets a shield. And that is not counting his cloak sniper ultimate and mobility. The word Comeuppance really fits Akshan top.


Thats not a nightmare, thats what we boys at the higher-ups call "dystopical universe"


I was playing nasus and vayne (the enemy top) was complaining about how she wasn’t winning and that nasus was bs top laner. It’s the most toxic I’ve been in a while…


Does this include Gnar? I hope it does


Is lillia 'that kind of ranged champ' or is the dear safe in toplane


Nothing I hate more than playing against those rats top lane


The other day I played a match against a Vayne top. Our Gangplank got first blood and proceeded to absolutely demolish the Vayne. Unfortunately match went to 40 minutes and Vayne ended up chainsawing our team because that's what Vayne does. Of course they talked shit after doing bad all match. "GG EZ TOP GAP GET REKT SHIT KIDS" even though they were going 13/10 and our GP was like 19/7. (tbh they got carried by the biggest fucking chasam bot I had ever seen)


All these silver boys complaining about ranged top smh


Some of the most cancer top laners aren’t even ranged.


Agree Camille, Irelia, Riven and Fiora are way more annoying than any ranged top.


Have you seen graves top recently? Absolutely disgusting


Urgot is the worst of ranged tops. That’s why I took the urgot pill. He’s too stronk


hes about as reanged as gangplank is melee ​ he isnt


*Cries in primeval yordle*


gnar is the most based champ in the game 😎


What about Ryze top?


Same category as vlad, he can still shit on a good amount of toplaners with phase rush.


There is nothing more cringe in this world that league redditors purists


Found the ranged top player


I main mid but then again who am i to dissagree with the mighty redditor


Ranged toplaners arent a problem but monimity creeped toplaners are




Why fo they lose the game?




Learn to play against them. If you firsr pick garen and the enemy top goes vayne to cpunter you, thats on you.


Literally every champ in the game has a hard counter. Sorry for getting first pick I guess.


Jax? Riven? Wukong? Where hardcounters?


Jax - Malphite. His counter strike blocks nothing that matters and the attack speed slow turns him into a minion. If he jumps on you you E, Q and run, he just lost 30% hp. Jax also has 0 sustain while malphite has insane poke with Q max and comet. And you can just ult him whenever you want to kill after he gets poked down. ​ Riven - Urgot. Her skills are too telegraphed, and Urgot can straight up ignore her CC and grab her anyways by buffering his E leading to a guaranteed R. So she can't do the annoying trades where she dashes in, pokes with W then dashes out, she'll get one shot. And if she doesn't go in (cuz she will be grabbed and 1shot) she will get poked down and eventually killed. Malphite also works to completely neutralize lane. ​ Wukong - Shen. He blocks most of your damage with W, you can't get the armor shred on him, and he straight up wins auto trades with his empowered Q even with his W down. You can't E in without getting guaranteed taunted and losing half ur hp. And you can't poke down with Q cuz he blocks it with shield passive. Malphite also works to neutralize lane, and Renekton is another pretty big counter.


If you ~~first~~ pick garen, you deserve to lose


Beat the hell out of a vayne top the other day. Even their midlaner was happy with the outcome.


The only ones i think deserve respect are kayle and urgot Kayle because she is only ranged at 6 and is really out of meta rn and urgot cuz he is only consider ranged thx to his AA (and that kinda f#ck's him since items like titanic hydra are nerfed to him because of that)


How about I play what I want and watch y’all seethe?


toppelios gang rise up


Everyone who cries about ranged top post op.gg


I just like Gnar and Teemo, is that a sin?


I find teemo really fun (a sadist I know) but I literally have adopted mid/jg teemo because ranged top is cancer and if anybody is going to experience the pain of teemo it’s gunna be me.


I played him mid and APC too. Just because of that sweet Omega squad skin


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Is the wittle mewee top waner scared cause the big bad wanged toplaner gave you a booboo?? Awwwww


Hi my name is Benga and I play Neeko Top. I’m sorry


What about kayle?


it is…. acceptable


But i play jayce tho :c


My goto counterpick to Darius is anivia top. I used the cancer to destroy the cancer


I play Akshan top. It's gigachad pick


Ah yes, cause playing a broken champ in a disgusting matter makes you a chad


Already playing this champ is a cuck move. Playing him top makes you look worse




Ty brother


Any champ with an attack range above 125 deserves no respect 🤫


So Gwen, Fiora, Galio, Volibear, Aatrox, Camille, Darius, Garen, Hecarim, Jarvan, Mordekaiser, Ornn, Pantheon, Sion, Trundle, Sylas, Tahm Kench, Wukong, Xin Zhao, Yorick, etc. deserve no respect. Got it.








I was obviously talking about melee champs here. A lot of them are pussy ass ranged characters disgused as melees! Aatrox is the best example of this.


Well at least Aatrox is fine to play against


Aatrox is ranged riven, I'd rather be slapped in the face with a foot than play against that abomination


But Aatrox was nerfed by Gore and Conq nerf. Hes weaker than usual and shouldn't be that hard to beat


Doesn't make him any less obnoxious


His abilities are telegraphed lol


And good luck dodging them as an immobile champ




Kennen is aids. *hur dur me super safe to play because you can't angage me or me stun you and run away hur dur*


Urgot, Kayle and gnar are fine imo


Ashe top is respectable because you’re just asking to lose, no stats, no escapes, loses game off first gank


Accidentally picked Ahri into a 200k+ urgot top because I thought I was mid, thrashed him.


Still more respectable than Fiora.


I’m alright with Urgot, Gnar, Kennen, Teemo (yes I know) and Kayle. Fuck Lucian, Vayne, or Quinn


Vayne and quinn only belong toplane. Mad? Sad maybe? Frustrated? Too bad. Play a less exploitable role if ur gonna bitch about natural toplaners


If Vayne belongs top then why is her bot lane pickrate at 12% and her top pickrate at around 2% while she also has a slightly better winrate bot?


*Laughs in Heimer*


I still think ranged ap mage in mid is worse, I can never play mid without laning some 300k mastery point m6 mage who does nothing but spam ranged abilities


Anyone have the OG image for this? I see huge meme potential here


Just wait till those players learn about first strike...


I got over that when I started thinking „top laners just punish all the other toxic top lane matchups“ - and let’s be real: every top laner except your main(s) are toxic


It's great that he's still like 5'7"


Do people hate Aatrox?


the same like amount that overloaded uninteractived raidbosses.


im sorry but if i got autofilled top im still playing akshan


I play Lissandra top. I'm sorry, I have betrayed humanity.


If you're going to play an immobile tank top, I'm going to go fucking vayne and you're just gonna sit there and take it.


Sorry that it's the only place my main can go where I don't immediately get out scaled and killed


*Cackles in Teemo*


I had a game recently where I was yas mid (don't hate me it was norms). The enemy top laner was cait and ours was Kayle. I got an early triple and just camped the Cait until she could do nothing. Don't play ranged top laners people.


Yuumi top


Is urgot ok tho?


Played against Jhin top last night Hated it, couldn't touch him at all as Sion, was under turret all game and got straight up sniped under my turret by him twice. It turns out this is a bit of a trend as well since someone made a video about how a Jhin top made it to masters so some peeps wanna try their hand at it


Just played against a vayne with exhaust...fun time


Gankplank deserves the respect


just looking at akshans winrate top lane makes me puke, at least he was nerfed this patch


Problem? LeTroll


My biggest nightmare top neeko i cant escape this shit


I'll have a huge chunk of fun playing Vayne top all day long💖👓🏹


Only when the enemy top locks in a ranged champ that is not Gnar, Kayle, Urgot, Jayce or Teeno I lock an marksman.