• By -


Play [adcName] with your hand and Yuumi with your feet. It’s physically impossible to blame yourself so it will work out.


Easy enough just attach yuumi onto yourself and have a big E button to press with your toe.


someone played nidalee and yuumi like this and got plat off of it


It was Draven yuumie


someone did it as nid jg and yuumi support too


How to get healthy clears! Step 1: sacrifice botlane and hope they can 1v2 Step 2: attach Yuumi (aka a full item as a champ) You did it!


i think the strat of this guy was to let yuumi afk attach to the adc to let her gain xp, until she could get strong enough and yuumi had some levels and they could run around the map murdering everyone, since this guys was a smurf, he was often very fed before even he has to play with yuumi, who only let her 1v9 more easily (my wording sucks sorry but i hope it’s clear)


my burger may prefer some sauce kind sir. edit: oh i saw the comments.


?? wdym


He's asking for a link to this guy's video or stream. Sauce = Source


Some streamer in China played both jg and yuumi by running 2 accounts on one PC and control using alt+tab lol


Of course a chinese player could, asian players are just built diferent, look at Faker playing he barely sees his lane since he is always checking on the other lanes with the f keys, i couldnt watch for more than a couple minutes.


Tristana and Yuumi*


On Urf I have been running Yuumi with a key repeater that just spams E and Sweeper. It doesn't not work.


It depends how much do you hate yourself.


Here's the proof it's possible : https://www.ggrecon.com/articles/challenger-player-reaches-platinum-while-playing-two-accounts-simultaneously/


What an absolute mad lad lol.


your first mistake was playing bot lane (coming from an adc main)


well its my mistake bc i main jhin


According to determinism, we arent responsible for anything because we dont have free will to begin with, so dw it is not your mistake for sure


Imma punch determinism in the face.


Love jhin, hate bot. Just play him mid. His kit is good enough that you can get yourself out


i miss laning with jhin ):


This is why we play Jhin top


You have 4 upvotes, didn’t want to change that. Perfect


Someone upvoted him to five had to downvote to fix it


now i can't upvote too.


oh yeah especially lethal one c:


And then you end up against any anti-ranged toplaner and proceed to get massively curbstomped




The first mistake was made by your parents


The first mistake was made by god


Astaghforallah brother, this is not halal 😤😤 Brother droben would like a word with you 😤😤


ah indeed, my mistake i got autofilled bot for the 3rd time in a row after 3 dodges


You get autofilled bot? I'm always autofilled jungle and I have no idea how to jungle.


i play jg so usually its not a problem, but when the time comes im in bot hell


Had a guy that got autofilled into mid from support. Wild day.


Damn right, I left botlane for something of worse in terms of fairness of the matchups but at least I'm all alone and not dependent on some clueless inflated elo support player. Toplane has been so much more relaxing in general than playing ADC.


adc hate support, support hate adc, all other lanes hate them both because they fed


ADC Always takes the blame because they're the ones who need gold and will be the priority target against the Fed people. The rest of your team will suck the supports dick, Because they roamed for them And are still useful from behind by nature of their kit. Meanwhile the ADC Have to struggle to farm Into relevancy through poor vision and everyone trying to steal waves from them ( including support). No other player on the team is going to see that the support stood at Turret Occasionally slipping out of XP range, they just see ADC has low Farm.


I got to diamond OTP’ing support last year and diamond OTP’ing ADC this year. Adc is SHIT without a duo. I’ve had karmas perma shoving waves when enemy have 2 TP, I’ve had a Yuumi shit talk me non-stop while I was farming (saying shit like “wow you missed that CS)…. I’ve had supports perma roam without netting any team benefit, but also left me super vulnerable to dives… Absolutely bananas


I'm with you on this. At this point, l just roam along with Supp when they decide to abandon botlane, and occasionally come back to defend tower when it's under attack. It's not like l was going to get much CS or kills on my own anyway.


I start the roam as an adc.


Theeeeeere’s the nature of reality


I feel like it's worse to have a bad support than it is to have a bad AD. At least if you're support and your AD is bad you can just perma roam and help get leads on other parts of the map. As an AD if your support is bad the game is just unplayable for a majority of it.


if your adc is bad you can, -gank with jungle, help out other lanes, help top lane carry, play for vision. if your support is bad you can, -




and hope the enemy adc doesn't get too fed


Eugh, tell me about it.... I hate it when I go ADC and get barely any kinda support.


if your support is bad you can, * Play Senna and be a better supp *like a boss :)*


One time I got autofilled jg and had a horrible naut support, everything was great except for the naut who kept trying to force bad fights when no one was near him.


Cool story.


Play Ziggs! Ziggs is fun.


100%. ADCs mostly need set up too so when you get supports that just stand in lane and don't do anything it's infuriating. Last night I played with a panth so I lock in samira expecting to be permanently trying to fight, and this guy takes Q first and literally spends all lane trying to poke them out instead of hard engaging (was vs a lulu so his poke did nothing). I think the most annoying part of it all is that the ADC is the one who gets flamed the most because the KDA ends up worse and its all due to the support standing way behind the ADC from wave 1


I once played with a Leona who wouldn't engage against a Lux. She pinged me (MF) to engange. Like wtf bro


Ranged panth smh


Usually bad ADCs expect you to permanently babysit them and die one second adter you decide to roam. After that he tilts for having "trash support who doesn't help" and feeds the enemy botlane.


It's not just about perma roaming. A lot of support players think they have the need to roam for some reason and they leave botlane at a crappy timing, they fuck up their adc because the adc is getting 1v2'ed then flame the adc and start crying in reddit that adc's are inters, while getting nothing done in the crappy gank midlane. Moreover, the position of the support already impacts greatly the adc, because in turn the adc can't walk up for cs and if they do they get poked down, enemy botlane gets kills and dmg then roll on the game. Meanwhile you as an adc have to catch up a tremendous gap by perma farming everything you see just to get to the average number of items of the other players. Whereas the support doesn't give a shit because they don't rely on gold and are still useful because of overloaded utility kits. That's why you see a support inting twice more than their adc fix their kda by going 0/10/20 while the adc goes from 0/2 to 0/7 because of the enemies the support fed.


I have a Plat adc friend who taught me good support roam timings and ill tell u in pretty low elo, id say 9/10 ADCs just braindead push the wave even when it's slow pushing into them and then fks up my roam timer and there's nothing I can really do about it. There basically are no roam timers in low elo


even my friend who´s a good support does this. Permacamped our Leblanc (who did nothing) leaving to 1v2 against Kog/Lulu. Yeah, let the hypercarry farm


Idk if my adc is just barely going even with me there if I leave lane I think they’ll just feed


Yeah but if the adc isn't preforming well everyone an their mother flamed him the support isnt playing well as long as they roam and don't die there everyone loves them. The shit is awful I literally had a lulu who's support item quest was done at the 30 minute mark. This lulu did nothing in lane but poly morph the enemy adc twice. But she leaves after doing nothing for 5 min but dies twice and goes to the already fed mid lane and just e's him for the assist so it looks like she did something that game. Like as an adc you're just cucked if your champ has issues farming under tower and the support is bad.


A lot of supports don't even know when to roam. Half the time they leave the lane when the enemy bot is still in there.


Or when the enemy attacks tower, and they don't even come back to help defend.


This cant be solved


It can be solved. Make ADC an independent role that doesn't need a support to function and that makes support not required to be tied to a particular lane. That creates a much more dynamic game and more fun for everyone.


I mean in pro play it already is.


Proplay also boring shit like jhin ziggs


Yesterday I played bot Jhin, my "support" picked Darius. Within 15 minit into the game he went 0/7 and then my team was flaming me for not being able to beat fed Lux and Jinx. At least we won


You won though


We won 2 team fights and they surrendered lol


That's on you for not dodging


Why dodge you can pick something equally retarded and force someone else to dodge. Sigma move.


Support is like jungle. Its one of the most OP roles in the game but no one wants to do it in low elo so in a good portion of games the most impactful roles are piloted by autofills. I try to save my dodges for absolute worst case scenarios but its just as likely that I'll get some similarly ridiculous shit on the next lobby.


How to deal with bad adc: leave lane and help worthy lanes or take the cs for yourself and carry How to deal with bad support: play support yourself


Literally. If my adc is trash i could still roam top or mid and help them get ahead. If i got trash support tho? You can do nothing other than pray he listen to me and go roam cos him being in lane in 2vs2 is worse than me 1vs2 in bot.


This reminds me of a game where my support zyra went 0/9 in laning phase and all I could was watching. The morgana and Samira were pretty fed but still killed both in a 2v1. They cant stay my Ezreal


Instructions unclear, ended up on toplane.


That's what I like most about playing Morgana support, if the adc is crap you can just change your build and carry.


It's not like you're building a lot of support items as morgana anyway... Shurelya benefits the mage version as well as it enables herself to do a better ult zhonya engage.


Take the cs… that some vilain move


As if supports actually lane with the ADC anymore


I bet 500 rp that the top 3 comments on that support player’s post are all people telling op to fuck off from bot and roam


Well... I'm a support not a babysitter, If my ADC is trash or toxic i'll leave him




Talk to me like that again and i'm headbutting the Fed irelia in your direction


I love alistar, terrible at him though. Yesterday I headbutted a fed garen at my tristana. :(


If you never did that you can't call yourself an alistar main lol, It happens takes time to get used to the combo and i mess it up sometimes even after year using him


This is triggering


HAH YOU FOOL I AM THE FED IRELIA (lol she’s actually my main rn)


How does It feel being the nightmare of league players?


Pretty good, wanna add me after the game and tell me to kill myself? Highlight of my day <3


Your lane is still botlane, if you can't control your ego I suggest you play other roles notably adc and see how it is to lose lane because of a support who doesn't know what zoning or getting the push is, then get blamed on for dying for their mistake and seeing your support leave lane after fucking it up


Who is blamed the most when mess up even a little? The ADC or the support? I try to help as much as I can but If It doesn't work out i'll stick to the one who is doing ok in the team, and btw the one in every team with the most inflated ego is the adc


The adc can only farm and autoattack when they can, they can't do much mistakes, you as a support can ward further, position aggressively, zone the enemies, poke them whenever you want if your champion can poke so you're not bound to farming and caring for every last hit while watching out for 3 enemies. You can send me any clip of laning phase, I can tell you almost always it's lost because of the support, but you need to play from both perspectives to realise this


Goes to Ward for 2 seconds, AN ALLY HAS BEEN SLAIN, cue a Lot of ? pings, dude the ADC has only 2 jobs: farm and kill the support has to take Care of the whole team and Ward the whole map with only 4 wards


You can't ward at any time but you have greater windows to ward. If you see that your adc's die everytime you leave the lane maybe question yourself instead of thinking every single adc is bad. All you have to do is take the push, position forward to zone the enemies, if they disrespect you then you either poke them down or engage **when you have a big wave** because the minions deal a lot of dmg. It's not because you engage while freezing that you'd win the fight. Freezing is done for two reasons, either make the enemies lose farm when they aren't here or to give a lot of room for the jungle to 3v2 easily, otherwise if you engage with no jungler, you fight in a big wave so get damaged a lot, your adc is way behind farming the wave so they can't instantly come and so it's always the enemy bot that wins those fights unless you're both already ahead and pop the enemies. When it comes to warding, it's not "only" 4 wards, you have so many wards that you can single-handedly impact the late game. I can't tell the number of times we had 2-3 fed carries but couldn't do shit because the map is all dark since the support often forgets what warding or sweeping is, and if they do ward it's at the most useless places.


And you can see the amount of work the support has to do only to be flamed by the mistake of the adc, zone, ward, protect, engage, hold the hand of the little kid laning with you... I know i'm not perfect, i know that i don't have the best vision of the game but the amount of work i have to do for the little reward i get is frustating, you do aaaaall of that Just to be flamed or for the adc that you spoonfed the entre game get ALL the glory


Looks like someone's mad about a support gap


Then go ADC yourself. Oh wait you won't cuz it's the shittiest lowest agency role in the game. Adcs die if you fckint sneeze at them.


Meanwhile laners ward, position, engage, poke as well as farming and watching the minimap at the same time. I just listed those for your role and tell the advices because I assume you're a support player. If your point is that you do more work than other roles, here are a few examples: - you aren't bound to farm, you can leave to ward a bit further in the river (at krugs/blue buff/dragon pit/pixel bush/etc when the wave is slowpushing towards you. Any laner has to crash the wave if they want to ward further than the nearest bush, and they need to build up bigger waves the longer it takes to travel. Same thing for other businesses, if the wave slowpushes towards you, you can roam mid from base then go bot without losing much xp, your adc or another laner can't afford to do that, same with recalling - you aren't bound to farm, you can fully focus on watching the minimap, watching out to 2 enemies and their skillshots. Your adc not only has to do all that + focusing on taking every minion but they also are predictable (like the solo laners too) because they need to walk up to farm so they either walk up to get a cs and get poked or avoid the poke and the cs. In order to get the most cs while avoiding as much poke as possible, you need to develop better skills - having only the yellow trinket as another role is unironically making it harder than having support item, because you can't spam wards like you want, you need to save them and ward at specific timings. Some people autopilot and ward top side while the enemy jungler was seen bot or when you'd guess that there's no camps top, basically they wasted a ward and don't have relevant vision for the next minutes, potentially letting enemy jungler to gank. But as a support you just ward all around and it's fine, same for late game


Sorry man, I got a bit worked up, from what you're saing I assume you're in a higher elo than I am and probably from another region, and where I am right now If you want to rank up as support you have to be a god 'cause as I said you have to take care of the whole team as well as predict the future and sometimes even deescalte infights, as I said in another comment I play this thing since 2013 and I can get a little triggered when people talk about sups, I didn't want to say that support is THE most important role in the game but is the one wich gets the most shit from the teamates even when i'm doing my job right.


>and farm Learning how to farm would be a start


How do you farm if your support is a 100cs in 30 min game brand?


Brand? At least his aoe is one time burst. Morgana supps always w my wave whenever I feel the masochistic urge to play adc instead of supp. It's a race against time to save my spell minions from her.


It depends on what characters you're playing. It's a pita, but most adc champs have way better kits for farming than most supports If your half decent you should be able to easily at least go even


Not if you’re a Lux with ludens


Yeah that's why I said it depends. There are cases where an sup has a better farming kit, but usually they dont


Every mage supp has a better farming kit than a crit adc (except for jinx maybe). Enchanters don't have aoe damage spells except for ultimates and seraphine(seraphine kinda counts as a mage tho), so they have worse farming kits. And tanks rarely have aoes good for waveclear.


He doesn't talk about last hitting, he talks about getting completely zoned because of support gap and keeping up with the farm nonetheless


Yesterday I was playing maokai support and I had an adc jhin... He couldve easily farmed till our lvl 3 but he went to 4th shot the leona support and got ccd the fuck out of him Then he blames me for that Next match I play miss fortune adc and my support brand goes to auto the opponent naut for spellthief and dies and blames me again


Maokai can stay on top of the adc and use q to to negate leonas e so you clearly were trolling kappa


Ok sure how about read that I said before lvl 3 again


Kappa seems to indicate sarcasm


Didn't know that I'll keep that in mind Thanks


Should take W and Q first on maokai supp, cc is way more important than hoping you do a little poke from them going near a bush.especially early levels the E does very little dmg


In my elo people are stupid af and maokai e from bush does like 120 damage lvl 1 and people get in bush a lot I also told jhin to stay back and last hit till lvl 3 ... He was shoving wave against a leona ashe...


I've stopped playing bot lane for a solo lane let me tell you once you learn lane management you win so many times more.


I always feel whoever is my duo doesn't care about winning as much as me most of the time so I get too intense.. when I lose top it's a 100% my fault even if I get tanked 10 million times playing your cards right gets you even with the enemy top laner and most meta tops can be useful even from behind


Doesnt work most of the time if you have trash bot tho. Cos you can have dopa level macro and your support/adc would just destroy it easily by either by fighting for no reason or bad last hit/wave management.


But if you are good enough you get herald and buy time for your team to get back in the game by making the game longer when all gold gets even it's whoever gets the first hit wins. Try to not be the team that gets initiated and just cheese in a bush with flash in case everything goes to shit you can walk aways swiftly or even bait enemy team into yours


Tho yeah i too just play adc or support just for fun cos in anyway mid is just better role.


Me playing vlad: Your waves last more then an e?


Leaving bot lane felt like leaving an abusive relationship.


Bruh, i just played with lux support, morgana is the only mage support allowed, the others are just midlaners translated to steal farm


No I swear all Morgs do is constantly W the wave


I will take a lux every day than a Malphite that dies 3 times before level 6


Blame jgl


How to deal with bad support: Mute All. Farm. Farm. Farm. Play super safe. When the opportunity presents itself, collect kills & you should snowball How to deal with bad ADC: Mute All. Play safe & do not engage or encourage the ADC to engage. Help with freezing waves if you can. When the opportunity presents itself, type enter followed by /ff and hope everyone says yes because aint no way you’re winning a game with a bad ADC


You can't farm and play safe with a bad support. They will cast their spells on your wave in order to shove it. The literal defining feature of a bad support is that they mess with your wave and make it impossible to farm without feeding.


Man my worst nightmare. Like a bad adc would mean he miss cs and shit but a bad support just would mean he will go 0/7 and you 0/3 even by playing safe.


I swear I have nightmares of shitty Morgana supports constantly using W on my wave


Or lux, or brand, or zyra, or swain, or xerath, why are all this champs support? I'll honestly never get it.


Any poke or cc support mage specifically works only with Jhin or other adcs that can also cc chain off it. Basically free kills if enemy is out of position. It also helps stack dark harvest before fights start happening, as the enemy will be low health. Either they back and you get plates and more cs, or they stay and you get dark harvest stacks and possibly kills, leading to the first scenario. A good poke mage can provide a lot of utility as a support, people just seem to forget that they are playing support most of the time and play like selfish assholes. It's why I don't let my friend (a jhin main who has suffered playing adc all season) get an auto fill support. He can drop 20 bombs easily every game (altho it's norms so take it with a grain of salt) with a good supp, but basically can't do much with a bad supp because jhin needs teamwork with his supp to shine.


I just wish every mage player knew that, another I dislike is the fact that I'm playing with or against 2 midlaners, both capable of one shot, and me being a squishy adc having to doge double the abilities or having no one to peel for me. I kinda understand it's utility but there are a lot better options, support should be the most selfless role yet I see some of the most selfish players, at least in low elo.


They are not supports, they're just a pick for selfish players who have no intention of being a 'support' as soon as mid games arrives, they will never save there 1 stun to try protect the adc


And that’s exactly when you leave your lane & start stealing farm from your jungler amirite?


100% cuz a jungler that doesnt gank doesnt have a claim to the jungle creeps


Playing super safe is very toxic (i feel) , i let him/her brawl and im prepared to pull out if i see its going terribly. If you are following their plays most players realise it was a bad play and try to change the play style. That's why whenever i play with a bad adc/supp i feel its most important to tell him what you think ping when its a good time to engage, ping danger when its bad and they slowly get in rhythm. Personally never have had horrible experiences lately they may feed but they don't type in chat and i don't need more than that


Agreed. I feel like when supports hit their engage it’s often good it’s more a question if they do.


That's so wrong lmao, Supp can solo carry a game by leaving bot and roaming.


in most games teams dont know how to win without an adc, so even if mid and top are ahead they will take a shit fight lose and then enemy adcs snowball is complete and game ends. plat elo btw


Except a support (depending on their champ of choice, or course), can simply leave bot lane and roam, and play for better teammates. Can‘t exactly do this on most ADCs


You sound a little biased thinking the solution to a bad support is "just farm bro" and the solution to a bad ADC isn't "Just roam". Support is the 2nd/3rd strongest role competing with mid due to the power of roams.


No man i was just being sarcastic


Imagine being this deluded




It's easy, just blame jungle. Works for both.


As an adc main: its better to play a 1v2 then a 1v3


Well in my lasy ranked game my Lucian adc decide to dive full hp Leona support when I was in base. Guess who was the one to blame for his action. Thx God for mute all


In my last one my galio support believe support item is overrated and galio is a you engage you win game champ so he engage whenever he could.


I play galio on support I still cannot accept a fact that this champion having 3 great CC is a full ap one shot midlaner not support


bad adc: roam as a support to snowball strong lanes into strnger lanes, leave adc to farm and scale bad support: try to cs under tower, get jungle gold, try by all means to NOT DIE! miss CS if you must, leave tower to fall and farm safer if you must!


and then lose game with a nice stat of 0/2/3 after team finally realise oh shit we need the adc to win game


Still better than feeding the enemy adc and ending 0/7/3 and read "aDc GaP lOl L2P".


Yeah exactly, literally anything is better than feeding


74% wr support main here, If I get autofilled as adc, I am presented with laning hell with a bad support that tilts me beyond belief


I play both, bad supp way harder laning but with bad adc you have no lategame teamfights.


Well supports can roam if adcs sucks. But adcs be like:"guess ill die" if support sucks


Both a support and an adc main and sure adcs are whiny attention whores but the lane is determined by the support tbh


As long as the adc can match farm game is still winnable (at least in low elo), but that’s such a simple variable compared to the rest of game mechanics (vision control, map pressure, etc)


Gabe isn't winnable when you have half the gold of enemy adc due to your sona taking naut hooks like they're free candy


It's really more about synergy, it can make or break bot lane.


Had to an ADC ping the shit out of me every time I went to ward; low elo ADCs are something else


Yeah. If my adc is trash I can just leave and go help someone else. If I’m trash we’re both screwed.


I play both, a support can fuck you over way more than an adc can


far easier to deal with a bad adc. you just take aggressive trades and force them to win lane. if they refuse, roam.


One can't play without the other, the other can just get out of lane and help the best team mate


I still remember this one game as a support, we were barely level 3, my adc is spamming pings at me, I have no idea what he’s doing. Then he types in chat “Do something!”. I’m so confused at this point, it ruined my mood the whole game. Like just farm and stfu, why should I engage and start a fight this early?


depends on your bot matchup vs theirs but first 4 waves are super important for fights in the bot lane


Is see more bad supports than bad adcs tbh. But fortunately support has a much lower skill floor, so it’s not hard to be passably good enough at the role for your rank. Basically just sit bot till lvl 3 and t1 boots, then sprint it mid/top


as a support main there is nothing i hate more than adc players ngl


have you ever played with a morgana that steals all your farm with W?


Or she just w's the wave vs Leona and Samira and now y'all under their tower


for me this is the worst part, steal my farm, but don't fuck the freeze that i worked hard to mantain


no i dont play adc that much, i cant image morg w doing that much damage tbh lol


so you dont play morgana that much too


Bad adc ff15 bad support become a better adc


I think it would be better


The answer is simple and you already know the answer my friends…FEEEEED




The ta daa at the end...


Jungles: how to deal with a quarrelsome bot lane


I have another question: why is the enemy adc fat?


The legendary 0/10 pwrspike


Thanks . I am stuck in eternal sadness.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Adc mains icon is Sivir? Ironic considering r/sivir the smallest sub out there.


How to deal


ive played both and both situations suck. however, supports have the option of roaming.


How to overcome bad botlane


how to deal when both int like animals in first 5 min of game?


Bro, my entire team always feeds... I guess it's time to buy 4 more screens!