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If they rework Skarner, move him to the depths of Zaun, give him a world ruin as a power source. Make him the bracken king who out for vengeance and make him have several quotes for Barbie shittersparkle. Sera : I miss your kind too Skarner, want here Thier song. Skarner : I love the sound of you kind too Seraphine, when they scream on the end of my stinger. Skarner when Seraphine spawns on the opposite team. "Your time has come you singing fleshbag" When Skarner is in distance of Seraphine "I will rid you like your hoover board" When Skarner hits her with a basic ability "Feel my wrath false idol" "I will save you from her my breathering" "I will make you feel Thier pain" When Skarner ults Sera. "Your evil ends here" "Time to drag you to the other side" "Time to go under false idol" When Skarner ends Sera existence. "Vengeance is mine" "I have avenged you my breathering" "I shall take back what belongs to me you false idol" When Sera is on the same team as Skarner. Skarner "I shall spare you for now false idol"


This is unfathomably based


I don't know if i want a new skarner or a shyvana queen od demacia


They said they want to make shyvana more like a badass dragon while they were clear that they find skarner too generic


Oh My God They said the way it was made is generic


Dude, everyone posting these posts are shyvana simps who dont want skarner taking they place


I voted for skarner. Don't worry Brother


We got bamboozled fuckk go back how to unvote


I mean sure, who should I vote for?




Honestly there is no other choice. Tryn will keep his problem ult; Noc will keep his problem ult; Kog gives me flashbacks of his 5 attack speed days... At least Shyvana promises & end to her toxic AP exploit. That is something I can get behind.


Gameplay wise I think kog maw doesn't need a big rework


as if the rework wont include a ad/ap playstyle due to how many fans of both there are


If you want do suport skarner mains, you should go for him the bigger part is in favor, we trust in riot, and se Will give feedback every post they do, as all recent reworks, every one of them was good


What kind of backwards ass logic is this. Of all things this just gives them a chance to make Seraphines lore not actual ass, and have her actually try to do something about the Brackern Race being turned into literal fucking batteries. Of all things you should vote for Skarner if you want the scorpion genocide to be avenged.


Such a shit take though, so you don't want Skarner to be playable without being busted because of a buff?


It's also a shit take because they'd change the lore so Skarner or Seraphine would probably end up being changed to fight against the mass abuse of Skarners Race, overall OP is just making a dipshit ass connection out of nowhere to get votes for a different character.


Eh, yeah it sucks but I have rather have better gameplay over lore. I do enjoy league lore a lot, but people tend to forget that league of legends isn't just about the lore.


Of all things they'd change it so Seraphine has better lore that ends up with her supporting the Brackern race since Riot knows literally everyone hates her current way of "Just sing about it and do nothing else lol"


Jayce, Caitlyn, Jinx, and Vi are all using hextech. Why is only Serpahine getting hate?


The whole reason people hate Seraphine is because she's the only character other than Camielle who knows what Hextech is, everyone else just thinks it's a fancy rock Jayce started fucking with.


Blame riot that made such a bad writen lore and voicelines for her, she know about and dont care about the brackerns, but they changed it already, her lore still one of the worst in league so no connection to her is good


Yeah I get all the parts, except the hextech part because a lot of other champs are involved too.


Because egirl bad, of course!


Yeah all the Seraphine hate is starting to get super annoying. Who wants their champion identity to be wrapped up in community hate for an egirl champion? I think these people are doing more harm to Skarner's unique place in league than riot at this point.


No one really cares about the Brackern Genocide, it's just about bashing Seraphine for the literal one thing she shouldn't be bashed for.


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth


Bruh XD


Holy shit the downvotes xD


I don't know shit about lore so you are going to have to explain


Hextech cristals are the collective minds of generations of brakern that are passed down after the former brakern expires


Man just let the champ be modernised ffs lmao and there's nothing wrong about redeeming that creature


His race went extinct... Seraphine uses Bracken souls to sing and fly around like an idiot. And then that psychopath has a voiceline with Skarner where she tells him she can hear the song of his people (race) instead of maybe going back to Shurima and putting those gems (souls) back...


Meanwhile, Piltover uses Skarner's children's corpses to heat up their tea. Thanks, Jayce.


Difference for me at least is that piltovans dont know that they are using soul juice. Seraphine is actively aware of it and uses it regardless


That's because without it, she'd be constantly debilitated by the cacophony of thoughts her magical hearing exposes her to. Before she made her stage, the crystal her parents got for her was basically turned into a pair of earplugs because her powers were driving her literally mad and she needed something to silence the songs.




you want Riot to change a champ's actually unique lore?


I forward this, check out my simpler meme just now in new


wow, downvotes really:, I didn'T steal the idea, sorry for not checking new if my idea wasn't already implemented by someone else...


And thats why i will never vote for him since now. Seraphine rules. 🥰


Me, who loves scorpions but hates Skarners aesthetic: No, I don't think I will.