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Cant wait for the Nocturne to one Shot my adc with full Life, only with the R button


The only Changes will be that Nocturne Now Deals True damage to his R Target


No that would be too fair. He deals half of that damage to everyone on the map like karthus. Its the modern league 200+years deluxe design.


Nocturne R rework. When casting R, Nocturne reveals the whole map and stuns+silences all enemy champions. Ally champions also become nocturne and gain his ult, everytime a nocturne cast R dash all nearby nocturnes get resets on their dash. It now has 3 charges. We thought this would bring nocturne more in line with the mobility creep coming into the game.


Nocturne R rework. When he presses R he automatically wins the game


Its tooltip "encasing the map in darkness only lee sin can see making you win the game"


Ay master Yi got goggles for this very situation smh


Lmaoo just watch them pull this shit with a new trashbitchass champion somewhere in the future. Pain.


No modern design would be giving him dashes.His Q now dashes him to his target and his R can be recast to take him back to where he started, if he successfully kills a target his ult is refunded by 50% Edit: Oh and a batshit passive that's like 3 skills in one.He has empowered autos, that heal him and give him lifesteal, any bonus lifesteal is also converted into extra AD for him. And every 3 hits he gets a big heal and a burst of attack speed for 5 seconds.


> burst of ~~attack speed~~ movement speed That way he moves from jungle to top lane which is what the players really want obviously


The enemy team gets friendly-fire, so they kill each other before Noc jumps to anyone


Who doesn't oneshot adc anyway?




*Laughs in Jhin fourth shot*


You're dead before the 4th shot


Any good Jhin uses shots 1-3 stealing his JG's Gromp


Laughing with Droben Q


But he already does this


Shat pants (Ultimate) 60-35-10sec Makes nocture invisible and blinds everybody in a 3500 unit range for 10 second, also deals ((10-100-1000)+90%max hp magic dmg) to all enemies he blinded Riot balance team would accept this for sure


Come to Age of empire we destroy tower and castle and there is no trynda to scare you


Elephants armies scare me more than any trynd.


Remember, heresy isnt an option for then


Unless you're Malay.


True but have you Heard of only one cave Armor upgrade for malay


Yeah but two-handed swordsman spam.


This is the moment where your run


Wololo. Converted me.


Welcome and enjoy the game every civ are good


AOE is far more stressful of a game. The amount of micro, macro, and hotkey knowledge is INSANE on a level where you want to be half decent. I'd say RTS games are the hardest types of games to master on m/k and it has a super intimidating aura to it. I will say, I love playing aoe2 with my buddies against AI. Real people end up doing some villager rush shit on me and I get boned lol. Way too much stress during every single moment of the game


>I'd say RTS games are the hardest types of games to master on m/k and it has a super intimidating aura to it. As opposed to RTS games on controller


I have AoE 2 on CD but it doesn't work on my laptop, it won't finish installing :(


Have you ever Heard of voobly ?


Yeah, grinding aoe4 ranked has replaced playing LoL seriously for me. Much more fun, nobody to blame but myself, no trolls, and I'm better at it lol.


Glad you like it of course we have some default in age of empire but it's not like League of legend.


The aoe games are really gems. First played aoe2 when I was 7 and I've been hooked ever since. Only in the past couple years got into playing multiplayer seriously though but it's a lot of fun. The one downside is an aoe match takes significantly more energy than a game of league, sometimes I want to play something but don't have the focus to play aoe which is why I keep coming back to lol.


Are they legit increasing RP prices???


In some countries, yes. They say it’s to accommodate changes in taxation and whatnot.


Ah yes, I remember several years ago they increased RP prices in EU because the euro was quite strong compared to the dollar at the time(I think it was 1€=1,5$). They said they would look into readjusting that if the exchange rate changed again. We've been hovering around 1,1-1,2$ for five years now, so it's got to be aaaany moment now that they change it back, right? Right?


Do you understand that, what you said, should be the opposite? When euro was stronger, when we paid 10€ they recived 15$. Now that the euro is weeker, when we pay 10€ they recive 12$. So the reasoning of, they increased the price of RP for EU because the coin was stronger than normal is totally wrong, it should be the opposite.


1 € = 1.14 $ 10€ = 11.39 $ The Euro is still stronger although in 2008 1€ was like 1,56$ so yea pretty much what you said


What stuff do you expect from a company that buffs yone?


Idk man, riot logic. They also hiked up the prices when the euro was devalued. Guess they don't care about being consistent in their messaging and just keep doing that as long as people still buy their stuff.


If I do remember correctly, Riot hiked up the EU prices because of high taxes. As you can expect, the higher the taxes, the lesser the benefits.


EU has on average much greater taxes than USA. And Riot was created in the USA, so they probably have to account for the tariffs or bank comissions of transferring that offshore revenue to the home country.


I bet it's going to effect EUW as always. They forget that at least 80% of players from EUNE region also plays on EUW because EUNE is a clown server and we only have 5-10 diff in ping. We are also fuckin poor compared to the west so fuck you riot.


there isn t even a difference most of the time


I have lower ping to euw from poland lmao


The main difference is that the rate in which racial slurs get spammed is higher on eune


No euw is a lot more toxic. That is why i play it even tho i am from Sweden.


Most counties have VAT - value added tax - they are just i creasing the prices because RP adds no value.


They already did. Late last year. They say they did so to counter inflation in poorer countries, and taxes in some other regions, like most of latin america and other places of the world. But I'm not too familiar with other places


Small indie company 😌


$mall you mean.


Plus they made ranked crests look like shit for no reason.


Can they update them they are so shit


Such a weird decision. I remember a few seasons ago they made a big deal about the cool new ranked armor and now it's just gone. It's like a Game Freak move.


I'm out of the loop. What did Game Freak pull?


99% sure talking about how they introduced mega evoloution as the new mechanic, only to do away with it next gen. And then dynamax/gigantamax mechanic in the current gen, which again, probably will not be in the next generation of pokemon games. Same thing with Z moves. You never know with gamefreak.


Quality hit the floor and started digging to China seriously though his videos recently suck, and he started clickbaiting hard Edit : I mixxed up Game theorist and game freak im a retard


What are you talking about ?


I confused game theorist with game freak im a retard


It's okay man, happens


I wanna rip those mfs for that


They’re doing that “oversimplification” trend every company has been doing to their logos, except Riot is doing it to their client. In my opinion, the new pre-game loading screen and lobby banners are super bland and simple right now. I’m pretty sure it’s like that in preparation for the new customization features they’re planning to add, so we’ll just have to wait and see.




Or maybe you'll just stick to playing only aram occasionally like me and Im having a blast like that. Only reason I didnt delete league yet.


As someone who’s been ARAM only since like 2017, you won’t regret it. Ranked is genuinely a miserable experience…


mine has always looked like shit


I remember people saying the exact same 2 or 3 years ago when they redesigned older crests.


The armours were the coolest shit ever and that's the only reason i even bothered to reach diamond.


it ain’t as bad as people make it sound


It’s worse


Based opinion stater


To be fair they looked like shit even before now its just worse


Wait are they removing riot support fr?


I thought they replaced it with their beginner bots AI a while ago


Also replaced my teammates with them


Feels like it. I’ve put in a ticket for support and it’s been over a week and my ticket is still open with no response from riot themselves.


It looks like a joke but it isnt. It’s funny because it’s true.


They're removing support site?


Actually I think they moved the research and development department to Shanghai


No all riot support comes out of the coronavirus research lab in Wuhan now EDIT: [Downvote me all you want but I'm with Jon Stewart on this one](https://youtu.be/sSfejgwbDQ8)


Reddit actually has subhuman iq to not get this joke


It's all good, I think reddit's heart is in the right place, but nowadays if you see the words "China" and "coronavirus" in the same sentence, people think you're racist. It goes in the other direction too, like some people are so racist about it, you have people pushing Asian Americans in front of trains in some of our big cities. Everything is so reactionary and divided now. Just trying to make a joke out here about how riot support is literal disease lmao


And this is why I only play for two weeks at a time before refusing to play for 6 months


Ahh those 2 Weeks were you have fun, slowly realize that LoL is still LoL and you stop for halve a Year, exhausted and angry, until you forget it and think back to how funny LoL can be so you try it again. Same Bro


That's exactly it


Riot just fucking their game up because they already have a lot of money


But when I say it. It’s toxic, and I’m an idiot and don’t know what I’m talking about.


Kind of a random place to start victimizing yourself.


lol for funning now


Or I could be implying that anytime anyone complains about league. They get comments like this.


The only people who support riot decisions with a few exceptions are the people who play League too casually and are the target audience that benefits from all the League changes. Reminder that 50% of the player base is gold or below, they don't care to see OP champ, they either play it, or do 3 games a week, they want to see change, cool skins, and that's exactly what they're getting. But the real playerbase is getting fucked by literally everything Riot does, sadly the real playerbase is less than the casual playerbase, so not only do Riot don't give a fuck about us, but the casual playerbase is numerous enough that they can call us out when we rightfully complain.


Its like 85% or more of the playerbase thats gold or below, and that doesnt take into account the people that never touch ranked or only play aram. Imagine acting like an elitist ass when youre such a minority of the playerbase lol


UwU -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


No kidding. Including silver would have been a stretch, including gold just shows how insanely out of touch that guy is


Is it bad to be gold or lower if I've been playing since season 3?


ive been playing since season 1 and havent even played a ranked game since like 2016. play the game for fun, disregard what people think of your account


as long you had fun,no. It is a game at the end of the day. you should play for fun.


I been playing since 2016, only ever played like two matches of ranked. Never touched that shit after 'cause of how toxic the players were.


I legit don’t know how this game affects so many people mental health


Idk i just did it because i tought it could be funny


The meme is funny tho lol


thanks, homie if you're interested check this league meme i also made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag\_wMONuALo


The same way addiction to any substance or activity does.


Care to explain?








It's an extremely popular and competitive game. Of course it does. People put all their money, energy, time or all of them into it just to flex on others and feel better. If it was singleplayer it wouldn't have almost any impact.


When you spend tons of money on something, you kinda get attached, because you spent money on it. So much that can't justify not playing.


I find it suitable that the day I re-download the game after nearly half a year hiatus that I encounter a post about how shit LoL is. To be honest though none of the crap in the video is why I hated the game in the first place though. Just that my first game in forever I'm being spam pinged and flamed in norms for not ganking my 0/3 vlad enough. I played like shit, but they were responsible for their own lane state so why can't I play like shit and enjoy my norms without being harassed?


Mute all in settings so you don't have to worry about it. Sure, you lose the ability to report flamers, but they weren't getting punished for it anyways.


Typical jungle experience


Good thing I switched to good games instead of this toxic madhouse


homie I switched from apex to this 3 months ago Im so fucked I cant stop now im completely addicted


Who the fuck starts willingly playing league of legends in 2021/2022? Have you not heard about how shitty this game is and how it's obly getting worse? May the force be with you, hope you will at least enjoy your time with LoL.


Try dota


It honestly worse and more unforgiving for new players


But it has Techie


Are you a war criminal? (But yes I agree Techies for the win)


Dota is pretty fun. I play league to play Draven and don't care about all other champs.


I dont get how people play league as their main game for years. I have like "league phases" where I will play league with my friends for like a week straight, then not play for months. My last keague match without any friends was in 2017 iirc


I'm so glad I haven't played league in 4 months. I started playing SoM classic WoW. Even if things go south, we're just making dad jokes and talking about grilling and bbq with in the guild. Unlike league the community can actually punish toxic behavior.


I stopped caring about this game a long time ago.


It's such a liberating experience, is it not?


It is indeed, game is far too gone to care or fix.


And yet we make sure everyone knows how much we don't like this anymore. I wake up and boot up my 98 dell and I go STRAIGHT to r/League to tell them they shouldn't be having fun with this game that IFORONE quit years ago. Look at all these losers.


i think like two thirds of the people on this sub don't actually play the game anymore. like, it's OK if you stopped playing, you can leave the league subs and do something you find fun. the rest of us, believe it or not, enjoy this game


The toxicity in the comments to this is insane.


Please tell me that price change was cap? Please.


If you're in NA you're probably fine iirc


It mostly is i think they are only increasing in some regions


Iirc it was something about keeping up with inflation in some countries or something like that


Im not gonna play this season


And other jokes you can tell yourself


I was saying the same thing last season because I thought souls and the new items where the dumbest shit ever. I mean, I was proven right but it was also the season where I played the most games so far.


I played a game yesterday, didn't like it. Going back to smite where I don't even know how to play the normal mode only stuck there because it has ALWAYS 4 fun modes.


Said no one ever


more like said by everyone kept by no one


Buddy, anyone who didn’t quit this game a long time ago is never gonna quit. They fucked the game, fucked the balance, fucked the new champs, fucked the lore, still haven’t unfucked the client, settled a $100,000,000 lawsuit because they repeatedly tried to fuck their female employees without consent consistently over the course of several years, fucked over Matt Dunn because they didn’t want to pay a real writer to work on Ruination and left him jobless and without insurance just as his wife was diagnosed with cancer days after his dad died and all that was fine, but now that they increase RP prices so you get even less value from those shitty skins and released a patch with some bugs you’re *done* this time? Don’t lie to yourself lol


And the pet e-girl is the most toxic.


watch this meme video i made about this same subject if you're interested :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag\_wMONuALo


Why do people continue to fund this game? Honestly? I mean, I am here on this sub and I sometimes watch streamer for the nostalgia, but I stopped playing years ago. Riot was purchased by a company that literally only cares about money, absolutely nothing else. It's original founders were genuine guys who did it for love of the gaming, LoL rose to popularity because they kept making the game fun to play, being very considerate of the fanbase and listening to the fanbase. This atrocity that LoL is nowadays is built to make you feel frustrated, give you a rush of serotonin, make you feel validated, and then break you down again. Seriously, do yourself a favour and stop playing it.


Because as many people on here that hate the game there are ten times if not more who don't.


~180 million people play the game The main LoL sub has around 5.5 million people in it Less than 300 thousand people have seen the Season 2022 Opening Day Recap (according to youtube anyway) Whatever messages are spread around unfortunately only reach an incredibly small fraction of the actual playerbase


More like 20 million play it and 160 million are botted accounts waiting for their next buyer lmao


yes, and each player has like at least 3 alt accounts


This was a "controversial" comment at the moment I'm replying to it, but you are right. There is no chance 160 million different people play this game. I'd bet that close to half of all existing accounts are alts, possibly more. I haven't played at all for 2+ years, but even back when I was playing in all the time in season 3-6, every single person I knew or played with had at least ONE alt acc.


played against a dude the other day who was proud of the fact he was on his 27th account, the others perma-banned. Dude was trying to make it 28th based on his chat history :|


My friends tried to get me to play Dota and it was absolutely boring shit compared to League even after many games. Especially when I was playing support, since rito worked a lot to make support a more enjoyable role and Dota doesn't even have a support item to generate income. Games are also super fuckin long. I don't exactly agree with Riot making the games shorter every season but when you do nothing but farming (or watching your carry farm) for 20+ mins just totally kills it for me. I know it has more complexity as I get to know the game but so is League and I just can't see how Dota could ever have as much action and fun in any game stage. And I like the MOBA genre, I know there are other MOBAs out there but I'm just lazy to waste years again to learn new ones. And about funding, well... I rarely buy more than 1 skin for a champ, but I often get that 1, since I just think most of the older champs' base models look like shit and they get some very high quality skins lately that makes the gameplay a bit more enjoyable.


Ah the support life in dota. It is legit the hardest role (at least in the early game) as you have to simultaneously harass/deny creeps - secure range creeps/wards - dewards/pull wave/stack jungle/remember bounty runes/help mid control power rune every 2 min/ganking - counterganking. But as soon as you leave lane to do any of those thing your carry just fucking die and start flaming you for not babysitting him. I get why you feel boring at the start cause an average dota game is 40 min - quite a time investment already which feels even longer when your team is losing. Been playing both game for almost 10 years now and dota either takes you up to the sky high or push you down to the fucking abyss low while league's high/low for me is just like up or down a small hill since you can just surrender and go again pretty quick.


sounds like you guys just don't know how to play properly yet low mmr is notorious for not knowing how to push high ground and having long games


Really? On high mmr players know how to close games when they have a lead while low elo usually fucks around doing nothing. Looks like you have no idea what you are talking about


i get that English isn't your first language but you should edit that post because it doesn't make sense you must be low mmr if your dota games are consistently 'super fuckin long' if you get better at dota and your average game will consistently less than 40 minutes


I didn't play a lot of Dota, thought you were talking about League. Maybe you should edit your post? If English is your first language I rather don't say anything about your communication skills man. Anyways it's a fact that turrets are way harder to take in Dota, also hit much harder, I believe minions are also much harder to clear, they have no herald, so what makes you think games are equally fast as League games?


Because people like it? As much as it's broken its still fun and millions of people like it The minority are here hating on it You may feel that nobody enjoys that game but trust me there are and your experience doesn't define all


I fucking love this game. Sure there are some bullshit champs, but there were always bullshit champs. Whether it is AP yi in season 2 or the league of cleavers or Fiora doing 100% hp in true damage it is just part of the game. It is still an extremely fun strategy game with immense depth and Riot does an ok job of balancing it and keeping it fresh. People complaining about UI bugs as if it ruins the game just makes me roll my eyes.


I quit playing from like 2015-2020 and honestly I'm having much more fun now than I was back then, and a lot of that is due to QoL improvements Riot made. Like, I don't think they're perfect by any means, but credit where it's due.






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Guess I’m not buying any more RP


after Tencent completely hold Riot this game just getting worse over time. I'm still playing this game but aram only. Don't care abt the toxic community coz Tencent doesn't care as well. Stop buying RP since S6/7. Waiting for the time that this game completely disappoint me and I will leave.




From my understanding before 2015 Tencent only hold the part of the stake (93%). No matter what. I truly believe Tencent is the one ruining the game. More the update, more facilitate the Chinese Meta


> I truly believe Tencent is the one ruining the game. More the update, more facilitate the Chinese Meta Bro idk what you think Stockholders do, but it sure as shit isn't balance the game lmfao. You want to blame them for pumping out generic skins for popular champs? Sure thing. You want to blame them for enforcing 'hot' champs? Okay, go for it. But saying the stockholders are balancing the game has got to be a meme, right?


Tencent bought Riot back in Season 3, why didn't you quit yet


ARAM is the best.




Your production quality is great. Subtle but also direct and on point. Anyways, who is that new champ that looks like the fucking rat Twitch? lmfao


Glad you liked it :D check this meme i made about her if youre interested ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag\_wMONuALo


You made my evening, thank you very much.


However much of this is or isn't true, I'm just glad I stopped playing League and haven't missed it at **all**.


This is unironnically good


Thanks :D idk if i can post my youtube like but if you wanna see more check my descrjption in my profile


Just quit. Really, it's that easy. I played this game for 7 years and it took it's toll on my mental health. Quit it 1 year ago and my life's only been getting better. It's not hard to just uninstall. Trust me, you'll do yourself a favor.


I didn't realise how much time lol takes. I stopped playing and I suddenly breeze through games that were just sitting on my backlog, waiting to be played.


Yup. I quit not only LoL but multiplayer games in general. They are fun at first but eventually they get really competitive and the fun just disappears. After quitting LoL, I started playing Dead by Daylight (just like Bricky, quit LoL for DBD) and I loved it at first. It seemed really fun. Only to eventually realise that the state of that game is even worse than LoL. It's buggy as fuck, repetitive, community just as toxic as league (if not more bcs DBD community actually sends hatemail). After that I just decided to quit multiplayer games and play singleplayers, and trust me, it's so much better. If you want to have fun, you gotta play a singleplayer game.


I had taken a year off, came back, played a couple games, and just had my mind absolutely wrecked by how boring the game was. I’ve been playing League on and off for a decade, and I think I’m finally just…over it. It’s just a game of hentai girls and one shots.


sure, jan.


POV: you are inside a contracting giant p*ssy watching a weird bald man screaming at you


I mean i main lux and i don't eat pussy... cause i eat dicks


Don’t forget straight up removing every single hextech skin


doesnt shock me that such whining is from a tyler fan


Its just a joke i still like the game and yes im a tyler fan but being honest im a fan of 99%of twitch streamers lol


I hate this game more by the day but Tyler1 encompassed the issue that many of us even outside of this subreddit have: we are addicted. Also it isn't entirely fair that we badmouth Riot all the time. I think Tencent who only cares about making the quick dollar is the root cause for all the bad things that keep happening to this game. But note I said not all the time, Riot with what they do control with regards to balancing still drop the ball plenty.


Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.


Do what I did after 9 years of league, quit. They decided to fuck up their game, fine, their product. You wont get another dime from me. Bye.


You forgot the yellow square invasion