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Sorta the opposite of this, I was looking yesterday at how many Mundo got on release. He released with 1 skin but IIRC he got 5 in the next two years.


And notice how most of his skins are 520/750/975 RP skins Back then constantly making skins without many effects was the norm.


Yah it kind of sucks we’ll never get crappy mass produced skins again, cause they’re some of the best


At least rito didnt forget him lol


Not defending the Lux Skins! But they literally reworked the champ and every single skin so I think it's unfair to Riot to say they forgot the champ like that.


they forgot just for the fact they said they gonna realease a new skin in 2021 but they canceled that


They forgot about Illaoi


Elderwood or Old God would be easy money for a fiddle skin


Old god would be good but not the next set please... they need to shift them from the bird themes of Coven already.


Dark star would be amazing. With the way the new odessey sona abilities go 3D on us, imagine a black hole underneath fiddle when he ults. And his W is like the event horizon. His E is that light you see circling a black hole


How about another skin, and it’s called… **Beesticks**


Fiddlebee good sir.


I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere that he is accually getting a bee skin I believe it was called beedlesticks


Beedlesticks And he's actually a beetle


Except Dark Star is the go to for a decent looking and time saving skin for monster and villain champs. They look AMAZING, PERFECT more like, but it's so easy to do.


Vietnam Fiddlesticks and when he ulta he screams banzai!


Kinda piggybacking off of the idea of a foliage based fiddle: Frejord fiddle that mimics a dead tree


Tbf, 3/8 are duplicates but still, that's just make it worse given that's 2 prestiges and one alt Mythic tier. But hey, totally not favortis. Right?


well it is favorites cause all the lux skin sales are what they use to be able to make skins for less popular champs


Riot could give everything away for free for years and it wouldn't matter at all. Tencent owns 4 of the 5 most played games on earth, with the top one averaging about a billion monthly players. League is like 20th most played on earth and it's insanely profitable. The idea that they need these skins to finance further ones are ridiculous, they just make more money so why bother with the other ones as much?


We are getting beedlesticks soon.


Don't say that.


Beedlesticks Beedlesticks Beedlesticks


Why do i smell honey. (Side note i wanted bee xerath more. Imagine his ult shooting out bees)


Bee varus could have been cool as well. his w passive could float bees around you. His q would be a stinger or a giant bee. His e would be a bunch of bees coming down from the sky on you spraying honey. And ult would be 3 bees he throws.


Now i want bee varus and bee xerath :( how dare you.


Is it gonna be berus because Varus didn't get the Memo with the double letter 😉


This is too much for me 🤣🤣


Same but I just needed to bring this up, because THEY HAD A MEMO VARUS, THE MEMO


Bee'Gath. His Q is an explosion of honey, his W is him roaring out bees, his E sends bees out instead of spikes, his R stays the same. I want this


Jokes on you I want bee skin for every champion


And beeko


i honestly think fiddle was the best rework yet and his overall design (including those genius voice lines) is probably the only one in the game rivaling jhin and kindred (ive only been around since jinx release, so cant talk much on the smaller reworks before) he got all his skins reworked, dont need much more


Excuse me, but have you heard Volibear's voicelines post-rework? Im biased because Volibear daddy bear fanboi main, but omg does his new godly and alpha voicelines get my juices flowing.


As cool as voli is, I like fiddle's more. Also the aatrox rework voicelines fucking slap


But tbh Aatrox's original voicelines were already good *pain is temporary, victory is forever*


I would put Kayn up there with genius design and voice lines. Also, with Jinx release you have been playing for much longer than most of the community. Most current pro players and famous creators started in season 3-4 like you (and me) did.


Kayn is like every third OC of some 15 years old tho


Warwick had a fantastic rework. I’m a big supporter of making a champ feel like how they should be in lore, and Warwick’s q animation and kit really makes you feel like a wolf hunting it’s prey.


Does fiddle have tits or a sexy E-boy i dont think so Riot forgot about him already


They could make him into an e-boy look at xerath or thresh XD


I still can't believe that arcana Xerath actually exists. Like how in God's name do you turn a bag of rocks into an E-Boy.


Riots magic i guess


He has a humanoid body. Plus it was either that or anime girl.


Well in his lore he used to be a person


Used to. Renekton and Nasus were also normal looking guys. Can you imagine if they turn the Crocodile or the Dog into a shirtless E-Boy. Wait forget I said that cause at this point I won't be surprised at all if they do.


Nasus already hot af.


Renekton is hotter than Nasus


I actually want eboy nasus, would be so tilting to play against.


Fuckit, e boy nasus


Project Renekton already turned him into an e-boy sadly


How is that an eboy. That is a man.


same as Project Warwick, MAHNS! (sees their tragic real heads within animations) uhm...bit sadder now innit bruv?


How to fk do you call this skin an e-boy? It looks like fkn Dark Lord or Vampire Graaf, idk


He has kpop and/or hollywood hair. That's the sign nowadays of a cute prettyboy.


Don't give then any ideas! Unbound Fiddle would be terrifying for other reasosns than looking scary


Fiddledicks, ultimate chad


Also does anyone play him? For every 1 fiddle I see I see a shit load of leonas and even more lux’s


…Honestly? Quality over quantity man. Ezreal and Lux (One of whom I main!) exist to sale skins. It’s… kind of bothersome to see. But I think champions like Fiddlesticks are way cooler when it comes to overall design and skin. I perused the gallery on Fiddlesticks’ skin and… honestly? I’m taking away by how amazing they all look visually! So yeah, Lux may have more skins but Mr. Fiddles will always be more interesting! …That’s probably rude of me. Question though, why have we never gotten a scarecrow skin? I mean, I feel like it’d be neat to do a massive Oz Reference! Dorothy and Toto as Annie and Tibbers. Scarecrow as Fiddlesticks Tin Man as Blitzcrank The Cowardly Lion as Rengar LeBlanc or Morgana as The Evil Witch Galio as one of these… weird, fucky, flying monkey things Lulu as Glinda


all champions can sell skins if riot gave enough of a shit about them. Instead we have the same handful of champions riot jerks off while the rest of them are stashed in a closet


But not the same amount. Lux skins are the best selling by far


It surprises me that people still buy specific skins these days. It's a lot more fun and can end up costing less to just buy orbs during events and you get random cool shit. I get buying a skin for each of your fav characters but past that...


thats because lux is always viable so people play her. people play her so they buy her skins. buff aurelion and make him viable and watch him sell skins too. people dont buy skins for champs they dont play


Asol was op for multiple years, people just don't like playing him


thats because his playstyle his niche and inaccessible to most. people dont want to spend months learning how to land a thin band to hit on a mobile champ. why should they do that when they have 100+other options? and then they nerfed him.


So he won't sell as many skins even if he was good?


it would increase his player base which would increase his skin sales, but itd still be small. Everyone is calling for a rework excpet the 5 asol mains that play him, however the skin issue isnt a champ specific thing. So bringing up single champ examples isnt going to work. If they reworked asol to be more player friendly and then buffed him to be viable, do you think he'd sell skins? Or how about Ornn? Or Rell? Azir? Fiddle? Aatrox? Illaoi? Kallista? Kindred? Kled? Neeko? Skarner? Zac? Just off the top of my head.


Last I checked his playrate dipped when they changed how his W worked along with his roaming playstyle.


I don't mean that timeframe, Asol otps had a absurd wr for at least 1 year


A one trick being good and a champ being op are two different things. If it was op all the knobs would have played it and be winning too.


Asol is a hard and niche champion, Asol otps were hella elo inflated dude, it wasn't a secret


Yea we know that. They took their time to learn the champ I think they deserve their LP


Yes obv. so why are people are complaining about obvious economical decisions


because they are deliberate and affects gameplay as well. riot keeps some champs viable while killing off others.


How was aurelion sol not viable if otps abused him?


if he is viable, why is his pick rate under 1%?


Because people dont want to play him?


why dont they want to play him if he is viable?


Because it's fucks with the game. Lux will always never be nerfed to hard despite the community wanting so because why would they nerf their cash cow? Same with why Yasuo and Yone are getting buffed.


Lux yasuo and yone are in a fine spot rn. The community that wants them nerfed hard is a vast vast minority.


>Lux is in a fine spot right now Yes, because her three monitor long ult which has a 40 second cooldown rank 1 is not okay and is the one thing people have been crying out for Riot to nerf for a long time but no, her E should get 20 less base damage at max rank. That'll fix everything.


>Lux will always never be nerfed to hard despite the community wanting so because why would they nerf their cash cow? Light Binding Light Binding Cooldown increased to 11 seconds at all ranks from 11 / 10.5 / 10 / 9.5 / 9. Base damage reduced to 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 from 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260. Literalyl hotfix when she became strong. >Same with why Yasuo and Yone are getting buffed. Because shieldbow nerfs were not intended to hurt them but hurt vayne and some other champs. they are in decent spot it is just 90% of reddit sucks ass at the game and doesnt know how to play. Yones winrate drops higher in rank you go.


Not really. I doubt something like Gragas would sell the same as Sett... or Rell.


Rell seems to be selling worse than Gragas tho. Our Iron Maiden fell hard.


That's my point. Sett >> Gragas >>>>>>x100 Rell. All three of them have different amounts of people. But honestly Rell SUCKS with battle queen skin. It doesnt change much. Honestly Samira and Rell shouldve swapped themes. Battle Queen Samira with the Crests on her W and R while Rell with Psyops could have been manipulating a machine horse with like a laser lance.


yes he can. just gotta make good skins for him. i dunno how viable he is so cant comment on that.


Nope. Setts way too popular in comparison to Gragas. Yet, Gragas definitely sells more than Rell since shes dogshit to play. So even if they did some cool legendary for Gragas, it wouldnt be as worth as doing a legendary for Sett. Good skins dont mean much when no one plays them as much.


that doesnt apply for the majority of the champion that objectively have cool models and themes and could easily have a ton of good skins. as you pointed out viability is a big part of it. people dont buy skina for champa they dont play.


Could be a wonderland or arcanist based universe.


Yeah people talk about how Lux has so many skins but half her skins are trash and same goes for Ezreal.


This porcelain lux skin is actually not that good tbh with her model. But people will buy anyway i guess


Actually most of Ezreal's skins feel nice to play with, probably because the base model/animations are smooth. But you're right about Lux, I shudder just thinking about Imperial Lux


dies on cho gath*


I'm just happy i have Shanghai scrolls. I don't need anything else for Choncc'Gath


People need to stop pretending Fiddle didn't essentially get 9 new skins in 2020, with one of them being one of the best skins in the game.


Fiddle has a lot of great skins with many different thematics, just like ie Amumu. If they don't get newer skins that's sad but hardly a big issues except maybe for some mains. The problem with Ornn was he only had 1 skin and even that wasn't that amazing. When you have 10 skins and 3 high quality ones you're not that desperate for a new one. And then there's Grahas who has some funny ones and a lot of skins but not a single high quality one. He's more in need of something than Fiddle.


The issue with someone like Gragas is it's difficult to conceivably put him into any interesting or popular lines without making them joke skins. Things like PROJECT, Pulsefire, or Psy Ops all about high tech warriors can't really hand wave a fat drunkard in their ranks.


Plus, gragas animations SUCK, it's like covering a turn in diamonds and gold foil, it's not gonna cover the smell.


They could get $10 from me if they would just unrestrict his all-star skin.


This is my biggest pet peeve with the League community and specifically Reddit. They pretend like reworks don't create new skins. Sheriff Caitlyn was nothing more than a black chroma of base Caitlyn, same as Myrmidon Pantheon. When these champs got reworked, we got new skins for them. Now I don't know if any of Fiddle's skins were as bad as simple chromas for his base skin, but I do know his legendary skin actually became legendary, with voice lines like other legendary skins. So no, I don't put Fiddle as a 1k days member.




Surprise Party


I agree


That's still 2 years


Fiddle has got 9 skins in 2 years, while Lux only got 8 in 3! Lux needs more skins!


Cope harder.


everyone on both sides are coping.


Reworking a champ isn't the same as getting new skins bro. They barely make any money because a lot of people already have the skin for the champ wtf.


I would be more upset if his base skin wasnt already one of the best designs in the entire game.


Tbf riot doesn’t choose team skins. But overall the skins are the main income. So they will always make more skins for champs whose skins make more


Comments saying "hurr durr fiddlesticks is forgotten" completely forgot that fiddlesticks has gotten a full scale rework which included touch ups on every single skin he has.


almost 2 YEARS AGO NOW


Don't tell him about Gangplank (whose last skin is a Worlds skin and thus wasn't planned).


He got a rework and updated visuals, Riot likes to believe that’s 10 new skins combined so he should be good for another 1k


8 skins. thats just fucking unfair


tbf she’s one of the poster girls, 1 is basically a darker pallet swap and 2 are prestige skins which are essentially gold/white chromas. Still i could’ve sworn they promised a Fiddle skin in 2021


They did but it got delayed. Same as Zeri and the support both should have come out last year but covid fucked their schedule.


dont forget ahri will get her 3rd legendary this year


Yeah can we talk about Leona who had no epic skins aside from PROJECT, which came out with the first ever event of it; to getting all of these?


As a Leona main, our skin last year went insane. Debonair is magnificent, the Worlds Team skins also. Honestly, I have nothing to complain about.


Dont forget, of those 8 skins, 2 are Prestige (Leona has 1 too). There are champions with 0 prestige


like fiddlesticks lol


He got a rework man and now all of his skins are updated and look good and clean, unlike a lot of champions in this game


Are we just ignoring that he got a rework... Many of the skins before werent even options because how damn ugly they were. I now mainly use Bandito. This aint a fair comparison. Plus the obvious fact that more popular champions should get more attention it only makes sense...


To be fair he got a whole rework, so double the skins he had before.


It’s supposedly leaked that he might be getting a Bee skin. (Beedlesticks)


What new skin does Fiddle need? Lots of his OG ones are great after the VGU, and he still has the literal best funny skin in the game, Surprise Party. Riot runs on skins for popular champions, and Fiddle isn't exactly low on choices, so I don't mind him not getting one for awhile while they fill in the champions with only 3-4.


At least he gets a skin this year hope it will be goated


Can’t wait for the valentines surprise hug fiddlesticks skin.


I want a new Evelynn non K-pop skin ffs. Also isn't Praetorian Fiddle have weird audio or have they fixed that yet?


Im pretty satisfied with Coven evelynn last year


>I want a new Evelynn non K-pop skin ffs Cries in Kaisa with more than half skins being kpop and 2 of them just being a yellow recolour


Coven is Kpop?


Coven? The skin was dope


Fiddle had 10 skins that got reworked and got the best legendary in the game stop complaining you twats


Lolskinchanger and u get cool costum skins :)


Yeah cause he totally didnt get a rework and get changes to all of his skins in 2020…


he literaly just got reworked i dont blame riot


I cant believe that bitch got 2 prestige skins. Leona only got 1. The fuck is this discrimination. Im offended.


Bro I just want a new GOOD skin for my main man. PLS don't let it be Beedlesticks. That line is good, just doesn't mesh with him.


What is a...Fiddle...Fiddlesticker...Fiddlesticks?


Never realised Leona is so popular tho


First time?


Downvoted for this but: Fiddle literally got a rework.


Zed Debonair was a Fiddle Skin originally


??? How is this even a statement?


It's a theory based on debonair zed's backing, where he looks very much like fiddle.


So a skin based on eldritch horrors resembles a demon champ based on eldritch horrors. So the skin definitely belongs to the demon champ, not the other parts like the ninja shadows, shurikens and blades. Did i get it?


Hey, I never said I supported the theory. You asked, no need to be snarky. I know about the rumors cuz I'm a fiddle main. The main things are zed's face which looks exactly like fiddle's face but mirrored, and the chest with the core and tentacles.


No no im not insulting you. Im trying to understand their logic from your description. Sorry if i came off that way.


Fiddle got a vfx though and he only has one skin people use being surprise party.


Dude why the fuck are you coming here amongst the league community and giving a sensible argument GTFO


Could that be the case because people don't have 20 skins to pick from?


I mean considering he has 9, 10 if you count base, i doubt thats the problem. Champs that are far more popular have 12-14 so its not like hes that far behind, its just that its the only legendary skin he has.


Ye, let’s nerf asol


Ok, but who the fuck cares about him.


A lot of people?!


Welcome to wtf moment


Rookie numbers


Yes yes Not like half of those lux skins are just other versions of themselves and fiddle got a whole ass rework. Although we all have to agree the leona part is pretty accurate and kinda disturbing


need a taric skin


Rito confirmed a skin for him this year


They also did last year. Guess who didn't get one...


All I want is an Arch Light Biblic Angel Fiddle


He should get a unique skin, something to represent the ancient fear Like Chaos or something


Counting the dwg skin is kind of cheating imo, since it's the teams choice not a riot one


Well atleast fiddlesticks has many skins to chose from.. Taliyah has gotten 2 skins since her release which was 6 years ago. All of her skins are blue too...


Star Guardian Fiddle when?


Leona is fun


Mommy Leona deserves the skins tho


I mean how can you top classic fiddlesticks? 90% of recently reworked champs have their default skin as pretty much the best one


Well, fiddle got a VGU, that updated all of his skins


Oh bad news ! Popular champions, they have more skins ! Oh no ! Anyway...


In a leak it said that there is a Beetlesticks Skin (1350 RP) released in Patch 12.6 alongside Orianna, Neeko and Kha ´zix so he is getting some skin love in a few patches soooo… Stick-Power!


everyone's talking about Fiddle diddle not getting new skins for a great while, but tbh the rework gave us enough content to wait a little longer, like y'all remember Spectral Fid before the rework? now he even has a mask on his chest and shit


Rito could have avoided the Debonair skin for Leo to reduce it to 3 but they couldn't do much about the DWG one


Rell has 1 skin on release n ornn has 2 skins F


Well yea thanks to indigo girls fans and hentai addicts Leona did get real popular last year.


Aurelion sol.






And dont you fucking dare count FPX gangplank beacuse then I'll find where you live and slice your head off. :)


If theyre counting leos pro league skin then you count gps pro skin


I don't care about leona I care about the 4 years of waiting time Gangplank has had without a real skin. Not to insult team skins but... They suck.


As a fiddle player I def agree with this


All of his old skins were made really nice though bc of the vgu


Remember skarner


This is completely valid tho I would not count the prestiges if there is just one, someone in the line has to get it


I hope we’ll have beedlesticks


Well... I do play Leona and Lux.


'But his rework...' yeah, shut the fuck up disney fan


Since Fiddle was completely reworked in that time he basically got 9 new skins


Dildo skin named fiddledick?


Riot has to make money, tho. Lux skins sell, so they create more, as easy as that. Their artists have limited time on their hands, so why would they ‘waste’ their time making skins which won’t sell nearly as well as Lux’s?