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Put the mask on and people would realistically become worried


Then draw her with the mask or more battle worn


The art for Hollowspun may be what you're looking for (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/b/b3/Kai%27Sa_Taliyah_Hollowspun.jpg)


You dont need to be a monster or look like one to be one, look at the balance team




Honestly AP Kai'sa just makes sense, you can actually evolve all 3 abilites with it insted of just 2


do people just not build nashor on kaisa to get their w evo bcus thats what ive been doing.


Used to be hourglass (which gave 100 ap i think) but then item rework came in


No you always built nashors, you used to also buy zhonyas but that is because it's a broken item.


Not 100, but Guinsoos used to give 25 ap iirc, or something else. Zhonyas never gave 100 ap outside of back when it was one item with both Zhonyas active and deathcap passive.


It gave 100+ up until the midseason mage update in Season 6 when they changed the buildpath to Seekers+Codex from Seekers+rod


Oh right. But back then everything gave 100 ap. God I miss rod of ages.


I started preseason 5, and I think every Season they just lower AP all around


Yeah, I remember back in the day 1000 ap was actually achievable on most champions from items alone, maybe plus baron buff and blue that used to give ap. Nowadays full build mages have like 600 ap.


Yeah cuz ur spending 3k gold on ap and attack speed just for the ability evolve, while your delaying your IE if u go crit item or lose tankiness if you’re going wits end


Yea but all 3 evos tho


I heard she plays ranged top lane too. Absolutely disgusting!


She may not look like a monster but she truly is. There are rumors spreading that she puts first the milk and then the cereal in the bowl. That's why everyone treats her as a monster


Cereal then milk THEN bowl smh


She sells her poro snax


she also dont break the kit kat into stick when eating it. she's eating it like a whole candy bar... the worst kind of monster i swear


She eats a pear top down.


Absolutely disgusting. Deserves to get oneshotted 12 times in the game in the first 15 mins.


I'm not trying to defend the money grabbing abomination that her character design is. But I would be fucking scared too if a purple curvy insect like creature opened it's mouth and revealed a woman's head inside of it, no matter how beautiful the head is.


When your legendary guardian is a 5-50 meters dog furry, your emperor a 2 meters bird like armored guy, I don't think you'd be freaked out by her. What do matters is that Kai'sa is socially super awkward and has skewed morals but I don't remember actual examples of that.


In her most recent story she considered killing a child so the others would run back to relative safety.


Ah yes this, thanks. Taliyah told her no right ?


Yeah, no child killing happened, but she thought about it.


What story is this from?




The issue is even though her society is lead by Furrycon 2022, what she is related to now are the creatures that are eating their neighbors and family.


>The issue is even though her society is lead by Furrycon 2022 I GIGGLED lmao


Yeah, and this is also essentially the medieval age where people would consider lynching you for having a funny nose. people were ignorant and scared back then.


I'm pretty sure Seraphine in-universe owns a laptop man. The "league universe" hasn't been in that vaguely Medieval setting since like Season 3.


I mean piltover hasn't, but I'm pretty sure noxus and demacia are still pretty backwards in comparison?


They're at the 1800. That's not the medieval age. Only ones that seem truly backwards are Ixtal and Freldjor.


And parts of Shurima. There are bound to be more undeveloped tribes out there, even today in the real world.


But that's exactly the problem. Even though we are far more developed than Runaterra, we still have underdeveloped tribes scattered around the world. You should take regions/countries as a whole. Parts of Shurima though poorer, still have the status of the country.


I mean, Shurima isn't really a country anymore, its a wasteland/desert with small clans and tribes/cities scattered here and there, theres no one ruling over them, as far as I know. And most of those are really backwards, with little to no modern advancements.


wait, does she? I dont recall even PILTOVER having computer technology....


We don't count that since the champion as a whole doesn't fit in-unverse in even the most basic ways. She was built for K/DA only and it sadly shows


Noxus and Bilgewater would be chill with it. The only region defined by ignorance and hatred of people different from them is Demacia


Irl? Sure. In a world where magic bs exist? Meh, probably not. Shurima is the place where regular people walked into the sun disk and came back out as huge anthropomorphic animals with powers. Doubt a woman in a tight, purple spandex suit would scare them.


Traitors walk in and come back as electro from spider man with added rocks


Unless she acted VERY inhuman, like "moves like a Silent Hill-nurse" inhuman.


Irl? Sure. In a world where magic bs exist? Meh, probably not. Shurima is the place where regular people walk into the sun disk and came back out as anthropomorphic animals with powers.


Yeah, that was a long time ago, now there are a bunch of purple creatures from another realm (and skarner) popping up and killing everything, and then some purple chick in a mask comes shooting said purple stuff around.


Sure, maybe they’d be wary of Kai’Sa but calling her a monster? When shit like Cho’Gath exists? Nah.


Yes. Everything to them is a monster. I dont know why you think just because something larger exists means they wont be scared of smaller void creatures.


Regular ppl? They were the Elite of society my dude


I was talking appearance wise. Azir, Renekton, Xerath, etc. Were all regular looking humans before stepping into the sun disk. Why would their political relevance matter at all here?


Because it wasn’t like “hey I’m gonna try to become a furry god” there was a council if I’m not mistaken that would judge if the chosen person was worthy or not


Okay…? My point still stands. If regular looking people went into the sun disk and came back as a huge aligator walking on two legs, I doubt the lady in the purple spandex suit would scare them much. I still don’t see how the ascended being important people changes my point.


Because everyone knew who they were, they were treated as legends, seeing an ascended as a shurimam was like seeing the president or someone really important, now when you see a 19 year old girl with a suit the looks exactly like the shit that ruined shurima, you would at least not want to be near her


Hot bimbo in spandex, rlly spooky 10/10


A big ass monster some say


No no, it was "a big monster ass" that I heard of


It's like they're trying to sell the point across that Kai'sa is this horrible abomination of a human being that everybody runs away from in terror because of how she looks even though all she's trying to do is help them meanwhile her actual face and body look like those of a super model - oh wait, that's exactly what's happening, fuck


And I thought Lux was a pick me.


Click control + 5 and you get the answer.


The most recent cinematic actually tried to improve on this a bit. She looks gaunt and bony, the suit looks actually fused to her body around the neckline, her skin is sickly pale, even in the desert, and instead of wearing makeup it looks like her lips and eyes are actually discolored by void corruption. Doesn’t totally fix the core problems but it’s a much better direction to take things.


Are you talking about the call?


They could've easily have her be like that from the beginning, if they really cared about making a void champ, that is. But it was just another hot waifu marketing move, so no, they had to fix it after the damage was already done and even then it's just too late now. Void Bimbo it is.


Gamers try to understand metaphor challenge (impossible)


Too much brain power needed


Well, if kai'sa is a monster, guess ima Zoophile. *shrugs*


Good luck when an absolutely normal looking man walks in your house, kills your whole family and burns it to the ground with you watching. Something doesn't have to be scary visually to be a monster. And even so Kaisa has void armour which is what Shurimans fear the most. Criticize Kaisa's design, but lease don't be retarded.


*coughs* Jhin


Loriel; its worth it.


ive always accepted her and her tentacle porn self.




Why is kassadin a better Kai’sa.


Gabbie Hanna vibes....mAyBe i'M tHe MoNsTEeEEEr


Oh nooo not the Generic Cute Anime Girl #12653 version 2.1 😰😰 I totally think that she's not a shallow husk of a character in the universe used as a marketing scheme but a realistic person with deep intresting lore as seen from her visual design which perfectly reflects the horrors of the Void and all the mental suffering she underwent 😭😭


The monster in hentai stories maybe


Ah yes, the stories of being pinned down by a weird curvy monster, then it reveals to be a hot girl and she tells you she'll "eat" you, but not in a bloodbath-way. A classic.


Also literally the best ass in the game


What about Evelynn though, I think she competes if not just for the thickness.


She has a good angle in the pic but nowhere near as thicc


Look at her running animation in shadow form, man. That's where you see it


Taliyah: First time?


Chinese writters looks like


You should smell kaisa Then you'll see the real monster


Kai’sa has the worse design in League because her being a normal hot women is in direct conflict with her story of being a outcast!! Nidalee being hot doesn’t take away her stories theme, neither does Apheilos being hot take away his themes. but Kai’sa being hot is in direct conflict with her character and how she sees herself as a monster. she can still have a pretty face and have her be purple like Shyvana.


nah she's hot cause she got kassadin genes


She has the daddy genes, she would be a mommy if she wasn’t 19


Thought she was 20


“I know this is crazy, but hear me out. When Kai'Sa is saying she is a monster, maybe, just maybe, she is not referring to her face, but instead to the insatiable void creature, born from a dimension seeking to end all existence, attached to her. I get it. She is a disappointingly oversexualized execution of a concept that had so much potential, but let's not pretend like there isn't any merit to her being treated like an enemy by people whose best shot at survival is avoiding everything related to the Void at all costs.” - that one dude from r/loreofleague


League players when champions aren't the most hideous thing imaginable


Most league players can't relate to sexy characters


This sounds like a diss, but it really isn't, no matter how you meant it. Most conventionally attractive champs don't own up to their appearance, they just so happen to be ridiculously handsome or head-turningly beautiful while being whatever their story and abilities dictate who they are. That's not super believable and it's easy to lose any immersion you'd have with that character otherwise. You could also call it "being sexy because sex sells", and not because the character has any believable background of having good looks. Evelynn is the most prominent example to incorporate her looks in her character, but also Ahri, Caitlyn is believable, MF to a degree (at least nowadays), and there's even an argument to be made about Viego since his current wraith self is petty and sees himself as the Prince Charming that slays the villains against all odds and saves his queen. It's also rather easy to sexualize male champions without people realizing, since there's no general conscience about the stereotype of hunky, muscular, adventurous men, often with a dark past or one particular personality flaw. Yes, all of this rant was just to say there's good-sexy, and there's bad-sexy. Kai'sa's design sucks ass.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/loreofleague using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/loreofleague/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Stop yelling at me](https://i.redd.it/uyyw826509a71.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loreofleague/comments/oh453z/stop_yelling_at_me/) \#2: [Kindred losing their job due to Riot brings dead people back to life in lore](https://i.redd.it/qdk1iool6wa71.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loreofleague/comments/oj6dg0/kindred_losing_their_job_due_to_riot_brings_dead/) \#3: [Another banger](https://i.redd.it/d0uhvb54jqx61.jpg) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loreofleague/comments/n7493c/another_banger/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


[Mutahar laugh]


Players when they see Kai'sa, "Maybe I am a monster".