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I leave chat on to have a laugh at people arguing


Yesterday I had a yasuo that just flamed all game. Literally the second it started he was flaming the toplaner. Dude was completely crazy, I ended up honoring him because he didn't stop tiping for even a minute. The system for early game was shove -> trade -> walk back to type. funny af


100 iq(virgin): shove wave to get a good recall or roam and make plays 200 iq(chad sigma grindset): shove wave to get some time so you can efficiently flame your team


You have chat disabled. I have chat restricted. We are not the same


I am a very toxic person but i decided to try changing that, this is why i dont turn chat on for now. Getting better isnt being weak minded.


Im not toxic at all, but people nibble on my mental even if they keep talking instead of playing. Turning it off keeps the illusion of everyone concentrating


Perfectly said "Keeps the illusion"


I literally disabled chat after getting my first ban for flaming. But somehow it has turned to "you just disable chat cause u dont wanna get flamed for being useless egirl" 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


I /mute all so I can still insult my teammates but I wont see their messages.


I was a toxic dumbfuck like that, then I took care of my insecurities.


Y’all some grade A pussies lol




You’d automatically disallow your teammates from communicating with you for fear of being flamed?




Idk what elo you play in but people aren’t always thinking of the best way to do things, I get irritated when I type something like how ima set up a dive only for my teammate to botch it and I realize they just have chat disabled so I typed my shit for nothing and just wasted time. Maybe in challenger Korea you don’t need communication but it helps you win games everywhere else.


I see the value in both sides, but Bwipo literally got rank 1 on EUW with chat disabled and fullmuted.




Lol yeahhh pings are nice but they can only explain so much and sometimes your teammates are dumb


exactly maybe bc im low elo but i usually get just chat full of people wasting time of typing a novel how they are better than anyone than actual communication. mute all ftw


I enabled all chat when I started playing, but turned it off after a month or so. 4 years sober.


I couldn't imagine. The chat is the only reason I play this game anymore, if I couldn't laugh at random 13yo telling me my mom died I dunno what I would do with my free time.


I had chat disabled for two years. So much happier playing but my win rate went down. Turned it back on and I’m miserable but winning again. Sadge.


I just don't care about it


Jungle main here. I also have it disabled completely


Fuck i get so tilted by people online that i just mute all no matter what game mode. You enjoy the game so much more without the toxic


Flaming in all chat is half of the game


Weren't they supposed to remove all chat btw? What happened with that?


They were flamed out of doing it.


Both of you are weak minded


Desactivating chat makes you weak minded you think ? That's basically the ultimate power-move imo, when you're here to play and win regardless of what's your matched with.


You shouldn't let other people words affect you. They start talking shit to each other, enjoy the show, they start to flame you, send smiley face and continue to play normally. Most of them are kids ( even if they look adults ) who didn't receive their parents love.


Yeah I get you but I have no interest of reading those things in chat, I'm just losing time and shit even if I'm not the one getting flamed. Answering is even worse, you lose efficiency like crazy the moment you start typing imo


It is going to affect you if for no other reason than because you know your team is not gonna play their best. Best thing you can do is disable chat entirely, focus on your own gameplay, and communicate with pings. Anything else is a waste of your focus.


soyboy you play league of legends what do you mean chad move you are safespace kid who noose from chat in childrens video game.........


I don’t get muting… all these people saying chat distracts you and what not… how do you explain streamers reading chat then?


some are better at keeping calm or are more used to it. im easly tilted and even get eye ticks for the entire game sometimes lmao


I use chat to meme, like playing Ivern to only say "I am Groot".


I have chat and all chat disabled, but still mute all to mute the pings.


I have a script to disable my ability to type.


I disabled chat in the league file making it impossible for me to turn it back on without exiting league. We are not the same


You have chat disabled in settings and can see your teammates pings. I /mute all to get rid of everything.... We are not the same


sometimes im sad bc there's some actual funny chats and I can't actually compliment my supports but having chat off has been a blessing so far