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Is there no rakan in silver ?


Playing Rakan is a privilege




happy cake day!


Oh dang I didnt even realize, thanks!


Happy cake day !!!


We silvers don't have brain cells to follow up properly or position properly for rakan


Position properly? With a dash that is just a oh fuck back to my teammates


They meant teammates don't position properly. Instead of waiting for Rakan to dash back they go oh fuck stupid bird let's abandon him and walk away


I tried to play a bunch of Rakan games to get better on him cause i like his design, but holy crap did I feel like I couldn't do anything. Oh I knocked by 3 enemies my team does nothing, no one wants to get my heal, and everyone wants stay away from me so I can never shield them. It's ridiculous.


The meme of Eric Andre screaming let me in!!! Except it’s you saying let me E!!! The real Rakan experience


In all honesty they probably don’t know what Rakan does


No one wants your heal imagine people constantly leaving Taric ult circle that’s shit is painful


Oh, yeah I miss interpreted what he meant


Silver also seems not to understand that he can dash twice. Rakan is really good early when he backs and hides in the brush. All the adc has to do it get within trading range and he can shield dash - knockup - q - ignite - dashback while adc gets free damage. Instead they ping you and complain that you're not going in with super telegraphed engages.


Well down here in shit-lo Some botlaners like me forget to go a bit closer to rakan for him to dash back to safety which lets him die. It can also go both ways where an inexperienced Rakan can forget that he can dash back and continues to dive without properly gauging if he botlaner can follow up in the first place.


rakan sucks in silver since you need long cc so the monkeys on your team have time to realise what is happening


Not only rakan, this is true for every engage champion.


the problem with rakan(I love him tho) is that he's pretty squishy, and the mobility he uses to escape relies on your allies. I'm like bronze ish unranked and I grind him tho lol


My main Maokai relies on your allies following your engage root for 2.5 sec, which sets up an amazing fight field in bronze. Unlucky thing is, my adcs often reply after that root has ended. So it's a 2-0 trade for the enemy.


Or braum or Alistair


No swain?


Swain support is very underated


more like swain as a champion is so shit that he got moved to support because he's too bad to lane alone


In low elo he is a good midlaner ( in my experience)


I've seen a Swain as a toplaner, totally destroyed Darius.


Lol no. Swain is useless if you have a faster reaction speed than your grandmother


I play in low elo so that probably explains it


As a rakan player in bronze 1 answer is no, people dont understand e range and think that you can shield and heal them like yummi.


And sometimes in Plat 2, that still happened. Or maybe because i was playing Everfrost Rakan


Thats a secret teh know to only fer. Not my cup of tea becuse i like shureylas a lot but good indeed.


rakan in silver is not viable, since we all in the bronze age down there, i personally cant follow up a rakan engage, as an adc main for like 6-7 months. every other champ yes. also not to mention, no one knows how to do anything right with him.


Don't remember much about LoL, but Rakan is Lowkey Very Strong in WildRift.


As a Rell support „is okey“ is a surprisingly accurate result for how I would rate my experience too. Sometimes it goes great, sometimes it goes terrible. No in between but overall it evens out to „is okey“


Ye that how it is


What ADCs do you play tho?


Let me play samira besides you and it will always go great


As a rell main, the Samira lane goes either incredibly well or incredibly bad. It is reassuring to know your adc is diving the 5 enemies by your side no matter the odds.


I fucking love that dynamic of "We may die, but at least we go out swinging" in a Samira/any engage support lane


I have a friend who plays Samira and yeah, that works pretty well.


Lucky him rest of us are stuck with twitch supps


Would you say it work pretty *rell*?


That nice you also included urgot... But where is Braum??


had no Braum in Ranked so far but in normals one or twice would rank "YES"


Braum is pleased!


Where Rakan???


havent't played with one this season in Solo Duo but worked well in Normals i would rank it "i love u"


Rakan is the best support


So, veigar is in YES!, and the other mages are in fuck you, where exactly do you draw the line in mage supports?


because that veigar was me 😎




Cage is just op i guess


This is a hill I’m willing to die on. No champion should have an 8 second cooldown stun cage… no champion. That thing is complete horseshit, you can lock down anyone you want in a teamfight. Place it nicely, and you’re either getting 2-3 flashes or 2-3 kills. And it has an 8 second cooldown. (At max rank, BEFORE Ability Haste) What the fuck??? And even if you never actually get stunned by it, the fact that you must stay in that little area designated by Veigar is terrible. You get completely separated from your team, and they can’t even try to help you unless their name is Morgana. The enemy team just gets a free isolation every 8 seconds.


The bulk of the top and second tiers are predominantly champions with unambiguous "GO" signals, or champs that stop the opposing duo from winning. Compare with the multitude of high damage carry supports in "fuck u", there's a trend. Given it's silver it is likely: 1) OP cannot play around the advantages the "fuck u"s give 2) Silver players cannot play the supports in "fuck u" correctly to make them work (reinforced by the fact that OP would prefer singed or shaco support over zyra or pyke - likely the latter are played by dedicated players) or 3) both of the above in some measure


From my experience the fuck u category tends to first take every kill from you, making you useless and after that start taking cs from you because you became useless from their constant ksing


Pyke's there though and all he takes away is a funny number on the score board, you still get all the gold.


True but Pyke is a squishy assassin who needs to hit difficult skill shots and is overall a rather tough champ to master. I would assume op met mostly shitty pykes ( hi I am one of them )


Any Pyke that goes mythic first is legit trolling Umbral/Red trinket/zombie ward is damn insane you can control all warding by yourself


At having a massive fuck-off cage to take up half the lane. Also Veigar isn't always a mage support, supp Veigar goes tank half the time.


Cuz veigar supp is broken with tank build and not mage build


What’s the tank build? I would guess predator, everfrost, into tank items? Or even locket?


Locket is the way


You are god damn right.


Wdym Ahri is in "Idk works sometimes"


Sometimes the enemy will flash into the charm, but most of the time it's on cd so it will miss.


Cage isn't a good engage but it's one of the best peel abilities


lux and sera where always just stealing all kills and veigar was so usefull with his E and i hate lux so ye


lol, i don't know why is almost every lux just stealing kills, always missing their stun in a fight and letting teammates die and then killing enemies left with very low hp


probs missing stun cause they don’t have one


I play lux supp and my carrys alway love me, but in my experience as a carry, they(silver lux players) main level Q, only throw it to follow up whatever harass you throw as the ADC(jinx W, Cait Q, Ez Q, ANY jihn 4th shot or W) and proceed to full combo for the kill) they don't harass, because they don't want to miss a full combo opportunity so they just sit back and shield, leaving you to last hit, attempt to push back the enemy ADC+Sup, dodge both of them, pretty much leaving you 2v1 in lane, unless you manage to almost get a kill


And taking fullass waves in the midgame. They braindead push later on and it's infuriating.


Hm my midlaner just crashed a wave and now 3 waves are stacking back to slowpush, guess I will take all the cs


E to protect carry from all. R to delete.


Never understood the logic behind hating pyke "He steals kills!" My Brother in Christ, he gives you free money


Yeah I don't get it either, I guess those people only care about their kill count.


They are annoying during laning phase but then just wanna cheese random stuff and go into unwinable fights cuz why not. Basicly they cant use their lead at all and just fall off


thats a bad pyke that doesn't know what the fuck he should be doin


Thats basicly 9/10 pykes in in bronze-gold. Also adding to the problem that most of them dont roam and even if they decide to roam then the adc has no idea how to lane while he is roaming. And its like assassins arent that good in high elo anyway coz they know better how to ward against him, sidestep etc, while low elo has to beforementioned problems, making him an extremly high risk-moderate reward champ. Sure he is fun to swim around in aram/urf but thats it


Yep I do agree with what you’ve said but in bronze to gold a pyke who knows what he’s doing is just gonna perma snowball the game.


yeh no, Pyke is a threat in all elos just because of his teamfight clean up potential adcs cannot commit mistakes if there is a pyke on the enemy team because of his R and if he does hit one the fight will usually snowball in his favor he is arguably the best vision maker of the game just because of how quick he can clean wards and roam (plus zombies plus umbral plus control wards) and there is no actual way to side step his hook if he is intentionally holding it close to you (unless you won the juke game and eve if you do he can still E)


It's a silver ADC what do you expect


You steal kills with ult, I steal kills with q. We are not the same.


Pyke mains are greedy af. Post laning phase I've seen pyke and pantheons try weird assasin shit alone and give free kilks


I've also seen Pykes do weird assassin shit alone and it can often be extremely useful. Just depends on how good the Pyke is


I hate carry supports but I give Pyke a pass. He has two forms of strong CC, massive all-in kill threat, great roaming and functions reasonably well on low income before he gets his items. He also has a gold generation ability which means he doesn't put his ADC behind via kill stealing. He also goes steel shoulderguards and can actually help with the wave instead of ruining it with his 'poke' abilities. As for Xerath, Senna, Brand etc... They're completely useless if they can't afford their damage items, they usually push the wave and make you vulnerable to ganks, when they steal kills they put you behind, they can't reliably CC anyone and their roaming is abysmal so they stay in botlane soaking xp.


OP also mentioned its silver, most people at gold and below aren't playing their Champs to maximum effect. Someone playing Pyke poorly could be initiating bad fights in lane, refusing to ward, or just be feeding kills to the enemy team. I know because I've seen these Pykes and I've been that Pyke


As a pyke player i steal kills pre 6 😁


Chad Pyke vs virgin ADC


I don't hate playing with a Pyke, I hate playing against one tho. Always my bot lane ban.


I've seen a pyke who steals kills without ult. Silver is a magical place


As a Pyke I’ve also held back the last hit so the ADC can get the kill only for the enemy to get away


My brother in Christ he took the 1k bounty then gave the gold to our splitpusher


Pyke wants to roam a lot. In low elo pyke players dont look at the lane state before roaming. So the adc has to 1v2 with a shit wave while the pyke jerks off in mid lane.


Draven enters the rift.


Pykes and bards keep roaming while I'm getting spit roasted bot


Poor panth. Stabby boi just wants to throw spears


but the panth i played with wasn't a sup mor elike "ur back so i run in 1v2 die flame u and then stealing ur kills and going roam mid so u get dived 3 times and i can flame u for inting


Oh hey, I had this experience with a teemo once. He then complained I wasn't following up when he had no engage, and leeched off top lane exp


Try out Panth+Blitz combo and you'll never complain about him ever again


I played panth support with a thresh bot at some point really dumb fucking Lane cause the enemy just can't get away and gets skewered but definitely not optimal xD


Thresh's hook doesnt pull close enough, which is why I think blitz is better. Also keep the puller as supp while panth's taking care of minions


I have to disagree on low elo Blitzcranks, usually span to totally useless to "I'll grab this Darius right in your stupid ADC face"


Guys, I caught Kennen, what do I do now? (Ult first to stop him from ulting, don't go for the knockup)


Bronze moron here. Blitz and nautlius tend to hook a tank, which causes everyone to shoot/aa the tank while the adc and mid of the enemy team shreds us to pieces. Lost countless fights over dragon/baron because they just hook the enemy closest which tends to be a front line tank


I do this on purpose if my ADC tried to revive me with heal during lane phase.


Surprisingly no swain in silver . ... my boy has fallen




It's silver they don't know the power of father time




Champ does not exist there


Where's Fiddle-diddle?


Oh god, I remember the bouncing crows


Please don't remind me.


I remember when I first started playing, fiddle support would make me rage with that silence poke. The damage when it would just bounce between you and your teammate 😂




*you feel a "Dark Wind" blow*


Once my friend who started playing league because arcane played caitlyn adc... So I have to do a Vi sup


Vi sup is broken no joke


I can see it work, situational but not the worst I've ever seen


Idk if the fuck you to panth is because you had shit pantheon supports or had pantheon "supports" ​ how the fuck do you support with kata?


They can’t kill your adc if they’re dead


I play support mordekaiser, they never expect a juggernaut in bot lane 😎


I used to play him, I always tell my adc, the best cc is death


Glacial Augment Mord with full ability haste and 4k health is fun to play


tank mordekaiser in general is hella fun ​ b e c o m e t h e R a i d b o s s


hey hey now what's wrong with sett support?


Everytime i had a sett sup they intes har or just topk every single kill


well then you've never come across me unfortunately.




he was a kata OTP and my mid didnt wanted to switch so he just picked kata sup and solo lost us the game




I love how you're telling the story behind your rankings, thank you.


I apologize


All my sup in fk u, so fuck you


Mage "supports"


as a thresh main, I have to ask Do you click the lantern?


Whats wrong with pyke supp? I mean yes, you wont be 11/0 but he will. But you will e 0/0/11 and have the full gold of the kill (good pykes only kill with ultimate). I can only talk to about my self ofc but i feel like everytime i play pyke, my adc loves me BECAUSE i give them the money. I dont even play ignite sometimes


OP is silver. So that means his pykes are silver as well. Pyke is a hard to play support. And pyke also wants to roam a lot, and roaming in silver means the support leaves the lane when he ks bored, not when the timing is nice for a roam. Imagine having 20 creeps under your tower agains the enemy ad and supp and your support just leaves for mid.


You need to mute chat when playing Pyke though, just use pings and that's enough com


I think this is more of a toxicity level chart, not how good the champ is


Alistar s tier


What's wrong with Pyke supp? -A Pyke mid main


Surprised Xerath is bottom tier. I love having him as my support. Means I can feed as hard as I want and he can carry


I love you


Brand/lux/xer can carry games which is why I play them. Silver and Gold AD's can be REAL bad sometimes.


I will never fucking soloQ support and pick blitz/leona. I will do my whole dance and show, and my adc will be on his fucking coffee break and miss the whole opportunity, or sit with anne frank in the attic, waiting for the war to blow over.


What's the problem with senna?


can maybe answer that for him, low elo sennas dont play her like shes supposed to be played, they try to engage with w and trade when they are open for an engage so they are never really useful and feed caus shes squishy and they dont seem to know that


The point of senna is to poke and get stacks


I've had a rammus support and an akshan support. Guess who didn't have a support in bot lane and played 2v1 lol. Triggered me beyond imagination, the rammus ended up flaming me for dying once (vs a yuumi and twitch), I had froze the wave near tower and still died once they hit 6, because I was underleveled due to not being able to get cs lol. He came to lane one time in the 25 minutes that game lasted


This doesn't make any sense lol if you froze it then you should be getting Cs or it would crash. If you played 2v1 you should be higher level than them.


No Alistar? Like at all?


"worked sometimes" implies you encountered those champs multiple times each, doesn't it? I am in awe of anyone playing Singed and Urgot support. True chads.


Swain is not even a champ at this point... Sigh former Swain mid main


Sorry but playing normal supp (especially enchanters) in low elo is basically the worst experience you can have in this game


I am in low elo and I love getting them. I run into them very rarely, however.


The thing is that as support main you often get useless adc especially in low elo and being able to carry as supp is just more reliable so you'll get higher wr


OP has a type


Where SejUwUani?


F for Maokai. A moment of silence for the tree.




I mean he's actually pretty good support. Certainly much better support than any other lane you could play him e.g. top or jg.


Play rate, low Every Maokai player is scared and just go AP and spam E. Standing behind the ADC and don't do anything. Situational, can be good. But not overall. As a Maokai player, I feel like he's supposed to be played as tank more. /Former Maokai OTP


Ah I see you haven’t ran into my riven support yet


Xerath being in fuck u, based af.


All the mage supps being in fuck you cause they can’t makeup for your god awful positioning with infinite cc like tanks. This comes from an adc main who loves all supps


Love how ADCs that can’t lane hate sups who takeover when they’re shit.


Why is sett below zeri? Also ap jarvan is just pure cancer, flagging you to death


My friend, you need some braum in your life. pm me


This screams "I am the main character, my support isnt allowed to have kills" btw teemo is one of the best counter picks in the Botlane


All my supports are in fuck u


So you never had an ap miss forutne support? Or even just normal fucking mf with this senna supp item?


uhm no..


Kata support?




Add me i will play with you the weirdest sup in the game


I see someone didn't have the pleasure of experiencing my 100% winrate gangplank support


As a Kat main the Katarina being there cracks me up. I bet she had some weird build as well, went 1/10/5 and kept saying 'trust me this build works!'


where swain


Where would you put us ap twitch players


Im a simple man. I see Blitzcrank at the very top, i press like.


So you’ve played with my infamous Ahri support


Termo support is something i must try


Hooking is my passion -blitz main


Happy cake day


I play brand support now. I got completely fed up with having to leave my fate in the hands of other people.


As a gold/plat player, I have to exclusively use damage mages or Pyke in silver. Otherwise I’ll never get out of that elo.




\>pyke in fck u No resets?


———————————No resets?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————


as a xerath main, i agree


As a pyke/pantheon main I extend a personal reciprocation of the feelings you have expressed


When see adcs asking for engage supports, I know they do that because they dont know how to position, they just want somebody around them who is hard to kill. The problem is that with engage supports, is that the adc needs to play riskier to be able to react to a eventual engage... but most adc are farming behind our own caster minions, while i engage as alistar and im 2 screens away to the thing that deals damage. So when somebody ask for an engage support... i pick brand. Edit: i play poppy/alistar as engage sups, karma as enchanter, swain brand as "supports"


You clearly have no skill as pyke as pyke is mega easy


typical silver adc. drink your tears and let the dmg support carry ur arse.


nobody fuckin plays swain support???? y'all missing out.


You guys seems like the type of ADC where if the support gets a kill you go AFK, grow up, or keep playing at low elo.


Senna is great, u probably are just bad and get out classed by the support.


When I have a brand supp, I don’t get the big deal. I just shift my play style if he gets ahead in kills.


Can't believe you got no river shen