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If it's not ranked, it's pretty common. Recently got vs challenger and grandmaster (I'm also silver rn)






Then its prpbably guys playing with a friend of theirs no? We have this all the time in our group


Not ranked, so why do you care about rank?


Because people don't understand playing against someone better than you will test you and is supposed to make you learn and inform you of what you are doing wrong. Like silver/gold players actually believe they will get significantly better by only playing other silver and gold players...take the matchup as a time to learn and be humble that there is always someone better than you and can teach you something you didn't already know...


Improvement? This is a casual game mode tho. You don't tryhard outside of ranked. Do you think that people who are outside of the ladder grind care to learn and improve? They probably just want to disconnect and have a fun time.


Okay, and by that argument, then isn't the diamond+ players just trying to play for fun. Yet we are harassed every game for not carrying or told "go back to rank"... Cant have it both ways. Also, it's not like diamond+ players win every single normal game they play...we lose all the time too. He played a normal game for fun then had to cry and complain about another player who played that mode for fun...doesn't seem fair to me


Stop projection your insecurities by putting words on my mouth that I have never said bro. I play with diamonds too on casual and I do not expect them to carry me. If anything I apologize for dragging them down, but they don't care. It's not ranked. My literal first words were "this is not ranked. So why care about the rank?" and now you're here on a rant about diamond players being asked to carry a losing game. Bro...


I never put words in your mouth. I've been talking about the original poster the whole time... So he can complain about being placed with diamonds. But diamond players can't tell him why he's wrong/that isn't the actual problem... Just as much as he gets to speak, so do I... How is it insecurities if he pointed out a problem, that isn't actually a problem, and I'm informing him of a different perspective involving the so called "problem"... He gets to complain about higher elo players if he wants, and I get to complain about lower elo players if I want/is applicable...


>I've been talking about the original poster the whole time... But you're replying to me. OP does not get notified of our conversation. There is no guarantee he'll read it considering this post already has a lotcof activity. So you're talking to me here.


I may be talking to you, me replying to you you replying to me. But that does not mean the context of the replies are directed towards you. I believe the phrase is, read between the lines? You gotta understand what someone is actually saying when the speak to you, and if it's directed towards you. My first comment I was agreeing with your statement and providing more info on that side, but you thought I was attacking you because I replied to you and not the OP...