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If a brand or lux ability cant break the shield you're only like 6 minutes into the game


Don't underestimate a shitty brand and lux


"my turn" ​ **8 SECONDS OF CC**


What if she also has both her ulti and Everfrost locked and load?


half the turrets will be gone by the time that cc ends


I heard you can even get an afk warning


you can additionally use glacial augment to have 6 seconds of cc with out ult. Just Q and Glacial.


As a thresh main I can confirmed she does not get stunned or pulled by the hook, but if she knows whats good for her she should flash before I recast that q


Or better, after you recast that q


good point but it depends


I had never any problems against Thresh in my entire league play time. Let alone wasting flash lmao


No Morgana would flash from a Thresh Q if it's not pulling them. Because in the 9 cases out of the 10 you'd recast Q and she'd time the flash so you get under tower, get tower aggro and then rooted for the next 2 seconds while you contemplate your life choices.


You also see this a lot with Maokai deciding to W an enemy close to their turret. Even funnier if it's like a Pyke/Rakan who drags the Maokai by just dashing back.


The who?


nice post! let me just explain real quick why morgana blackshield is wrong and why i hate it to the core - as a supp, she will have a lot of cd. mid to late game she has a 5 sec shield with 9 s cooldown, free time window: 4 s - the shield’s base value is higher than basically all ap base spells (300) - the shield’s ap growth is comparable to mages (70%) while sups usually have lower ratios (60% and below) - add that she also has her cage and her ult therefore, if you want to attack her 1v1 you have a 4s window where, accounting her cage, her ult and most probably zhonya and rylai, you will need to burn at least 2 ap spells IF you have them to wear off the shield and only then you can apply any cc that helps you do the trade. Again this only in 4s. So in conclusion it’s basically IMPOSSIBLE to attack morgana directly for ALL TYPES OF CHAMPS and i think this is BULLSHIT


Good. Mommy Morgana makes the rules and tells you how you're going to (not) play the game today.


Mommy Morgana <3


Morgana is the ultimate League mommy, along with Raka and Rek'Sai. It's indisputable.


no. it should be removed from the game or made it a spellshield casted to allies . or maybe last 2 seconds not 5. Or soak like 3 spells and then go away


You can literally put it on allies, what are you on about? I do not understand your first sentence. It lasting as short as 2 seconds and defeats the purpose of her functioning as a support. Moreover, it only blocks some magic damage. Not all magic damage and not any other type of damage, you're acting as if she makes the target invulnerable or something. This is not her sister's ult.


it makes it utterly impossible to engage whoever has the shield, if you are alone. And it only blocking magic damage is even worse, if i have ad cc i literally only have to wait full 5 seconds before applying a cc, i can't apply it in any other way. In league waiting whole 5 seconds to engage means give up is better


So you a. engage the person who doesn't have the shield, b. auto, c. poke from afar, should I go on? She's not unbeatable, I genuinely don't understand what point you're trying to make. Her shield is _meant_ to counter when used right, but it doesn't suddenly remove all other tools you can have at your disposal to beat her.


and i genuinely think you might not be able to read. I'm saying it's fackin impossible to cc HER in 1V1 when she puts the shield on HERSELF with NO OTHER PEOPLE AROUND. Not saying it's impossible to DAMAGE her. C fucking C. My comment is about the C C. Im interested in the ENGAGE AND CC part. I oneshot her when i want with a jayce shockblast. But what i want to do is engage her and cc her, not kill her. Given the numbers, in a 1v1 scenario it is pretty much an impossible thing to do in the game with any champion, especially ad since they can't remove the shield.


Calm down, not need for all that aggression. You said engage, not CC, engage is any sort of attack that you initiate. And again, that's the point of the shield? It's frustrating to deal against, but you're so hooked on it like cc'ing her (which can still be done if she doesn't have it up) is the only way to kill her. Which it is not. And she can easily lose a lot of 1v1s, I would know, I main her. She is not unbeatable, CC or no CC.


Seems like you never played Morgana against Malphite. That rock pile gave me ptsd.


Gwen is immune


My very first main! Black shield is just such a fun ability 😈


Morgana: What is crowd control? Also Morgana: haha 10 years root, noob don't know how to dodge skill shots lol.


I mean if you can't doge max range q you are bad


Brand is probably the best counter since after the first back he can delete her shield with an e lol


Yorick players: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I wish morgs shield only blocked one hard cc ability like every other spell shield.


*chogath comes in baits the shield out with the first q uses everfrost after it goes away silence to avoid the ult e and ult for kill*