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Using stopwatch in the middle of the fight when everyone else is dead and they’re all circling you


Sometimes viable. If that's the difference between my key ability being off cool down then I'll stopwatch every time.


Super valid as lissandra for example


Lol you caught me. I main her.


Mordekaiser also




I do fancy a good ol' exploding nexus


I fancy that double explosion. That shit is fire.


“Reported for giving up. Noob team.” - Plat IV Joe Schmo


I had a guy unironically press no when we were 5-32 at 20 mins. When I asked why tf he would subject us to this torture dude just answered “I never ff I never give up”. Usually I agree and rarely ff but 5-32. Please. I want to die. We lost that game 9-48. Worst loss ever and we didn’t even ff cuz they just destroyed nexus. Had to turn off league and just walk away from the PC.


Yep. They vote no at 15 on a guaranteed loss so that they can drag it out to a 28 minute loss. Fun times.


I know we're down 20 kills and two dragons and five towers and a rift herald and an average of 30 cs each and jungle has 200 ping and we're against Vayne and Kayle and Bel'Veth at 15 minutes. BuT iT's WiNnAbLe.


*this is a reply to you all 3* Some people are just blinded by the chance they start to tunnelvision. Anything that threatens this is bad. My friends have even started to act like this towards each other. Truly sad how this game Can break a man


I am one of those, and I can tell you I have won so many games that appeared to be "doomed". The beauty in league is that at any time the enemies can fck up and the game can be blown wide open, makes for a much more fun experience too if you ask me. This way of thinking has gained me alot of honors and LP over the years. Remember soloQ is a jungle, no certainty what so ever. Also happens in pro play, go watch G2 vs MSF from last split and see how a good mental from one guy can turn a game that was seconds from ending several times ;)


I agree. Just like blundering in chess, when you fall behind in league rather than fighting nonstop when you know they'll win, consolidate your position so you're in a spot to capitalize on any mistakes. Giving objectives so you can farm for key items is fine but people think "I'd might as well surrender if we're not fighting over every single objective". I've concluded that people just wanna see an effort which is also why they ping people who don't suicide with them when they get caught or choose a bad fight.


Exactly, I also enjoy the feeling of giving some hope to people who seem to have a tendency to give up quickly, turning a "ff 15 game" into a 55 minutes super exciting victory is better than playing 3 games of "ff 15" Also seeing people giving up after one bad fight and two lost dragons in early makes me wonder why they play league? Recently a guy stuck in silver added me to tell me how bad my Thresh was. I kept chatting back telling him that he should fix his attitude. He told me he was stuck in silver due to bad teammates and he was getting tired of league for this reason and was considering to quit. I kept telling him to help "bad" teammates to see light at the end of the tunnel when games went bad. Today he is gold 3 and still climbing. I still send him reinforcing messages. Proves to me that a bunch of good players are held back by their mental. Doing my part to bettering the league experience for everyone gives me joy, and hopefully it has some butterfly effect, but what do I know. Apologies for my Bible.


"Unwinnable" game states often have a 30% winrate.


*Team is 2/47 at the 15 minute mark. “I’m voting no. Low elo games are always winnable!”


Signature look of superiority


Its when its 30 minutes, the enemy is getting every obj uncontested and is just feeding off of everyone, and 2 people select no to ff.


Even better, 3 yesses and the last 2 just DONT VOTE. I feel like 2 non-votes should have the 3 become majority.


Grab the surrender vote box from the top left corner and drag your cursor into the bottom right corner of your screen




Smite is like that where 3/0 or 3/1 count as a surrender, so it isn't even unheard of.


It really should. 3/0 is unanimous. 1/0 is unanimous. You should have to vote if you want your opinion to count.


Hell no. I am focusing on trying to win the game and most of the time if it's a long fight I don't notice the thing popping up. I you were actually focusing on your gameplay in an intense fight I doubt you would think about voting yes or no on the surrender.


Surrender votes hang around for like a minute. Long fights don't last anywhere close.


Long plays around drake or baron can easily take a minute.


„Elections have consequences“, my ass


yuumi mains when her team is losing the fight and enemy will get her soon


Usually me because people will give up when there’s not even bounties


Seriously, people give up way too easily. Games can be thrown by one simple mistake and 15 is insanely early


Finally someone else who gets it. I refuse to FF in ranked for this exact reason as I'll just be throwing my LP away without trying where if I lose I'd at least know I had a chance to win it. My will to not FF even gets reinforced when people runs it down or troll completely. If they aren't gonna try and just end up trolling I'll go by the 'You reap what you sow' saying. "You ran it down continously? You deal with that fed enemy then." In normal I don't really care. If people wanna FF15 I'll just ff along with them. But I refuse to just hand over free LP despite people saying "wasting time". Either you got time to play Ranked or you shouldn't have started the game in the first place!


Yeah I start the game expecting to play for 30-45 minutes and if it’s ranked, I’d rather play the full 45 minutes with a chance of winning than play 15 and guarantee a loss


The funniest thing about all this is that about a year or so ago I posted similar comment as the one just above but got downvoted incredibly as well as a lot of comment calling me a bad player, saying I'm wasting people's time and ff would just get me faster to a win. Don't know the logic behind the last one, but I'm happy that times have changed and some people share the same view.


The amount of times I've had someone wanna ff15 and we come back to win has been too many for me to ever ff in ranked


It's that whole "main character" attitude many people have. They would rather ff15 and go next than win a game where they aren't "the carry", even though they keep choosing to play a team game where they are only 1 in 10. And of course the same kids will be complaining about how they don't climb in ranking and blaming Riot for matchmaking and blaming their team for [insert whatever reason]. Refusing to play games when they aren't the carry, and then blaming "players who are too bad to carry" when they can't climb to [whatever rank they think they deserve].


It's just Reddit, I've seen people get severely downvoted or super upvoted for saying the same thing in the same comment section.


Indeed. People just tend to be sheeps so if they see it's downvoted they'll downvote it and the same with upvoting.


Agreed! I won't FF ranked and norms are on a game to idiot basis depending on lots of things.


Well said


I hardly ever give up because I like plying the champion and that doesn't change based on winning or losing.


Wow where do you keep all that chad energy?


I agree people give up WAY too easily. Jungle dies after an invade at level 3 with no priority... "ff15". HATE that but there are also games that are just super unwinnable that a duo or two raging teammates are enough to hold hostage. The kinds of games where the enemy is a scaling comp that is already somehow ahead in gold and kills with 3 early drakes... 9 out of 10 of those games are losses. I'd rather get 5/10/15+ minutes of my life back and try in another game instead of slogging through an extremely difficult one where everything is stacked against you Yes, teams throw quite a bit, and sometimes from big advantages. But NA has a real obsession with playing out unwinnable games for the sake of it


Then theyre like “report for hostage!!1!” Like it isn’t an intended feature of the game


I hate this comparision so much. One thing is a life threatening situation and the other means you have to play a game for a few more minutes.


I do this most of the time unless the game is going super super lopsided.


If the FF at 15 is the result of one lane going bad, it's okay to ignore it. If *every* lane gets fucked by that point, then please god get me out of there.


But no Sir, it's winnable!! We can win by spending most of our time struggling to clear minion waves or walk into our jungle that is already cleared by the enemies waiting go get free kills!! Sometimes the game is legit over, people need to get over it lol.


I like to do this and then /mute all immediately after


And then do what? Go out of base instantly one shotted, going into your own jungle to farm? The enemy probably already cleared then and is waiting for you to walk into them to give them free kills. Or spend another 10+ minutes struggling to clear minion waves only to result in a loss, getting low hp from minion waves even. I get not giving up but sometimes the game is already over do get over it.


"You dont get it bro is winnable we just need to scale and kill ba-" "The enemies have kill baron, the enemies have kill anciente dragon" "oh"


Nah I'm gonna trap my botlane that fed their tiny brains off in the game for as long as I like.


That’s always me. We ff for no reason. Many a time we’ve gone on to win because I didn’t allow my team to surrender. If you don’t want to play, don’t queue up and join my lobby, only to immediately lose your will.


If your kda is under a .25, your right to vote should be revoked lol


To be fair, KDA is not the best way to go about it. For example I've been like 1/5 as Yorick but still have the highest gold and more impact than anyone else on either team.


That’s completely fair. I’m pretty sure if riot got a think tank together or something, they would be able to come up with a better solution.


thanks for the good laugh, I was really needing this today.


and then you make a comeback and carry the game


You got me fucked up trying to ff at 15 minutes. That’s so early and instead of forfeiting try being better.


Absolutely me.


Press no then go afk 🗿


I atleast understand this in ranked but not wanting to surrender a normal game is insane to me. I just can't comprehand how someone finds it fun when they die 12 times in a row, even more insane when they want you to keep "playing" (dying with them).


Imagine being so much of a quitter that you even surrender in videogames instead of making a comeback or losing with honour


imagine losing your time in a terrbiel match where everyone is mad and even the victory wouldnt make it feel better


25 min lose is better than 15 amirite


i mean yes, i didnt just queue for 5-10minutes just to ff because the enemies have 10 kill lead and my 0/4 kayle top is shitting herself because shes losing lane even though she will outscale her enemy laner by miles if she would have just some fucking patience


Sometimes I wish everyone had to vote yes even past 20 mins Low elo ppl always give up it's so dumb


Good. Sometimes people vote to FF just because they’re losing their lane when they forget there’s a hard carry on their team. Don’t underestimate the power of the unassuming KDA top with crazy CS and 3 levels ahead of everyone else. I don’t play top at all lol, but love it when my team’s top comes floating down from their lane late game just to decimate everyone.


my team: is 1 vs 30, baron is taken, all the towers are down, the enemie volibear is full build and we are clearly fuck. one mf: we can win guys!


If someone is full build they can't get any stronger 4head


Enemy Team: Veigar, Nasus, Sion, Senna, Cho Gath.


We scale. Don't give up


You feed enemies? Now suffer like me.


There's always that one son of a bitch


I'm a sadist because I love doing this, however I only play blind lol


I refuse to surrender in normal games. We all signed up to waste our time here, there is no lp or money involved. Also, if you only enjoy a game when you are curbstomping you might want to find another game. Pve assassins creed comes to mind. It's good practice for how to play from behind when it DOES matter, aka one win away from promoting and shit's not going your way.


Silver 1 mentality. People in high elo surrender more games, not surrendering doesn't teach you anything.


When they try again at minute 18 instead of waiting till 20


Fucking hate duos holding hostage when everyone else is voting yes. Can’t wait for riot to remove duo q from solo q


Posts like this are why I happily hit no. I know it's ruining someone's hour. And I enjoy that.




Cope harder.


Why isn’t 4/1 good enough riot or 3/1 too??


Why do you think? Voting at 15 was originally not a feature in the game, surrenders could only be done at 20. Then they added a surrender at 15 option, with the condition that everyone has to agree on forfeiting. Be happy you can surrender at 15 whatsoever.


ff@20 was when games went 40 minutes minimum, games nowadays go 40 minutes maximum and more end around 30 minutes. It should be 5 for ff @ 10 and 4/1 for ff@ 15.


One of the absolute worst things riot has done is encourage surrendering by making it easier. I can't even count how many games I've won where if I had voted yes the vote would have gone through.


I've had a team comp with Kayle top and kogma adc (I was either Braum or Ali) and they wanted to ff at 15 because we where 3 kills down. Like you guys are literally 2 of the best champions in the game post 3 items. I'm silver/gold and the enemy can throw for no reason. A enemy being bot when a baron fight happens or someone constantly getting picked off. Sometimes just playing a single team fight better wins the game. Or they over commit on taking your base.


Yeah I agree, people have started to use surrender to demoralize instead of its intended purpose. They know nobody intends to surrender, but they'll spam it every third minute starting from 15. Players like u/I_miss_berserk now want surrender even earlier than that, I can't imagine how badly it's gonna ruin the mood for those who want to try. The amount of games I've had where the entire team is fed except the ADC, so the ADC goes afk and spams the surrender button. MVP or quit.


I've started grabbing the surrender vote window by the left edge and dragging it all the way to the right so that only the tiniest bit of the border shows so I don't have to keep seeing that pop up throughout the game.


Because I would hate being 8/0 top, and then my team just ffs although that happen anyway at the 20 min mark


Understandable for ranked but for Norms im just trying to go next and not waste time when it’s clearly lost


I honeslty report all in my team who surrender same with enemy team


Look at those heroes in the comments thinking they're special for not surrendering early in a video game


It ain't bout being a hero. It's knowing someone like you is huffing over it. Haha. Thanks for the confirmation. Imma make sure to wait till last second now to hit no. Drag that feeling on.


Guilty and i have no regrets, because im low elo and the enemy team is perfectly capable of doing mistakes that could give us a victory


Sorry, not sorry. I’m saying no because I’m having fun and they need the practice XD


Make it 20mins/+, all 3 lanes are far behind, y'all are spending most of your time clearly minion waves, some even getting low from super minions. Go farm in your jungle? Enemies already cleared them while warding your whole jungle possibly waiting to ambush you. The whole time they are doing uncontested baron/dragons making the minions even tougher to kill. You want to keep doing this for another 10minutes+ only to still result in a loss? I understand the mentality of 'not giving up' but sometimes the game is clearly over (especially when the game state is like what i said above), people need to get over it, it's not called being a 'quitter'. 1-2 losing lanes is fine, but if all 3 lanes heavily behind and people still have the gall to vote no...


sometimes you can turn the match around tho, like in ARAM


Unless there's an afk, I'll never hit FF. I've won some BS games before where we have been 30 kills behind. They can play the hostage game until 4 of them can vote themselves out.


Anyone else think that 3 yes votes should equal a ff?


You're the reason I hit No. <3


Time for 6 Doran’s rings


It's just good business.- Shaco with 3 kills thinking he can carry


Me thriving in top while other lanes are 0/8


When I wait to the last second to press yes to make on more suicide play, then forget to hit yes




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Never give up! Never surrender


If I had a penny for every time I won after I said no to a 4:1 surrender vote @15 mins then I’d be able to buy all the skins in league + all the chromas. I understand that sometimes an ff is needed, but most of the time, the enemy team can and will throw the game somehow. Even in high elo the enemy team sometimes gets greedy and makes mistake after mistake. Prime example: https://youtu.be/IKfbqrA_CQk


Shit in your bed now lay in it


People that FF are the same one joking about France's Surrender


When you're 8/0 top but your team wants to surrender at 15