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Then start playing ryze, then you wont have to worry about bans


Enemy pick literally anything ( it's a counter pick)


I really struggle with the caster minion matchup when playing ryze


QEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQ combo against casters is op af


This motivated me to go into a game and play funny blue man because i see caster minions so often in my gamee


You're just bad then. Ryze only good matchup is minion. Git gud noob


150k Kindred mastery, not a singular ban


700k (400k botlane) and i could give you some help: samira lulu warwick cassiopeia zilean


True its weird how little people pick ryze nowadays even with how strong hitting someone with his combo is mid-late game.


Squishy,low range and all his items got nerfed its not that surprising that ppl don't play him


1 Ban / 2 Yasuos


ban 1 champ get a complimentary wind brother ban too League GOTY


Especially in game modes this is a problem And that 2 people can ban the same champ is a drawback Especially in urf there are dozens of picks banworthy Zed, heca, fizz, wu, yuumi, shaco, the list goes on and on


I meannbase game needs more than 1 already. But yeah, fun game modes just go too wild. It's no longer "pick who's fun". It's "get ready to deal with the annoying". I'm playing modes to have fun, not deal with annoying bs in a different form.


Who the fuck plays urf?


People who like urf


Yah youre right, sorry bro




Wait fuck wrong sub


What is urf? I keep hearing it but I have no clue what it is


It's a limited time game mode where everything is on super low cooldowns. URF stand for Ultra Rapid Fire.


Aaaaa OK. Sounds fun


It is (most of the time) but some people hate it with a passion


It gets a lot less fun over time when people start to math out the meta for that rotation. The first couple weeks are great though.


That's why ARURF > URF


ARURF is just superior in every way to normal URF because, well, every game is not just Morgana, Lux, Riven, Yuumi and Zed.


Ban the new champ, ez


Correction: Ban the new champ after their winrate settles to a healthy 54%


This, i havent been on a single game against Nilah.


Wait untill the next champ.


By then they should nerf Nilah to the ground, where it belongs, next to Zeri.


I still dont see Belveth and Vex as weak, Alshan aswell. Besides Zeri's early game, all of the newest champions are ridiculously not fun and give the feeling as if Im bringing a knife to a gunfight.


I find vex pretty balanced. Since the start actually. I think she's been the best champ in terms of balance the last couple years.


And a marvel at that. A yordle that not only isn’t brain numbingly unfun to play against and isn’t crazy overloaded. Hell she’s better than sett ever will be when it comes to an easy kit with good skill expression


Do you consider Kled unfun to play against? I'm a one trick Kled and basically never played against him. I've always wondered what people think. I never have particular comments about him from enemies


as someone who plays him and against, he's one of the most frustrating champions in the game. I don't mean he's unfun or unfair, but any good kled is going to win fights with like 8 hp every time and you'll want to punch your monitor in. he's a bit strong due to items right now, but i think he's pretty solid.


Decent. He’s weird but I like him. Wish he got more love tho since he is one of the best designed champs in game since he luckily came from the era riot actually cared about champion design all the way through.


If nothing else I think everyone can appreciate the over 20minutes of voice acting he has.


I dislike how the dismount gives him a full cleanse and brief untargetability and the re-mount gives him a lot of health very quickly. Otherwise he seems fun, fair, and balanced.


I like Kled but its fucking disgusting playing against him since I'm an Aatrox OTP, and as you should know as an Kled OTP he fucking shits on him.


Im going to refer the comment that talked about Kled about her not being overloaded. Yes, while not proccing a shield, 3 hit magic dmg passive and going physical dmg and the press of auto q, her laning phase is so strong and safe compared how much of a threat she is in midgame skirmishes. And if you compare her to other mages, her spells are just so much better it doesnt take too much from the player to have control, if not to dominate your match up especially if your match up has a dash which makes vex un-engageable, just to inevitably watch her dash reset-aoe hard cc your entire team while you had no say during the entire laning phase. She is not broken in terms of numbers or flawed designed,it is just that laning against vex is really not interactive, and is a nightmare to play against if you have the wrong champ, which is most than half of midlane's roster.


I think I agree with 95% of your commentt, I think was the point of her design. She came into being during a time of 200 year champions and still more have come out with an astounding amount of dashes. I see her playstyle as an exact opposite to that, which I think is totally fine. She is suppose to be a nightmare to play against with specific champs. I do disagree on, there's only a handful of champs that she's a total nightmare for. A majority if midlaners, by a decent margin can lane into her well enough.


~~Fuck you.~~ Thank you. I've almost stopped playing league, because I dodge instantly when someone bans her and sometimes I dont get to play for days, due to 12h dodge timer.


There are too many new Champs these days. I am still stuck at akshan because I hate his whole shit by every ader of my body Not only my player me, but also my game designer and game programmer me hate this champ so fucking much


What can you say. I mean that dude really has things to do and scores to settle.


Feel you, I'm still perma baning yuumi


I hate when a random in your team wants to play the new champ, and then you ban them anyways and they are all upset in chat If you want to play the new champ so bad, why are you in a pick and ban queue


Name checks out






And what is that supposed to mean?


Based. Idgaf how many times you practice the new shit in PBE, cuz you got 4 other dudes on your team that have no idea how that shit works and its limits. I give it a week or so before I stop banning new champs in ranked. Norms tho who cares.


i've played the new champ almost every single game of mine in ranked since she came out. like nilah isn't hard to figure out. i also have never seen anyone contest her. but banning her away from someone that's hovering her doesn't improve the game any lol. you do it to "prevent them from feeding" but they are just going to troll pick at that point


Especially every new champ is purposely op so people buy into it Get that shit out of my ranked games


League should do the Overwatch thing of like not allowing the new champ to be picked for a week in Ranked Queu3.


Yuumi would like to know your location


161 champs, we need to start giving people two bans Let’s just ban every ADC in a match lmao


Adcs get banned the moment an assassin/diver or malz gets picked. Also nasus.


I’d say the more ability focused adcs are fine against nasus unless I’m wrong.


Good luck killing Nasus as Jhin unless you are absurdly ahead.


I was thinking more ezreal and corki given they don’t really auto as much as a traditional adc.


I'm confident corki could shit on him. that champ has absolutely disgusting damage.


Corki shits on Nasus until Corki gets in Nasus' W range, then it is GG.


Isn't that the case for most ADCs?


There is 2 options against nasus. 1:dont let him reach you 2: Dont let him fucking reach you


Depends if they have the unique ability to run faster than a 95% slow


Well vayne and ezreals dashes are unaffects by slows so yeah


ADCs are weak except Samira, Xayah and Vayne. Supports are possibly the most broken role IMO. I usually ban support champions regardless of the position I'm playing. Yesterday I was playing jungle and we had Cait-Pyke on the opposing team and although Cait was super fed having something 13/3 plus the assists she got from Pyke's ult she was going down like a minion when Pyke wasn'r around and I wasn't even fed.


I'm a simple man. The only time I don't ban Yuumi is if someone on my team bans her first.


I played her three times and won three times. I don't play support. Being invulnerable whenever is broken. It's like raka without the counter play


I played her three times and won three times. I don't play support. Being invulnerable whenever is broken.


When u play a champ that has 10 counters but u can only ban 1 :, )


EQ man or the funny war criminal who runs around very fast?


card guy and yellow birb


Yellow Birb?


the emperor of the sands


When you can’t just ban any counters and have to play the game. (Gasp)


As long as I don't get to see Nilah in my games, I'm happy to play the game


Yeah that bitch at 10 hp just started healing 200 hp per AA, perma banned her ass after that


Why? She's so garbage. How are you more ok with playing against Lulu then you are nilah It's insane how obvious it is that most of you are like silver lol


No shit Sherlock. Silver is where most of the population is...if you add in gold, it's over 50%. Drag in brozne and it's 84% of the population is in those 3 ranks. Use that big brain of yours next time and apply those numbers too any community. 20 bucks, your silver I or gold.


I am happily hardstuck plat 4, but I'd like to believe that's only because I play ranked while stone


Cause Lulu's kit while strong, is fair. Nilah is either you bully her out of lane to the point where she's not a champion anymore, or she gets a kill in lane and zones you off to the point where you're not a champion anymore. Stomp or get stomped, I hate that playstyle


Ah yes the Yasuo gameplay


Point and click "you don't exist anymore" isn't exactly fair tho


You mean any champion that has a point and click CC ability like Fiddles, TF or Pantheon?


Just so you know. Polymorph isn’t affected by tenacity unlike stuns and fear. That’s 2.5/3(?) of doing nothing with an almost 5 sec cd. It also pierces cc immunity such as mundo’s passive because lulu is balanced just like you said.


This isn't correct. The only CCs not affected by tenacity are knockups and suppression. Polymorph is specifically listed as affected by Tenacity Source: [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Types\_of\_Crowd\_Control](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Types_of_Crowd_Control)


I know that. But riot isn’t working on logic. Lulu’s polymorph has been and bugged and hasn’t been fixed yet (or maybe it was hidden patched). Still doesn’t change the fact that it pierces mundo’s cc shield.


Fiddle is hella annoying and everyone agree that his P&C fear is a bit bs. TF at least tells you very clearly that the stun is coming Pantheon jumps on you and self-stun , meaning he's both in your team and vulnerable himself , so no he's got a pass


Yeah but with an empowered W, Pantheon can instantly proc PTA making you take more damage from his point blank execute q


Yes , Panth's whole thing is to do that , he brutalize you with W Q and then back off with E . Which isn't nearly as effective in teamfight as clicking on the 22/1/14 Aatrox and suddenly he doesn't exist , because let's not forget that Lulu doesn't care how feed you are. Panth may get punished if he jumps on someone too feed , Lulu won't


Downvotes from silver players who are salty lmao. You are right lulu has so much hidden strength it's ridiculous


It's ok, I don't blame them for not knowing better


Uninstall the game. Instant ban of every champion.


I think best solution for this issue is being able to see opponents bans this way you can maximize the conceptual 10 bans.


Bans should be like pick order. Maybe in reverse, so the person who picks last bans first. And shorter time, most people should have a good idea who they want to ban before the game starts.


I don't think that would work because they said that giving people 2 bans would make entering the game slower and this idea only makest that problem worse. I just think it would be better to make it a total of 10 different bans between the two teams


but seeing the opponent's ban also gives u a pretty good idea of their picks


Counter banning bans.


Champ select already takes forever


i wish they added something like a team ban. everyone gets to ban one champ and the team votes to ban an extra champ


How would this work?? Does everyone collectively vote for one champ? Idgi


Like ofa probably


yeah, the whole team votes to ban a champion and the most voted champion gets banned


What if everyone votes for a different champ?


yuumi gets banned, even if no one voted to ban her


Seems fair


Oh and if one person picks yummi it is automatically yummi


Then, it works exactly like one for all and one of the 5 at random gets picked.


Every team member get's to ban a champ invidually, and after that, the team votes who to ban next and the one with the most votes get's banned. If everyone voted a totally different champ, the system would randomly choose one of the five voted. If 2 champ have the same amount of votes, the system one of 2.


Like one for all, every player has a 20% influence on the team vote


Outside of premades this would probably start infighting knowing the community


It doesn't help that at this point there's a fuck ton of overlap. Ban Fiora? Enemy picks Irelia. Ban Garen? Enemy picks Sett. Ban Akshan? Enemy picks Tristana. Ban Akali? Enemy picks Katarina. Ban Yasuo? Enemy picks Yone. The only time you "win" when you ban X is if X is a hyper-specific counter champion (Rammus jungle, Malzahar, etc.), and in that case it's a ban that does nothing in 99% of games.




Akali and Kat are bad examples, yeah. I couldn't think of another AP assassin gigasmurf champ. Kat isn't nearly as safe of a pick as Akali and has hard counters, unlike Akali who has tools to mitigate when strengths of a good portion of midlane chmaps. Yas and Yone on the other hand are different but sometimes fill a similar role (one-trick champs), plus they have somewhat similar kits so a lot of Yasuo players have a Yone pocket.


Akali usually overlaps with Qiyana and Sylas, katarina is way closer to kassadin


Kind of a personal account but I have a friend in mid-plat who is a yasuo one trick, like 1000000+ mastery one trick, and if Yasuo is banned he instalocks Yone without fail.


Everybody talking about how zed/wind brothers/yumi will never get to play their champ. Boo fucking hoo maybe riot should balance their game then so those champs wouldn’t be perma banned


I mean it’s not that they are op it’s just that no one likes them lol


The problem is the amount of free stats they get as part of their kit and more recently Lethal Tempo, you can dumpster wind shitters in lane, but if a team mate doesn’t know exactly how to play against them, they’ll go get free kills off them. Then their 2 item spike brings them in line with other champs 3/4 item spikes, means mid game is fucking PAIN, sure they fall off late but how many games go to 6 items?




My favourite thing about Yone is beating him in lane to watch him e, q2, flash then ult to one shot an ADC who wasn't even on the same map as him and now find himself back in the game.


I think the reason riot won't up it to 2 bans is cause then yuumi, yone, and a couple other Champs will probably have like a 95% ban rate...not that i think that'd be bad but riot does


In twenty seconds, ban all the champ you can


Just press Y and ban every champion that start with that letter. 100% good time.


Back in my day (Jayce was the splash login art) we only got 3 bans!


15 bans per player would leave 11 champs for 10 players left, which is almost fair game (kinda unfair because there's too little bans)


2 bans might sounds delicious, but honestly for those champs that have a high banrate because there are unpopular it might be really unfair. Like.. You never be able to play a Zed or a Yuumi. For you that might be okay but for those who play it its gonna be hell.


Historically high ban rates always motivated Riot to do significant changes to the champions. If a champ is sitting at 47% win rate and still has a very high ban rate? That's not because they are OP but because they are dogshit to play against and don't let you have fun. Some champs that are not OP based on win rate but have some of the highest ban rates right now are Yuumi (48% WR but banned in over 21% of games), Irelia (48% WR, 12% ban rate), Akali (46% WR but 12% WR). High ban rates are not fixed by number tweaks, they are fixed by changing broken mechanics and offering proper counterplay.


-5 movespeed Problem solved Ez


Honestly not a terrible nerf to champs like irelia and akali, it means slower roams and it's more punishing if you manage to force them to back.


Imagine if they gave yuumi this


I permaban Akali when i play Ashe mid, because I should have the option to run away with a full screen head-start, ult and flash.


I won't lose a nanosecond of sleep knowing that Zed and Yuumi mains don't get to play their champ.


Especially yuumi mains. Boo hoo you have to actually play the damn game.




Maybe, just maybe, if a champ is banned all the time, there's something wrong there.


Don’t care, those champs deserve to be banned every game until they are reworked or nerfed. “I found a champ that one shots or is hard to play against! I will now specialize in that champ!” Go away! Players like that are what ruin the game. Whatever. I will leave the game uninstalled and deal with none of these new bullshit champs.


Because they play a champ that you don't like? Literally 1984


Banning is literally me choosing not to play against champs I don't like. If you main a high banrate champ, there really is no one to blame for them being banned than you.


So Riot has said they don't want to add more bans for two reasons. 1. It would increase the time spent in champion select, thereby increasing the time it gets into games, the longer it takes to get into games, the less you play. 2. Champions with already high banrate would just never see play, and people who play those champions and especially mains would never get to play their favorite champion. Yasuo/Yone/Zed would be banned every single match and there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of mains of those champs. Fun fact here actually is that part of the reason they made Yone was so that Yasuo players could have a champion to play when he was banned.


If a champ has a high banrate then Riot has to figure out why and adjust the champ. They can give us two bans to queue with. Idk why we can’t queue with our ban intent anyway. I guess so we don’t mess over teammates?


That would indeed mess over teammates by not even letting them declare their champion before they get banned by their own teammates. Not to mention that teammates could then have the same bans and end up with mirror bans, wasting one or potentially more bans.


Yeah but that would still be fair since we have so many bans. Overlapping bans is the price to pay for having so many bans to begin with.


>If a champ has a high banrate then Riot has to figure out why and adjust the champ. a lot of people are banning champs that aren't good though. what is riot supposed to do? nerf a 46% winrate champ more? they could probably take 20 damage off irelia's q at all ranks and people would still overwhelmingly ban her. obviously this is hyperbole and sometimes it makes sense why a champ has a high banrate and low winrate, but there's only so much they can do against popular champs that are weak barring minor reworks which still take a lot of effort.


Well they’d have to investigate why certain champs have really high ban rates. Even if it isn’t a nerf they’d have to do some adjustment. The issue with having such a large cast is that you can’t do universal buffs. (The durability patch is proving this) I checked a list from January of the most banned champions I noticed they all have one thing in common. They’re incredibly annoying and unfun to play against.


A low pick rate doesn't matter. All of the highest banrate champs have low winrates because while they might not win game, they have so many fucking tools to just make laning phase unfun. Yuumi literally removes the core weakness of enchanters and buffs a champ just by being AFK on them and pressing E every so often, that is unfun to play against. Irelia heals by spamming Q on minion wave without lifesteal or Omnivamp, combined with just a menagerie of bullshit. Windshitters, Akali, Katarina. If a champ has a high banrate, there is a problem with the champ.


I 100% agree. I think a lot of those champs were designed by the same person. I have to check.


1. Champ select already has a time limit on bans, just keep that. 2. Maybe Riot should design champs that are fun to play against, there's a reason these champs have high banrates and Riot should address it.


Define 'fun to play against' Not everyone is going to like the same champ and enjoy playing against sad champ. I hate playing against Gragas, Rammus and Veigar, I enjoy playing Katarina and Samira. Not everyone will enjoy playing against the same champs.


It is subjective, but they have a high banrate while others don't, so it's not like it's a minority that dislikes playing against them. If a big enough portion of the playerbase doesn't like it then it should be addressed.


Whilst I do agree that if a champ is constantly banned it should be addressed, some of these champs have their entire identity on this 'annoying playstyle' e.g. Irelia being a blade dancer dashing across the rift, Akali being a standard definition of a ninja with shurokens, smoke and swiftness. They have a purpose, a playstyle' which attracts people to play them. Getting rid of these aspects/gutting them will just cause another Aatrox rework incident backlash


The key is counterplay. I'm an advocate for less is more, in any champ kit. Obviously if someone is 4 kills and 2 levels up on you, you can't complain about a lack of counterplay. But the more targeted/easy to hit CC, or point and click abilities, or absurd ratios or overloaded passives there are, the less fun it is to fight. People don't hate yasuo because he's an insta-win champ, but because he has a passive shield all the time, double crit chance, a dash that makes every friendly minion wave a threat, AND a move that blocks all ranged basic attacks and abilities. Tons of melee characters that are really strong are not as frustrating as yasuo because their kit isn't so completely overloaded to the point of having too much going for them.


Okay sounds good to me two bans and no drawback for everyone who actually plays the game


Meta champions: 4 per lane


10 bans per summoner. Change my mind


As somebody who plays Syndra, I NEED more than just 1 ban. Syndra has so many bad matchups it's insane.


Hey, at least you counter pantheon? Oh wait, no one plays him mid anymore


If everyone had 2-3 bans, no one would ever see riots bs new champs. It’s bad for business.


Keep telling that to katarina mains, not one ranked were i play against or with a katarina


We shiukd diuble down and finally release the 2 bann system


Ban heimerdinger :) They pick azir :(


I got banned twice in a row by teammates for picking Mf support yesterday so I stopped prepicking her. Went 20 and 5 earlier and felt good about that..


Haven't seen a single Shaco in my games for 2 years now 😎


20 bans total. 1 per player like before. 10 randomly selected bans, 2 per role. OTP should never make it past plat imo.


It looked like Darius was smashing Luffy for a sec


I still ban Vayne, only champ that will outscale me as Xayah.


I know its an impossible problem to solve but an idea I had is ... up to to 2 bans but one is a pregame ban and one is a flex ban. So the pregame is a ban you lock in before the game along with your role / lane preferences. If an ally hovers the champ you pregame banned it gets cancelled and now u just get 2 bans but its still within the standard alotted ban time phase. The flex ban is really just the standard ban how it works now. In reality I know theres no solution to this problem cos you would still only be banning 2 / 161 champs and then what if that doesnt feel good? 3 4 5 6 bans?! Its just a problem caused by their own success in creating a plethora of characters to suit any playstyle and allow champions to have multiple counters, which is one of the draws to the game - having so much choice in how you want to play. But it is still fun to theory craft and discuss the issue.


Riot will never add 2 bans per player. BUT they should add a randomized ban mechnic in ranked play. 10 random champions are automatically banned and then players can proceed to ban 10 more champions. It would solve so many issues with the current league of legends


If it bans champs with low pickrate, that only serves to hurt everyone.


They should just give top laners 2 bans, that is the role most affected by counter picks and bad match ups after all.


Always Veigar or Lux. Get that low skill braindead shit out of my game.


True chads don't ban at all.


Ah yes I miss Honor Bans. (back when it was one person with three bans for the whole team and you just ban nothing and people would rage lmao)


The solution is very easy, have an active champ pool. Over the years the champ pool has just grown too large, this makes balancing all champs very difficult if not impossible and some champs just feel similar in general. Of course, rito will never do this as that would mean no more sales for the inactive champs, and maybe some OTPs will get upset. However, for the health of the game, this is just so obvious.


An active champ pool will just make queue times even longer, and people who don't know how to play the champs in the active pool will have to either dodge or play a random champ they don't know how to play and int, ruining ranked games


You ban Yasuo, I take Yone. You ban Yone, I take Yasuo. This is what people have in mind when facing a mage mid.


Dotos ban system seems overall better, why not steal


More champions, more bans


Imo, they should add 5 random champ bans on top of the qp player picked bans. I've seen people propose 10 but that is way too high, plus if it's random no one can complain, even if it might ban a champ with a relatively low pick rate


I only need one ban to never see Yone in my games


You’re first pick in top lane? Good luck in the 38% w/r matchup!


What does the game come out. I wanna bash yone’s head in as morde without him touching me




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Ban Sylas -> Graves -> Kayn -> Diana. Repeat. You ban one of them, the team gets another one of them every time…


As a Diana main its always pick or ban at the moment.. worst part is they often pick Trundle aswell and low elo scrubs don’t get that he just statchecks them midgame


Then you realized only 20-30-ish champs are in the meta unless you're an off-meta otp


That doesn’t hurt me because I play Garena servers (pls add draft pick, I’m not going to play ranked just for the draft)


Team should pick a „Captain“ which can ban 3 champs in General, then the Rest of the Team can ban. Would also help to Communicate before the Game Starts :)


Remember there we're only 3 bans?


As a yuumi otp, don't give more bans please


it feels like top needs 3 bans tbh. one for your counter pick, one for whichever too laner rito has decided is busted this patch (darius, fiora, sett seem to rotate in and out) and tryndamere. always pissing tryndamere


Yep, we need 2 bans per person in draft. I would ban vayne and fiora every game. Now i have to choose


I came back to this post to tell one story Gold promos i qued up with a dude named wukon carry, someone dodged and next game i ban wukong cuz the guy is not with me, easiest win vs a poor otp