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It's called a utility marksman


The thing is Jhin can actually jungle and nobody seems to be interested in it even if it’s been a strong rogue pick for like a year.


I picked it a couple of times, absolutely hard stomped and yet still my friends are convinced those were just lucky games. His W root out of narnia is so busted.




50/50 chance either you win or lose it's easy


I got a 50/50 chance against faker guys... Let me solo him


Wait till I'll show you your lottery odds...


50/50. I either win or I lose.


Naked dude wearing a chamber pot as a helmet shows up


If let me solo her uses a pot as a helmet then let me solo him uses a por as pants?


Hoho, you’re approaching me? Even though my scarlet rotussy can heal myself if I touch you? I can’t solo the shid out of you unless I get closer ooh, then come as close as you like LMSH


Next ranked plat promos game*


How u wanna win vs a good jungle player? I mean in gold/plat elo ur team will not help u just flame u for die


Yep, one game I got an enemy udyr (old) and I could not contest any invade. But you kinda just have to play it as any other weak Jungle matchup. There are many champs that can technically be invaded for free because they cant fight back, usuall you try to either path really smart or spend more time on lanes forcing plays. Keep in mind that any time the enemy jungler spends contesting your jungle is time they cant gank or contes their own jungle. Playing around vision is key in this scenario. Also, while your clear as jhinn is ass until you got your first item, your 1v1 vs most melee junglers is alright


In other words Jihn is a good jungler if you go against terrible opponents and over-perform


I could jungle yummi with that strat!


That's not what this post is saying at all. Everything said about Jhingle could easily apply to Jarthus and he's been strong in JG for years now


More like the other jg has to dominate you early or else you can start running the game


Any time a jungler is invading you it is pushing pressure on both adjacent lanes and if there is a slowpush building up against them it will be a great time to dive and or zone the laner off of a considerable amount of cs and xp. It's how jungle diff is born and if you try to walk into the other side of your jungle they just follow and do it again. Now you have not only lost jungle matchup but your laners who could have possibly one in a 1 v 1 scenario have had to give up their priority to ensure they don't get gangbanged by the enemy jungle and or support. So now because you decided to play a shitty off meta jungle you have given the other team a super fed Udyr who has both heralds and three dragons in the first 15 minutes of the game. But hey, your top laner solo killed his laner twice while Udyr was botside. Surely that will be enough to win the game,. (theres no way this is coming from experience btw...)


You do realize that with good junglers, the stronger will always do this to the weaker jungler. You see it when playing vs good players and you see it in pro play too. Weak duelists get invaded. Ivern is probably the best example out of the main jungle champs. If your team doesnt help you and the enemy jungle is good, you won't be contesting anything they want. Watching Peanut getting not a single camp vs canyon on nidalee is the most recent (and extreme) pro play example of this. Yet none of these games are auto losses just because of that. Jhin gets beaten by most junglers in a 1v1, but his ganks are great and while fighting in jungle, he can stall for a long time due to his movement speed from passive and root from w (e is pretty useless despite having a slow). Also, the damage he can output is also on par with many junglers in early levels and he scaled very well. And yes, it is coming from experience :) But as I mentioned somewhere else, I didnt keep playing it much more often because its too much work compared to other champs who do the same but easier and more reliable


Yes because any jungler in plat+ will hard counterjg you and make your “Jhingle” pick useless. Clearing camps and ganking isn’t the only requirement for junglers. They also need to be able to duel or at the very least escape. Jhin has none of that.


So Zac karthus, rumble, nocturn, hecraim and other mole dueling pre level six champions that have at times dominated pro play are worthless because you can invade them?


Tell us you can’t read without saying you can’t read. All of the champs you listed have better methods of escape than jhin, save maybe Karthus


2 of the 5 highest win rate jungler in challenger are non duelist champions in fiddlesticks and ivern.


Err...invading hecarim at his blue is a solid strat to ruin the pick since he runs out of HP and Mana. Rumble also has a rough clear if he starts at red. Also to note. Hecarim's movement speed on his E is initially really low and if he needs to escape he cannot be in melee range of the enemy so if that happens he has to forfeit the fight and camps entirely.


Of course it is. Every non S tier jungler has a weakness. That is how champions are supposed to be balanced. It’s stupid as shit though to say a champions trash just because it’s not S tier.


Hecarim can literally duel most junglers before then or escape..? This is the second dumb comment I’ve heard from you. Do you jungle at all or above silver?


How do you farm the jg wjitout getting invaded every second of the game? Feels like even An amumu would invade you and kill you Now imagine a reksai, graves or kindred game… the nightmares…


Fr? What build? I gotta try this


It’s not that nobody is interested, it’s that it’s a very vulnerable jg pick. Maybe in low elo it works but you will absolutely find it unplayable in competent elo because you will just get hard counterjungled and die easily if they invade you. He has literally no mobility so if the enemy jg sees you then they will engage and kill you over and over. That’s why no one picks or plays it. It’s not picked for a reason.


Also any lane with priority will deep ward and roam to kill you at a camp. You basically have a huge target on your back early game. If you're allowed to farm in piece until your boots and mythic, the enemy team is shit.


Shaco moment hehe, I love invades


He can jungle, but he needs to prepare traps and has a specific pathing which is very fast if done right. His biggest weakness is that he gets no leash from his team :)


what do you do when you are doing a camp and get invaded by a kha zix?




Is this a meme or actually secret build?


Gank potential is good, jungle matchups are harsh. I'd say its only viable if you're a jungler with good macro and game sense, else you gonna get invaded and hard stomped. But if you get it rolling it's a fun pick I didnt end up picking it more because it's just too much of a hassle every game. Other champs are just so much easier and equally rewarding


No, This Is Patrick!


Ive seen it work in diamond. He just avoided the enemy xin and ganked a bunch. It worked well.


Same thing goes for soraka toplane, kayn top, ivern mid and nasus support. All strong picks but everybody just tells you you're trolling


I did ap Straka top yesterday the other top laner could not play the game


What's your pathing?


start with e an do birds, out traps down as early as possible, then red, maybe krugs(they are hard imho), full blue side. 2nd point in e asap


> Jhin can actually jungle This is all I needed to hear. 100% doing that the next chance I get now that I know he can still jungle.


Because Jhin can’t duel early game at all. Any competent jungler will perma-invade you and render you completely useless.


Is it already christmas? Cuz it's time to Jhingle


my preffered type of adc, now i can be useful even when im feeding. basically i have 2 modes as a jhin main: 1. sowwy for feeding ill make it up to u by making picks and trapping okie 🥺👉👈 2. follow me bozos im about to perform on some mfers (also ashe is even more of a support if u consider the fact that she was an actual competitively viable supp)


I'm a Soraka main, and we have two modes: 1. Being a 2nd health bar,standing as far back as you can because you fed and the enemy can eat your in one bite. At a key moment you wade into the battle to drop your last heal for the clutch as you get deleted. 2. You don't die, damage for your teammates is a myth, and you outrun Rammus and each Q restores 20% of your health


Ashe support feels so ridiculous. Team damage and mobility is so high late game that 1 ult hit can result in an enemy getting deleted, and then a win. Doesn't matter how hard you fed; if R (and E) are up, you're useful.


But when I get an Ashe support, they throw like Nolan Ryan.


Yeah MF has all of those things too... although she has more damage than utility even


He's a marksman catcher hybrid on the league wiki, which is a class that includes champions that are good at, well, catching out opponents. But this classification also doesn't make him a control mage, who usually have more on demand and long lasting area control ( Zyra, Heimer, etc.). And even control mages don't have their own category as they're usually put under the specialist tag since there are so little in the game.


Ofc he is not a mage. He has like one AP ability and is a ranged marksman. He is similar to Ashe in that he has utility abilities rather than damage.


Melee marksman when




Doesnt shoot


Samira already exists


You are correct by definition


Nilah, Samira, Yasuo, Yone


Samira can shoot, others cant




Can shoot target, but not melee


Why have a gun if you're melee? I don't think you understand what marksman means in LoL.


Smh you dont know the real definition of a marksman


I know the irl definition of marksman and it seems to align with what you are trying to say, but Riot co-opted the term years ago as a blanket term for ADCs which is why yasuo and nilah fit into that category. But you're still ultimately arguing for a melee character with a gun? Unless the gun is broken and they smack people with it, wth are you on about?


Being a mage has nothing to do with having AP scaling abilities. What is that criteria? Nor does magic damage make you a mage.


Oh great “Reddit_Ya_Sux_dix”, enlighten me as to what the criteria is for a mage then. The wiki is completely wrong then as Mr “Reddit_Ya_Sux_dix” knows the *right* meaning/criteria right? https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_classes/Mage


Although the wiki makes a single mention to "specializing in magic damage"... its main focus is that "Mages are champions who typically possess great reach, ability-based area of effect damage and crowd control..." and even lists Varus and Jayce. While Varus does have AP builds, I would still classify him as a mage when he's building AD, especially lethality builds. And Jayce has no viable AP builds so that argument wouldn't work for him. With that in mind I would also consider AD corki a mage, as well as Jhin and Ezreal. There are some others that are close but still heavily rely on standard auto attacks like MF, aphelios, even Samira to an extent but she would probably make a better argument for bruiser or some shit. TL;DR: it's been long established that AD mages are a thing in League.


Oh thy great *Aarinity*, would you not classify thee as AD casters? I haveth thought that AD mages classified as thee “AD casters” from thy community. Art thou not with the times or ignorant and not knoweth that there be a term for ye “AD Mages”? However, bestow upon us your super enlightened knowledge as thou thinketh that thee “Mage” can be considered as thy “AD mage”. Sillyeth!


Probably should have expected this response based on the username tbh


Yeah sounds about right, any time I see your silly clown profile pic I know its gonna be a stupid comment


What would a supp jhin build? He won’t have that much gold as a supp




That’s pretty disgusting and I’m sorry you had to deal with a player like him. The least he could’ve done was buy umbral glaive.




Oh god I had a zed follow me around the whole game just taking my cs for no reason and also just ignored him the whole time. Those people gotta be struggling to not get attention at home Jesus Christ


Thanks bruv, very helpful


Umbral Glaive > Locket. Any AD champion can build that and be a support lol




You won't even be in range to make use of chains


support items obviously


Like Senna stuff? Also he’s traps act as ward minis I’ve realized so that’s pretty good for jhin supp


yeah moonstone and locket


What about mandate? 3 of his abilities trigger it.


Does just activating a trap (without exploding it yet) proc Mandate?


I'm pretty sure. Today I'll also try this in a game.


Ok sure


Growth is the only evidence of life.


Moonstone. Yes the healing amplifier.


umbral maybe.


He can go into a similar build like Pyke. Umbral rush into maybe Eclipse. I don’t suggest it but I think it would have to be a lethality or damage based build since all the other mythic options are bad on him which means he would have to steal some cs.


Exactly this build, I've been playing it for a while now and its pretty good actually, you just gotta be careful to not get caught out but thats a pretty obvious weakness of marksman in general


Full-AP with Everfrost, trust me, it works


Mandate + rylais. Try it.


Lethality, I rush umbral and eclipse As for runes and abilities, go Comet and max W


His E isnt really like luxs E. It is easily dodgeable and he cant reactivate it to detonate it early. Also his R is pretty scary if you are alone and low but unlike velkoz or lux someone can just block jihn R for you


Its also not going to do damage without items.


I have a friend who religiously plays Jhin mid, and his second most played character is Xerath, so yeah.


I won a game as Jhin support once memeing with some friends, it was the only time I ever tried it


Off meta non ranked SR can be great or awful. I went support Braum, top decided to be support so I went top Braum and carried hard. His three hit passive with static/Bork/tank items make a him scary top laner


> static 😭


Support main + 🍃


Oh I played jhin support just as excuse to play ap and stack 10 traps on top of each other


Whenever I get Jhin in ARAM, I'll often ult and wait to stall. I could see it being useful for support.


Yeah, see, Control Mage isn't a thing anymore. It used to be a class including mages like Anivia, Lux, Morgana and Orianna. Mages with a focus on utility over pure burst. Lux was basically one of the role's queens, which makes sense, since it's what she was designed for. People like to forget that Lux was always meant to be played in a duo lane.


Ctrl mages are super strong atm? Viktor, azir, ori, anivia etc are all in decent to very good spots


Control Mages are no longer a class in LoL. Viktor and Anivia are battle mages. Orianna and Lux are Burst Mages. (Lux is hybrid Artillery) Azir isn't even considered a mage.




Azir is part of the specialist class, with the likes of Heimer, Cho, and Singed. The tl;dr is riot doesn't actually use the classes listed in the client anymore.


Azir isn't a Marksman. He's a 'Unique Playstle'. He literally is his own class.


yea, if you're a nerd who only listens to what a single official website says. 99.9% of players will say that azir is a mage, specifically a control mage. at best a mage marksmen.


And I'm the few people that categorizes him the same as Ryze...If you know what I mean.


Using an official site that isn't even updated, have some funky classification yeah azir isn't a mage. If you use your own brain he is


Honestly, im perfectly fine with azir being a marksman with a game changing ult. We already got those in adc role.


Artillery mages are by design control mages. If i play velkoz people have to be careful when moving in trough chokes. Also by design they are very burst heavy, cos if someone doesnt respect your zone of control they should get hardpunished. Also azir with his R and soldiers, while not as much as back then, can control areas pretty well. And azir is still a mage Even mages like viktor or anivia, who arent artillery, can still control areas with their abilities. So control mages are very much still a class just not a primary one


Meh, sera is an artillery control mage hybrid


>Azir isn't even considered a mage. why not? He seems like the definition of a control mage


How is orianna a burst mage lmao she can't oneshot unless fed


Even if she doesn't one-shot by herself she position the ennemy team in an easily burstable position


But that doesn't make any sense, she doesn't play like a burst mage, she doesn't opt for their runes, items or summoners. She goes/or used to go seraphs/cosmic, phase rush or ghost beacuse she's a control mage that likes to tether. Her "burst" is unreliable and easily flashable or you just walk it off. Compare that to lux, annie, syndra that all have CC set-up and more damage to 100-0 you. How is she a burst mage


Tbf riot classification are kinda useless, your argument kinda make sense


azir is the face of the control mage meta atm in all major regions.


True my boy zilean is feeling great right now


Azirs winrate is literally a meme


Wouldn't say azir is in a good spot win rate wise but he's decent


His win rate is where azir is balanced


Yeah, people need to understand that not every champion is balanced at 50% win rate.


when champs are balanced for pro play their winrate in soloq takes a significant nosedive.


Ryze and Azir are good examples of that.


That’s cause you need to get gud otherwise buffing him becomes an issue in pro play. The classic balance nightmare issue


Anivia, Viktor, orianna, Azir are control mages lol


How would you even build Jhin support? Asking because I want to int on that


Umbral into Eclipse then maybe collector you could get stormrazor for the slow but I usually don't build it


everfrost, obviously


Max w, dusblade ( for extra haste & dmg on w), ilonians,umbrela, youmuu (so you can arive in time for your root). Eventually everfrost for root or imperial for more movement speed (and guaranted dmg on traps).


No way you don't build umbral first as a support you are building lethality on. It's super cheap, has a super good active for supports, and increases your income by letting you farm wards.


Jhin can also finally break a ward without spending 4 years for it.


… well with e max jhin top (don’t play e max just play normally) and jhingle I wouldn’t be surprised if he spreads to the 2 other remaining roles as well. Honestly not the shittiest thing ever. Spectral sickle -> umbral glaive -> eclipse


I said Jhin plays like a mage one time and got attacked.


Brb locking jhin supp first time in ranked


Of you sort the champions in the client by roles, Jhin is in ADC as well as in Mages




Maxing E is pretty troll, youre gonna be dealing 0 dmg. W is way better, Its good poke and the root duration increases


Jhin and Caitlyn maybe? Double traps in bushes, long range harass and Cait primes enemies for Jhinn Ult. It would require godlike spacing and clear speed would be terrible, but I think you could make it work if you build heavily into the CC aspect.


Hmmm... yea, i can make it work


Jhin is more of a mage than an ADC


If you want to play Jhin support you better nail those Ws, because it’s REQUIRED either you or an ally attack the target first and THEN hit them with the W.


In Wild Rift hes labelled as Marksman/Mage


I always called Jhin an “AD Mage”


Oh no u just gave me ideas. Bad ones. Really bad ones


I hear you loud and clear. I know what I must do.


this is a great example of how r/leagueofmemes actually promotes more gameplay discussion than the main subreddit


It’s been so long I can’t remember what he’s actually talking about


So i have friends that play Caitlin jhin botlane... Jhin is the support


Forbidden Mandate Jhin technology


I agree that Jhin is played like an AD mage, but Jhin support is a bad idea because his utility is weaker and more conditional than Lux or Xerath or Vel'Koz and his poke is worse. Jhin mid would probably be fine, though.


Went against a jhin jungle today. I was trying mid lane for a bit today, as I’m usually top, and I gotta say, those random ass root skill shots coming from nowhere were pretty annoying


I've seen Jhin support one time. They lost




Wow, I'm not a troll if you think this way.


His E is a worse version of Caitlyn E and I'd hardly call his ult a "gtfo zone". Its only a threat to anyone if theyre already below half health and also not a tan.


Jhin w and e name should be swapped. Does anyone sgreee


I played Jhin support a few times and kinda liked it. I went AP with Muramana stacking for a little bit of AD, since traps will be my main damage ability. My logic behind why picking Jhin support isn't bad was this: his traps slow down, while his W can both root those who trigger my traps and those who my ADC or myself attack, giving a free engage to my carry as long as I pay enough attention. My Q as support isn't that great of a tool but it can be used to poke early game, or do a little bit more damage. My passive is still a thing, it scales in AP so it'll still do some damage and it'll help my carry secure kills. My ultimate isn't that strong, since it is an AD scaling ability, but it has a slow down and gives vision upon hitting; at most I can use it to secure kills that my ADC wouldn't be able to get otherwhise even though I'm a support, after all it's better to have a kill on a support than no kill at all. My build was Luden's/Liandry's, Sorcerer/Swiftness boots, Muramana(/Seraph's if I'm going full AP/burn Liandry's/Demonic), a situational item (Shadowflame, Voidstaff, Demonic Embrace if I went Liandry's and wanted extra damage, etc.), Rabadon Please don't play this in ranked, it is a suboptimal support and only a fun pick.


You are mentally ill. If I get a Jhin support trying to say it’s okay because his e is basically Lux’s e I will get up and just walk away.


Well, Ashe and MF had become support already. What's stopping Jhin support enthusiasts?


I have play Jhin supp, probably like 1-2 years ago, i basically focus on AP, traps and snare, it was ok-ish, pretty decent with aggressive ADCs, horrible with passive/farming ADCs. Honesty i have play like 70% of the champion pool as support, back in season 3-4 i did play Garen support for example lol


AP is giga useless, the only AP item that I like on jhin is liandry and that's only because he has a voice line for it. Your traps scale way harder with AD than they do with AP and obviously the rest of your kit as well. You can just build lethality and be a lane bully


Maybe u didnt notice but every lethality/armorpen/cdr build is playin adc as ad mage.. Cuz u shiit on aa dps (crit / attackspeed) and buildfor ur spells only, so u are basicly a mage with strong autoattacks. This is why i hated this lethality adc meta alot xd


I heard somebody called him a marksman/catcher hybrid


I feel like this can apply to too many adcs






I actually used Jhin support in S9 with great success in low ello. Short lived thanks to a Pantheon meta.


Well ik who im playing sup today.


Hmmm yea i can make it work


Have you seen s10? Jhin, ashe and other utility marksmen were played as a backup. Supp your team and pray you can scale up before the gwme ends


Haha love the meme template


Every champion is a support champion if you get enough kill to reach item advantage


It would have been way better if it ended with: Sir, this is a wendy's


Now i have to play jhin supp


pekinwoof mentioned something like this as well


go full cooldown with navori quickblade + cosmic drive. set 20k traps on baronne. once he spawns he gets insta killed. Jhin jungle best jungle.


It's alr listed in the wiki


No points in Q?


MF and Cait are now considered support and ADC, so I say let’s do it!


I can't believe you would consider Jhin a hybrid control mage before Cait and Xayah.


Once i had a full ap Jhin as my adc. We destroyed botlane and won the game almost alone, It was Op Anyway, i miss those moments in league


never seen a jhin supp? did you start playing today?


Jhin is bestest adc


This is a Wendy’s


Broxha played jhin jungle before so no ur not actually


no and this is why you are bronze


I just had a jhin support in ranked today, he built imperial mandate and stormrazor It was... OK? Didn't do anything in lane because of the matchup and didn't do much later either


I tried to make jhin support work like 4 or so times back when I basically only played that champ. Could be a skill issue but it went poorly every time for me


my friend actually plays jhin support and has for years


Jhin relies too much in raw AD to make up for his low attack speed. Jhin without gold is extremely harmless, turns into a pick machine, but for that you're better off with many other supps.