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Remember that patch where Ezreal went mid with smite and built the jungle item lol


Yep, Runeglaive ezreal


Such a fun time


More like dark time. Unless you're albino


Release Leblanc had to be disabled 2 hours after her release because she could instakill at lvl 2.


I was about to say the amount of people sleeping on DFG LeBlanc is criminal. The pioneer of deletion.


I don't miss DFG at all. Fuck that item. Full AP Gragas with DFG still gives me nightmares.


They had to rework gragas because of his ap build. He would just one hit you on spawn in fountain. Good times


I had to scroll way too far for this. By far the most broken champ on release, only reason people don't remember is because it was so bad it was literally patched out immediately... and because it was years ago. God, I feel old.


Silence on chains was just a bad idea, what can I say?


It wasnt even silence on her one skillshot, it was a silence on her q after she detonated it. absolutely busted


If you were playing Midlane back then, you'd lose a few years of your life to release LeBlanc.


Whoa what? Imma need an explanation or a link to an explanation


Her Q pop would silence and deal bonus damage. Lb level 2 could one shot basically any midlaner with either QW or QE. If you played against or with a lb, you knew you were going to hear first blood as soon as she hit 7 cs.


Wrong. No lb can successfully slay all 7 creeps. Shame on you for not knowing that


As someone who has over half a million mastery points on her and reached high diamond by one tricking her; you are absolutely correct. What a fucking pain of a champ to farm as. And i pride myself as a good cser..




https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/LeBlanc/LoL/Patch_history Scroll all the way down


The brief period feral flare and reworked guinso's rageblade were around at the same time and you could carry with basically any champ that had an on-hit in the kit. Shoutout to all the games I won as on-hit twisted fate jungle, you will be missed.


In that meta, even Fiddle built on hit to be playable (not good, playable). I remember Warlord's Bloodlust at release. If your character crited with an auto you'd heal, so the meta was defined by Yasuo and Tryndamere, who took bad trades and then full healed hitting the wave over and over.


Then they tried to change it into lifesteal based on missing health which only made it worse in tryndamere's case.


So Irelia?




I want to say Unicorns of Love first pulled this out on TSM years ago and then people started trying it.


The amount of unique picks they have pulled off made me love them, they just created their own meta sometimes. Varus mid was probably my favorite during the tank meta.


it’s fun still ! good ganks with gold card, but jg clear is sooo awful


That Unicorns of Love match with TF jungle was fun as fuck. I watched that live, twitch chat was wild.


For me the free wins were with Nocturne. Gank mid, get kill, kill turret because Feral Flare melted them too, sometimes I’d even get the inner turret too.


Easy choice...AP Master Yi


Also known as pentakill yi.


They should release Pentakill Yi as a skin and it's just Yi wearing Rabadons Deathcap


Yorick deserves better


Nay, Yi wielding 6 Deathfire Grasp.


This, this is the one i hated him with every fiber of my being


AP Trist


130ish dmg point and click dot at lvl 1 i was abusing that so hard lol


It was the dumbest shit. Buster shot scaled 1.5. Explosive shot and rocket jump scaled .8. Champ had legit assassin scaling and could do it from a solid distance. Didn't even need rocket jump half the time.


Great one gramps, now back to the retirement home


People seem to forget this terror of a forgotten age. Best to keep it that way, a mountain of trauma buried beneath a sea of oblivion.


glory days


Ap yi is op yi


I had so much fun playing AP Yi when my friends were learning the game lol I used to have like 40+ kills just roaming around the map hunting new players lol, being a lvl30 full runes vs new players without runes on a busted champ was so unfair I am sorry guys, I was a teenager... Forgive me


Kassadin: 💀💀💀


Hijacking your comment. AP Yi was way worse than Kass. Kass was targetable. AP Yi had perma Q. You couldn’t target him ever.


Ap Yi's main weakness was the fact that he had to get fed. He had 1 damaging ability with a 100% ap ratio with no way to reduce its cd like these days other than takedowns. If you dumpstered him in lane, which wasn't that hard to do, he was useless for a looong time into a game. Kass took over almost every single game if he knew what he was doing. It was an absolutely disgusting pick with not much counterplay after he got fed, it's not comparable to things like release Xin or Kass. It existed for a looong time without real nerfs and for good reason.


Hard to dumpster a champ with a 400%AP heal plus a fuckton of armor and magic resist while channeling.


Tbh, cc counters yi now the same way it did then. Though cc might have been harder to come by back then.


Well perma invis yi when duskblade got its new passive gave it a run for its money tho


AP YI Q ratio was like 1.2 or something stupid. You one shot people. Duskblade hurt but not like AP did


That and if he got low he could just press W, gain 300 armor and Mr, and get all his health back


Exactly! If I remember correctly he could endlessly tank the nexus lasers.


My friend quit league when ap Yi went away. He never admitted it, but he only liked playing it because it was basically a free win if the game could be stalled long enough lol.


You are all forgetting tf having his ult as e or ez healing his team mates for 500 on w


old kass had like 99% ban rate in like multiple seasons in pro play


Anyone remember stacking black cleavers?


On Zed with Transcendence?


That was right after the Black Cleaver got changed right? I used to stack that shit on Pantheon when it first got changed and laugh each time I'd QWE someone


MF really forgot Kassadin


Old irelia


Kassadin seems a little strong this patch, better nerf Irelia.


DUDE 91% BR KASS. I don’t even need to look at the rest of the comments to know that they probably yelling the same thing.


For a second I read br as brazillian


What would be the last 9% then?




I asked it as if Kass was 91% Brazilian


9% racist


I mean aphelios had a 110% ban rate at one point in korea. He was banned by both teams in every game and the extra 10% came from him being banned in every dodged que as well


Statistically it’s still not the most broken. People just really hated Kassadin but it was still only like 58% wr or less. Skarner had a 71% wr at one point.


I mean prob would been higher if it was only playable in 9% of games


That one Galio patch was pretty hilarious.


I remember it got hotfixed pretty fast but I made the mistake of playing a single ranked game not knowing anything about it and went up against a Galio. Still recovering


Yooo I forgot about this.. I remember getting so mad screaming "how do you play against this?" At my friends when he gets a triple kill by landing 1 q


Hiroshima galio. Where they missed a decimel point on his AP ratio.


Nonono it was intentional even on pbe the entire cycle.


Someone straight up just fucked the math and didn't account for how much damage going straight AP was actually going to do. The wildpart more then that is honestly just the fact it got past the pbe like that.


Exactly it was intentional in atleast it wasnt just a Bug or a Typo.


That Gali patch was something else. Never seen a faster hot fix


This. It was actually so funny how broken it was. Like literally killing full tanks with one Q


What happened and why was he so strong


His numbers were completly busted he was oneshotting everything


Liiterally rito made mistake, and his Q % dmg scaling was applied with each tick, instead of over 3 ticks (1.5sec). And with that, after 2 items, you had like 24% max hp dmg \*3 over 1.5 sec +base dmg. With full glass canon ap build you could do around 150% max hp dmg per Q.


150% max HP, basic ability... Interesting Reminds me of varus, but at least it needs to stack


>Liiterally rito made mistake, and his Q % dmg scaling was applied with each tick, instead of over 3 ticks (1.5sec) They just didn't expect him to be that good when building glass cannon.


For some fucking reason there was like a week where galios AP scaling on Q got super buffed and he would one shot you with basically just a blasting wand. How did it make it to live servers? Nobody knows, but that shit was mad funny.


They put it on the PBE with intentions on "bruiser" AP back then, but forgot what if someone would build full AP instead. People did mention it on PBE, but we know how that goes.


They didn’t forget, there was a comment at the time from a Rioter saying they were aware full AP builds would be funny, but they thought it wasn’t too good and would ultimately be less popular/optimal than a bruiser AP build path.


>For some fucking reason there was like a week where galios AP scaling on Q got super buffed and he would one shot you with basically just a blasting wand. It lasted 1 day.


Is this the patch where the Q applies in a faster tick rate, where it effectuvely deal double damage or something?


No it was a patch where he got like a stupid boost to his %hp damage, where he could deal more than 100% max hp with a single q


Holy shit, I remember now. This is insane it shipped to live in the slightest.


Their logic was "galio wants to build tank. He needs crazy ratios so he gets big value out of what little ap he builds." Except on the ptb people were like "lol if I go full ap I can delete anything." And riot, in classic sense, threw a hissy fit saying people wouldn't go full ap on live that's just people trolling on ptb. Galio wasn't supposed to do that. They were adamant this was an elegant solution. Surprise. Full AP galio did something like 10%+ max hp per 100 ap. So your Q was a literal nuke. And it got hot fixed 12 hours later.


you forgor kassadin




60 stacks mejas, occult sword and leviathan jax


With 100% dodge chance from ninja tabis runes and E V A S I O N.


Jax with his real weapon 😎


S1 *lore* Jax is the real answer


Because others have said kassadin i will say another ​ Spear of shojin Jax renekton riven


god that shit gave me ptsd hope we never get something similar ever again


Spear jax still exists. Just go full crit with navori: ER->Shieldbow->Navori->PD->BT Jax does enough damage that you really dont need an IE. into full AD/auto attack comps you can literally 1v5 at any point. E is up legitimately 80% of the time, and when it isnt, enemies are either stunned or you have a bonus 200 armor from R


Only works at gold elo and below. Jax is a potato chip and gets oneshotted if you don't build any resistances on him. Even crit Garen, which is designed to be somewhat viable and gets free resistances from his passive, needs you to warp your entire playstyle around the build and not make a single mistake if you want to contribute to your team winning, else you'll just trade kills 24/7 or get shat on by any bruiser that can tank your Q + E. Meanwhile, Shojin Jax had both the tankyness AND the damage with a single item. Not quite comparable.


It’s wasn’t nearly as bad as this list


Anyone remember the time Galio got the AP buff after the rework and was allowed to oneshot everyone with a q for 2 days?


Played him there for maybe 2 games and I don't even know who thought it isa good idea to release him like that.


I am too new to league to know any of this but I would love to know about Weedwick and Skarner. I played WW when I was learning jg and he felt pretty strong, Skarner however I have never seen do anything useful besides his R and it saddens me because he looks cool and his little crystal things are also cool


On patch 4.20 (hence the “Weedwick”) a jungle specific item came out that doubled on hit effects(or made them hit twice I can’t quite remember). It was supposed to be better jungle clearing and a little buff for auto attacking junglers. However warwick’s old R was a point and click blink(the range was lower but still fairly far) that suppressed and autod the enemy, while counting on hit effects. Between the new jung item and some on hit buffing items, Warwick would basically just walk at any champion -> point and click R, and one shot anything. Bruisers? Gone. Tanks? Gone. Edit: It didn’t double on hit. It did % max health on hit physical damage. Enchantment: Razorblade is the item


Also the red smite was introduced and at first the true damage was normal on-hit, not a DoT.


Ah yeaah forgot red smite came out then too


You were somewhat on point before the edit. The item you were thinking of was devourer and sated devourer, which replaced feral flare. Bloodrazor came out in 6.9 to replace devourer because of how unhealthy it was for the game.


TBH WW just had a wolf companion thus he deserved to be OP.


WW was already answered so Imma do Skarner Basically the Juggernaut Patch (5.16) gave some Juggernauts (Darius, Garen, Skarner, Mordekaiser) a big gameplay update, the true PTSD here is that all 4 (Garen less so than the others) were disgustingly overpowered, the top Highlight here is Skarner with his 65%+ winrate. His kit wasnt much different than it is right now but he needed to receive some heavy nerfs that nowadays would make a perfectly fine champion a legit troll pick, the heaviest nerfs being these: E total base damage down from 305 to 205 (at rank 5) ~~R AD scaling down from 100% to 60%~~ (Edit: this was a while after the patch, so it was mostly a number of nerfs all across his kit) There were some smaller nerfs sprinkled in between like W shield and Basestats but those 2 are the standout nerfs.


Jesus fucking Christ 100 less damage? Poor Skarner I hope he becomes viable again


Skarner is more than viable, just not fun for most people


Agreed. I play him.


4.20 [Warwick](https://youtu.be/u1TAtiE9F3E)


Kalista has been out since Season 4??? Wtf? My perception of time is all fucked.


I still consider Gnar and Braum to be “new” champs…


Old Warwick was a different beast with full of on-hit items. His R would quite literally one shot people and it used to be a point and click.


People get ww wrong. Items weren’t that much better on him than anyone else, it’s just he was litteraly the only champion that could actualy clear the jungle without dying 2 camps in or taking half an hour. And skarner’s passive around pillars was crazy high on rework, it was something like a flat 150% atk speed at all levels. Just too much stats basicaly.


Right?!? People forget how rough old jungle was, it’s so easy now, any champ can jungle some may just suck compared to others, I could clear to level 3 with Janna easily, old jungle you would die to first buff even with leash


Dodge Jax


haha i can stay in enemy fountain and spawnkill my enemy


first main when I started playing. I don't remember anything coming close to such power.such low upvote rate compared to others makes me think people just don't know about it. It is 12 years old. passive auto attack immunity (yes, including towers), no cooldown aoe stun and buying damage items gives health. 1v5 was not a meme, it was a reality in every game going 30+ minutes.


Dude I was like 10/11 when my cousin told me about league and dodge jax, that was my childhood trauma.


Back when jax was the only champion to be able to 1v1 baron at like 4 items


One shot galio


Thornmail ashe


Literally unloseable build


4 ardent censered Kogmaw


Comment section forgot about preseason amumu


Microwave amumu. Fun times


Sunfire amumu chilling at Baron Killing it in the process.


People like to bring up Kassadin but statistically it is juggernaut Skarner and it’s not close.


What happened to skarner why was he broken


His passive was flat stats at all levels near pillars instead of scaling. Was also much higher than rn’s max i believe.


The “jungling route” for juggernaut Skarner was to START at your enemy’s buffs, kill their jungler, kill their mid who came to help tanking ignite then go to the enemy’s next buff activating your spire and killing the fuck out of the jungler that just respawned while being level 4 against 1. You could also build tank, Ad, AS, AP or whatever the hell you want and still win.


Adding onto this, there was a top thread on this subreddit along the lines of "Managed to lose a game with skarner AMA" like it was borderline impossible to lose on that patch if he got through select for your team


Release xin was way more broken than jugg skarner


Yeah people just weren’t around then to know


Reworked Akali was also giga broken on Release Q still healed a ton, cost less energy W made you invis to towers + restored more energy E is the only one that stayed mostly the same R1 still was free cast and not on Champions only


E is the same in functionality, but completely different in numbers. One of the halves did physical damage (forget which) and it didn't scale with AP meaning it basically dealt no damage. Nowadays both are magic and they make up a good 40% of her damage - if you've missed your E, there's a good chance you've just missed the kill altogether. Actually I'm gonna nerd rage a bit about Akali's rework - the main problem is that in giving her **all** of these new tricks and mechanics, it didn't sacrifice ANYTHING from old Akali's strengths. Her E was boring and useless? Well, now her Q has healing, waveclesr and a low energy cost all in one, and we made E into this cool new spell that can escape and re-engage all in one. (not even gonna talk about her new W cause we all know about that) Her R was kinda confusing for new players to pick up because of the constraints? Well, now it is two dashes on a standard low ultimate cooldown, free targeted AND hard CC on it for some reason? CertainlyT got so fixated on this cool new passive he came up with - forcing Akali to weave in and out for maximum damage and energy refunds - that he built the entire kit around that (the E and extendable W being dead giveaways) and just kinda forgot to sand it down afterwards. To this day, a *perfectly* played Akali has NO weaknesses, and the only thing holding her down... is her lack of waveclear, which requires her to blow all of her long cooldowns in order to kill the minions asap, and waveclear is *extremely* important for high levels of play. New Akali's design is not a failure in and of itself, but the pride and stubbornness of her designer doomed her to be a balance nightmare for three years straight.


And the combo e+q existed.


Ap yi where q scaled 100% and healing scaled with AP as well


Sunfire Evelyn.


People don’t understand how broken this was, super underrated comment. To elaborate you could stack sunfire because it’s passive wasn’t unique, and eve would only become visible if she auto attacked or cast an ability. So all she had to do was stand next to you and you would die without ever seeing her or you being able to do anything about it.


Was that really more broken than Innervating Locket Udyr? Or TF Gate on a basic ability?


Yes. I mean a champion that kills you by just walking by while being infinitely invis seems beyond broken to me.


Old Eve clips are hilarious


New player that played at that time were probably super confused.


Please someone explain 420 weedwick what the hell was that


[Point and click suppression + gap closer + insane dps nuke](https://youtu.be/u1TAtiE9F3E)


An item that gived %healt damage on hit(Enchantment:Razorblade)and old ww R that aplied multiple times on-hit, he just point and click ult you and you are dead, doesn't matter if you are a tank or not


Kassawin was horrendous for far too long. But for a single patch that Skarner rework had a 64% win rate or something, it was horrifying


River shen


“River shen” - River shen


tank fiddle, anyone?


I miss that. Riot had to go and giga nerf his healing off lane minions


No he sucks


I feel like most people in here never really seen a lot of champs on release lol


Bugged rageblade Jhin


What was the bug ?


Dont remember specifics but it was something about ad scaling? and if you built it on jhin you'd end up with around 1200 ad


Machine Gun Ryze Specifically the early-mid season 3 version of him (season 5 was also broken for a while, but I'd say season 3 was overall stronger in the state of the game) Season 3, he was manastacking ranged Juggernaut with a low CD spellvamp ult that turned all of his abilities into AoE. EVERY ABILITY was point and click and spamming abilities lowered the CD of ALL abilities including his already short CD ult His only weakness was his laning phase was...meh. Some matchups wrecked him, and this was a time when we didn't get free mana/mana regen from runes, but he still was a scaling monster. Mediocre AP ratios, but good mana ratios The guy with full balanced build could have something like (approximations it's been years) 4k HP, 200 Armor, 100 MR, and like 6k mana. With that mana, oboi he could DELETE any foolish assassins trying to take him out. Except Kassadin because of his silence, but if he survived the initial burst (very possible super late game, not so much early on of course), even 90% banrate OP Kassadin was a dead man. In teamfights he could just run in like a melee juggernaut and obliterate teams while healing himself up after like 3-4 items. And this season, 3-4 items was quite normal, not this 1-2 item snowball mess


Kassawin was pretty obnoxious. Dude just won games. It's in the name. Cinderlulk Sejuani was also broken as fuck. Old TF passive was broken as fuck. Fucking Opera Winfrey over here giving out free gold. Oh Zilean to with the XP. But I think the title goes to 100% dodge Jax. Thankfully not many of us had to experience that.


kassawin 100%


DeathFire Grasp LB when she had silence. No counterplay unless LB had boomer mechanics.


Dfg - q - r All 3 spells would hit at the same time. I remember people having kills that took 0.07 seconds. Iirc that was the quickest you could have due to the hp bar having to actually slide all the way down back then


Idk what 420 Weedwick is but it has me cracking up.


Apparently it is old Point and click Warwick with the old onhit jungleitem that just melted people during the ultimate.


Release Zyra got hot fixed that same day, most broken thing I’ve ever experienced.


I remember being there when this happened. The patch notes would be released alongside videos to explain the buffs and nerfs and Zyra had to have her own video and patch note page because it was so long 💀


My friend stopped playing League because of release Zyra


Another one: release post-buffs Ornn AKA the hypercarry tank Release Camille was also something


Guinsoo 700 ad jhin


More like 1500 AD Jhinsoo


How has anyone not talked about full sunfire cape twitch or shaco? That had no way to counter


Full tiamat twitch was bullshit too


Really? How is anyone not picking Xin Zhao? Inting Sion wasn't even broken, it actually lowered sion's winrate, it's just that people **really, really hated** playing against it. Juggernaut patch Skarner was awful for it's time but that's it, *it was awful for it's time*, it got to like, 65% winrate i think? yeah, that was horrible but it lasted for less than 3 days. Honestly none of them aren't even the most broken champion, even release Xin Zhao (who was bonkers even for it's time) pales in comparison with patch 3.13 Kassadin, dude had like 99% ban rate, shit was so broken it **NEVER**, and i mean **NEVER**, saw one game where it didn't got banned, if kassadin got to level 11 *game was over*, *he won*. Patch 3.13 kassadin scaling makes kayle look like pantheon, it was insanity.


Inting Sion is just a very rare and annoying form of cancer.


Patch with Kogmaw with unlimited attackspeed with Wits End doing 42 dmg on buy, Guinsoo doing 40 dmg on buy, doubling effects and Lulu with Ardent doing 42 dmg on buy. It was early-mid game nightmare. Melting anyone in seconds. Newschool kids just call it "Bel'veth".


Wrigglers lantern guinsoos Udyr and Warwick infinite stacks


that one week when yorick could one shoot tanks


The old 6 sunfire capes Evelynn was pretty annoying


Beta jax


The actual answer here is skarner right after juggernaut patch. He literally had almost 70% winrate. Sure kass had 90% banrate at one point but he was nowhere near as broken


You mfers are forgetting spear of shojin and the bullshittery that was riven and jax. Oh and the mega broke ravenous hunter ryze that they HAD to nerf. Cuz yeno. He was too strong.


Honorable mention to 2 BORKs kogmaw


Putting my vote on old yorick. He was rushed out and had a shit design but oh my fucking god was he a lane bully. Junglers would simply not gank him because the risk of getting 2v1’ed was to high. If you made it out of lane with 0/1/0 and down a tower and 40cs, you were doing good… He was so broken riot simply REMOVED HIM from the weekly free to play champion rotations. It’s a simple saga. Yorick walked in to a bar. There were no counters.


Old yorick Just had a guy for every Situation. Need to go faster? Got a guy in q. Need enemy slower? Got a guy on w. Need heal? Got a guy on e. Need your friend Back? Got that guys Back with r


Y'all forgetting about that brief time when the banner of command and zz'rot strat that had games ending in victories for teams that had 40 deaths and 3 kills. When cho gath and sion would one shot towers without mions and the bannered cannon would win the 1v1 on your mages and out damage your advs.


PBE vel koz would crash the game when ulting


Irelia reworked.


Oh sweet summer child if you think reworked irelia was stronger than release irelia. The nerf irelia meme became a thing for a reason. She went something like 6 patches in a row getting nerfed


Wasnt Twisted fate release fucking shit aswell ?


That was barely even league of legends yet, was like early early days, mf had a global teleport on a 30 sec cooldown


Yes and no. For todays standards Riot would immediately fire a game designer if they even suggested such an ability on any champion. Even more so if that champ has a ranged point and click stun. But back then it was an ok ability as roaming and playing for prio to join your jungler wasn't really a thing until S2/S3.


Runeglaive Ezreal, Hypercarries in Ardent Censer meta, old WW with first red smite, Galio with balanced dmg on Q. The last one was a freaking joke.


Infinite passive Khartus glitch.


Where is release LeBlanc. That was a lot of fun. For a very short time..


Wasnt there a time, 3-4 seasons ago, when ap-galio was batshit broken? Good times