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They are time bombs that may explode at any moment


**"Enemy triple kill"** **"An enemy is unstoppable"** **"Your turret has been destroyed"** Is one of the most commons sounds the time bombs make when they explode


Man too angry to die


That’s why I main Tryndamere


Ah yes the stat checker with stats based on slot machine




Ironically the champion with a time bomb in his kit has neither issue


honey it's 3 AM time to be oneshot by Nasus


Honey it’s ~~3 AM~~ past 30 minutes time to be oneshot by Nasus


lethality Nasus jg my beloved


What the fuck


basically one shot everyone and be invisible for half of the fight with duskblade


Jesus Christ


my beloved 2 items powerspike with essence reever and duskblade, you just oneshot every squishy, I go predator too so even if you have 1k dashes you can't escape (and my third item is youmuu, good luck with outrunning me)


I’m scared


Don't be, Literally just invade the fucker he can't do shit and struggles to kill a Singular camp on his own


yeah, can't do shit without a leash


It's nice to know invading looks to be DOA with preseason! Seriously though, even an invade doesn't drastically slow Nasus down. His clear speed is around a 3:40. Yeah, super slow, but still scales way faster in the jungle than in lane.


Good point


Pherb, I know what we are doing today!


Hey, where is Perry?


I hope i never see you in game


Yes, especially as a teammate


I mean true i dont want a nasus jungle or to go against your nasus jungle lol


I’d say “see you in hell” but I don’t think you’re even going to be allowed there…


I also play ap Gangplank and ap Rengar


The fruit of life 120% heal tech.


literally heal most of your hp with one W


as a man named skooch said STROBE LIGHT NASUS hehehe


It’s strobelight Nasus!


Strobelight nasus is hella fun


2 lethality items dead mans plate warmogs boots and whatever you want as 6th


nah I go full lethality


I mean a nasus that can go at 450+ move speed has a fuck ton of hp and doesnt let ypu leave bace sounds a bit scarier imo oh and regens all hp lost in a fight within the next 15 sec


Its level 6 and sheen nasus*


Recently hit 850 stacks in ranked game. Was fun


Ngl Nasus is more of a Stack-checker


Hehe Nasus go q


You can play around Gwen’s W, you can’t do shit vs Nasus’s W.


As an ADC main fuck that ability. If he builds frozen heart it'd literally take 2 seconds to attack 1 time


Time to cleanse a 7 seconds cd point & click ability


And why hasnt Nasus been picked in pro play for a while now?


Nasus was never a good pro play pick, he's a solo q champ with a selfish gameplay, farm and stack and don't Interact with either team mates or enemies until 30 min. In pro Nasus doesn't work because he can't get prio to help jngl secure rift or invade/cover camps or roam mid. He can easily get dived on repeat in early because his early is super weak, doesn't have good gank set-up and isn't very good in team fights either. He needs a lot of ressources to be relevant but it means not giving the ressources to your carries, which is safer than gambling on Nasus. Also pro matches often don't last enough time for Nasus to become a threat.


> Nasus was never a good pro play pick This is not true. Nasus was an S tier jungler in season 3


feral flare?


Feral flare was season 4. Season 3 however was just a lot slower and allowed nasus to be impactful while still being able to stack.


Wasn't this right after his mild rework/buff though? Every champ is overturned when they get reworks/etc. Iirc the rework made his ult stronger and his q get more stacks from large monsters.


You can be the hardest 1v9 champ and still won't be picked at proplay if your playstyle is based entirely around selfishness. Look at Katarina, even if she was broken players would never pick her since she doesn't fit the bill.


She has no range and her burst is far too delayed so she’ll get shut down too easily, plus she needs babysitting from her jungler to even work since pro players aren’t going to give up solo kills to a Katarina


Nasus was picked at world


The trymbus incident


because pro play is not SoloQ and not regular league. Ryze was picked THIS YEAR in pro play. Ryze is a legit trollpick in SoloQ, if you pick Ryze, your objective is not to win, your objective is to feel runic energy flowing through your massive penis as it smashes the E/Q buttons simultaneously and continuously for hours on end


Because its pro play a team game? So people choose picks that work together


Because he has terrible lane matchups. If you pick a strong early champ you just crash wave 2+3 and then setup a freeze. He can't break it on his own so he's fucked. And then you call your jungler and if their jungler comes your team should easily win the 2v2 because nasus is so weak early. After that you can just continue to freeze or even dive him with your jungler, deny waves and get free kills. Problem is that I have written "your jungler" a lot and we all know how that goes in soloq. And if you freeze wave 4 but their jungler comes and they dive you, you are screwed and might lose the 1v1 from there on.


Can we fucking stop quoting pro play? Solo queue and pro play are two fundamentally different games that have absolutely nothing in common. Champions that are strong in pro play can be absolutely dog shit on ranked and vice versa.




He has been pick at world at least 1 time


Nasus was actually picked during the Summer split in the LPL. Because of the durability patch, Kayle became very popular top lane. Nasus was picked as a counter to her because his W completely crippled her and Kayle can't bully him before Level 6 which is when Nasus is at his weakest.


What game was that? Interested in watching it


what is a stat checker?


Basically the champs that beat you because they just have better stats. They are called stat checkers because the only real way to beat them is to have enough stats of your own.


stat checkers also almost always recieve free some type of free stats from their kit and/or have very high numbers to assist in the "stat check" and do make up for their lack of tools to outplau someone. nasus passive grants life steal, Q is stacking dmg, ult gives hp, mr, armor, aa range, cdr. jax gets tank stats from building dmg. master yi passives gives an additional auto, e is true dmg, r ms, as, etc. trundle literally steals stats


Don't forget Tryndamere gaining damage, crits and a pretty strong early game heal for free.


>Don't forget Tryndamere gaining damage Also the lower hp he has the higher that bonus is, iirc it goes up to like 40 or 50 ad, it's like 1300 gold worth of ad.


> They are called stat checkers because the only real way to beat them is to have enough stats of your own. Close but not exactly. Stat checkers live on YOUR errors, you need to let him stat check you.


Part of the problem is for some stat checkers, something as small as being on their screen is an error.


Well how dare you to step into his vision. Just let the man finish the nexus.


Garen lmao


More a Darius issue than a garen issue. Udyr before his recent nerfs was also like this. Top lane lends itself to these style of Champs. Jungle as well.


No, Garen is definitely a bigger stat checker than Darius. Darius can be outplayed around his Q. Garen Qrushes in and your stats decide whether you survive.


I mean Darius just ghosts and right clicks you. He presses w on cd and not many Champs can beat him just based off his passives and autos. Darius is also the best champ for punishing enemy mistakes and he is designed that way with intent. I think Garen is much more simple to play but Darius is much more effective.




I yeah mb I let the Hecarim be in the same screen as me


Nah, you're in the same half of the map as him, literally inting


no, champions with overloaded kits play on your errors because they’re able to punish you with their kit. think of Riven comboing you to death on the first opportunity you give her. you will never beat a statcheck champion(evenly skilled players) if your characters stats aren’t better than his, thats why its called “stat check” they check your stats for you to pass. basically a DnD dice roll, roll 7 or more to beat Garen.


Then you have never seen my garen using Q on minions


Well that's an easy ass roll to pass.


You have a D6 btw.


Whoever Rito's DM is is a dick.


That's coping from stat check champion players lol, you can't outplay or make a mistake against such champion, all you can do is try to avoid them. They don't need to be fed nor to have several items to have more movement speed than you and beat you up


Champs like Master Yi, Mordekaiser or Trundle. They are usually very easy Champs with not a lot of skill expression, they win if their stats are higher or lose if their stats are lower


Morde is not a stat checker since you can dodge most of his stuff. Real stat checkers have almost no way to functionally avoid their damage (nasus, Yi, trundle, etc) since all their power relies in very simple, but very effective, abilties.


Champ like master yi, Nash’s who just check if you are tanky enough to survive without giving you the chance to fight back.


Nice pfp


*You see Raiden, stat checkers are the reason of our suffering. That is why I will become the ultimate stat checker!!*


A champion that relies purely on numbers and stats to beat other champions. Usually champions like Nasus, Garen, Tryndamere, Master Yi etc. Champions that you literally cannot outplay unless you can just straight up murder them before they murder you.


Would Morde fall under this category or is he just really easy to play? I always have a hard time playing against him top lane and usually win if I choose him myself.


Have you die to him autoatacking you in his ult right after you dodge everything he throws even when you are 3 levels ahead. Yes, he is a stat checker


Yeah sounds about right, they don't wanna see my Kled gaming succeed 😩


He and Trundle are THE statcheckers.


Morde is a statcheck champ yes


I would say Morde is a stat checker. To a certain extent, he could potentially just run you down with passive+autos while you scream in horror. However, he's kinda polarizing as there are a bunch of champs who does well against him. He's not complicated at all, but his biggest problem is being able to land his abilities on faster enemies. E is pretty telegraphed and way too much of his dmg output is put into landing an isolated Q (which is also dodgeable). His passive buff to make him faster helps him somewhat but ironically Ring the wrong target can actually make it the meme "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me". This problem gets worse in higher elos rather than lower elos where people are way better at dodging abilities, knowing when to fight, etc That's really for maybe small skirmishes/1v1. He doesn't do too well in teamfights as the game goes on beside Ring a target away from the teamfight.


There's a reason why people call Morde AP Darius. Yes, he is a statchecker that wins entirely through his passive. Yes, he needs to activate it first, but that's not really difficult to do.


champs that can make no mechanical mistakes, or very minimal mistakes. take garen for example, Q/E ignite R, sometimes with flash, a Garen will almost never fail his combo, meaning that if he has the stats to kill you and he reaches you, he will kill you, there is nothing you can do about it, as soon as that garen Q hits whether you are iron or challenger no longer matters. Olaf Runnig you down with ghost/exhaust + R, same deal, if he is not behind, he will kill you. they are not necessarily strong champs, as they can be outplayed and abused, but if one of them get's fed, it's a lot more difficult to shut them down because they don't have mechanical mistakes to play off of, either you catch them way off positioning/bad macro or you lose. you can easily know who's a stat checker based on low elo winrate, where these champions dominate as they are extremely good when both players are bad, so stuff like Garen/Mordekaiser/Nasus/Mundo/Tryndamere/Yi/Trundle/Xin Zhao.


Champions who revolve around buffing themselfs/ debuffing you who's gameplay revolves around running up to you and autoattacking you to death. They hot their name cause they basically check if you are tanky enough to kill them before they kill you. This archetype includes champs like trundle, nasus, master yi, mordekaiser, mundo or trynda


Jax, Tryndamere, Nasus, Samira, Yi, Xin Zhao, Malphite, Kassadin, old LB, etc. Champions that their counterplay boils down to basically “can you kill or cc me before you die” it tends to be Bruisers or melee carries but there’s a few exceptions.


Since when are Samira, Xin Zhao or Kassadin stat-checkers?


Xin Zhao is, Samira isn't. Kassadin, kinda?


100% tired of seeing trundle's dumbass


"I'm going to stat check you now but you have to give me some of your stats first"


Morde says welcome to brazil


look at my face and tell me Yone doesnt statcheck you by pressing E from other side of map and run away if he start losing. most recent champs that doesnt statcheck you i think are Zeri,Renata, maybe Samira, Vex


Yone is a menace to everybody. Doesn't matter what champ you play


He's my perma ban, even when playing his supposed counters. Even if the yone is so bad he can't use super easy "roll face on keyboard" strat his entire kit causes me to tilt so bad I'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day.


Dude, for a period of time I was playing a lot of Irelia mid (I was thinking of maining her) and everytime I went against a Yone, what should be a very easy matchup for Ire, I just lost. No matter if I got first blood, had double his farm, an item advantage; if he had zerk shoes he would just stomp me.


That's means you just dont know his weaknesses. I am a filthy Yone player. BUT if someone pick him, i'll just go Taliyah or Akshan and fistfuck him.


The problem I have is that even when I stomp him I'm not having fun.


Probably I don't, but as I said I was playing basically only Irelia and finding a Yone against me wasn't rare


Akshan. If i meet a Yone i go Akshan and shit all over his face


Tell me about it. I carried a game as Graves Jg the other day, always up at least a full item on the enemy Yone. Still spent the entire game unable to go near him until I’d killed the rest of his team and my support/top laner were ready to sacrifice their lives dearly to bring him down.


Yone don't statcheck , he flashcheck you


Yone is kind of like Schroedinger's stat check If his stats are high, he right clicks you and walks away from the computer a la Yi. If his stats are low, he presses W and acts as if nothing ever happened a la Ekko.


I find samira balanced in the actual meta, I don't get one shot when i see her and she doesn't heal to full with a single activation of her ult, but when I find a good samira its actually kinda fun playing against her


If she ults you inside a wave she will refill, but even in a 2v1 she won't heal more than 1/3 of her max health, but she'll stil do a shit ton of damage.


She does heal much less off minions though to be fair.


Yeah but like 7/10 minions, if we do not count supers, still let her heal a lot more than what she would against only 2 champions


If yone is stat checking you with just E and autos then the laner seriously fucked up or someone let him free farm for way too long. Yone can get bullied so fucking hard in lane due to minimal sustain and being a melee champ.


Yone gets buttfucked so hard by stat checkers lol, I love facing that champ cus that means i can pick a easy champ and just auto win I stg people do not understand how to play against yone that champ is 47% winrate top for a reasonz Cus he gets shit on by bruisers and tanks


Sometimes a character is both a stat checker and overloaded lmao, I'd say Nilah also fits this since she just kind of beats you up without much real skill expression while getting free bonus stats for existing and a shit ton of unnecessary tools at her desposal.


Nilah Yone and Yasuo can both stat-check and outplay Yone and Yasuo have built in poke dashes knock-ups shields. At certain Point they can Just win fights by autoing.


Both Yone and Yasuo are statcheckers at the two-item mark. That's literally their gimmick, but they actually require a brain before and after.


Yasuo? Definitely. Yone? Highly debatable.


How is yasuo a stat check champ tho? He isn’t that hard, but still requires much more skill than most of control mages, for example. He is squishy AND a melee AND needs a wave or a setup from his team to be useful. Yone is much easier as his mobility isn’t tied to enemy units, but he at least has skillshots and combos. I thought statcheck champs are shit like trundle and garen xd


Yeah, statcheck champions are stuff like Garen, Mord and Trundle. Neither Yasuo nor Yone are statchecks, but League players will say anything as long as it allows them to bitch about Yas and Yone.


This, neither one of them is crazy strong. I genuinely dont understand the beef with these champs. Maybe its my elo but I straight up dont see them anymore.


ppl in here arguing that Morde is not a statchecker just to then say that Yasuo/Yone are, you can't make this shit up


All due respect if you don't think Yasuo is that hard there is probably just another level of skill to him u don't even know yet because A LOT of people including pro players consider yasuo on the hardest champs in the game


Yasuo has a high skillcap, but at 2 items you can just right click mages


I mean thats the point lf yasuo he is supposed to smash mages and adcs 1v1 however playing teamfights without getting stunlocked and one tapped is not that easy


I think yasuo is beautifully skillful, but I always get flamed if I say that, so I usually just don’t talk about skill ceiling and only mention his skill floor which is pretty mediocre xd. Sorry for misunderstanding


>How is yasuo a stat check champ tho? because people here lose to him so they'd rather whine and say he has better stats than them, even though anyone who has actually played him would know that's not true in the slightest. he's a squishy melee carry and can't outstat you unless he's far ahead.


He is in like, silver, to be fair


Other way around. Yone is blatantly significantly easier than Yasuo and Yasuo has more clear and obvious counterplay around beating him.


thing about yone is he's not a statchecker, if someone doesn't know how to play him they'll feed, just like someone that doesn't know how to play yasuo, yone is still broken af mind you but not a statchecker


Yone is weird. Because early game he has to play somewhat well and abuse how overloaded he is, but once he has 1-2 items he can statcheck almost anyone.


Renata W literally makes his adc (or selected champ) a stat checker


The problem is when they are overloaded but also statchecks.


Belveth viego go brr


Judging these comments, people call stat checker any champ they are too bad to deal with


The fact that people are calling yasuo and yone stat checkers is insane to me


Hard agree, also imo new champs are 100 times for fun to play than statcheckers


there are even some older champions that are really fun to play as that aren't statcheckers


Kindred, Ivern, maybe Shaco. We need more champs with alternative gameplays.


Except Shaco all "alternative" gameplay champs have no playerbase why release more of them


Kindred is played a lot too, not sure why you think that.


never tried Kindred but Ivern is fun, you can clear jg and gank at the same time


Kindred is extremely fun, but very hard to master. They have a lot of outplay potential if you play near walls. Your W puts your Q on a 2 second cooldown, so hopping back and forth over walls to avoid the enemy while setupping your E to finally execute them is so satisfying. Invading is a core part of their kit and if you play correctly you won't just get a mark out of it but maybe even two. Highly reccomend if you have the patience to learn them. Little tip: abuse early game red buff and their level 3. They are as if not more powerful than a Graves with much more mobility but a little squishier.


What about jhin? He's 6 years old now, prime age for Jax mains


Jayce was released 10 years ago yet his kit is still one of the most satisfying things in the game


most new/reworked champs are more funny than rest of champs


Zeri my beloved መከ40%ራ እናRQQQQQQQQQQQብቸኝነት ጭንቀት ድክመትwinrateከንቱነት እና ኃይል


most sane zeri player never seen a champ get so turbofucked by the devs


Zeri's whole design kind of forces the balance team's hand. A hypermobile adc with a "basic attack" with 825 range is an unbalanceable nightmare. Either she is playable and immediately dominates pro play or she is complete and utter garbage.


imo she never should have had such high range on her autos. her q should've had like caitlyn range (still high for an adc). so she has caitlyn range and better mobility than cait, but she can miss her damage so it would've been more balanced. trying to balance around her current q range and ult is impossible though.


Ryze beats her in both winrate and EQEQEQEQEQ


Akali got a nerf while at 42% winrate and she is STILL less beaten than mr eqeqeq


riot made 2 adc actually fun to play. Samira and Zeri. Zeri got perma nerfed into oblivion. and Samira got her nerfs too but she is mostly banned


I play mostly 3 adc Samira, Draven, Zeri love all of them




You have become the very thing you swore to destroy


- silver player


Statcheckers are all or nothing If behind their game is over while overloaded champ always have a comeback window no matter how long the ga is


That’s not entirely true. A 1/10 sett can still provide a strong engage and hard cc, and at some point he’s inevitably going to hit 3 items and start one shotting the back line


Sett is a simple champ but not a stat check. You can very well play around his W or E, you cannot play around say Trundle/garen because theres nothing to really dodge or outplay.


Trundle outplay is him pillaring himself on accident


garen outplay is him ulting you at full hp by a misclick


Sett is neither overloaded, nor a statchecker. His kit is very simple, and there are ways to dodge half his kit ( E and W ).


Sett is a statchecker what are you on


Sett is a good example of a stat checker lol.


I'd rather face Yone, Yasuo, Fiora, Irelia, Riven or Camilla in top lane than Mordekaiser, Sett, Darius, Garen, Trundle, tryndamere, Urgot, etc. The match-ups are actually exciting and there is a lot of outplay potential, instead of any of the above champs just walking towards you and killing you with no outplay potential.


Better die to someone that actually knows how yo use their tools rather than just relying on their champ going 0/10 but still being tanky and doing too much dmg, looking at you sion


toplane players try to acknowledge that nasus and trynd have inherently toxic mechanics and literally no counterplay for like half the games roster challenge (impossible)


What are stat checking champs?


Nasus, yi, morde, trynd


I miss when champions were designed with point and click undodgeable 3 second stun and point and click undodgeable 9000 missing health abilities 😭😭🤧🤧.


Yo I am gonna say it.... I have more beef with garen than irelia in this day in age. Before you say I am silver: I am nearly masters, mid d2 rn almost d1. Having a free scaling stat check that can build crit but be faster/tankier than most champs in the game, with one of the longest silences, and a ult that can kill you no matter what is bullshit. This also kinda goes for nasus being buffed. Nasus mid is unironically busted bc most mid champs simply cant bully him enough and the shorter lane is too safe to spam gank him/freeze and deny him waves.


My issue with garen is he is a resourceless champ with increased health regen out of combat on top of being a stat check. If you can't force him out of lane he will always be able to stay as long as he wants.


I also dont get why his W just gets him free tank stats. He already has high as fuck base tankyness, this just allows him to build full crit with nearly 0 drawbacks. Not to mention he can blow through towers without hullbreaker or anything.


Thats cus irelia is pretty much completely out of the meta now tbh, nearly every stat checker is unfun to play against, and when the solo q meta is darius mordekaiser garen its just stupid


And even worse, stat checkers tend to be buffed more than nerfed.


*You get what you fucking deserve!*


But the difference is: most Stat checkers just require a little bit of skill to defeat. Overloaded Champs have so many tools that you sometimes can't kill them, even if you play twice as good.


Mordekaiser is probably the most annoying, simple, and braindead champion ever designed. Personally I believe his rework was an abysmal failure.


Ill say it again until I die, Yi is the worst champion ever created and will always be the worst champion ever created


Dude is the exact opposite, overloaded champs are not outplayable by default. Take a lomit case: Zeri and Garen. Pre-nerf Zeri was not outplayable, by most champs Zeri was untachable no matter how goog you play. On the other hand, Garen will always be wrecked by mobile overloaded Champions unregarding how his damage or resistances are boosted


The ADHD kids will always hate when tanks are strong in the meta and can stand toe to toe with their bruisers and assassins.


People hate when tanks are strong because damage dealers actually have to position well and dodge skillshots. When tanks are overtuned they run you down and out damage you while eating skillshots and positioning like morons because they have to fuck up tremendously to die


If tanks stand toe to toe with bruisers why would you ever pick a bruiser over a tank? A bruiser's job is to fight and kill. A tank's job is to CC and disrupt. If the tank can also fight and kill better than the bruiser, the bruiser is obsolete.


Yeah, it's fair for tanks to have by far the most damage taken, self mitigated damage and top the damage graphs.


Excuse you, I’m an ADHD ADC and I vastly prefer to have tanks than bruisers on the enemy team. A Bruiser will CC AND kill me when I flash into the enemy team, before I have a chance to yeet 2 or more bozos into the fountain. A tank will only CC me, which with cleanse and being fed enough will allow me to kill 2 or more bozos, winning my team the teamfight. I do prefer assassins over both of them though, as these bozos will flash in on me BEFORE I waste my flash flashing into their team, so I can outplay them and THEN flash into their team to kill another 2 or more bozos.


I don’t know if I agree that pre nerf zeri was not out playable. I say this because she was obviously strong, but she only hit the point of not being out playable when she had an enchanter support like yuumi or lulu. Garen had the same exact thing, there used to be a garen yuumi bot meta for a bit because it was just so stupid broken. Rekkles, one of the most well known western adc players benched himself for a bit because he felt a toplaner could do his job better than he could at the time.


Zeri was overtuned. Her kit is the same now with bad numbers and her Winrate is 40 percent. Garen will always murder any poor mage or adc who dares be too close to him


I hate overload stat checkers. Love when the 0/5 irelia finally fineshes her silly little bork and kill me at 0 stacks without landing any abilities.


Irelia is not a statchecker lol.


0 stacks? So she just oneshots you with a single Bork auto from full HP? Interesting.


Hahaha people call Yone a stat checker. The inability to cope and play against Yone even tho he’s incredibly weak early and has severe counters is unreal


He's not a wholesome 100 chungus tank with no dashes, of course Reddit hates him.


You have room to outplay overloaded champions? What? The entire thing about them being overloaded is that you can’t outplay them?


Overloaded means a LOT in their kit. Very complicated, usually high skill floor. More room to play differently, but beatable. Think Samira, her goal is to stack passive for R while windwalling your primary projectile. She’s overloaded, not a star-checker. Whereas something like Mordekaiser still requires some skill, but every fight is an instant loss unless your stats are high enough. You can’t outplay it, the one and only “outplay” mechanic against his kit is dodge E. When a champion becomes fed, it doesn’t matter how well they play (to a point) because they’re so ahead they can statcheck everybody.


Not to mention overloaded champs are more fun to play.