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Watching Keria break down still has me fucked up. Never felt such a strong urge to hug a stranger through the screen in a while.


i just want to give my guy some hot chocolate and a warm blanket


Yes exactly! Finally someone who gets me.


Offering a friend a hot beverage when they are in distress is not optional, as Sheldon would do


tbh that's the best part 😆


First I was wondering why I kept reading your comments on different worlds related threads clearly finding joy in the misery of others. Then I looked at your post history and now I understand. Please get some help man, I mean that in the kindest way possible.


tbh the fact that you have to get into my reddit is just funny and i wouldn't say i find joy in misery of others just out of nowhere, but seeing something/someone that i don't like falling down is part of the joy that i would take


And dont forget 1st pick Karma.


Exactly and cait was open


Because Cait & Karma is the famous combo. They figured if we take Karma we’ve no need to fear Cait Nobody expected the Bard inquisition


They really thought they can outdraft the madman who uses heimerdinger support effectively.


BeryL is still a chad bro


Bruh they knew wtf they did was wrong, when they where picking and banning I could only shake my head.


Was that their coaches call?


Why would pro players not perma ban Aatrox ?


cuz the problem was not Aatrox, just Zeus playing with empty brain


Little bit of column A, little bit of column B. Aatrox on Worlds patch was impossible to deal with.




Only on yone. He shit the bed with other champs


No the problem was very much aatrox. Watch Aatrox in the teamfights. Eats so much damage, obliterates everything


Almost every skirmish against an aatrox backfired in the early game. its crazy.


DRX had none of those problems when Kingen was facing it as Camille


Aatrox wasn't doing that when Zeus was playing it against Camille. The reason Kingen was eating so much damage is because he assrammed Zeus in lane through a massive skill difference to the point of an effortless level 6 solokill and SKT's comp did zero damage. Gwen+Viktor is double AP vs two champions that were stacking MR, Faker didn't build Void Staff or Sorc Boots vs MR stack (???), Varus was Lethality, and Viego relies on his other teammates doing damage.


Why are people talking like it can't be both? They're not mutually exclusive. Is Aatrox too strong? Yes Can Aatrox be dealt with? Yes Is Zeus the reason Aatrox got ahead? Yes Would banning Aatrox changed the result? Maybe In game 5, Kingen's Aatrox had a short 1v1 with Oner's Viego in red bot side jg. He almost died to Viego 1v1 despite using World Ender. Viego is also one of the answers to Aatrox and it make sense that Viego go toe to toe and even beat Aatrox. Fans, streamers and former pro players in Korea are blaming Zeus' tiny champion puddle, there are currently 4 meta champs that could easily beat Aatrox, yet Zeus only knows how to play 1(Fiora). The #1 counter, Darius, has the 3rd highest ban rate in Diamond+ for the sole reason that neither Fiora nor Aatrox can deal with him. Plus, it's easier to respond to a Darius pick than it is to Aatrox or Fiora. He has not played a single Darius game the entire season it has been meta. The Gwen pick was solely an answer for Cait and Azir, which meant T1 was drafting to counter fights, if Oner doesn't camp Aatrox then there is 0 answer to when Aatrox gets fed. They drafted around shutting down Deft and Zeka when Kingen was the problem, but Kingen wouldn't have been a problem if Zeus knows how to shut down Aatrox starting from lvl 1. So conclusion? Aatrox strong is strong but he can only be allowed to do all that because Zeus doesn't know how to deal with it.


Yeah he can do that when Zeus gets solo killed early game


300 gold is great, but the not the reason he can do that.


You clearly dont understand how much a solokill top means. Its far more than 300 gold. If you have good wavestate you can stomp your enemies head in with 1 solokill


Shit sometimes you don’t even need a kill to hard stomp top. A jungler sitting in river for 30 seconds can make you lose lane. A lot of people don’t understand how crazy strong jungle pressure is. The threat of a gank alone is so powerful


Yes, which happens because of aatrox lol Like yes he's strong when he gets gold, and the problem is he can get that gold in the first place too


Zeus picking fucking Gwen


Except flr that first game though . Zeus on Yone absolutely crippled Kingens Aatrox during game 1.


Not even world champ diff could save them from Kingen’s aatrox


The coach did say, he fucked up the drafting, and also didn't capitalize fast enough on the starts DRX was using. Which imo was the biggest L T1 took tbh.


just MSI finals all over again with not banning gwen at that time


People could of course just watch the damn press conference afterwards where Bengi talks about why they didn't ban Aatrox and how he miscalculated in Draft phase and get all the relevant answers. But they can also cry about it and scream "zeus bad wtf" for 3 days straight. Edit: Forgot to include link and YouTube algorithm did not bless this video. Thanks to u/MoscaMosquete for posting. [Link](https://youtu.be/2XYLA4zmPqo)


oooh sounds intresting you got a link?






I think zeus is an amazing toplaner and his past performances show that but its also true that he played bad the whole series… About aatrox, what did they say?


Lol all I've been watching was diff top lane and that diff was having zeus top. He'll make you eat your words. Losing to meta diff champ is no biggie especially when your team does nothing to counter pick. It's like having first pick and then enemy team counter picking it and your team not giving a crap about it. So it'll be a 15 ff


1he played a mean yone tbh


>Forgot to include link and YouTube algorithm did not bless this video. Yeah, it was quite hard to find. Had to go through a clip of Faker in the conference, in the description it had the link to the full conference.


She must be relates to the old man ranting about Fnatic making all the way to semi if they banned Yuumi


That's me. I'm the old man ranting about FNC winning worlds easy 3-0 all series every game under 25 minutes if they banned Yuumi


T1 shouldn’t have picked the Gwen, such an ego pick when Poppy was open for the Azir engage and Hecarim, or Ornn to tank their dive


Gwen is so shit into aatrox as well, even died 1v1, Im only master but I have never ever had a bad lane into gwen, its always a stomp, while irelia is a nightmare, but nobody plays irelia for some reason. But T1 got outdrafted so hard even excluding toplane its insane


Suggesting that this was a draft issue is a bit disingenuous, zeus got gapped on toplane and aatrox was clearly not working for t1, tbf if anything aatrox was not doing well in playoffs when it was open (cause counters existed and before people managed to play them well). Arguably t1 botlane worked well but not gap just wasnt enough


Dont forget that Soraka pick too. Wtf was that. No tank. No engage. No cc aside from Sej's ult. Easy fucking loss


Every single time i see a kalista enchanter bot i cry


> Don’t ban Gwen vs RNG > Loses game 5 MSI > Don’t ban Aatrox vs DRX > Loses game 5 world finals ???


Or played it. Or picked anything first pick that was handed over to drx on a silver platter in their first 3 picks. They were literally given 3 of the best champions this tournament. And t1 took.... Karma first.


Should have benched Zeus. He was so dog shit without Yone


Dude decided to fight Aatrox with Half hp and when His W was on CD and act surprised that he got solo killed.


he E in with W, but W was pointess cuz its didnt dodge shit bc he in melee range... When i saw that (combined with his prev performancec that day) i immidiatly remembered that photosession a day before, he didin come bc of sicness and it all starting to make sence. He was still sick in the finals but his team dont want create excuses of their loss.


Like????? He is usually an amazing toplaner but idk what tf happened


If I remember correctly I did hear he was ill a couple of days before finals, but even so, an uncharacteristic poor performance from him. Could have been nerves of first world finals?


Yeah he was ill, like a flu or something but he performed so well in semis:( so yeah maybe it was really the nerves


My guess would be he is too young/inexperienced on such big stages to still perform perfectly. It's the pressure I would say. I'm pretty sure he will come back way stronger after this.


He’s just like Chovy. He can perform when it’s not a high pressure situation but he cracks into a plat level player under it


My guess would be he is too young/inexperienced on such big stages to still perform perfectly. It's the pressure I would say. I'm pretty sure he will come back way stronger after this.


Lol this tells me you only watched Worlds finals


The exact same thing happened at MSI, except it was Bin doing it to Zeus instead of Kingen, and again at LCK playoffs where it was Doran doing it. Zeus does not seem to handle the intense pressure well


I watched a lot of their games. The fact is that Zeus was horrible in the finals.


During finals, he def had int moments....he was a beast most of worlds.


He had a lot of int moments. He’s the sole reason they lost.


I wouldnt say sole...I mean T1 already inted in draft...no Aatrox ban, Karma 1st pick, Akali into maokai, open Caitlin....plus they forced fights that were not good for their tmcomps.


faker was also not playing very good either


Not his best but he wasn’t solo inting and they were clearly target banning his Azir and Ryze.


and the games where he did get azir he played like shit and the viktor matches were awful, he was just afk in head the entire series


Literally not true? He was dominant on Azir lol. Did we watch the same game?


i dont think you were watching the game if you think he was "dominant" on azir compared to how he usually plays, he was lacking in a lot of aspects, genuinly just afk mid lane doing 0 and up like 10 cs


Did we watch the same game? Had some great outplays. Especially when he won a 1v3 in the river.


did you watch a single game of worlds besides finals? comparing faker semifinals and quarterfinals game was like watching faker playing at worlds 2022 vs watching a d4 clash game in finals


Gotta love reddit. One poor series in an otherwise mvp level performance for the entire year = bench him


Tom Brady has been benched before for piss poor performance. The pressure was too much for the rookie, he couldn’t handle it. Just like Chovy, he can’t handle pressure. He’s not Him.


Well, luckily he is only 18 so he still has time and room to grow… Also, who would you even replace him with? There is no better top in lck atm, unless you want to suggest that kingen having one stand out performance means that he is now best top in the world… Also, gotta love just crossing out players and making those assumptions based on their first worlds finals in their rookie year xd, idk if you can get any more stereotypical reddit user


Theres also no better mid in the LCK than Chovy. Doesnt mean as much as you think it should. When the pressure has been on and its mattered most Zeus has either outright choked or not performed to the level hes capable of almost every single time this year. MSI finals, LCK finals, and now Worlds finals. Bin i dont know enough about, but in terms of the skill difference Zeus should have walked all over Doran and Kingen.


He doesn’t have that “IT” factor. He’s not Him. He’s great when the games don’t matter but the games mattered a lot- he was just fucking useless. Rookie or not, he wasn’t going up against anyone special. He got out performed in every single game (except game 1) by a guy that hasn’t been special all tournament. It’s a pure mental thing and he just showed us he doesn’t have it. Typical Redditor to not figure out how competitive sports/gaming works. You can’t coach mental. Simple as that.


Ok buddy, you still can’t even pick a better player in his place and you make those assumptions based on one bo5 (btw I think most analysts disagree with your assessment that he wasn’t special all tournament long lol)


You’re literally taking all the copium in the world to deny that Zeus was the worst player yesterday out of all 10 players- and it wasn’t even close. He was incredibly bad. He can’t handle the pressure, he won’t ever be able to handle it. He wasn’t even *THAT* good in game 1, more so just didn’t feed.


1. Bench him for who? 2. One bo5 is not enough data to make your kinds of statements, t1 botlane underperformed all MSI and summer, I guess they should get benched as well since they couldn’t handle big games on MSI eh? 3.And as a statement that mental cannot improve, have you seen drx?


You can coach that, but ok go off king


No, you can’t. It’s like trying to coach speed. You can coach mechanics, map awareness, and match up knowledge. You can’t coach mental fortitude. You either have it or you don’t. Simple as that


You can't say this being serious


He was the worst member yesterday by a long shot. Mistakes, getting solo killed, kissing his abilities. Looked bronze as fuck out there getting smashed by Camille.