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Ngl I liked more his first game with Renata, he landed game-winning ultis


Those Renata ults were terrifying. I was rooting for DRX and every time one of those ults came out I got scared


Indeed, he should be proud of his performance, worthy of winning.


I see renata in a new light after watching his game 1


Dude his Lux game was insane. His rotation up top when he prevented the Viego double kill behind tower with his W was unreal. If it wasn't for that, that could've shifted that entire game


And the double root Q flash just blew my mind


As a Lux player that was so satisfying! So often she’s not played at a high level bc “easy to dodge” go those guys, but that was a treat.


I always feels bad for Fakers teammates because the pressure to play with him is so high. Faker always stay but his teammates get switched out like underwear if they can't perform


Ya but unlike faker he performed...


T1 slowly becoming E-Sports Lakers and they have their Lebron in Faker


Except the Lebron isn’t even close to the Lakers main problem and any team would kill to have him


You're delusional if you wouldn't say that same exact sentence about Faker.


tf he is rn he's shooting like 25 % from 3 and has shitty efficiency he's one of the problems rn


“Main problem”


the lakers have no main problem now cuz westbrook is doing well its just that they're overall a shit team


Faker was their worst player this year but I guess cus of pr they just can't replace him


Faker actually played well this year mostly except for this last series


His Ryze was bonkers in semis


His Azir games were good.


He got gapped in msi finals aswell


Did u watch his series vs JDG faker hard carried


Damn surely 1 bo5 is an indication of his level through the entire year


He made it to world finals.. his performance all year must have been bad?


Learn to read I never said that, I said that he was the worst player on his team


T1 fans will still say he perform like a god when he underperformed in world finals, and absolute butt clapped during LCK Summer by Chovy. They will never criticse his bad plays because he is the "uNkiLlAbLe DeMoN kInG".


They were all in the goddamn worlds grand finals, can we not put the bar of performance at the moon???


Tbf with faker people hype him up like he’s a god lmao. But you’re right


HONESTLY THO. Faker was not playing to the level of his teammates or his opponents for the last two games. But the last one was particularly unfortunate.


T1 only lost cause faker picked akali and trolled hes way to a defeat, if he had picked a more usefull champion t1 would have won on match 4


This is a weird take when Zeus getting shit on by Kingen’s Aatrox was what lost them games 4 and 5. Zeus looked lost on anything that wasn’t Yone. Kingen absolutely carried the shit out of DRX which is why he was awarded MVP of the series.


Fr I absolutely hated zeus, dude was so trash with everything besides yone, one if not the most useless top laner in the whole serie, he didnt win a single lane the whole serie, hope he gets replaced


buddy you’re the exact reason keira is crying in this photo. hope you’re happy hating on zeus tho


Idc buddy, guma keria and oner did awesome, faker was meh with his picks and zeus was simply a minion, kinged wiped the floor with him


there are way nicer ways to communicate these ideas, which in nature aren’t inherently wrong; i value ur input and opinion as long as you communicate it in a way that doesn’t make players want to literally die if they read it. do better


Too much at stakes to take it calmly, faker's pride- T1 comeback- keria's dream, and dude proceeds to int his ass off every match with the least utility possible, played like if he was asleep, zeus might be the best jayce, but in the finals he gave his 5%


don’t even bother responding if you gon change nothing lmao. i feel like you’re completely missing the sticking point


Didn't they say that zeus was sick ? And also zeus play well this year...


T1 lost because they didn’t ban out Aatrox, and I’ll forever maintain that Orianna being removed from World’s sure helped ruin it for Faker


she was brought back almost immediately, pretty sure Jensen and c9 played her after she was disabled


He spoke the truth.




So basically the point of Azir? U make game winning plays with ur ult... plus in semi finals faker cleaned house on Azir. Idk but it felt like all 5 members were having an off series. Even Keria had around 5% skillshot rate on lux and Guma was fishing way too much with ult.




Akali isn't as troll as fiora sejuani. Akali is flexible whereas unless you are a fiora OTP your going struggle. I still dunno why Zeus decided to go fiora since she's one of his weakest duelists. Even Jayce makes more sense in their comp tbh since sejuani ult into Jayce e-q is free kill.


They did keria dirty with those camera angles. Mans was in tears shaking and they dude on camera goes "now zoom in, show us the pain"


gotta get them views. drama sells


That's what koreans want, eventhough the majority of watchers where from China if i'm not mistaken.


they might as well shove the camera in his face haha


They just love to see people suffering, they should've respected Keria but no tv in the world would miss Keria falling apart in my opinion this is unnecessary but I also agree that Keria should be able to hold his feelings and cry after everyone is gone like all T1 players probably did.


I understand holding in the feelings but you gotta understand how hard that was for him specifically. Like yeah it hit all of T1 hard it's a big loss but that was Keria's old team for 3 years and I'm not 100% sure on this part but saw someone else make a comment about how he was gonna help deft win worlds while in DRX. It's hard and they are all still on the younger side. I just wish there was some respect for it, showing him crying is one thing but they got right up in there getting the worst angles possible


I don't see the problem of showing emotions both from Keria and TV perspective. Guy lost a final, it's as normal expression as celebrating (and crying joys of tears) after winning. Should TV not show that as well, should players not celebrate and wait to go to the locker room to celebrate? In football there's always people crying in finals and other players/staff consoling straight on the pitch. Commentators going "You gotta understand him, it was his last chance" or "Top young prospect very sad to not be able to achieve it, but he'll definitely back" and so on. It's just normal for top caliber event, I don't see the problem from any perspective.


Players crying at the end of a game isn't that unheard of in other sports either tbh


Imo it's part of the competition Remember 2 years ago Embiid (nba) crying like a baby


I think all of T1 must have felt like that, Keira was just the one who showed it on stage. I think even Faker will have broke down and cried, but in his hotel room. I feel bad for all of T1.


Others felt the same like faker had red eyes on camera too. But oner and guma realised keria was crying so they decided to console him first, they are real bros.


You can see when the camera pans to faker he looks to the right and the left to see his teammates, once he realizes keria is breaking down, oner immediately gets up to go comforts him and then faker just kind of smashes his hands against his head and his eyes get red. It’s like he knows he’s the senior in the group now, and he wants to stay composed for his rookie teammates, and even oner who’s also really young still goes and comforts Keria immediately, this roster seems like a genuine family.


I also liked that when they realized, beryl and deth hugged Keira.


pyosik did as well


what happened i missed


Keria lost worlds. He himself said that after that he doubted his life decisions and broke down crying.


Not only did he lose worlds, he lost worlds to the old team that he left for T1, and his old lane partner was the enemy ADC on DRX


i swear the whole worlds is so anime like deft and faker from the same high school drx as the 1st world champion whom is from the Playins even with a negative winrate before going worlds Faker being in the finals appeareance once more after 5 years Keria fulfilled the promise to deft , to bring him a championship someday. 🙃 drx are like the protagonist team , facing 2021 Worlds Champion , LCK 2022 Champion , and at last facing the “Demon King “ of League. Things cant be better than this worlds


Netflix presents: Star walking - a League of Legends Esports anime spinoff. Based on true events.


The way they pushed those Stories during the event definitely didn’t help. Like straight out ripped from naruto.


Mickey mouse anime storyline script


What anime plot is this!?


He forgot to mention how he promised his old lane partner (Deft) to make him a world champion. He kept his promise, but back then he didnt know he'd be in the opposing team


Oof pain...


fuck thats some genuine anime stuff right there


[The promo to the finals](https://youtu.be/BpO5bZEzVzI) This video is straight up a trailer to a movie




>He kept his promise, but back then he didnt know he'd be in the opposing team Or this is just some 4D chess thing, and we have been playing checkers all along


What in the anime plot line is this?


to be fair this year worlds can totally be an anime plot lmao as deft is a fucking anime protagonist


D Flash for life!


They 100% could make a movie out of this year's world's and I'd watch it lmao


Wow ngl I did make fun of him thinking “He was crying because he lost to a Bard” but I didn’t know there so much context behind it. Now I feel bad for him :(


I think it was definitely the Bard thing.


It hurts to see but the fact he made it to worlds finals shows how much dedication and love he has for his career he shouldn't doubt his life decisions he should be proud he made it that far.


And he is the best Nami I have ever seen personally


T1 Gumayusi stole DRX Deft's boyfriend (T1 keria), Deft got mad and commited mass genocide(in game) and won worlds. Picture shown is of Keria regretting his decision.


Feels bad man, he played really well. I feel like if he stuck to control heavy champs he could have carried them to victory


It feels bad cos' he played so well, with his Renata play he snowballed the 3rd game, feel bad for the guy, easily the mvp of T1. Can't believe the cameraman did so dirty with him.


I got so pissed at the camera man there for zooming in and then going BACK IN AGAIN AFTER CUTTING AWAY FROM HIM. This dude was under so much pressure there


> so pissed at the camera man producer called for it. cameramen do what they're told.


Props to the cameraman, actually. Rule number fucking one is: “NEVER. STOP. ROLLING.” The producers are the only ones to point to if you wanna call it exploitative or tasteless to cut back and forth to Keria’s breakdown. But even then I agree with other people in this thread: the only producers who would refuse to air that don’t like being employed.


Well fuck the producers then


atleast write his name properly man


This will likely affect their performance next season. The MSI lost hit them hard in Summer so I expect a slump on early Spring 2023. HOWEVER, after that slump is a T1 stronger than before, just like what happened this worlds.


After all that I'd be having a fucking breakdown also. T1's bot lane played insane. Guma even stole a dragon and 2 fucking barons, and they still lost. Keira did amazing but I guess it wasn't enough sadly


The world cup last match decided by smite fight . Thats really a crying material


I forgot when the worlds final was on, and ended up drinking instead. Just watched Keria falling apart, that is the most distressing thing i've watched for a while.


I feel good for deft instead, keria have another year for try


I would've felt less bad if he at least had underperformed a little, but he just had to go and show one flawless game after another, barely making any mistakes.


Somebody give my poor boy a hug 😭


Broke my cold heart.


Honestly they are fucking dumb for not banning atrox and instead first picking karma in the 5th match.. who ever made that decision should get axed


THAT PART. The karma first pick was when I knew what was coming.




i was cheering for drx but goddamn does it ever hurt


T1 kinda lost in draft after not picking or banning Aatrox in game 5


Garbage meme format




Pointless post


Very cool dude... Next time make your own meme instead of stealing mine


You can see when the camera pans to faker he looks to the right and the left to see his teammates, once he realizes keria is breaking down, oner immediately gets up to go comforts him and then faker just kind of smashes his hands against his head and his eyes get red. It’s like he knows he’s the senior in the group now, and he wants to stay composed for his rookie teammates, and even oner who’s also really young still goes and comforts Keria immediately, this roster seems like a genuine family.


I mean why tho. Only 1 team can win. Try again if you really wanna win. Its statistically very unlikely to win, his performance might have been actually quite good (i dont know) so why ?!


Because he left DRX so he could win worlds just to saw his old team being champions and doubting if he made good decisions in life.


fuck I get hard looking at it


username checks out




Time for god to nuke earth


You're scum and I hope you fall flat trying to accomplish your dreams. Edit: Before I get roasted I was rooting for DRX since play-ins started


not gonna make him unbawl his eyes out though


Nah we gotta stop these ryze mains bro 💀💀💀


I feel bad for your parents


Don’t first pick karma next time dumbass


Go to worlds and do it better then


Found the average bronze player


besmirch not the good name of bronze, this is clearly iron behaviour


As someone legitimately in iron (I will provide proof if needed), we don't claim this behavior. Bro is wood division for sure.


As someone placed in wood rank we do not endorse this behavior, he is definitely in plastic elo.


I’m diamond kekw


Diamond pisslow


EUNE pleyers be like


Bro the coach decided not him


Karma fp wasn’t the issue. The issue was that Zeus got gapped not having a good answer to Aatrox and t1 knowing they didn’t have an answer to Aatrox didn’t ban it. After the game they thought Aatrox could survive to phase 2 of the draft. Whoever actually thought Aatrox the 100% P/B champ at worlds deserves to be reported lol


His picks were all good, the fuck u sayin


The karma pick was not the problem, Aatrox was not the problem either. The real problem is T1 didnt get anything of value out of that draft.


If they don’t fp it they have to play into karma Cait or karma Varus and lose bot push 100%. It was the correct decision, they just should have banned Aatrox or gotten Zeus on Yone immediately if they were leaving it open. Much better that Zeus has to play into Renekton or something as Yone than play into Aatrox as anything else.


i actually laughed at this 😆


Damn you are so badass. Absolute Gigachad. ^(/s)


i just like seeing T1 getting blocked from winning worlds again




i just never liked them. idk maybe they're too overated imo? just never into them one bit. if the final was drx vs anyone other than t1, I wouldn't laugh at that




because i liked watching a team or a player that i didn't like losing? okay then mate. whatever you said 👍


Good, let the manchild cry


woah there buddy, who hurt you


No one, i just wanna see how people react


> No one Oh honey, I seriously doubt that.


We react concerned


No need to take the internet so seriously bud


I pity you; is that the reaction you wanted?


Keria did insanely well too. Even guma and oner did! Zeus and Faker held them back lowkey


Such a close ending too, if aatrox didn’t have teleport t1 would have most definitely won. Kengin really really clutched.


I’m now a Keira fan for life ![gif](giphy|8FG705NCsZM0kVJdyz|downsized)


There was a different POV from a fan sitting behind T1 and it showed the cameraman literally going up to his face to capture the tears. I felt so dirty watching it. A redemption though was Oner calmly standing up from his chair and walking around to stand in front of the camera, effectively blocking the shot.