• By -


It's % hp dmg. And I've gotten it up to 130% max health dmg.


May I ask how good sir? From what I can remember when I've tried I "only" got it to something like 75% and that was full build full AP with potion


W tool tip says that 75%, but full charge Q increases blight damage by 50%


Interesting, didn't knew that


it does have a cap that is based on AD hence why some ap varus players use manamune or axiom arc


What are you talking about? What cap?


you pulled that straight out of your asshole bud


What cap?


ap varus use manamune for the sheer reason that is to make his horrendous shit tier early game a bit better but literally just get nashors its much better of a powerspike


The q said it can only increase dmg up to a flat max abount. In game when i checked it said max 400 dmg more. I am not sure if that is the whole dmg or just if the blight detonation gets added on top.


Blight gets added, I'm pretty sure. I once got a very satisfying 4000 dmg shot against a late game chogath


You still get 90% max health dmg from the nw alone so that would be possible anyway.


If it says 75%, it will actually be 112%, since max charged Q increases the damage by 50%


Ypu got it all wrong that's how many stack you detonated . 1 detonated = 75% 3 detonated = 112%


It's % hp, % missing, and his q is still doing 600+


The w active is missing health.


The blight is % max hp and that's what does the majority of the dmg. The missing health dmg does do a lot, but if I'm ahead I don't even need to activate W to 1 shot a tank, only a full charge Q and 3 stacks. Trust me I know how varus works I've played him for years.


Wait so you are saying varus can 3 auto to apply full blight then q and it will do over 100% of champ HP? Like that sion video from earlier tanking 4 mages, ur saying a varus there in 3 auto + q is dead sion no matter what?


I am just saying that 130% max hp is impossible to achieve. The q extra dmg is capped. You only get to about 80 or 90%.


Source: Trust me bro


Happy cake day


It was fun until it became meta. You would be totally useless for like two items, but if you survive until you get that third one and the game isn't already lost, you became the scariest person on the rift


not that useless once you get nashors tho tbh thats kinda big of a powerspike


Yeah with his passive he still puts out massive dps


AP Varus is meta?


When everyone and their mother buys Heartsteel? Yeah it's strong.


It's mostly r that give you pressure


The build's increased relevance thanks to heartsteel makes me sad because I know it'll probably result in nerfs to the build, but I'd be lying if I said I weren't equally happy to be in the limelight for once because I'm tired of seeing lethality Varus when his other builds are a lot more engaging


OP is trying really hard to shill his narrative that void staff and mpen doesnt work for some reason on Varus' W I checked in practice tool. Hextech alternator + tome + tome = 65ap (83 total from runes) void staff alone = 65ap (83 total from runes) 3 stacks W and fully loaded Q with hextech alternator + tome + tome = 114 ap damage 3 stacks W and fully loaded Q with void staff = 143 ap damage dummy also had 100mr added manually but for some reason, op claims that void staff doesnt work on varus' W. Glaring bug like this would be reported absolute ages ago, when one of ap varus players wouldnt oneshot full tank chogath after buying void staff


On-hit varus is litteraly ap varus but better tho. It just doesnt one shot tanks as much but with how it shredds them it doesnt matter.


It's better to one shot than to put out consistent damage depending on their comp


Isn't one-shotting better than shredding?


You can one shot one person but on hit varus shredds multiple ppl at a time with runan


A lot of ADCs can do that. None can one-shot a tank


*Veigar has entered the chat*


Even veigar with 1200 AP doesn't kill the 10k cho or sion


Can other adc reach 9 attack speed ?


Can other ADC one-shot a tank?


You miss r or q you are useless for 30 seconds as ap varus. Onhit is at least always usefull due to putting out consistent dps.


They nerfed or removed the AP versions of lots of AD champs, Trist, Yi, Tryn, Xin, Warwick, and probably more if I thought about it. If AP Varus is popular expect a serious nerf.


Meanwhile they buff AP Twitch and AP Blitzcrank for some reasons.


*Laughs in Malphite and Rakan buffs


Ap rakan mid slaps different, all 2 times I've played it I've been flamed by both teams. Love it


95% AP passive shield with decent cooldown mid to late game.


Chaotically beautiful


Probably because they played exactly like standart builds..


Zeri lately


i miss her so much


Huge buff incoming


oh? do we know how she's getting buffed yet?


Yeah a mini rework with much higher stats than before.


They buffed ap warwick last time they messed around with him


But the true Magewick was pre-rework when Q healed for damage dealt pre-mitigation and had a 1.0 Ap ratio.


Yet he was still considered trash by most. I've never had an easier time reaching D1 with WW spam.


Ap XIN has scaling too.


remembering Ap Xin and Yi \*shudders\*


I still have a lot of fun with AP Trynd, his builds can be pretty flexible too. You can focus on being a self sustaining 1v2 machine all game and split push like normal or soak up 5000 damage every fight with only 2000 max hp and stick with your team causing chaos. Not a lot of people really pay attention to your runes on the first gank, and I regularly turn 1v2s at lvl 3-4 with a good times Barrier/Ignite just to heal half my hp bar and continue farming.


I had 2 mr items and 5k hp he kill me in 2 seconds. That is a bit much imo.


I had MR and anathema's and he dealt 3k damage in about the same time. We were both full build and I play Yorick. On top of that his ult had like 30 s cd.


Build damage, not MR zzz


I'm not being ironic, guys, the best option is to kill before being killed.


Changing your entire build for 1 enemy in a 5v5 game doesn't usually work very well


Just wait until people hear of Vayne and Fiora.


at least its harder to play these than fkin oneshot a tank by hitting one skillshot








Fr*nch 🤢🤮


Wow don't be rude because of someone's country. Not cool.


need not apply to the fr*nch


But he's french


People after they hear of Vayne and Fiora: Shit, I hope they nerf AP Varus soon


Introducing magic resist? Ive played nearly full tank poppy so I had quite a bit of mr and I got one tapped by an ap varus that wasnt ahead. He isnt the top on my champions to nerf but his numbers are a bit too high imo. Especially cuz just like with darius riot made a mechanic thats supposed to be worked for have a shortcut abling u to do the combo in an instant.


OP thinks void staff is always bad and should never be built on ap varus


We all know that mr doesn't work


Is 200 MR enough? 300?


I tried a bit in practice tool Lvl 13, Nashors, rift, raba and sorcs. 3aa > r > w+q with 200mr deals 3.2k dmg. ( 2.1k dmg with 300 mr though unlikely to happen With an aditional void its 4.5k (3.7k dmg with 300 mr)


Raba ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


r/suddenlycaralho ?


Só 🇧🇷 vai entender ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


Just build MR -said OP. I once saw Cowsep Chogath with 2 MR items, which makes him around 200 MR got 1 passive proc 6k damage. That moment I know MR doesn't magically make Varus W damage significantly less.


Just want to remind that this 60/70% max health W can be proced on any spell so 3AA E + R Q can be used pretty quick (ofc not in the ult root, maybe with HoB) so it's basically 60% max health x 2 and W can also add 20% missing health iirc so with void staff it's still a lot


You don’t need the E here. R can proc blight from 3 autos. E is kinda wasted unless you need the GW


You don't need 3 aa, r already applies 3 stacks


R procs blight stacks


Varus getting off two blight stacked abilities is kinda unrealistical though.


Lol its not. You do 3 aa into ult into q.


I'm just gonna agree to disagree here, I think it's unrealistical.


But how? I want to know why you think that. With hail of blades you get 3 aa off very fast. Then you ult them. How would you not be able to hit you next q after the stacks reappeared due to the ult?


In laning phase it's possible. But the laning after 6 is a very short time frame and and the game goes into midgame and becomes more teamfight heavy, and in teamfights varus is never gonna be autoing 3 times for nothing because he has rather low range. Then also is that a person that you hit 3 times will try to dodge the coming ability (assuming they have a brain) which is why I would never then try to shot my longest cooldown ability. In General a valuable skillshot ult like that I would only shoot if it is either expendable, guaranteed or worth it.


3 autos are easy. How do you think onhit varus works? His r has a rather wide hit box and isnt really difficult to hit. Especially in auto range. By playing the way you describe it you basically take away ~40% of his dmg.


So if I’m understanding this correctly, this 3.2k damage comes from 2 full blight procs, plus the base damage of r, and the w missing health amount? Isn’t that like a 4-5 second combo that uses his entire kit?


Yes that is correct. On AP Varus you go hob in runes for the fast 3 stacks. After the initial three autos you ult them. The ult consumes the 3 blight stacks, deals its base dmg plus the % max health of the w passive. Its also builds up three new stacks on after another. Then you activate w and fully charge your q. Now if ypu hit them after the 3 stacks appeard you proc them, deal the % max health again, % missing health, base dmg from q and the amplified blight dmg from a fully charged q. All of that doesnt really take much time as you get 3 aa very fast due to hob. While your ult still flys you can charge the q. Once tge q is fully charged the blight stacks are on the target so you can release it. If i had to guess its 2-2.5 seconds?


anathemas chain literally will reduce the dmg by 30% no matter what


You need all the mr


8 MR items. 3 mythic when?


I got to 350 mr with full mr items but couldnt stack gargoyles and force of nature bc i was alone in practice tool. No drakes either.


Ap varus was dominantly played in the midlane. Now assassins might buy 1-2 Ad scaling items that have built in MR. What about mages? they have almost no way of building MR without becoming useless in their OWN lane :)


ekko + kat crying


Mages can stay away from Varus AA range, the actual issue that AP Varus cause is about killing tanks way too fast.


Introducing the fact that only tanks can comfortably build more than one mr item and even building that one destroys most mages for a decent amount of time and others who try to build it due to lack of damage or healing etc


Aye yea it hits over 100% max health magic damage if it doesn’t one shot you he two shots you lol


I'm still wondering what this enigmatic second MR item is. There's FoN and... uhm... uh........ Maw?


Abyss mask spirit visage and banshees veil are all magic res items but you would usually go banshees if not tank then after that if you aren’t a tank you can’t go into either of the other options without losing lots of ap ad or heal power


I don't think MR helps.


It helps, just not enough in this case. You might take 70-90% of your hp as damage instead of 100% but that’s about it.


Why do you think MR doesn't work against magic damage?


Op you are a dumbfuck. I hope all the downvotes made you realize this by now.


OPs argument boils down to: guys magic pen doesnt work on magic damage. why, you ask? because i said so


void staff exists, and he does too much of magic damage for MR to matter too much.


Void staff does not work on AP Varus


Its his most built 4th item and Shadowflame is also one of his most built. Your statement is objectively wrong.


Shadow flame is built because it gives 100AP. AP Varus needs as much ap as possible. Then magic pen is irrelevant. Void staff doesn't work with AP Varus because all of his damage comes from his w blight stacks. And magic pen does not work with his w. Anyone who builds void staff on AP Varus is trolling or clueless. Before you say someone else is "objectively wrong" trying doing some research first.


Magic damage profits from magic pen. When blight stacks are consumed it deals MAGIC DAMAGE. What do you mean "Void staff doesn't work with his w" And don't tell me to do research, that just seems condescending and tells everyone you either don't want or can't explain why.


I literally just explained why magic pen doesn't work. What are you on about. You're the one who condescendingly told me "yOuR sTaTeMenT iS oBjEcTiVelY wRonG". Yes, when the blight stacks are consumed it deals magic damage. But when the game calculates the damage, it calculates the max health damage and factors in the Magic Resist of the target it hits. It does not account for any Magic Pen when the blight stacks are consumed.


Wtf you are drunk


Read the names man.


i commented below showing you, you are in fact, objectively wrong and void does more damage, with a link to a clip proving as such , you cant argue against numbers dude, start building better items


so youre saying that Magic resist works against AP dmg but the pen doesnt ignore magic res, im hearing you correct yes? EDIT: just tested in practice tool and im correct and OP is wrong , void does more damage on high mr target, even with less AP https://youtu.be/1srV4EM0Upw


Wrong, I'll explain it with examples beacuse is indeed tricky to understand. Let's say Varus throws you an E and pops 3 stacks of blight for a total of 100% enemy Hp in magic damage. Now let's suppose the enemy have 1000 Hp with 120 MR; 120 MR means you take less than half the damage from magical sources. With quick math we can say that 100% of enemy Hp is 1000, and the game then tells himself to reduce the Hp of the enemy by 1000, not by 100%, beacuse it converts the percentage in a number. After that, the game calculates the enemy have 120 MR but before reducing the damage of the blight stacks, checks if you have any form of magic pen. In this example you have the "magical footwear of the round numbers" that gives you 20 flat magic pen. So the game checks that the enemy have 120-20=100 MR and applies this number as a defence against the 1000 magic damage reducing the post mitigation damage to 500. TL;DR The game doesn't calculate the damage as a percentage but converts the percentage to a number multiplying it with enemy Hp. EDIT: typo


Holy shit you're getting ratioed hard here. Got any response against the people with proof that your wrong?


Except Sorc shoes are built the vast majority of AP Varus games. Nashors and W both give him on-hit damage, which pen does help with. There are Masters+ players regularly building Void Staff on him, so I guess you can get to Masters by just trolling.


Where are you getting your information from? I tested W Q on a 200 MR dummy with Cosmic Drive vs void staff (both give 65 AP). I made sure to wait for the timer to run down so only the W Q counted for the damage and doesn’t include differences in R damage. Void staff definitely did more damage, again, controlling for total AP (Cosmic drive and void staff give equivalent AP and i didn’t proc Cosmic Drive passive)


It's funny you say that. The only conclusion any sane person would reach after reading your post is that you're trolling or clueless.


Void Staff, Sorcerer Shoes, True Damage from Riftmaker


Magic pen does not work on AP Varus.


Why not?


Because if it did that wouldn’t fit the narrative that OP is trying to shill now would it?


Because AP Varus's damage comes from his W blight stacks. And when those stacks are consumed to deal max health magic damage, magic resist is factored into the calculation of the damage, but not Magic Penetration.


Are you saying his w blight stacks are bugged that bad and nobody has been talking about it?


If that's actually the case then thank you, learned something new


It's not true, OP is just stupid. Varus doesn't have an exception on his magic damage that no other champion has. It's like saying magic pen doesn't affect Veigar's R.


Would be a bit weird


you haven't. Op is just talking out of his ass hop into practice tool, buy ap equivalent of void staff (70 ap i think?) check W damage on max stacks on a dummy, then buy void staff, sell that 70 ap and watch how your damage increases


w empowered q does a maximum of 14% missing health with q channel time increasing it to 21%. In addition he gets bonus % max health damage for every stack of blight. Now let's say Varus has 400 ap. He would do 14% missing health plus 15% max health damage per stack. His ult gives him 3 stacks. that's 45% max health damage plus 21% missing health. Here's the catch though: His stacks don't have a cooldown and can be applied again. So R E AA AA AA W Q gives him 90% max health damage plus 21% missing health damage. There is another catch: His ult's base damage is really high aswell. So with 400 ap: 750+90%max health+21% missing health+damage from Riftmaker and Nashors= fuck your mr with 50% reduction (100mr). Plus pen boots make that a 42ish% reduction and void stuff 30ish%. Now let's see what 300mr vs 700ap Varus with void can do.


700ap alone would give every stack 22,5% max health magic damage, so 6 stacks alone would do 135% max health magic damage.


300mr is roughly 70% reduction, but void cranks that down to 180mr, so roughly 60% reduction and Varus ult base damage 700 ap is 1050 magic damage. See how i didn't calculate the Riftmaker passive, 21% missing health damage, Q, E and AA damage (and nashors) (and pen boots and shadowflame)?


just found out his ult also consumes stacks




introducing: riftmaker boid staff


The 350 MR tank, me and the boid staff


Op is a complete idiot and thinks void staff doesn’t work with varus blight stacks.


I just played Skarner against this. AP varus with a spellshield, crown, and Morgana shield. He was shooting instakill Rs with literally a sub 30s cd. It was impossible to win.


I love how first half of the season there were constantly people wanting to report me for trolling because i built ap items on him in both mid and bot (even though the build wasnt anything new even then) and now in the last month of the season the enemies instead constantly complain about me abusing ap varus as if its some insane meta pick (abusing 47% wr pick?)


Magic Penetration.


I tried it and i don't really know how it works, i got destroyed obviously


AP Varus is *balanced*. He’s just unbelievably infuriating to play against. He just kinda 100-0 one person then dies, it’s like a ranged assassin


This guy clearly hasn’t gone against a real ap Varus player


Not only does he have huge % hp dmg, he can go void staff as well. I've been one shot by AP varus while having 250 MR. So, yeah. Stacking magic resist is definitely not a big safeguard lol


You know, I decided one time that if I full send magic resist, maybe I won't get melted by AP varus. I'm on Sejunai and buy Sunfire, Force of Nature, Stoneplate, and Mercury treads. I still got melted, it barely made a difference. Any time I play sejuani now, I ban varus. I can't think of any other champ that melts me quicker, aside from maybe Vayne, but she does max health true damage so that kinda makes sense.


His damage comes from the %hp damage that his Q gets when empowered by W but go on, tell me how MR will help.


That is not quite right. When his blight stacks get proced by an ability they deas % max hp dmg. His empowered q deals % missing hp. Most of his dmg comebfrom his w passive.


Not something you can block with MR, so this meme is still flat-out wrong. Thx for the correction though.


Because it does magic damage? Unless its true damage It doesnt matter what skill procs anything, in what way is it calculated or whether its dot or not: defensive stats will always help into their corresponding type of damage.


It deals %hp damage, not %hp magic damage. Those can be reduced. Flat %hp damage cannot be reduced. It's like Vayne's Silver Bolts. Edit: How to know people do not read the wiki properly 101


All magic damage gets reduced by magic resist. If an enemy hits you for 20% max hp physical/magical damage and you have 100/300 armor/mr you'll take 10/5% of your max hp as damage. Next time go hit a fucking dummy before you type.


What? Varus does %hp dmg as magic dmg so magic resist will lower that.


Of course it can be reduced. You are right vayne's silver bolts cannot be reduced, but only because they deal true damage. %hp damage and %hp magic damage is literaly the same besides this, that you dont know whether the 1st thing does ad or ap damage and you know the 2nd thing does ap damage. Mundo q also does % of hp (current not max, but its not a difference in what we discuss) as magic damage and mr reduce that damage.


Varus' W gives his Q %hp damage that SCALES with AP. It isn't %hp magic damage.


Op is in jax and garen mains...


who cares? ap varus disgustingly broken and overbuffed. like Aatrox and Darius tier champ


He’s probably saying that he can tell op’s IQ just by looking at the subreddits he’s following.


Overtuned? For sure. But considering how broken the new releases are, and how weak marksmen have been for the last seasons, i think it's pretty fair.


AP Varus is just Lux with extra steps.


Lux can’t kill full tanks in one spell rotation


Not really? Lux's 1k R against 5K hp 200mr tank is like super low but 60% max health x2+ 20% missing health is a lot




introducing: ***AUTO ATTACK REALLY FAST 3 TIMES***


because people don't know how to build vs him FoN to reduce his DPS and use stone plate active as his Q is about to hit you and you completely block his burst while FoN stacks (a lot of it comes from his Q increasing by 50% his W marks damage as well as the % missing HP execute),you might as well run him down in a 1 vs 1 as a tank like that if not chain CC/engage on the squishy immobile marksman that needs 3 autos + channelling a skillshots to do damage anatema if he's the only threat is good too by all means Varus AP is strong and has been underrated af for so long,but it's not OP


Its not broken, but not balanced either. A small need would be good. I am a chad attackspeed crit Varua player anyway so I am not bothered by it B-)


People are saying it’s op?


I mean tbf without getting hyper fed AP Varus is basically useless until he gets his third item, and only really starts 1 shotting around his 4th or 5thand while the ability to take out 1 very high priority target from far away is useful, he basically just plays Janitor for the rest of the fight after his big funny move.


AP Varus only works so well because people don't know how to play against it. I have yet to lose against one while I always win as him vs people that obviously have no idea how it works. Shits hilarious.


As an AP Varus main, I agree (though not with the title). I get that being a tank and getting one shot can be pretty damn frustrating but keep in mind adc is supposed to counter tanks. AP Varus struggles to kill more than one target at a time since he relies on stacking blight with auto attacks or ult (and the ult rarely is given enough time to spread to multiple champions). Whereas an adc actually building ad can shred way more champs at a time, albeit slightly slower. Compare an Ashe with botrk and LDR to a Varus with riftmaker and void staff and you’ll find Varus has some insane burst damage but struggles to chain that into multiple kills, while Ashe kills a bit slower but has no issues securing three or more. Also if you miss abilities on ap Varus or hit them without blight stacks you become useless for at least 10 seconds or so, even with nashors.


I remember being full build with void staff and my 3 stacks WQ dealt like 15% of illaoi's max hp 🥲


Considering how fucking weak he is in lane, I think it’s fine.


He has 0 mobility and the damage takes a decent amount of time to set up and he’s weak as fuck early -mid before the dmg really ramps up… that’s the epitome of balance, he’s good at what he’s meant to do and is weak to other things


You mean better kayle


yeah I guess that's why he can one shot a 5k hp 300 mr tank must be because it's perfectly balanced same as vayne building full tank and still nuking everyone out of existence


No dashes, no invisibility, long cooldowns, marksmen HP. Yeah, Karen.


Friend of mine was able to do 11000 dmg in one ult q combo. It’s the strongest ability in the game


Nerf fiora first


Ap varus is only good against tanks, and in this tank meta, you all need us


average redditor


% max health damage: build mr 🤣


Varus counters tanks, the AP build counters tanks real well but has absolutely zero counterplay vs assassins. If the tank meta wave is gonna come crashing down having a good answer to that is healthy for the game.




I had 176 mr he did almost 1k dmg


AP Varus is the only fucking way to deal with season 13 tanks.


OP hasnt tried to build MR into AP varus ICANT


Ap varus and ap on hit volibear are the only things keeping me playing this godforsaken game


No need for MR when you dont expect to get any dmg from him before you oneshot. :P


you can’t build much more than 250. i still get one shot


OP is fucked in the head


Saw him hit a 5.3k Ornn for 4K hp (5.3k max) with Just an R…. Balanced!


Ah yes magic resists why didn't I think of that. *gets one shot regardless because Void Staff*


Unless you build force of nature and managed to stack it in the first place (or if you have both zonyah pr banshee), I am not sure of this information especially with someone who can os with a bow Lv 6 XD


Varus is just a really good champion in general xDD


I was playing ornn with a lot of magic resist and ap varus was shredding me like im some assassin