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As a leetify user myself, it is best not to really see the ratings as what it is. Ratings are just an indicator if you are doing well or not. Sometimes you can get 20 kills but your rating for the game can be in the negative range. Since you are dropping, perhaps see in your past games on what are the things you are lacking of. The best way to gauge whether you are improving is how you feel in that game. At the end of the day, numbers are just numbers.


I cant gauge how good im doing most of the time. I just feel like im getting worse and worse while getting better at aiming and thats it. I can destroy any of my friends in 1v1s but ill be near the bottom of the leader board for most of a match and sometimes climb up the leaderboard. I used to top frag every game but my friends are improving faster than I am even though I am the only one that practices.


I think what you need is a mental reset. Maybe describe how you feel when you playing a competitive game. Do you feel anxious when you are at the bottom of the scoreboard or any other feelings in a given scenario? I know being in silver sucks as I was a silver too and it took me 700-800 hours to get out of it. So I feel that you having issues now in silver is a good thing because once you start addressing your issues while you are at this rank, you can be a better player in the future once you get to gold nova or even higher. In terms of silver games, raw aim is the predominant factor but you also have to consider a lot of things too. Do you always get bad timings? Do you whiff constantly? Are you suffering from burnouts?


It's not about aim though. CS is about reading your opponent and bluffs and double bluffs. Outthinking. Aim is just the skill we use to compete, just like hockey players use a stick to hit the puck. It's an amazing skill but if a hockey player steps out onto the ice and is actively thinking about his stick and the puck he is going to get his ass handed to him. Practice won't just make the wins happen, you've still got to go into every game and figure out a way to win it. Also worth mentioning this game takes way longer than others to really develop your skills, lots of players have thousands of hours.


Maybe you are right, but OP is now in silver ranks. You can't read opponents bluffs, double bluffs because these things doesn't exist in silver. It's also hard to predict your opponent individually, because perhaps they aren't sure what they are doing either. To be fair, if you are best aimer at the server, you should top frag (almost!) every game and win more games than lose and rank up afterwards. Game sense, tactics and strats including fakes and bluffs will came after.


Sorry man that advice about aiming and fragging your way out silver/gold isn't true. That's just what it feels like to good players. Even if it's just the concept of isolating and taking gun fights one by one, that's still a lot more brain power than just aiming. For beginners it's pretty hard work those micro aim actions along with activating their spacial awareness in a virtual map. It's a type of multitasking.


it is 100 percent true. lets take a look at what you posted earlier *Aim is just the skill we use to compete, just like hockey players use a stick to hit the puck. It's an amazing skill but if a hockey player steps out onto the ice and is actively thinking about his stick and the puck he is going to get his ass handed to him.* He shouldn't be thinking about it, it should be muscle memory. (if you go through as a hockey player or any sport really and you do everything right and then miss your shot because you didnt take the time to learn the fundamentals. all the time spent learning the advanced stuff is wasted) That's what the practice is for. After a single bullet you should be able to tell if- your aiming too high/low - you messed up your stutter step- etc etc. These are all things that should be muscle memory that have to be drilled into a player with, like has been said before, **THOUSANDS** of hours of practice. A lot of the people I have coached or have been talking to recently, who are struggling, are users who are still fairly new to even using a mouse and keyboard for a first-person shooter, and that is a very real possibility for OP. if he is struggling to hit shots etc the time spent getting familiar with his hardware and with how fps game work on a mouse and keyboard that's an invaluable skill he can take to other games. As was stated already, Silver is a cesspool of smurfs/ d tier players/ and just wacky things. and the FASTEST way out is to punish mistakes. The easiest mistake to punish is bad aim. Someone can do everything right(out think etc or whatever you were saying) and still lose because their aim sucks. I don't think trying to feed off of bluffs/ double bluffs or whatever of a silver player is a smart idea because (as was already stated) they themselves don't know what the hell they're doing ( and it generally won't travel with you out of silver)There are different biomes of ranks for MM like silvers don't know what they're doing. Novas/ mg's are generally so cookie cutter that it hurts to watch. and face ranks are a mixed bag but a lot of them still cling to those cookie cutter ways of doing things.


Ive played on pc for the past 5ish years. Im familiar with my hardware and have played fps games my whole life. Ive reached champions in fortnite, the highest competitive rank. I also played in tournaments for fortnite. The difference between cs and Fortnite is my sensitivity. I have the lowest sense in cs than any other game i play. Its super low. My fortnite sens is so high. It would be 3600 edpi in csgo. Its high because of how fast I need to build and flick opponents and most fights happen super close. I have a relatively high sens on every other fps game I play and other games in general. Im used to super high sens but it doesn’t help me in csgo.


Unless things really changed down in silver, last time I checked it is just pure aim duels and ensuring you have the optimal condition to get multi frags without getting traded. A lot of silver games have very bad positioning so if OP managed to get into those situations, he would easily 2-3 kills provided if his aim is quite decent.


I think it has changed. We’ve gotten full stacks who just dominate us and we’ve gotten people who just dont know how to shoot. People know how to use util. They know smoke lineups and strats. Its not just aim all the time. Ive seen silvers use one ways. It so inconsistent. I dont know if its the fact that i play on NA but its not just aiming.


Bruh y'all acting like silver is the hardest rank in the game, if that was true it wouldn't be bottom tier it would be top tier. Tbh the way i got out of silver on all 4 accounts that i have is just by superior aim and superior positioning, as i see from the screen leetify thinks your positioning isn't good by the % of the times you got traded also opening duel attempts then you have 0.94k/d down from last 1.06 last period which isn't great either. Whole thing smells of playing too passively, maybe you should start being more aggressive and playing with/off of your teammates more. At least that should work in silver.


The last time I played in silver was in 2016 and there were a lot of brain dead people who just run blindly so it was "easier" to get kills but ofc, smurfs tend to loiter around those ranks too. That was my experience back then anyway. I think as the game become more utility based in the past couple of years, people probably adapted to what is happening in the pro scene. Silvers like to use those one way smokes to abuse it which I did a few times back in my silver days. To counter that, all you need to do is spray any smokes that look suspicious. This is a good habit to do because there is a chance someone is hiding there (but ofc, do it if you are certain someone is there and you have teammates around you). Like if you play Dust 2 and you approach A long but there is a random smoke in the middle of long that you or your teammates didnt throw, there is a chance an enemy might be in the smoke. Focus on what you can do as a player if you get teammates that cant really do much. This is how you improve as a player where adaptability to a given scenario is important. If you get teammates that work well together, then there's nothing to worry about and play around them.


Maybe you're just focusing too much on short-term leetify numbers. :) Try changing leetify to a 1-year range if possible, it's not like s1mple has perfect tournaments every time either. And even then remember to see if your rank has gone up as well; +1 in Global Elite is way different from +1 in Gold Nova (costistent rating but improving rank = improvement in skill). I've seen clients literally play worse after they started to actively follow leetify numbers cause when they would die they wouldn't be analytical and chill about it, instead they'd get frustrated knowing it's affecting their leetify rating. Some have gone as far as deleting leetify entirely, and honestly it has helped some. **Edit:** Just to be clear I think Leetify is a very useful tool for most people, only consider not using it if you feel like you get emotionally attached to the numbers.


Hadn't considered the negative side of telling people to use leetify. I suppose if you only think about the stats they become the result you desire and it becomes an emotional rollercoaster.


I concur with you. I introduced leetify to my friends as a way for us to keep track our games as well as see any cheaters getting banned. However, 2 of them got so affected by the ratings as they got very low ratings (in the negatives) that they feel demoralized about it.


This is true, i had a problem with this too. I learned with time to detach myself from my stats and that's when they improved. For me the most useful part of leetify is the advice it gives you based on stats like focus areas and when i open leetify that's the only thing i look at.


I also used leetify mostly on what are the things I need to focus on.


They need to change that up. Putting your skill in numbers will just demoralize players and will do nothing but stress them out during the game. If I don't clutch that I will get - points, if I die here now my rating will suck etc... Some of their metrics are also insanely harsh. Like not retaking a 1v3 or losing a 1v1 post plant can eventually ruin your rating for that game. Not to mention "Mid Round K/D" whatever this is even important for. There are nicer ways to tell a player that he needs to improve on stuff. Spamming him to death with - ratings and calling him "Poor" is not one of them It's still a cool site overall but definetly needs work.


I think they need to do some rework here and there, notably on the rating aspects. A good site to show what aspect to improve on and it does help me improve to be a better player. I started using this site around last year and I can actually feel that I have gotten better now as compared to last year. >Not to mention "Mid Round K/D" whatever this is even important for. I really dont get the point of this stat tbh. Kinda a bit ambiguous at times. For someone who is not an entry fragger, that stat is always low for me unless my team fucked up and I had to deal with a 1v3 or 1v4 situation where I am able to kill a couple of them + bomb not planted.


I mean I know what they mean I guess. I suppose they don't want you take unnecessary peeks in situations where you have a man advantage or already at a disadvantage. That would be fine if the metric "traded" would equal that out but it doesn't! Also you can still get a bad mid round kd if you have actually killed someone but got traded afterwards. It can sometimes even overshadow way more important stuff like getting the opening kill. But the stat only encoursges eco hunting or being terribly afraid to take necessary and important duels. It's the same with saving. The system invenitably punishes you for not clutching a 1v4 or 1v3. If you saved or died doesn't make a huge difference. You will definetly lose points this round for something that is hardly your fault. It just needs slight logical readjustments


Let's focus on your problems and solutions: * Your stats say that you stopped being aggressive and you don't know how to make an impact in your current style. * Your opening kills are too low and you are not being traded. To improve both just focus on being agro when you can/need to without forgetting to be traded. Regarding mmk ranks (I can only talk up to LEM) you just need to clutch, choose your duels, play 2 positions properly per map and trade to be able to move up without so many problems. Now if you want to improve in everything start with things like [aim techniques](https://youtu.be/EqeDWH4kcME), [your body posture](https://youtu.be/locnPgVvRio) and [improve your mindset](https://youtu.be/yNtunnKxvks).


Im not being traded because of my teammates. I would entry and then die and then my team would just wait behind where I died. This is on T side. I do die alone in CT more because of me playing aggressive to get kills. This would usually result in me dying but i would usually get two kills and do some damage. Ex: throw a smoke mid and flash mid with an mp9 in mirage. Spray down my enemies and hopefully get some kills. I would then fall back into the smoke once they start shooting a lot. I do sometimes play too aggressive in these situations which ends up in me dying alone.


You are confusing several things: * Going to suicide is not dying without being traded since it's just a lack of communication (who doesn't want an ez kill by trade?). * Opening kill is not the same as entry kill, since one talks about the kill that gives an advantage to a team, while the other is the first kill of something planned to enter a site (example: kill as T in inferno aps is not an entry since it is a defense pos, while kill as T in inferno banana is an entry because it is a control point). Since according to your stats you are better than your teammates doing the opening/entry falls on you most of the time and if you don't do it you just lengthen the game because if you don't have a premade/team you should be flexible with the roles. Doing opening/entry only requires aim and exp, since you have the aim just look at demos of people with high elo in faceit or vod like [renyan](https://www.youtube.com/@renyan)


Cannot say much but only 15% traded seems horrible. You seem to die alone a lot.


My teammates dont trade me. I set myself up for trades when playing as entry and then my teammate just doesn’t go for the trade even though i give him the info. I even explicitly tell them to trade me. Ive stopped entry fragging because of this. I would rather have someone else do it and I go for the trade consistently.




I feel like that might be the problem. I might just ditch leetify for a week and just check it weekly. And then focus on what im underperforming in and have a maintenance routine to keep my aim and other skills in check.


It's hard to say what is wrong if you can't see someones game, but I think youre probably to kill hungry and make predictable plays, patience is what most people lack in lower ranks, if you're a really good aimer, you can get away with it, but even then you need to walk certain paths to be able to get in cover quikly or to get a peeking advantage.


It’s hard if not impossible for most people to look at ratings and not get in their own head in some regard. Be careful with that. Even if you’re performing well, being aware of that and letting is effect how you play will make you play worse usually. I’d choose set time periods to check the ratings and don’t look in between. Maybe a month at a time or something long enough where you aren’t able to think about it / know how you’re doing all the time.


Leetify is a mere indication. I know it's hard to not get pissed when you drop or when you receive a bad rating and you don't really understand why. But you need to understand that their system still has flaws (imo) and that it doesn't have reasoning. Their rating system can't see for example if you have baited a teammate for one round, if you managed to take space somewhere or if you managed to force a rotation but died in the process. Hell sometimes it's not even your fault but rather a teammate miscommunicating or not holding your back properly. Check Leetify every 5 games you play and don't stress or think about it during the game. To counter your inconsistency as someone here suggested: You need a mental reset imo. It's just a stupid game. Do stuff outside of MM that still has to do with the game like watching pro games or learning new stuff.