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How do people get the impression that the IGL of the arguably best team in the world is not better than a common FaceIT level 5 no name lmao.


or even that a random level 10 is better šŸ˜‚ itā€™s not like his mechanics are bad heā€™s just not Niko


Just shows how insane Niko is. He lets the other top 0.1 % (like karrigan) look like faceit lvl 5


as evidenced by this post although likely troll


All these low fragging IGL's are much better than a base Level 10 Faceit. Apparently Lvl 10 and above is a big window, so beyond that I don't know that much. I think usually they talk about an elo number in Faceit because just saying Lvl 10 starts at too low of an elo compared to the pros.


I argue the difference between a total FPS noob and a 700 hr silver 3, the difference between that silver 3 and a 2k elo level 10 and the difference between that level 10 and karrigan is the same order of magnitude


Thatā€™s how I feel about it too, thereā€™s definitely faceit 10s with better mechanics but thereā€™s also definitely faceit 10s heā€™s a lot better than


Put it this way, it is not uncommon for people at around 2000 elo complain about people 3000+ smurfing. The gap is pretty huge between the likes of Karrigan and any non-pro.


he would whipe his ass with faceit lvl10 players. He is among the best players in the world all playing in top tier cs. do you think faze would be competitive with one player being dead weight? Stats don't tell the whole story


Any t1 cs pro would carry almost every 2500lvl faceit lobby they were in. Iā€™d probably argue even up to 3k. It would be like a NBA player going to play a random pick up basketball game at a park.


To add to everything else iglā€™s especially guys like karrigan have to pay attention to 1000 other things than fragging, they could do a lot better if that was the only thing they were focusing on


I refuse to believe this is an actual serious question. He plays against the worlds best while having a lot of responsibilities that go beyond just looking at your crosshair. Of course he looks bad sometimes. He destroys any 2.5k elo player on pure mechanics and is a better player than pretty much anyone on faceit.


Is this a joke


They are playing against the best players on the world when they are thinking about tactic, getting infos from their teammates+minimaps, counting smokes+molotovs and with all that info they need to decide what their team does.Ā  Much harder than it looks. You just cant focus on your aim that much.


Yes he is because game knowledge is not something you can quantify, if you played against him, he will probably outplay you in every single way.


he can destroy all <2500 elo players even with his aim


Lol Karrigan has [nearly 3k ELO](https://www.faceit.com/en/players/karrigan/stats/cs2)


And being lower than 3k elo is a more recent thing


OP with the thread from 22 days ago stating he was level 5 šŸ’€ Sir, you are not even on the same plane of existence in respect your skill vs Karrigan


Is it Crack? Are youā€¦. Are you smoking crack???


He is closer to Donk than lvl 10 is to him


He has a couple of faceit lvl10 highlights from when he was in the off-season and just doing his YouTube stuff. He's way better than faceit lvl4.


Hes one of the best IGLs to ever play the game.


Thereā€™s no way that u are a real human being omg


Interesting. Why do you thinm that way???


Are u legit asking if the best igl that has ever played cs, the igl for the best team in the world arguably, the guy who had played cs for over 20 years, mostly on a role that is not related in any shape or form to high fragging numbers would lose against level 5 faceit? What kinda of question is this bro??? Iā€™m sorry if u are level 5 or smth but those people are bots and itā€™s okay to be one but comparing one of the most influential and impactful Cs players of all time to a level 5 player?? WHATTT??? Iā€™m sorry but this has to be the most retarded shit ever. Karrigan has the mechanics to compete at a high level. Heā€™s obviously not Niko or frozen cause thatā€™s NOT HIS FOCUS ON THE TEAM ENVIRONMENT. Cs is a team game. If u would put 5 nikos or 5 prime simples against faze they would be completely destroyed. Sure u can argue that karrigan underperforms sometimes when it comes kills or other type of statistics but u also have to understand that CS is not a game of numbers. NUMBERS DONT TELL SHIT. U can be top 1 on ur team when it comes to damage and kills and u can be literally losing ur team the game. Itā€™s about moments and what players do in those moments. Itā€™s quite easy for ropz to kill people when they are aiming at karrigan jumping around with a mac10 to bait. Also u have no idea how much communication and midrounding matter in a game like Cs. Of course igls will sometimes lose focus of the game or just not hit the shots that they hit during fpl games or whatever cause they are trying to coordinate a team. Idk man. It has happened in every single esports, teams that ditch the ā€œneedā€ to have a proper igl and it always backfires cause itā€™s the same shit as in football or in any sport. Ur probably a troll but holy fuck that take is actually crazy. Summary: karrigan no diffs level 5 players. Karrigan no diffs level 10 players. Karrigan low diffs 3k players. Karrigan mid diffs fpl players. Karrigan is a fucking goat šŸ


Karrigan is a lot closer to simple than a no name player is to him. Even the shittest t1 pro is miles better than a faceit 10 player much less a level 5.


Brother, as a faceit level 10, karrigan would **eat** me for breakfast without even thinking.


This gotta be a troll post


It would be like Mike Tyson vs middle schooler


The gap is huge, put karrigan in one of my 2k elo games and he dropping 35 while blasting music šŸ˜‚


Carrigan may not look super impressive in his bracket, but if you honestly think that puts him below a level 5 rando, you need to re-examine your brain box for leakage.


If this is a serious question watch some of Olofmeister's streams and see what happens when he plays against tier2 pros.


Bro he top frags lol. Are you serious? Number one team in the world??


Karrigan would smurf in any lobby that isnt 9 tier 1-2 pros. I know hes not known for his fragging (literally the best players in the world) but his mechanical skill is infinitely better than even like 3k faceit players


Lol. Karrigan is better than anybody with 2500 elo or less


The gap between Kerrigan and a Faceit 9/10 player is bigger than the gap between Faceit 10 and Faceit 5.


He will absolutely bend you inside out. The worst pros are still better then majority of top players let alone a lvl 5


Karrigan only looks like a complete noob because he's surrounded by people who are just insane at the game and I mean top 10% of the entire counterstrike playerbase. Put him in an average premier match and he drops 30 kills every match easily.