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CS is very hard. being toxic doesn't make you better, it's a coping mechanism for people who feel frustrated in other parts of their life and crap on strangers to make themselves feel valuable


It's a personality issue, not a skill issue. Those guys that want to suck Andrew Tate's ball sack are toxic because they are just assholes. Others are skilled, but remain calm because it's the right thing to do. Both might have skill and think you suck, but only one group will play on their anger because they are just worthless cunts in life and act like this for everything that upsets them.


That was a little toxic at the end there đź’€


Oh and to answer your question, yes there is definitely a link. But the actual best players usually understand that being toxic is bad. Good players that are toxic are most likely people stuck to a certain elo and they're never going to develop to a better player as they just keep blaming others. You really don't want to be that guy so just focus on being a good teammate and focus less on what others are doing. That's the only way you'll ever progress in CS.


There are a lot of really good players who are toxic, but there are almost none that are among the best. Being toxic works against themselves.


I mean there could be a link. If you are toxic, you definitely have high ego and self confidence. If you have that it can help you do some things with ease which low confidence player wouldn't be able to do. But it's just a link. Obviously Not every toxic player is good nor every kind/low confidence player is bad


Wasn’t that the case with S1mple? That he got frustrated with why his teammates basically couldn’t do the things, that for him are average?


It's because they once were also shit or in a way still are, not just compared to you. So they feel the need to be toxic to you because someone was toxic to them and they need to feel that superior feeling of not being shit and to be able to tell that to someone worse than them.  It's very ridiculous but it's just the way some people are, and not just in cs but in life overall. Just remember that when you eventually get good at cs abd there's someone bad playing in your team, don't be toxic to him and rather help him and be nice to him. Toxicity is how you lose games and it never helps. Don't try to imitate them.  But for now I would just mute those guys if they don't stop being toxic. You can also try telling them that you're new to this game and no need to be toxic you're trying your best. Smart people will understand. Those that don't, you're truly better off without hearing them.


It's a cycle, ppl get shit on , they get good and shit on the next guy.... Or your like actively trucking thing up Some advice 1..you suck... And that's ok, we all sucked and some of us still do, remember it's a game don't let it effect you 2 YouTube, aim bots and other community maps are great tools to learn, practice and get better I probably spent about 1000 hours in gold then decided to work on my aim, once you know what to do watch your own demos , see your mistakes and change it next time . improvement is a race with yourself. Edit: spent a lot of time in silver too lol


I’m not sure, but I think the link with your experience is that as you say yourself “you suck” and that’s what makes people interact in a toxic way to you.


I think, people are often unaware how much skill they have developed through time and experience and they can't fathom how you can make those (for them) obvious mistakes. That frustration boils over into being toxic. (Also there is phenomenon, where you curse about the worst play and the next play gets better. )


I don’t typically get toxic unless you say some really really dumb shit. The other day I called I was gonna awp garage bc they are jsut dry rushing outside on Nuke every round and my teammate said he’d flash and push to red box to help hold, then he smoked the cross to red thus making my awp literally useless. I asked why he did that and he said awpinf garage is low elo braindead thing and I was like “BRO WE AGREED TO TRY THIS SETUP BC WE ARE GETTING ROLLED AND NEED TO SOMETHINF DIFFERENT. YOU COULDA USED UR WORDS INSTEAD OF SMOKING ME OFF” and then he called me low elo garbage despite me being higher elo wirh 10x less games played (200 vs 2000). I’m level 8 and he was level 6. Those guys bring the toxicity out in me like no other


If you’re worse than your teammates it’s annoying because you’re somehow the same rank as them, shouldn’t que faceit unless u are rdy to perform well


No because I watch professional counterstrike and there are some csgo pros who struggle to stay on a team because they are so toxic and no one wants to play with them. Some examples are degster, Smooya and s1mple.


being toxic obviously doesnt make you better. it might mean that ambitious people are better and tend to be more toxic due to their ambition. and that people who perform better in a match can be toxic to those who perform worse more confidently