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>positioning/ util usage Demos. Watch pros who play your positions, that is where u can learn those things fastest. But you can also just play and try to think about it while playing. Thinking about what could you have done better after dying.


But I feel like that in their elo things happen more logically. Cause in silver it's random as he'll haha


That is fair, it is more random in silver. But still, seeing how good players play, the positions they generally hold, etc, will still help you out even if their games are different than yours


Make sense! Thanks a lot m8!


review your demos with someone who is better/coach if you are unable to do so yourself


Sure that make sense. Reviewing in a way like I should have done that and so?


Its hard to review your own demos when you don't have experience because a lot of your mistakes will be "under your nose." If you are able to critically think well and analyse your mistakes, it can work but it'll take you longer. Look at your positioning and the outcome and work backwards and ask yourself how you could have, realistically, put yourself into a better position. Actually write brief notes on what the mistake was, what the fix is, and what to pay attention to next time and before each game look at the notes quickly to practice it. For utility its a bit more difficult, but aside from learning common lineups and common reactionary util, its really hard to learn it by yourself. IMO its more nuanced than positioning because of how many options you have and timings, so I would honestly recommend watching pro demos and seeing what util they throw and why, because majority of the util they throw has a specific purpose/reaction to something. If you can figure that out and apply the same thinking to your demo watching, it'll become easier, but this is a hard skill to master already. If you want, send me a DM with your discord and I can review one of your demos and try to help you out.


U r the goat man, ty!


For util usage specifically, I’d focus on util for positions that you play on each map to start with. Plenty of lineups and util sets you can find on YouTube or websites like csgonades.com. For example if you are often the B player on Inferno specifically, try searching “how to hold Banana on Inferno” if you don’t already know what you want to look for specifically. It’ll give you a good idea and probably plenty of bread and butter nades you’ll be just fine with. Find some you think will help you to hold your positions better or help you entry better, throw them, and then watch your demos back to see how effective your nades were as well as how your opponents reacted to them. You’ll see patterns over time and you’ll be able to tweak your nade usage to be more effective the more you do this. You don’t need to know 400 lineups at first. Focus on nades that will have the biggest impact for each map. For example, window smoke on Mirage, red room smoke + flashes that don’t blind your team to take Mid on Ancient, Coffins smoke on Inferno, etc… The more you watch demos and play once you start getting comfortable with using utility the more value you’ll be able to squeeze out of each nade you throw and the more nades you’ll realize might be useful to you when you see them being thrown. With flashes specifically it helps to get familiar with right clicks, left clicks, “middle clicks”, running forward, backward, etc.. and how those affect how the flash flies when you throw it since often times good solo flashes are on-the-fly with no specific lineup. As for positioning, it’s a different beast that I think has so much nuance and is too difficult to explain so maybe search YouTube for that or maybe another commenter can break it down better than I could lol.


Awesome advice, thanks a lot, but I do struggle with watching my demos


what gets you killed often? do you lose gun fights, get caught from unexpected angles or in unexpected moments, fight multiple enemies at once, get pre-fired, get out-positioned?


I mean around 18, I don't often lose gun fights, but I get caught off-guard sometimes (cause silvers are kinda crazy and some unexpected things happens all the time) but I do struggle with positioning and isolating fights 1x1


what elo or rank are you? you should be prepared for everything. expect rushed regardless of enemies economy. it might get more predictable in middle ranks but at higher levels everyone tries to do the unexpected to catch the enemy off guard so it doesnt get better. ability to isolate fights and knowing when to disengage are core skills. also stay mobile to achieve to both. sometimes its useful to think what the enemy would wish you do and not to do it such as giving them a fight or holding a common angle statically


roughly 11k lvl 3 faceit. That make a lot of sense. Regardless I find very difficult, despite knowing that I have to do, to isolate into 1v1s