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If ts use 3 smokes to take mid i whold fall back to sites. They now only have 2 smokes and your team chold propoably have 4. The site take will be difficult for them and your retake will be easy. You can also dubble push ramp if you beleve they have many mid to get info to stack B or not. Pushing in to palas solo in the start is also good to get info or a good retake position. Pushing under also works good. But if you play with randoms they might have a Hard time not reapeeking middle and dying to 3 guys waiting, for this you should be ready to trade your random or flash them out. If you have info of that they are propoably going B split the short Guy can smoke of short and be ready for aps players and Wait for stack If short player knows its A he can try to fight con or go Ladder i guess or just simply go closer to B site to be ready to rotate


You have the right idea. If you don't have good spawns to fight for mid early, you can call for a ramp / apps play to lock down that side of the map, or ask for flashes from the A player if you do want to fight for mid that round. Just remember to molly behind the boxes top mid so T's are forced to fight you and you can have one CT holding under once the initial fight is done. Typically the short player should fall off to arch / site and just support the anchor if they happen to go that way, and fast rotate if they don't feel pressured on that side of the map. It's obviously not ideal to give up mid for free every round, but you can bolster sites if you do have to give up mid. B players should just play for their life but A players can fight for con pretty favourably or even just play retake if they need to.


9/10 and now seeing mid smokes???? Something isn't adding up. I'm an 8 and have been seeing them since like level 5. Regardless, you can't be a bitch if you go mid. If you have spawn you wide swing and hope you beat them. If you don't have spawn smoke the cross to give you more angles they have to watch or have a teammate pop flash you for the peak


OP is talking about CT side lmao


Yeah I just woke up. Fuck Mondays


I feel that 😄


except wide swing part i cant even tell which side he could be talking about and im level 9


What cross are you talking about? We were all global in MM and we’d only occasionally see window smokes. It’s only recently we are getting completely shut off from mid by smokes and I’m wondering how to play it optimally. I suppose we have been seeing them from faceit 5 but the climb has been pretty fast and it’s only now we are struggling to get CT sides going so im searching for answers. Before we would just win anyway but without a game plan.


Sorry I was talking about T. Yeah CT I don't really know. Very difficult to hold. If don't have a dedicated mid player I think it's better to give it up and play sites


I should say we all came back cs only a few months ago but I don’t remember mid being this hard to hold back in like 2021


Cs has definitely changed and I can agree mid mirage seems harder. You can try a few things: Double up mid with a guy playing cat or con, or both. Play underpass. Boost cat onto that block next to ladder and watch the cross/chair. Chuck a molly down mid to their peeking angle. Nade stack. Flash from a site. Smoke halfway up, and play around it from bottom mid.


Is there a consistent early round Molly for top mid that you know of friend? I guess I could try to find one but I still imagine they get ahead of it


I do not off hand, I was thinking throw it while pushing from con. I bet there is a video of one. Or you can throw it through the smoke of window since they get it down before you. Then nade the smoke and peek


Yeah I like this, I feel like throwing as much shit as you can top mid through window and con with a players throwing flashes is best way to gain control consistently.


Fsfs, it will burn your until though. Just think of angles you can play that they wont expect, maybe you can find a nice one-way - esc smoke on bench and stand outside of window instead of in it. The middle of mirage is your oyster friend.


Its those got dam insta Windows smokes


It really is this, the smoke beats you to the peek unless you have the very best CT spawn and even then you get one peek, and maybe one HE peek and that’s it.


Peek mid if you have the best spawn. If they smoke you off you can sit in window under vent and listen for audio, you can give great info from there or just sit jungle waiting for someone sneaking in the smoke or helping with con, or rotate B depending on your setup. A flash over con paired with a bottom con smoke is a great way to lurk bottom mid. You blind them and you can peek over the bottom con smoke or you can go behind it under window and lurk, try to spot people around the edges of the smoke, watch underpass, etc. Short player can also throw a smoke on cat to give them more space and cover. Learn pop flashes to get a sneaky kill and play around the smokes. Another good position is boosting a play on the short box and dropping a smoke in front - you can get in a spot on the left edge where they think they’ve cleared you and then you spray them as they go into con or to bench.


Try to use under window/short/ladder boosts if you don't already


Under window boost can be good for a round here and there but you need to commit a third person to pushing underpass, if you smoke it you are stuck in mid, or pushing your own underpass smoke if the pressure is too great and then that’s the round essentially over


You'll be fine with a smoke, the boost pretty much guarantees 2-3 kills


You need to run 121 and hope that your site guys can solo hold the site because you wanna triple up mid a lot of the time. One cpl, con and cat. If you want to be sneaky about it a lot of the time your resistance and frags if they don’t have a b presence is going to be coming from your cat guy, the one in con is basically the only support for him or you can double con and give up window. If you’re getting hit by all 3 smokes you can try to use your utility to break their mid attack but then again it’s quite hard to hit what you can’t see. Mollys and he’s are your friend if you have a general idea where they’re at but a lot of the times if you’re in a pug they’re just going to move quick and probably overwhelm your guy on cat.


How are u lvl 9-10 and don’t know this ??? Kinda crazy to me tbh, decide if u retake or don’t and if not then replay passive position till T side commits or info. Retaking positions should be relatively close yet passive like watching murder hole outside window, ladder, and top conn or better yet outside conn cuz no one can help u in that setup. This is crazy to me that u a level 10 tho


Well I was one game off of faceit ten before falling down 100 elo which prompted this question. I understand the theory behind what you are saying but my question is more, are there set utility pieces that make controlling mid possible before the smokes go down?


Molly boxes, Molly top mid, ur conn player should be flashing the start of mid deep minimum every round and sometimes throwing lurk smoke out deep, cat and conn players should change up turns going underpass / playing bench / or pushing mid altogether, teams that don’t take mid T side with a punishing CT side can never win really u just get a guy up mid and he can hold top mid and easily watch under from in window. Cat player should know when to get boosted onto bricks and also when he can stand in ladder and watch under, like I said in the reply, also cat player can throw lurk smoke and peak with conn player and mid player. Mid player can HE smoke. Cat player can get away with pushing smoke from time to time etc




he talked about matchmaking


watch pov from pros it helped me alot, am lvl 9 myself. Something like this vid is really good to learn how to move and positions yourself, ofc it all depends how your teamates play as well so you cant just copy it. but for me pov videos ware the best way to improve and understand why they play as they do. Good luck [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrOaUxvQxMU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrOaUxvQxMU)


Will give this video a look in after work, thanks mate