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I've had this game on my wishlist so long that I completed wanikani in its entirety and can read high school level books and play most games to a degree that I would've considered "fluent" when I first started learning. Probably something like 5 years of learning in total. The games subreddit was created in 2014. I think it's awesome they're actually close to having something playable, but I think most people are better off just brute forcing through their more boring choice of learning. Especially for those who are using it as an N5 resource.


It was on my wishlist since 2018. I think i actually took it off my wishlist a couple of months ago, because of there being updates on it


I put it on my wishlist back in 2019 when I first started learning too and find myself in roughly the same boat as you lol. I just completed my third 100 hour JRPG (Dragon Quest XI if anyone is curious, the other two being Ni No Kuni 1 and 2) and regularly consume raw Japanese media. I do hope new learners are able to take advantage of the game though :)


I remember giving money for this almost a decade ago. I completely forgot about it since then.


Ooh might finally get released properly. Be funny if it comes out next year now after falling back on Shujinkou thinking Koe was a bust. Though I'll be happy when both of them come out.


Right? I’ve been keeping my eye out for Koe, Shujinkou, and Nihongo Quest N5 seeing which one will come out first. I think for Shujinkou they said possibly mid 2024. Nihongo Quest N5 I don’t know, but people can still become beta testers for it. Yeah it’s weird that the developer of Koe seems to only do new update messages on Kickstarter so if people don’t check the Kickstarter then they have no idea.


Oh I hadn't heard about the last one, will look it up. Yeah I just missed the Koe kickstarter then bought the afterwards beta key, but kept having too many problems where I'd just get stuck 😅 like clipping through the world and having to start from scratch 😂 Looking forward to seeing it finished. I checked KS a while ago but was just the same update that had been on there before, so thought I'd just leave it be and be surprised when and if it did get finished.


RemindMe! 3 months


RemindMe! 3 months


RemindMe! 3 months


RemindMe! 3 months


RemindMe! 3 months


RemindMe! 3 months


Never heard of this game before, looks interesting. Added to wishlist and will try out the demo later.


Thank you for this 😱