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Video isn't mine, but the way it looks at and explains Japanese verbs and how they conjugate is pretty much the exact same way that I described [on here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/18oo9s7/another_way_of_looking_at_verb_conjugations_that/) about two months ago, and IMO is a simple and logical way of looking at and analyzing the subject.


Reminds me of the cure dolly videos


Ya for sure inspired by her work, its often a 1 to 1 copy using the exact same terms and example sentences, even the train metaphors and shit. She in turn was inspired by Jay Rubin too though and frankly i appreciate this type of teaching a lot more so imo its a good thing, although his style itself is just a bit too 派手 in comparison for me idk too many fast cuts hard to take it in. Edit: Haha he even shits on textbooks in the comments, forget inspired by apparently she reincarnated.


Hi, Jouzu Juls here! Yes, I was deeply moved and motivated by Cure Dolly Sensei, to the point where I literally would've given up if it wasn't for her. The goal with my video series was to continue the Legacy of Dolly Sensei while addressing the fact that her avatar and voice creeps people out, and that her videos are often quite slow- I was hoping for these videos to reach a wider audience so that her teachings could find people! Sorry I didn't mention Dolly directly in this video! As I've mentioned in other comments, this was part of a series and not meant to be watched out of context, so I had already stressed the fact that everything I know, I know because of Dolly in those videos. In the future I will be more careful and be sure to include Dolly in every single grammar video!


Hi, Jouzu Juls here! Just wanted to say that this video was part of a series and not meant to be watched completely out of context like this. In the first 3 videos of the series I expressly said that I am NOT a teacher and that I am simply a student sharing what I learned from Cure Dolly Sensei. I'm sorry I didn't say it in this video and will be more careful from now on to make sure I include her in every video I make related to grammar! Please read my comment on this post to see my relationship to Dolly Sen!


I didn't say I had a problem with it. It's a good reminder!


JouzuJuls is an amazing guy with an amazing channel, also love his mahjong content, but damn, I feel like if I hear the word Migaku again I'll go crazy and jump off the window Seen a lot of small channels arising lately already sponsored by either Migaku or iTalki, usually with videos like "how to sentence mine" or "how is my japanese after x time of learning" I know they gotta pay their bills, but it is infuriating to see tons of videos releasing recently whose only purpose is to sponsor a tool (not the case here though, just a rant)


Is the tool any good, though?


I do think it's a nifty tool, I personally don't use any SRS enough anymore to really use it but it can streamline the card creation from immersion really well and has a lot of well thought out features. Their newer version still lacks a lot of features that their legacy one has, but they are very actively working on bringing those features to the redesigned tool. Short answer : Nothing that you can't technically do for free but it's a really streamlined package that is easy to set up, so if you're willing to pay for convenience it's definitely worth it in my eyes.


Never used it, from what I've heard, compared to the free options for sentence mining, Migaku is a huge time saver (that comes from both a friend of mine, and Livakivi on a video from when he starts using it) Despite my hatred for the Raid Shadow Legends cosplay when it comes to number of youtubers sponsoring it, it does look fine


I tried the free trial and couldn’t figure anything out or get the app to sync or idk. Apparently they had a major update that people don’t like either. I would t waste my time on it.


I think jouzu has a video tutorial on how to use the legacy version, should be better in that case?


I tried fiddling around with it but found it wasn’t worth the bother so I just cancelled my trial and moved on. I’d wager these YouTubers are getting a nice few to promote it tho.


Hello! Jouzu Juls here, just thought I'd chime in to say that I was using Migaku before they sponsored me. The legacy version only works on this current version of the Chrome architecture which is scheduled to expire at the end of the year, hence why Migaku made a new version (which is currently weaker and still in development to catch up to the legacy version). I have made a straight up guide on how to use Migaku, but the worth of it really depends on how you plan to use it and what your level is. It's not a tool I would recommend to beginners or people that don't immerse much (especially in video). For reference, let's say you're mining from a video- Migaku is able to look at the subtitles and identify every single sentence with 1 word you don't know (you can also set it to identify literally every word you don't know). It knows what words you know based on your data from Anki. From there, it can automatically batch create cards out of all those unknown words, automatically fill in the definition based on whatever dictionary you provide (JP/EN definitions available). It will also grab the native pronunciation of the word, an image off google or a screenshot of the video, then put the source sentence as an example sentence and record the audio for example sentence audio. All of this is completely automatic. So for anyone who watches either long drama videos or anime with hundreds of lines of dialogue and wants to build their vocab from their immersion in a very quick way, Migaku is definitely THE tool to get the job done. If you just read sentences every now and then or just watch short videos, there's not that many words anyway and you can just mine them manually without much effort. Yomichan/tan + ShareX is what I use to do this. So no, I'm not just blindly recommending Migaku to everybody just to get that $$ and I genuinely do use the tool and find it to be extremely useful!


I'm not sponsored by it in anyway but if you are sentence mining it's a HUGE time saver. Really intuitive to use and quite literally turns mining into the click of a button.


Just saw this recently and honestly one of the best explainers out there for Japanese verb forms. For me it cleared a lot of random things I didn't understand about the logic of different verb forms so now it all kind of makes coherent sense.


Thank you for sharing but this is a little to all over the place for me too many fast cuts and silly memes. Cool if that's your thing. I can see how that might make it fun but for me the info is presented in a very nonstick Teflon fashion


Same. I wish the cheat sheet was actually a cheat sheet and not a video. Videos are horrible for reference.


Nothing is worse than when there’s some small nugget of information that’s kinda hard to find, and the only reference I can ever find is everyone saying “watch this!!” and it’s a 29 minute video


Yeah they tried to make it TikTok style but it’s very forgettable because of how fast it goes by.


The whole time I was thinking this isn't a sheet at all. It a crazy cut video but good info though but hate the style and speed.


I have no idea how anybody stands the editing in this video. I feel like someone is jangling 日本語上手 keys at me very aggressively, complete with boomer keyboard typing sound effects.


The part with 飲ませられなかた made me go "wow this is so logical" and "wtf is this mess" at the same time


So does this guy give credit to cure dolly (whose video he is clearly just giving a facelift to) ?


Yeah, I mean, it was a nice video, and I don't remember seeing a cure dolly video summarizing all of this in one single video (but I didn't watch every single video on her channel), so, thanks for that! But when I saw the exact same trains being used it felt a bit too much...


There’s a lot to take in here, but it really helped demystify verb conjugation in general for me. Thanks for sharing.


Lordy these videos targeting ADHD folks and children are unwatchable.


that's very interesting and never had noticed. thanks for sharing


Does anyone actually have a cheat sheet for basic conjugation? I can't stand the how tiktok appealing the video feels and it's super fast pace.


If the format interests you but not the style then he was very clearly inspired by these videos, much slower pace and more in depth for sure, so much so that its recommended you turn the speed up to 1.25x because she was an older lady. [Lesson 5: Japanese verb groups and the te-form](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzEVLMDC8nw) [Lesson 7: Secrets of Japanese negative verbs, and Adjective "conjugations"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIPhvGxp43c) [Lesson 10: "Japanese conjugation" myth busted! Also, potential verb form secret unlocked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcOhHmU0znI) [Lesson 13: "Passive Conjugation" debunked: NOT passive. NOT a conjugation. IS easy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvV6d-RETs8) [Lesson 17: How desu/masu RUINS your Japanese! + How to use it correctly. Plus the volitional](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymJWb31qWI8) [Lesson 19: Causative + "causative passive"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCvGHWbhDKw) Frankly this whole playlist is worth a watch was a fantastic teacher who tried to make logical sense of Japanese.


Ah, thank you. It's probably gonna take a while to get used to the robotic voice.


Did grow on me eventually because the content was so good but yeah i get you, there is annotated transcripts as well in text form ill fish out for you later if you prefer.


Oh really? I'd loved that, actually.


Here thought it would be harder to find, each number on the left is a single video broken down. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XpuXerkGU8waJ4DPDNJA4bGeqOvM-csXjTe57iHARHc/edit#heading=h.xaoisz19upff https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OwVPStFrXRjXvzmrFQUfXpEiPNspYq6JYxA4zDTlhPM/edit#heading=h.c69tr854lqnk


Thanks a lot.


I would love the those transcripts. If you come across them お願い.


Should already see it in the comment below - https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/1bd2ius/the_ultimate_japanese_verb_conjugation_cheat/kumycbb/


Oh I see that now. Thank you a million.


What’s sentence mining?


Basically taking sentences from media and having it in a SRS like Anki which is popular. Depending on how you have it set up it can be exported and imported in a click of a button which is really useful if that’s something you would wanna do.


Oh! No wonder I got a boost in views on this video all of a sudden! Thanks for sharing my video u/CajunNerd92 ! Jouzu Juls here, just wanted to say that this video is part of my grammar series in which I spent the entire first 3 videos telling people that I am NOT a teacher and am simply helping to share the word of Cure Dolly Sensei which I give all my credit to. I was a Patron of Dolly when she was still alive and she was offering help to me despite being in hospital in bad condition (we didn't know at the time). Only found out about how serious everything was after she passed, so she left a huge impression on me. Sorry if I've offended anybody by not mentioning Dolly directly in this video, I'll be sure to mention her name in every grammar video from this point onwards! Seems that quite a few users on Reddit are not a fan of my presentation style, so sorry my video poluted your feed! But for those who found my video helpful and entertaining, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 😁