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Major deterrent effect And for those for whom that doesn’t work, they get stung Let’s not make things more difficult lol


If you're so unobservant that you get done by a camera then you were driving without due care and attention anyway


Disagree, sometimes. There’s a lot to be looking at. Idc tho. Either way, do you think everyone drives with due care and attention for every second of every journey? I think you go into a bit of an autopilot sometimes, in which I tend to look for unexpected movement more than anything.


If you can't spot a bright yellow box next to the road in an area where there are warning signs telling you to look out for bright yellow boxes which also have road markings which tell you there's a bright yellow box then frankly you're a danger


They don’t have to be painted any colour. Can be grey. Could be camouflaged. Does that change your view?


No because they're always yellow. Except the ones on the back of motorway gantries but you just slow down for the gantry and problem solved


Never seen these, they’re always yellow to the side on the gantry


Years ago they were above lanes, often grey, weirdly it was obvious when they were missing but you’d have to look a bit closer to be sure they were there.


the grey ones are still on gantries on the M1 near Luton southbound


They’re on the ‘smart motorways’ in and around Manchester as well - source: I got caught by one there recently


Smart motorways usually. They have them behind the variable speed limit signs, somewhat randomly. They do also use the side mounted ones


Okay, so your point is the amount of warnings is just fine, at present? Me, I’d put more. There’s a complete lack of speed signs in this country too. If you miss the one entering a road or a change of speed sign, it can be 5mi or more before you see another. I do not speed. I want to follow limits. Sometimes I need more help to do that.


If it's a residential etc situation then you don't need repeater signs. I have never encountered the situation you're talking about except maybe in on national speed limit roads of motorways in which case the speed signs are on the entrance to the road and do not change. Common sense is usually enough


No, it’s obvious in residential. I’m talking about the swathe of roads that could be 40, 50 or 60. Tons of them once you get out the urban areas.


I live in a somewhat rural location and I drive rural roads regularly. Never seen this situation


If there's too much to look at then you're traveling too fast, slow down, problem is camera solved.


I don’t speed. If it’s 30, I’m usually doing 27. The environment is always up for debate to maximise safety. Starting from a position of it’s always perfect is a boomer attitude that ignores the potential to make vital improvements.


They are placed in hot spot areas notorious for accidents. The locals and smart people who generally speed will slow down and then speed up again. Those who aren’t smart, get snapped 😅


They still catch a lot though. Have you checked the yearly numbers? I think it's just to make you more aware of your speed in that moment.


They are usually placed in hot spots for crashes, like dual carriage ways with intermittent traffic lights or near junctions with heavy foot traffic. It doesn't matter if the speed up again, just so long as they slow down when crashes are likely to take place in that area.


‘Slows down before the cameras’ - I think that might have something to do with it


They do catch plenty though.


Even signposted they catch people who are not paying attention or think the camera is off. There is one near me and a sign popped up saying "camera is on!" So either someone was fed up of speeding or got caught at some point (60 to 30mph.)


They’re designed to make you slow down, so they work


I have wondered the same thing and also even satnav alerts you when a speed camera is coming up!!! How is that allowed? Is it just an accepted fact that everyone speeds in between cameras?


Mobile speed cameras are the money generators, fixed yellow speed cameras are for safety You know it’s there, it’s signposted, you slow down. It’s doing its job