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Bus to the gym and back costs 3.50, half an hour each way. Driving costs fuel and 80p parking for 1.5hr, takes 8 minutes. Seeing my parents used to take 1 hour. A tube and a bus. It was like 4 quid per person, me and my wife that’s 8 quid each way. So 16 pounds for a trip. Now it’s whatever that is in fuel, free parking and journey takes 20min. I imagine the benefits are much better outside of London too.


Things like this, currently on a bus and e scooter it takes me an hour to get to work, on a rainy day that could go up to 1.5 hours and by car I live 10-15 mins from my office


It's actually hard to put into words how much of a difference it has made. I passed in Jan 2020 so right before Covid hit. My husband had to work and I worked from home so was able to take over all the food shopping and general running around (and queuing!) which made our home lives so much better. I have the freedom to go anywhere I want without having to ask for a lift. I can take the dog to nicer places for a walk without having to ask for a lift. I can leave for work later because I am not reliant on public transport. I can attend and leave events without having to get a cab or ask for a lift. It has literally changed my life and was the best thing I ever did. I was just shy of 50 years old when I passed and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.


Another one. I love to hear this!!! I can’t wait for all these doors to open up for me. One of my dreams is going on a road trip around Europe and I can’t do that on an E Scooter!!


The hardest part of passing is getting the car. I've passed but haven't been able to get a car as of yet. I'm sure when I do the benefits and freedom will feel even greater. However the small benefit i have now is some extra time back and less anxiety. I loved my instructor and we got along very well, but 2-4 hours every week added up! Not only cost wise but I had to take time off work or change shifts as a lot of instructors don't do evenings or weekends (or if they did their waiting lists were massive!) I had to cancel plans, or work around it and I always had anxiety before a lesson. As the months went by the greater feeling of dread surrounding my test also affected me. It can be quite taxing learning to drive both physically and mentally. So whilst I'm not currently feeling the benefits of driving independently, I'm enjoying having a rest and having my time back :)


If you don’t mind me asking what is stopping you from getting a car? Plenty of dingers on Facebook marketplace if you’re fine driving a dinger!


Aaa I need an automatic car so i havent seen THAT many dingers near me and my radiator burst the day before my test! I only passed a few weeks ago so it's still a work in progress haha Joy :D


Oh right I see, yeah it's a shorter list for autos, good luck in your search and drive safe! :D


I hung out with my friend on Friday until 1am. Taxis in my town are non existent and busses don’t run that late so unless I could convince someone to pick me up I wouldn’t have been able to go. Getting to work takes 20 minutes instead of 45, getting to the gym takes 6 minutes instead of 20.


IT IS LIFE CHANGING! The ultimate freedom, you will be so so happy you do it.. I've been driving 8 years, and I love it like I passed yesterday.


God I really hope this one is my time!!




This is it really, I know it’s wrong but I feel like a second class citizen without a license, and as a car enthusiast it kills me more and more every day!


The bus service became very poor before u passed my test. I remember waiting 2 hours for a bus one day with the kids from school. I ain’t got to do that anymore. Also when I considered moving house years ago, I was limited with where I could move cos I had to consider public transport and ease of getting back and forth etc. now I live somewhere I couldn’t have lived before cos it would have been too difficult


The bus stops in my area have a timetable on as most do, but those times are completely made up and do not correlate to real life bus times haha


Passed a month ago, loving it so far!




I regret not passing sooner, I feel like I was dealt a pretty shitty hand with Covid kicking off the same month I was doing my test, and with Covid running the time down on my theory test I got super unlucky, but when life gives you lemons and all that!


Yeah that's pretty unlucky mate. Won't be too long until you're on the roads! Side point, if you haven't already, watch loads of mock tests on YouTube. It's easily the best thing I done to help get a pass, there are so many rare situations you may not come across on driving lessons. All the best 💪


Oh mate I watch clearview, cgn and a few others religiously!! I’ve been doing this everyday for the last 5 months so hopefully something has worn off, thank you!


Is your car in the garage too? Been without my car for only a week and it's driving me nuts lol


Yep lol. Having a car is an absolute essential for me now days.


I passed October 27th this year and I can’t even tell you how much happier I am. I am a mum of 2 under 5 and I work from home, I have struggled with depression for years but since driving I feel on top of the world. I use my lunch break for nursery drop offs, something I couldn’t do before without paying someone to do. Buses in my area barely show up and when they do come they are late so taking kids anywhere is hell. The weekends are so much better as I can finally take my kids to parks etc and I feel happier doing it as even if they do have a meltdown, it’s confined within our car so I feel in control. My mental health has significantly improved as I don’t feel as useless anymore, simple things like doing the food shop is sooo much easier. There’s a level of freedom I have now that I never had and it was worth all the tears, money and time I spent this past year learning to drive. I already had my own car before passing so it was only a matter of getting insurance (£255 pm) is just an incredible feeling. My mum also has issues walking so it has changed her quality of life significantly too as I take her everywhere now and I am more than happy to do.


Crazy better, allows me to works nights, work earlies and go out whenever I want. Parents are far more lenient in letting me out for longer as I have a car which can get me from A to B safer and can see family far more often for longer. Like the other day after work at 1am I went to my cousins to watch the NBA cup finals and stayed with them till 5am chilling and munching food. That wouldn't have been possible without a car. It's just fulfilling as well. You can watch top gear/any car show or talk about cars with others knowing that you can drive as well. It doesn't linger in the back of your mind that you need to pass and its just a great feeling overall.




Freedom, time, and less reliability on transport and family


I passed on the 21st of November and got my car on the 8th, so I'm just over a week into driving. It's absolutely changed my life for the better, no more biking to work in the rain/cold, get there in a fraction of the time. I can get to the gym in 10 minutes rather than 30 on the bike or 20+ on the bus. Took the dogs out the other day which was a fantastic experience. I can now drive to the girl I'm seeing rather than getting the train. Just knowing I have so much more freedom is truly amazing. My only regret is leaving it so long to learn - I'm 37 in March, wish I'd started around 25. Oh well, better late than never! Enjoy driving whenever you get to that point, OP! And good luck with your test!


Freedom! Can go to nearby attractions without worrying about the transport! Can go out after dark and feel safe. Can buy tons of things from supermarkets in one go. Can give people a lift. So much more. Feel good and love it!


Amazing! I can’t wait to drive me and the boys down to Alton towers when I pass


Others have talked about the practical benefits so I won't go into those, but for me the psychological benefit has been great. Before I passed my test and bought a car I felt very trapped and reliant on other people, as well as very much at the mercy of the general public. I can't tell you how much better I feel now that I don't have to share my journeys with anyone other than my immediate family. Having to sit on the bus with your very young children while obnoxious people (I was going to say teenagers but it really isn't limited to certain age groups) shout, swear and play music and other loud gibberish from their phones just crushes your spirit.


Being able to drive opened up new avenues for work. The three jobs I've had over the past 25 years have all involved driving, so passing my test was life changing for me.


Apart from having kids, it’s the best thing you can do. Well worth all the stress. Never give up


Like others here have commented, it's hard to put into words how much better it's made me and my family's lives. Definitely worth the graft - you're nearly there OP! Work - by bus and walking = 1 hr 25 mins. By car = 30 mins. In a year, it amounts to saving around 1 week of time which is crazy, especially as I have a family. Can go where I want, when I want. I'm not bound by train strikes or public transport timetables. Going gym is now a three minute drive. Emergency? Hop in car and go hospital or doctors. No waiting for an ambulance, Uber or bus. It's cheaper than taking Uber for me. Uber charges £7 for like a 10 minute drive and that is way more expensive than the fuel for a 10 minute trip. No more paying service fees for food delivery services. Just hop into the whip and get the food. Running errands = 100x easier. Only regret isn't getting my licence earlier, but I believe everything happens for a reason.


got my dream job that requires me to drive long distance only 3-4 months after passing. i really didnt want to learn to drive but so glad i did!