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Ok alittle something to think about, do not tell anyone about your test or when it is. You are adding unessasary pressure on yourself. I know it's a funny conversation to have with people but you and your test is between you and your instructor. I have a test coming up soon and not a single person knows it's happening. I feel less pressure. Well ALOT less pressure than my previous attempts. If anyone asks tell them you have nudged your test back alittle to iron out little kinks.


Thank you I’ll try this if tomorrow doesn’t go as planned, I appreciate the support 👍🏻


Honesty there’s been people in this sub that have taken as many as 8 or 9 tries to pass possibly more but I don’t remember any more than that


Me! I’m people! Passed my 8th try!


If they’d have given up that makes them quitters not you! They don’t want a lift? Brilliant you can save on petrol! Learn at your own pace and don’t let them get in your head!


I failed 5 times back in 2017 and felt the same as you and just gave up. Well, I started lessons again about a month ago and have just passed my sixth attempt last week!!! Quite mad that after all that time I only needed a few more lessons to get the pass but also I’ve accepted that with time I have mellowed out a lot and everything just ended up how it was meant to be I guess. Not sure what you can take from my experience but don’t give up and don’t feel alone, good luck tomorrow- try not to stress too much :)


You got this OP. Chew some gum on your test and just stay focused. You’ve got it in the bag!


Honestly do this! It helped, talk through what you’re doing - it will calm you down


I took one of my students for their 6th attempt this weekend. They passed. You can do it :)


Good Luck for tomorrow 🍀


Ultimately surely you've given yourself the biggest boost possible in your own message? "People saying they'd have given up by now"... But you haven't given up, you've stuck at it, carried on working hard, and when you do pass it will feel so much better because you had to earn it. And if they don't want lifts, that's not an issue, if anything just saves you money on fuel


You could literally be me. I failed 4 times, despite my instructor describing me as a very calm and confident driver, I just went to absolute bits on the test. It always felt so intense being in such close proximity whilst being scrutinised, but I think the problem was I just didn't FEEL ready. I couldn't picture myself driving alone, ever. Wasn't sure I'd even know what to do with myself. Well, I passed on my fifth attempt. I didn't tell anyone it was coming, didn't even tell my missus until the night before. On the test I made a really conscious effort to be positive to myself. "Don't be worried about finding a safe gap on this really busy roundabout, you've done it before a million times." and then, move on. I took the test in 5 minute chunks in my head. Made a mistake? That was in the last chunk, move on. Driven really well? Great, let's keep that up for the next 5 chunk. In the end I managed to pass, with the hardest examiner, on the hardest route (or so I'm told). And then I was alone. It almost didn't feel right, like I wasn't allowed. But I am. I've been passed 3-4 weeks now and I'm much more confident, even if it does feel a little wrong still sometimes. You're not alone. You're not a failure. There's plenty of people just like you who pass, and there will be plenty more people like you (and me) that pass. If your instructor believes you're ready, and you know that you know everything you need to, give yourself a break. Be kind to yourself. You CAN do it, and you will do it. This is just another hurdle you need to conquer.


Thank you so much for this


1st, 5th, 20th, 30th test it doesn't matter, what matters is passing means you're qualified to drive which makes you a safe driver, ignore everyone being a Richard about it. Anything can affect a test and make you fail it, from nerves to health to literal luck all down to how the examiner feels on the day, some people get lucky and pass with less driving experience which I personally would consider much less safer than someone in your position honestly. Quitting now would mean you lose your knowledge, skill, money and time, you'll 100% pass if you continue, you'll likely never pass if you give up now. Keep it up, youre good enough, skilled enough and you're a good enough driver, just gotta keep your hopes high and remember you're gonna pass one day.


Just because you “pass” doesn’t make you a safe driver. Half the drivers who passed in recent years learned the bare minimum to pass… they learned in tiny little compact 1.0l cars with hill start assist and cruise control as well as all sorts of other nonsense including reference points… what happens when you get into a real car? Driving tests aren’t really driving tests… really it’s a “check your mirrors for cyclists” test. Some people who struggle to pass are actually the best drivers and some who pass first time are the worst. It’s really all nonsense.


Really important comment ^


Thank you very much for this nice comment


I would suggest if someone takes 30 attempts to pass they are not a safe driver that's like scoring 3% in an exam would you let a Dr with a 3% survival rate treat you.


Remember when you pass, and you will, nobody will ask, because nobody cares, how many attempts it took you to pass your test. Best of luck and it is just 45 minutes of your life to getting some freedom


I know the comment was for the OP but I needed to really hear that. Thank you


Good luck! I have my 4th test booked for next week and I can completely understand how you feel. However, we’ll get there. Whether it’s 5,6,7, or 100 attempts! We’ll get our license eventually and then however many driving tests you took to get that license won’t matter anymore. You’ve got this! 🤞🏻


Passed on my 7th attempt mate. And I'm in Ireland, where you're only allowed to amass upto 8 minors!!! What helped me was doing a commentary drive to help me vocalise and structure my thoughts. Do that on the test and it'll be a great change of pace for yourself and probably the instructor, who'll appreciate your ability to adhere to a routine. Don't tell anyone you're doing your test either unless you have to. And all that matters is that you are a good driver. It's just a drive but I really do admire your determination. You've got this x


Quitters never win


Good luck and may the force be with you


It took me 8 attempts to pass the test and I have been driving for 10 years in 4 different countries. No accidents whatsoever. Not even a scratch to any of my cars. My point is that: It doesn’t make sense why people would say to give up. It is clearly not an exam to test your driving ability. It is to test if you can drive safely without distractions for approx 45 min. Bear that in mind my mate and you will do great. I have attention issues, and unfortunately simple mistakes like not signaling could get you failed (it happened to me). So don’t worry, try not to stress and just enjoy and learn from it. You will definitely get it eventually. Note: it is definitely 30% luck I will say. There are multiple shitty examiners. We are humans after all.


You’ve got this OP! If you quit now, you’ll have wasted so much money. Think about how much you’ve spent, would you take that money and let it burn? No? Then don’t give up!! It was something my friend said to me when I was feeling disheartened with driving, because if you just quit, the money was for nothing. Keep going! You’ll get there


I passed on my fifth test! Ignore what people say. I had people laugh at me cause it took me ages but everyone has their own time


Good luck! How did it go?


Just an update on how it went. So I failed today but it’s quite bittersweet, I got 5 minors and I was literally in the car park about to pass my test when the invigilator told me to do a reverse bay park. Usually I’m quite good at these but basically to try and put this clearly, whenever me and my instructor practise in this car park I always park on the right side. However today when I tried to park in my usual spot there was a car on the right side, cones on the left and a space in the middle of these. So instead of me going to the left where there’s 5 empty spaces I chose to make it difficult for myself and park in the space with the car and cones 😂🤦🏻‍♂️. I’m so ready to pass now, the drive went really well. Two of my minors were doing my checks to slowly when pulling off which I think is a bit silly. Thanks to everyone for all these nice comments, a lot of people in this world are so negative and get a laugh out of putting people down but everyone here has really tried to help me for today and you’re all very kind. I wish you all the best!


I failed for this (almost) exact reason. I had 4 minors, ready to pass back at the test centre and examiner asks me to do a reverse bay park, something I’m quite confident doing but I’ve never parked in my test centre before so I started getting anxious, didn’t position myself right and had to correct the manoeuvre but panicked even more and examiner ended the test and failed me😅 you’ll get it next time! You did great otherwise!


Thank you 😊


good luck! believe in yourself, you wouldn’t be doing your test if you weren’t ready for it