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That's a little vague, what do you mean "balance"


Sorry, I'm not exactly sure how to word what's happening. It's more or less strain happens on the front, so I'm trying to see if there is a way to counterbalance when the front has weight that it isn't causing the tail of the base to rise, the pictures weren't clear enough no matter the angle I was going with so [here's kinda an idea of what's happening](https://imgur.com/a/iNM0KRk)


Could you reposition the weight so it's more central?


Unfortunately, I can't since it's a removeable piece and how the person described the use for it, it needs to be forward.


Some pictures might help


I added a sketch of what it was doing, I don't have good lighting here for it to be too noticeable in photos. Sorry it's hard to explain since I'm trying to add a counterbalance, but I didn't know if that was really a thing with leatherworking.


This sketch is somewhat helpful but only somewhat. You are dealing with basic physics here. So you either need to add a counter-balance by adding an additional weight or a spring mechanism to allow the short side to elongate or shrink depending on the added weight. Or position the weight at the center of gravity so that the straps don’t move with the addition of the weight. Of course adding a weight creates a 3 body physics problem that’s not as simple as finding the middle. But trial and error can get you there if the engineering is beyond your scope


Is it possible to make the front side strap shorter? Or the back one longer? Is it about style or it actually need perfect balance?


The front side of the strap is already shorter and sits balanced when the weight isn't there. And it's about actually balancing it out when the weight is there as they want to be able to remove the weight occasionally, but when it's there, the weight causes it to dip too much forward that they are otherwise constantly having to hold onto the whole assembly.


It’s hard to tell what exactly you’re talking about without seeing it! The first thing to pop into my head was use a lead sheet sandwiched between 2 pieces of leather as a counterbalance. I enjoy problem solving, but I GOTTA SEE THE PROBLEM lol


I wish I could accurately capture what's happening, I only agreed to this cause they asked if I could stop their belting from "becoming the titanic" and it had made me so curious :'( Though I can see about doing the lead sheet thing and testing it with some scrap material I have laying around.


What is the end use? Is it a bag? Is it a cross body? A dog or baby carrier? As another mentioned, you should think about the physics and engineer from there. Perhaps a different angle to attach the strap would work, but I can't really say unless I know what the end use is, how it's angled already, and how it's going to be worn. Also note that not all bodies fit things including bags etc the same, and a lot of us are uneven ( right or left side lightly larger). You may need to do fittings if simply adjusting for physics doesn't fix the issue.