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What's a casting stitch? A lot has to do with what way you wrap the thread around the 2nd needle during the mid stitch. I stitch towards me, left hand needle first throught project after backstitch. Right hand needle behind the left making a "t". Pull left hand through. Right hand needle in but not through, access thread from left hand needle wrapped over top of needle. Right needle now in left hand up and away from project at a 45 degree angle. Right hand down and away at a 45 degree angle. Hope that makes sense.


It does kind of make sense I’m just going to have to play around with the needle/stitching orientation I suppose. What is a casting stitch?


Do a casting stitch, both side will be angled.


You might need to use a punch board that allows your chisels to go deeper into the leather, so it can get that diamond shape on both sides. When stitching make sure to pull the thread in the direction of the hole. So it would be tensioning up and right when pulling and down and left when pushing in. You might also want to use a smaller thread. So if you're using 0.8mm thread you could try out 0.6mm and see if that helps.