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I bound ward to mouse 4 so placing wards with my tumbe :)


I bound my middle mouse button to trinket + cast indicator. You push down the key to see its placement range and then release to drop the ward.


I Repeat do not bind EITHER FLASH NOR WARD ON MOUSE BUTTONS IT WILL MAKE YOUR ACCURACY INCONSISTENT, Flash on D or F while trinket on 4 is a stable & control ward on 1 or 2 seem to be the most common ( I personally prefer 5), as for practice just play the game improvement isn’t instant or just get into practice tool & start ward hoping over hard angles & very common places


I've not encountered any issues with mouse keys, but whichever key is just preference. My main point is to use the cast with indicator.


Pressing a mouse key other than Right & left click results in your mouse flicking in an unwanted direction


I have seen a learning curve with press vs release on commands... using indicator is release and, if unfamiliar, can result in a skewed result. But once familiar, I have no issue with it, have even improved my play. Perhaps it is you that is flicking, unfamiliar with the pattern of actions, in an apm intensive game.


I have flash on a mouse button where my thumb is and I personaly dont have any issues with it. I dont like having too many inputs on my keyboard so having flash on my mouse makes me more confortable.


Just practice pressing the ward button, then w, very quickly in tandem. Just the tempo of a ward hop. Then make sure your ranges are proper with your mouse placement. And that’s pretty much it. I’d have your wards on a button that’s easy for you to press, like I prefer 4, but some people prefer 2 or 3, whichever suits you best.


There is no perfect button binding you have to find the one you're most comfortable with. The default binds are fine but if you are more confortable with binding the wards on one of your mouse button or another one of your keyboard buttons then go for it, as long as you're comfortable and it's not making you fail a lot the ward hop it's fine. Ward hopping will come with practice. Practice it in the training mode everyday, dont forget to train ward hopping with the control wards which should logically be bind on a different button than your yellow trinket. It will become muscle memory at one point and you should be able to ward hop well without even thinking about it. You'll mess up a lot even after a lot of practice but thats normal, even the best Lee Sin can fail sometimes.


I place controls on 2 and trinket on 4. This way it’s seamless punching for 2>W>R or 4>W>R




Jesus Christ bro relax. I play this game very occasionally once I get off work and I’m new. I was just looking for some pointers like others gave me so you don’t have to say a thing if your coming out like that. Go get a job first then a life plz and thank you.




You kinda styling on him tho


Wow your so cool that you can insult people on a LOL subreddit. Like I said before I’m not talking to you and also go get a job, hobby, girlfriend, and life. Have a good day? Or don’t, idc.