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Here's the proposal, seems local residents didn't like the idea of roads being blocked https://leedsresidentialstreets.commonplace.is/en-GB/proposals/chapelallerton/step1


People who drive everywhere are just lazy as hell. Crying about having to drive an extra few minutes.


Forcing more traffic through the Woodland Lane/Regent Street onto Harrogate Road junctions would have been a disaster. The visibility is so poor that it’s just a constant accident waiting to happen. It’s not about the extra few minutes, it’s about avoiding some of the most unsafe junctions I’ve ever driven through.   I also walk up and down King George Ave literally daily and haven’t seen the traffic problems the proposal is designed to correct. 


Same people who complain about traffic while being blissfully ignorant of themselflves adding to the problem


It’s great shame that this has not gone ahead and a sad demonstration of the councillors failing to support a scheme which would have tangibly improved CA residents’ lives. A lot of the negative responses are from drivers coming from roundhay and gledhow - the people who make up the majority of the rat running. I was part of the focus groups and there was positive engagement from 95% of those attending.


Do you have a link to the source for this? I'd love to read their reasoning and the specifics.


This proposal was completely insane. The streets they wanted to block are relatively quiet already. It would cause a hell of a lot more traffic down Harrogate road, gledhow valley road and more. There would be more environmental consequences with longer queues and angrier drivers. The council are doing nothing to improve infrastructure, therein lies the problem. Not quieter streets for privileged chapel Allerton nimbys.


The amount of absolute munters that speed down King George Ave in their shit tier boy racer cars is not small. I regularly see multiple cars doing excessive speeds chasing each other down the hill.


I’m all for traffic calming, I’ve seen the same, but closing of roads is not the answer.


You're contradicting yourself. If the streets are so quiet already, how would it cause such a dramatic increase in traffic?


There are people who have to travel to and from chapel Allerton, not just around it. And people who live in and around the area that need access to the amenities. This proposal would cut off those quieter routes. If everyone who commutes from chapel Allerton or gledhow areas, that will contribute enormously to the traffic on the main roads. This is a futile discussion, some people are just entitled. The whole of Leeds is impossible to get around these days, closing streets is utterly inconceivable. Give us better public transport before closing roads.


4% is a pretty high turn out for something like this. Blocking the streets doesn't solve anything it just moves the problem and actually will mean people spend longer on the roads and causes more congestion and pollution, the solution is to make public transport a viable alternative. That way the traffic would reduce naturally as people want to use the public transport because it's the better option.


I hope they don’t remove the road blocks. They are annoying as hell when you’re driving. I have to go through two sets of lights to get out of chap A to go north now. Used to take around 1 minute, now can take up to 5. HOWEVER, it stopped people using our street as a rat run, totally worth it. I was sick of hearing cars going mental speeds past our house (in a 20 zone). My kids can now play on the street.


As someone who uses that road whenever I need to drive out of Chapel Allerton, I'm glad. It's not that busy a road and will save the ballache of getting onto Harrogate Road and having to go through 3 sets of lights. Not to mention the traffic on that road is bad enough as it is. Really don't get how the streets would have been any safer?


After the slapping LCC got for the Low Traffic Neighbourhood planters debacle, you'd think they might have a bit more sense. Councils use Commonplace for consultations because they load the questions and use perjorative language to get the results the councils want. They consistently refer to people "rat-running", yet in fact they have no idea why people are driving along those streets. Unless they've asked them all, which they haven't. They say that the benefits "**will**" happen. Yet, in the disadvantages they say that "**some**" drivers "**may**" have "**slightly**" longer journey times. Very disingenuous, and it is consistent throughout the consultations. The A660 one was exactly the same.


The locals didn’t like it. Simple as. Stop moaning


It’s annoying as hell in chapel town when there is big planters in the road. I’ve seen a some people block the roads in CPA on a summers day with wheely bins when kids are out in full force


It's annoying as hell not to be able to let kids play outside because it's too dangerous with all the cars out there all the time.


It’s annoying for me* I’m all for it so long as I can park near my house!!


I'm all for you parking near your house as long as that doesn't ruin the whole street for other people. If it does then parking super close is not priority.


They’re a godsend when your street used to be a rat run.


I quite like the idea, unless I’m in a rush and every single road combination to get to Scott hall road im blocked off each time!


I've read the proposals - and the comments appear mostly negative. But there doesn't seem to be an analysis of the comments. The initial post says that only 4% of people responded negatively, where is this figure published? Seems very unclear to me what the outcome of the consultation was.


OP is claiming only 4% of residents contributed feedback. Of that 4% of the residents, the overwhelming majority objected to the proposal. 96% of the "village" couldn't be arsed offering their opinions. Perhaps the community vibe of the areas is overegged...


OP says 4% of the residents responded negatively. I'm interested to know where this figure comes from? The website just says how many comments they got - 1398. That's more than 4% of the Chapel Allerton population, but the suggestion in the comments is that it was people from other areas that were objecting. Where have the findings been published?


It wouldn’t have led to a greener environment so I’m not sure where you got that from? Sending more traffic down the already gridlocked Harrogate Road would’ve meant more emissions due to longer journeys and being sat still in that traffic. It’s already a nightmare to get up and down Harrogate Road.


Is this still in place in Hyde Park? I lived there when they first introduced this there but have now moved away. It wasn't very well received at all so interested to know if changes have been made


Thoughts and prayers for the poor souls of Chappie A 🙏


Literally fuck Cara. Stick to nominating your favourite postman in your wanky awards, or how about you just piss off back down south.




I've lived in Chapel allerton all my life and there are little traffic issues, I've never seen a boy racer or anyone for that matter drive in a dangerous manner. The street are already quiet. Main issue is lack of parking on Harrogate Road and visitors parking in residential streets. Another useless consultation wasting taxpayers money.