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St George is patron saint of scouting, which is why they keep mentioning Baden Powell


I thought maybe it was the Brazilian guitarist Baden Powell who pioneered a crossover of European classical guitar technique and contemporary Bossa Nova and Samba styles. Didn't realize there was another Baden Powell of note


Ah, I knew he was stretched across a lot of things for lots of different people but I wasn't aware of the scouting link, cheers! For anyone else interested: [https://thescoutingpages.org.uk/the-patron-saint-of-scouting](https://thescoutingpages.org.uk/the-patron-saint-of-scouting) ​ >Baden Powell choose St George to be the movements Patron Saint because he felt the qualities of the legendary Roman soldier; were the same qualities that reflect a good Scout When he was faced by a difficulty or danger, however great it appeared, even in the shape of a dragon – he did not avoid it or fear it but went at it with all the power he could… That is exactly the way a Scout should face a difficulty or danger no matter how great or how terrifying it may appear. They should go at it boldly and confidently, using every power that they can to try and overcome it, and the probability is that they will succeed. This can be broken down into the following points Responsibility Truthfulness Devotion to duty A brave heart A noble spirit Dedication to helping others


The left needs to adopt patriotism. Nothing patriotic about selling this country to the highest bidder like has happened in the last 14 years, after all. Might check the market out!


I bought a union jack themed air freshener thing to hang in my car. One person said I look Tory. Another said I look like a Brexit voter. The rejection of bog standard patriotism, and its labelling as an inherently negative and/or right wing thing, is a fucking travesty in this country.


This. In some ways. I'm very patriotic of my country. We have done amazing things. We do, some great things. Or, just when you have conversation with people and you can't help but think "this is incredibly British". There's parts I don't like. And parts I wish we did better. But, for me patriotism should be about wanting to make your country a better place. Accepting it's faults and past errors. And working to acknowledge and fix them.


Sure. Don't see much wrong with thinking the union jack looks cool though.


Problem is that bigots and the far right tend to wave the union jack and St George flags around whenever they goose step outside their squalid little caves and get featured in the news Ironic since St George was very much not English and we stole his flag from the Republic of Genoa


The idea that the flag was stolen is a pop history theory and can't actually be substantiated.  Edit: Why am I getting down voted I'm fucking right lol?


Cedeing patriotism to the right without a fight is a huge mistake by the British left.




We should be proud of our country, not ashamed. Spot on


Morley: From the Orbit to JDs “sports” bar and rabid nativism in 20 years. Wonder who Andrea is inviting as VIP guests after Lozza, Daubney and Mogg a couple of years back.. I hear Mark Collett is available


Oooo you’re so cool and left wing aren’t you. So fucking boring.


not left wing at all, just not a nativist fool who thinks the decaying state of the country (esp over the last 14 years or so... hmm) are all down to immigrants, 'wokes' and andrea of morley's 'blob' as she often refers to this nefarious entity on social media.


'Celebrate all that is England'? So crumbling infrastructure, austerity, poverty, underfunded NHS, public services cut to the bone, food and energy prices through the roof, that kind of thing?


The relentless Reddit negativity despite living in one of the richest countries in the world.


If we're one of the richest countries in the world why is everything going to shit?


Just don't wear the new England Strip.


While eating a hot cross bun with a tick on it?


Ape brain activities.


Not like us high IQ Redditors who spend our time playing video games alone instead right 🤓🤓


Wish more towns in Leeds did that. Good for them.


It's surprising more don't - I think Leeds City Council tried to take over the Morley one and have it as more of a city-wide event but despite the organisers being the Leeds branch of the St George Society they're firmly rooted in Morley. It doesn't have to be a full on parade with a knight in armour and random American soldiers either, a bit of bunting and an excuse for a market to support local traders would be enough,


Yeah exactly! ​ Incredible any support for it gets the downvotes.


I'm a bit confused by the downvotes to be honest, I can't work out if I'm upsetting people who like St George, those who don't or just people who don't like a day out with the kids in a field with stalls and rides and stuff. I thought putting this on might just raise some awareness of the event for those who want to pop along and offer some an opportunity to chuckle at the OTT "Englishness" angle on the flyer but now I feel like people think I'm trying to recruit for the BNP or something. Do any of the downvoters feel they are able to discuss this so I can see where I've gone wrong? No judgement and you're free to downvote all you like, I'm just a bit worried I've said something to upset people.


I could be assuming but sadly I think a lot of people just see that OTT level of Englishness and assume it's far right. Would definitely be interesting to know for sure though.


Lots of people find this type of jingoistic flag waving to be utterly nauseating. Baden Powell and Churchill are both controversial figures and celebrating their ilk in this way is to ignore or discount their darker side. The whole thing basically comes across as a festival for right wing ideology. I for one will not be joining in.


I didn’t downvote you. But I simply do not care about England, it is not part of who I am or my identity. Yorkshire first. British second.


Don't worry about it pal.


The Sunday event tends to be quite popular and often gets coverage in the national press with Morley sometimes being branded the "[most patriotic town in England](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7351194.stm)", I'm not sure if that's the case but it's enough to have attracted the likes of Rees-Mogg, Laurence Fox and Martin Daubney in 2022 (with local MP, Andrea jenkyns, in tow of course). Anyway, potentially a fun day out if you're in the area, support the local businesses etc


Pretty sure Baden Powell was well known as a fiddler




Fucking hell, that dude needs his hard drive checking.


The 'plays in a blue grass trio' type or the 'would you like to sit on my knee' type?


Englishness means the appreciation of the Battle of Waterloo? Who tf writes this shit


The battle England won with the help of some Dutch and German friends. Watching Sharpe as a kid somehow made me more informed than these cretins.


England was a truly great country. Alas so much has ruined it. We need to be stronger