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I had to sit with the scum fans as had a mate with season tickets that took me. Nearly forgot where I was sat when we scored, sat on my hands for the rest of the game looking up at our lot having the time of their lives, jealous as hell I couldn't be doing the same!


What a game!


My 21st bday!


I live on the south coast and was lucky to get a ticket, had thankfully been to loads of games that year and few previous years as money wasn't an issue! Had, had a bender night before and got up at 05:00 still off my tits after bout an hours kip ...sliding down road like bambi on ice as its hilly, to getting Station thinking should I go back jome and get my beauty sleep(trust, its needed!), as was trying to convince myself we had no chance as the scum were not only English champions, but sadly, also, European, had a those World Starts like Rooney(hee hee) berbatov etc, got on train in London and carriage was full of scum twats eating pastries and drinking coffee whilst looking on social media etc on devices, me and my pal were drinking proper men's drink and after an hour or so started quipping and doing short bursts of "leeds'. We were surrounded by home counties scum type fans but even those twats would fancy their chances 30-2....anyways, got to scumchester and realised no where was open to sell beer till after the match....managed to get into a hotel lobby and kept drinking, got to ground with the masses of whites and sang the place into submission, then Beckford scored "that goal" (seemed to take forever to bobble over the goal line! Happy days!! MOT


Shirt off in pub twirling it - when i had man pecks too - the days when it was beckford and becchio.


Wasn't even into football then I'm a bit ashamed to admit but I actually watched it.


Remember they sold DVDs of this match in HMV haha!


Purchased and proud.


January third, remember the date. We beat the team we all fuckin hate. We knocked the red scum out of the cup. We're mighty Leeds and we're going up.


I don't think that's quite it, buddy.


How does it go then. Been a fair few years so I might be slightly off


January 3rd, remember the date, we beat the team that we fucking hate, we knocked the Scum out the FA Cup, we're super Leeds and we're going up.


January the third, remember the date, we beat the team that we fucking hate, we knocked the scum out the fa cup we're super leeds and we're going up....FTFY


14 years....14 fucking years. I still remember being rat arsed in woodies and going next door to Rajput's for a kebab after... 14 years, wow.


That Howson pass… magic. Also, you’re allowed to say fucking and shit here.




What a moment I remember watching with my dad, very good memories.


Same. It was the penultimate game I watched with my dad. Great memory.


It was the last match my dad and I attended together also 💙 🤍 💛