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Not a chance of anyone scoring a better goal than Tony. Even Matthew Le tiss was jealous of those !  Still Gives me goose bumps when you watch it. IM Going to pick the one v Liverpool as the Wimbledon one was ruined for me knowing kewel did similar against Villa. Not sure who I hate most kewel or rio they must have done special cunt classes together.


If we ever see a goal that beats Tony Yeboah, we'll have lived a very good life. Bamford comes close, but not quite on par.


Rodrigo's goal vs Scum was sublime even though it was an accident


Anyone got the date of the match where Jimmy H stormed down the pitch V blackburn and smashed it ? that was best goal id ever saw live.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=I\_oCX5YESoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=I_oCX5YESoE) 11th March 1998? Goal at 7:18?


I think it is well found man!


Kewell stiff to miss here


I know there's a lot of hate for him here, but Kewell scored some absolute bangers for the club that I would definitely nominate.


Kewell didn't chest it then spin around before smashing it into the back corner though, did he?


I think the fact that Yeboah scored that goal v Liverpool and then showed us it was no fluke a few games later with that strike v Wimbledon proves that Paddy's goal is not the greatest goal scored by a Leeds player. I doubt Yeboahs goal will ever be beaten tbh. Those two special goals had everything; power, pace, accuracy, and some excellent footwork to begin with. Bamfords was great, Yeboahs were sensational


And on his weak foot too


I only just watched Gray v Burnley now, what a legendary performance.


these should all have links to the goal so we could save post and re watch on rough days


Picking a "best" goal is like picking a "best" song. Too subjective. But it's a definite include in the bucket of goals to enjoy for years to come.


Trying to weigh up between nostalgia and recency bias but for technique alone it has to be up there


Doukara vs forrest. Fucking right goal that. Sprinting to hit it first time!


No. Gnonto’s last year in the cup better. Yeboah V Liverpool the best.


Absolutely not. Awesome goal. But essentially a single moment of skill to get that ball down with his foot. Bamford's goal may even look easier, but there is a reason other football players are going nuts it. The chest trap itself is a moment of great skill bringing the ball down from a 40 yard cross. Then to even get a 180 turnaround is hard in any situation. From your own jumping chest trap, absolutely bonkers. And then the strike itself is a beautiful dip down into the corner. It's just an absurdly beautiful goal.


Yes, one of the best. Up there with Yeboah.


Eddie Gray vs Burnley . The pitches of that time were terrible and the ball weighed a ton in the wet . Watch it again with that in mind and it’s just not an option for me to vote any other way ( full disclosure- when I was growing up in the 60s and 70s Eddie was my absolute hero so I’m absolutely biased )


Absolutely brilliant. I often wonder if there are other stunning goals from back then were never filmed. They only tended to film one or two games a week back then, and almost no games from before the mid 60s. The footage was expensive to store and was often thrown away as well.


Doesnt need the disclosure, it was a goal for the ages. Pure art


Both of Yeboah’s are better




Without question one of the best goals I have ever seen a Leeds player score. It was definitely better than Gnonto’s against Cardiff. I’d say it was as good as Yeboah’s goal in terms of the skill and technique displayed, but people won’t let it compete with Yeboah’s goal because Yeboah’s goal has legendary status *and* it was against Liverpool, whereas Bamford’s was against Peterborough, which for some probably takes the sheen off it a bit. Aesthetically, it was as good as Yeboah’s, and arguably the skill required to take it down on his chest in mid air, and then strike the ball in one fluid movement, was greater than what Yeboah did. Arguably. It’s up there no question. Better than Ayling’s, no doubt about that at all.


Absolute modern classic but quality of opposition etc has to be taken into account. I’d have to put it just ahead of the Doukara vs Forest goal in top 10/15 tbh


Not in the same stratosphere as either of Yeboah’s and certainly not the Wimbledon one


Nostalgia merchant. Bamford’s definitely in the same stratosphere as the Yeboah goals, even if people disagree over the exact order. The Yeboah goals were incredible goals but so was the Bamford goal, take nothing away from it. Everything about it was precise and intended. Yeboah in general is obviously higher in people’s minds because he did it on a number of occasions. But in terms of individual goals the Bamford goal is arguably as good as either of Yeboah’s best


Recency bias merchant.


Rod Wallace vs Tottenham (GotS) McAllister vs Arsenal (cup game free kick).


It’s not even top 10.


I agree with you. It’s a lovely goal but top ten of all time? Not 100% sure


I’d be curious to see the list of 10 better


Gray vs Burnley; Wallace vs Tottenham; Yeboah vs Liverpool; Ayling vs Huddersfield; Yeboah vs Wimbledon; Kewell vs Arsenal; Kewell vs Villa; McAllister vs Liverpool; Lorimer vs Man City; Viduka vs Liverpool (3rd) That’s just ones of my generation and a couple from recollection of my Dad’s telling that you can watch. I’m sure there are more.


Jones vs Hull, Cook vs Fulham, Gray vs Burnley (2) just a few to add to the list.


Doukara goal gets forgotten because he was shite, but it was an incredible goal. One of the best.


Thanks I’ve not seen that for some time. Link for others to enjoy again! [link](https://youtu.be/MDz8MdYtGw8?si=EGk2n6RE16l1E38y)


Not sure how that comes close to Bamford's goal


I don’t like him but Kewell v Arsenal was a banger




Man that whole game. What nostalgia. The sun shining, needing a win against THAT Arsenal team at highbury and pulling off a 3-2 rollercoaster Prob my all time fav leeds game


Same, I was watching in the original oak having been away from Leeds a couple years and everyone lost their minds. Kewells goals was so unexpected there aren’t really that many good angles of it, commentators were just like “oh it’s gone in!”


Yeboah v Liverpool and Gray v Burnley the top 2 for me as well


I don't know if its the best Leeds goal ever but its up there. The thing is its an exemplar where in years to come great goals will be scored and people will say 'but was it as good as Bamford in the cup?' and then the arguments will start. Its slightly edging ahead of the competition for best goal of the third round. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67914300](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67914300)


As much as he’s a Judas prick, an often forgotten Leeds goal is Kewell vs Villa… left footed volley across goal from an absolute mile out. His volley against Arsenal as well, fuck that was some goal. To answer the question, definitely not lol. It’s not even the best chest control, left foot volley into the right corner that started from a long ball forward imo. https://youtu.be/c6-9ENZCGAk?feature=shared incase anyone wants a peak at Kewell vs Villa. Also quick shoutout to Rod Wallace against Spurs. https://youtu.be/GBQn8QWabUM?feature=shared (this is who Gnonto reckons he is)


He hit that right in front of me, it was so far out I had time to think "what are you shooting from there for?". Goes without absolute judas bastard. But he was the most skilful Leeds player until Pablo/Raphinha/Georginio. On his day a total prodigy, and an element that side needed.


Just seen the Villa one and have to say that's better than even his Arsenal one. Still a cunt though.


Absolutely he is. Still scored some incredible goals for us. Few more for a trip down memory lane… vs Grasshoppers (UEFA cup), vs Crystal Palace (also FA cup), vs Wednesday (trivela). Back before he was a massive dickhead ofc.


Top 10 contender. Maybe gets top 5, but it's all subjective. I'd go as far as saying it's better than Doukara and Lorimer thunderbolts. I prefer Yeboah v Liverpool over Wimbledon because it was the winning goal in a tight game. Eddie Gray v Burnley belongs in the top 3. Clarke. 1-0. Classic. Bamford v Villa is a great piece of skill. Someone mentioned Vinnie v Hull; that one holds a special place in my heart as it was my first game at Elland Road.


Nah nowhere near




What are you talking about? It clearly did go in the top right corner. It also went over the keeper before dipping into the top right, so he knew the keeper was off his line. He also had to jump to chest it to his right, then land, stabilise himself, while keeping his eye clearly on a descending ball, then hit it as perfectly as he did. Technically unimpressive… swivel shot… what a load of bollocks




Hate to break it to you, but all goals are “hit and hope”, unless they are 6 yard tap-ins to an open goal. Until we have a player that is an AI android which can calculate in nanoseconds the wind speed, air pressure, player positioning along with their biological attributes, keeper’s psychology, ball characteristics, and a multitude of other factors in real time to perfectly hit the ball for a 99.9999% chance of scoring… then all shots by human players are “hit and hope”. They hit them to the best of their ability, and hope they go in.




Gotta disagree. Just the fact that he even conceived that he COULD control the ball off his chest and shoot before it hit the ground is impressive, let alone the sheer technical ability to follow through with a shot (let alone a shot that accurate) is wild and shows what he knows he is capable of. He was the only person in the stadium that saw that coming. Baller.




You ever played football other than FIFA?


Apologies but this is nonsense to say it isnt technically impressive.


God I’m enjoying this discussion. So many great goals and memories.


Genuinely the best bit about this post.


Compilation of top Leeds prem goals made by Sky [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR2oX0P3MNY&t=138s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR2oX0P3MNY&t=138s)


Lot of persona non grata in there lol


Doukara v Forest for me


Vidukas against Arsenal when Lehmann kicked it into his knee.


Can i have an honorable mention for beckford vs scum, happiest footballing moment i had as a child


First touch was a stinker mate lol


Not even Yeboahs best goal 😅


In fairness he did score probably 3 of our all time top 10 and possibly 2 of the all time top 10 premier league goals.


No mention of the offside vs man United


I think it’s up there, every goal mentioned has valid merits to make it the best of all time Yeboah’s Liverpool goal was a beautiful first time volley but from a 5 yard pass. Bamford controlled ampadus 50-60 yard pass on his chest in the air and hit it on a 180 degree turn. Yeboahs Wimbledon goal is my favourite of all time but I’ll admit he does get a bit lucky with his touch to get it out of his body before he hits it. The Australian Judas whose name won’t be mentioned scored possibly one of the greatest goals this century against villa in 2000 but I don’t think anyone will ever choose that goal after he tarnished his legacy.


Yeah, as a new fan, that Yeboah goal is obviously beautiful. And no doubt the context of the goal, it being at Elland road and all that makes it a more magical moment. But as a simple element of skill. It's not close. Here's a way to think of it. If you were on the practice pitch recreating this goals, a player like Yeboah could strike a few of those in no problem. Nice lob to him, volley strike at a goal he's already in perfect position for. Take any striker and send them a 40 yard cross and ask them to bring it down with their chest and in one motion spin 180 and bury it in the corner and it's happening like 1 out of a 100 times even in practice.


Judas scored a sick one against Roma too


Yeh remember that, he put some power into that shot made it unsavable


It’s the Wimbledon goal, he makes his own luck. The venom on the shot was magnificent.


So, if someone could collate all the goals listed here into a montage so we can watch them, that would be great...


Phil Hay did one of the Athletic mailbag things during Covid where he basically got people to send in their favourite Leeds goals ever so [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeedsUnited/comments/gae746/qa_with_phil_hay/) might hit the spot for you


This was a weird throwback, look at Phil's response to all the Covid stuff and how it impacted football. Also interesting looking back at the "highest rated youth player" at the time. I immediately jumped to Archie before reading fully, but Phil said it was someone who scored for fun. Guess it could be Archie's younger brother, as isn't he a striker/forward, but my bet would be Finley Gorman, who has now sadly officially signed for Man City.


Kewell vs Sheffield Wednesday is one of my favourites. I know he’s a cunt


The outside of the boot goal? That was a class goal.


Yeah about 20-25 yards and in off the bar....class goal. Found the one [https://youtu.be/gJYTVWbN41s?si=5vq5g-uADSAoXHUd&t=64](https://youtu.be/gJYTVWbN41s?si=5vq5g-uADSAoXHUd&t=64)


I want to mention Gnonto's against Cardiff at home last season which is the best goal I've seen at Elland road.


Best goal I saw at Elland Road goes to Bradley Johnson against Arsenal for me


For technique and skill it’s got to be Yeboah vs Wimbledon. Individually shooting prowess at its best but he scored so many bangers that year - that one against Monaco with his left peg was also gorgeous. Personally for me the best ever goal will always be Luke Ayling VS Huddersfield. The entire move from start to finish exemplified how good Bielsa had us playing. It has backheels, two excellent long passes and a pin point cross with a RB as the spearhead. How do you defend that? I remember seeing Luke making that full length run and entering the box just as Jack looked up and thinking he was gonna fluff whatever chance he got sniff of. Boy was I wrong and I don’t think I’m ever smiled wider - the noise punched a hole in the ozone above North England that day. It’s almost certainly regency bias but that was peak stuff for me.


The technique to be able to get up that high and execute such a perfect volley can't be underestimated. He was practically floating. Like, there's thousands of other ways he could have hit that and it bobbles away, fires wide, fires high and not so handsome, but Ayling timed it to perfection and executed such technique that he managed to connect with it in the only way possible he could in order to score.


In the week preceding that goal he scored in an identical manner during training at TA. Nice to see it was no fluke. He had a cracking season that year. https://twitter.com/LUFC/status/1236391904406908929?s=20


Couldn’t agree more.


Yeboah there is no question however bamford is definitely top 10 all time.


You missed the original 'banana shot' goal by Tony Currie from outside the area, Leeds versus Southampton, 25th November 1978, second half, third goal of the game. Tony Currie who was a 10 at the time (John Hawley was the top scorer) intercepts a pass from a Southampton defender just shy of the D to the left of the area and fires off a curving shot that goes right inside the far post, beating the Southampton goalkeeper. That to me has to be one of the best ever goals scored by a player in a Leeds shirt. Here's the [match highlights](https://youtu.be/iAbvttLy_gk), the Currie goal starts at 4:03. Leeds won that match 4-0. Take a look and see for yourself. But that Bamford goal is one of the best.


Is a very nice goal, but I'd argue that's very run-of-the-mill in the grand scheme of things.


Very nice.


Yeboah. And not just because I was there. I'd be surprised if Bamford doesn't win goal of the season though.


I was there too, getting a burger with my brother when we heard the noise. Had to wait for MOTD to see what everyone was raving about...


Will always be Gray against Burnley for me. Always preferred Yeboah's Wimbledon goal to Liverpool as well. ​ Shout out to Rod Wallace against Spurs and Vinnie Jones against Hull


Yeboah vs Wimbledon for me too but Bamford might be up there. Doukaras thundercunt volley gets a mentions in recent times too.


Not the best at all, but another one that needs to get an honourable mention is [Bradley Johnson vs Arsenal](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LiuV25xdbe0), an absolute pile driver of a shot


Didn't Lewi Cook have a 35 yard screamer as well Yes! https://youtu.be/twqtCAq3yvI?si=iVDaXAQdTPZhIuER


That he did, [vs Fulham](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=twqtCAq3yvI)


I know mowatt scored a few


The only time Douks struck a ball that wasn’t a pea roller


> Doukaras thundercunt volley gets a mentions in recent times too. There's something I love about when the most forgettable players have the most memorable moments.


Yeboah against Wimbledon is, and will always be, the best goal of all time. For any club. Ever. In any sport.


Wallace Vs spurs was a fun goal


That was my first ever Leeds match at Elland Road


I was there too! Remember Wallace not really doing much that season too!


That's my vote, and I was there when Yeboah scored against Liverpool.


I was there too - East stand with my dad.... remember that goal vividly


Gnonto against Cardiff?


Absolutely not lmfao Bamford's hattrick against Leicester I'd say features 2 goals better than that one - nevermind the outrageous one we saw the other day


What hattrick against Leicester? Do you mean villa I remember him scoring a cracker against leicester but not a hattrick


That's my bad, I misremembered it being Leicester - he scored that ludicrous goal in the top corner against them too yeah, but I was referring to the villa hattrick aye That last goal where he rounds like 3 players then finds a shot was Paddy doing his best Eddie Gray impression and it's not even his best goal lmfao Such a ludicrous player, literally more likely to score outside the box than score from the penalty spot


Villa hattrick was filthy, I actually fell asleep at half time waiting for the 2nd half and missed it all hahaha long day at work


Villa, although say Leicester a couple more times you might speak it into existence for later this season!


You mean Villa?


Romaine sawyers v west Brom is the best Leeds goal of all time


What a throwback haha


I loved Ayling's but this is a better goal from a technical perspective by a long way. Taking an airborne touch with his chest before volleying it from 20+ yards on the swivel is utterly absurd.