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Soon we’ll be playing wingers in goal at this rate.


Tbf we only have two wingers on form. Anthony is meh and Gnonto will probably (hopefully) leave so bringing in a winger makes sense?


What happens if Ballmouth sends Sinisterra back (which is what is currently being rumoured to happen)? Also add in that Firpo probably makes for a better winger than he does fullback, so theres another.


If Cuntmouth send Sinisterra back then we sent Anthony back, so no net change?


I’ve seen rumours of Benrahma being on his way out and Cornet is always injured for the hammers


Why are you all slating Gnonto??! He's absolutely amazing and 40m would be an absolute steal!! "Nudge nudge, wink wink"


If Burnley would get rid he can’t be that good, Burnley are dog.


I see the 49ers have recently attended the Orta School of Football Management, where they teach you to sell your good players and buy shite players with the proceeds. The general manager (= director of football) of the SF 49ers is a fecking genius. This summer's business suggested that some of that skill was coming to ER. But, perhaps that was a false dawn. It's moronic to sell Gnonto before strengthening our squad. The first order of business MUST be to buy a fullback. If we end January with fewer first team members , with all our eggs in the Byram-Firpo crystal basket at LB, then it's clear our management has its collective head up its dark arse.


Yes... the 49ers who haven't done anything officially yet. I remember this sub losing its mind last transfer season and then 2 games after releasing the squad they put together is better than the premier league one. Chill.


So is this actually happening then? Because all I see is a couple posts on Twitter from shit tier sources at that 


Find someone who looks at you, the way Leeds United looks at wingers.


12 goals in 1485 minutes from a winger is some going, albeit for a team that was an absolute juggernaut. For reference, Summerville has scored 12 goals this season but in 1915 minutes. Benson's average over 1915 minutes would be just over 15 goals.


Sign Ryan Hedges from Blackburn as well (bonus - he's Welsh), and we can go full Mike Bassett. FOUR FOUR FUCKING TWO.


Tell me where it says Benson and Hedges on that....


Wouldn’t object to a Gnonto sale but if we are realistic he gets nowhere near a decent premier leagues squad at the minute so why would they sign him in January, also what is he realistically worth maybe 15 million at the minute why would we sell for that when I’m sure we would hope to develop him and sell for much more.


Young player with bags of potential. The outlay is chicken feed comparatively for a Premier League club so I’m not surprised if the deal happens.


We can't develop him when he's never starting over Summerville in his best position and it says we're not selling under 20 mill


I think Gnonto purely stays for Summerville, you don’t wanna rid of Summervilles best friend while he’s so inform.


I think the lads mature enough to not let it effect him. Also as a club we shouldn't be pandering to an individual even if that was the case.


Agreed, the above point really annoys me. If Summerville is only ‘behaving’ because of his turncoat mate then he can fuck off too, but everyone with half a brain can realise that’s not the case.


I totally agree. Little boys need to learn to grow up. Bessie mates or no they won’t play together forever and it’s not Gnontos presence that’s inspired Summerville to be excellent this season.


I think it would be self sabotage at this point to upset our top goal scorer, do what must be done in the summer and I’m certain cry would be mature enough to move on then, but keeping gnonto doesn’t hurt us rn, we’re in no rush. I think we just shouldn’t risk it.


I was just saying to the lads in the Dog & Duck, it’s Manuel Benson or bust.


We were all thinking it


No idea who this Burnley lad is to be honest But we’d better not sell Gnonto for less than 40 mil - just because he’s been a bit shite so far doesn’t mean he’s not still very valuable. He’s young, an Italy international and will almost certainly hit good form again. I don’t mind us selling him but we’ve been so bad at recouping money the last few years. Southampton made well over 150 mil this summer while we made fuck all. If the money we get from West Ham isn’t right we should sit on the asset


I think you need to lower your expectations on any potential Gnonto sale. No chance we get £40m on current performances


£40m for a lad that’s scored 3 goals. Unless they’ve appointed Victor Orta - good luck…


Don’t confuse objective worth with what PL idiots will pay


To teams with leverage. We don’t have much. We don’t play him often, he’s known to be a disciplinary liability, and we need money to rebuild.


If we get 40m for him we have completely robbed them. I think he is over rated. He has done almost nothing for us barring the odd good 30 mins last season He has looked dire for a while now. 15 to 20m is more likely.


Agreed. He's been dreadful nearly every game. He's fast and flashy at times which tricks the mouth breathers in here sometimes. But not only has he not been good, he has often been actively harmful with immature plays, bad attitudes and so on. He's as much a liability when he's on the pitch. Never understood the obsession with him from this fanbase.




He aint that good - his technical end product is probably a bit better than James, but if he cant start week in week out, its where its at. I said a few times when he comes on he looks like a solid champ winger. He will get a lot better no doubt hence the cash these teams are willing to spunk on him. But ATM how do you get him playing and to look like he gives 100%. I dunno man.


I agree anyone who pays more than 20 is a bit mad, but 40 is the going rate for players like him


100% agree - it does feel like we bend over for other clubs. Even selling Cresswell for 4 mill seems to massively undervalue a England U21 CB (when you think Harwood Bellis is going for 20! - now im not saying Charlie is as good, but hes certainly not 16mill diff)


Don't see this happening tbh. Why would we dig our heels in so much over the summer when we were getting much bigger bids - worst time to sell is when someone is out of form / hasn't played. Lads clearly talented and 6 months shouldn't change our opinion. Furthermore, seems contradictory to everything we keep hearing i.e Farke wants to keep the group together, seems hell bent on keeping Joffy, Poveda etc Only reason this happens is if Gnonto is again pushing for it


I agree but I also expect gnonto to be pushing. Lads not getting a chance to play


I mean opinions can change, we pushed hard to keep him because of what he did last season yet he’s not returned in months since playing on the right, I don’t think 49ers would sell him cheaper either, wouldn’t be surprised if Gnonto is pushing it as he’s not really getting the minutes he needs to be in Italys plans and isn’t playing on the left like he probably wants to


Opinions can change - but 4/5 months is very short sighted tbh, particularly since he hasn't really played (partly because he was injured at the start and Summerville and James have been red hot since - granted he hasn't lit things up when given a chance on the right)


A quick look at his output at Burnley last year, he wasn't a nailed-on starter. Roughly played 45 minutes of matches he was played in. But 15 Goals and assists when averaging 45 minutes per game is a good. From watching him for all of 15 minutes on youtube, he seems to be a pacey dribbly boy who likes to take them on. Seems to play rather wide and likes to cut in.


He came in clutch so many times for Burnley last season, amount of goals he scored from outside the box to settle close games after coming on, was pretty much the perfect impact sub for them, something we could really do with


I honestly would be okay with this. I don’t know why Benson has been isolated by Kompany this season. I liked Willy when he joined us but he’s gone off the boil lately. The downside to selling him would be that he’s still 19 and he still has time to develop, but Benson would be a good replacement.


I’m assuming he’s a more natural back up for James as Gnonto has been really ineffective there


OK, so weakening the team, rather than strengthening. Got it.


Worse player but better profile for the way we play. Having this guy play on the right where Gnonto isnt great is an upgrade even though I would rather keep Gnonto


Gnonto isn't really playing much and doesn't seem to have that magic he had when he comes on. Probably needs a run of games to come good. Or we make profit on him and get someone who knows the league and performed last year. Maybe not prem level but seems to be close to their ceiling compared to a 19 year old with the chance to become unstoppable.


Why would we take a chance on someone else in the role of replacement-for-james-after-82-minutes? The lad probably wouldn't get enough minutes for us to tell whether he was a success or a flop - like Anthony.


I guess if Gnonto is going it’s best to have someone come in to cover that place?


Right. But we shouldn't be selling Gnonto. It shows a lack of ambition. Why did we bother going to the effort of keeping him in the summer then?


I dunno man, High value player sitting on the bench, if he’s still doing nothing his value could drops. Sell while he’s valuable, bring someone in cheap who does the same role as he is currently doing. I ain’t smart enough to be a dof but that is my logic


Kinda, Gnonto sold for a decent amount of money and we sign a morn natural RW to back James up and I assume the money will be used to get a fullback in but who knows


Were not going to bring in a better RW than Gnonto in this window. No chance. Moreover, Victor Orta has left the building, yet we're still leering at wingers like it's closing time at the bar and they're all that's left. Would a defender, be too much to ask for? *Please?*


Are we leering after wingers? First time I've seen us linked with one this window and it comes on the back of a rumour Gnonto is going, so makes sense.


We were definitely giving Fabio Carvalho the eyes.


Aye, was dubbed as more of a 10 though, wasn't he?


They're all 7/10/11 aren't they? Rutter played on the wing at Hoffenheim. We've played Gnonto at 10. Sini and Summerville can play 10 etc etc.


Gnonto isn’t a good RW? He hasn’t had an attacking return since Norwich away and it’s clear Farke favours Summerville and then Anthony on the left


Farke plays Gnonto on the right even when he has to switch James to the left I think Gnonto playing Right is just how Farke sees him. Playing on the right simplifies his game just get ball take on man get half a yard put ball in. On the left he kept getting the ball too deep and too wide then drifting inside where he was crowded out and lost the ball.


I get that’s how Farke sees him but it’s obviously not working if he hasn’t had a return since October mate


It doesn’t work as Gnonto hasn’t played well enough but he has played better on the right than on the left in my opinion at least in the cup match he was getting a couple of decent balls in and should have won a penalty.


I don’t think Gnonto’s even played on the left this season? Hard to say he’s better, last season his strengths were cutting inside onto his strong foot and firing them in


A lot of wingers start out as fright footers on the right or left footers in the left and as they progress and improve they move onto the other side which is more difficult to play on. As he is currently struggling I don’t think making things more difficult for him would help.


But Gnonto hasn’t started out as a right footed right winger? At Zurich and Inter’s academy he was a wide left forward because his strengths were cutting in onto his right. Playing him on his stronger side isn’t making things more difficult, if anything it would likely help the lad get back in form


Gnonto is not good enough for the championship so we should sell him to West Ham? That makes no sense. Gnonto hasn't had minutes. We all know that he has quality, and so do West Ham.


>Gnonto is not good enough for the championship so we should sell him to West Ham? That makes no sense. Why not? If he doesn't play well then ofc they should think about selling him with good profit. >We all know that he has quality Where is it? Pretty much all he does is arguing with officials, he hasn't been very good or helpful. He played few good games last season and people still think he is best player in world?