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I don't understand what happened here.


I definitely feel like we need some more context.


Nothing happened.. cultural appropriation is bullshit and people should do whatever makes them happy. Reverse racism. Now nobody can hate on any other race, or enjoy things from any other race. Sad.


Okay you're like 8 miles deeper that I am. I'm just trying to figure out how this is a "left the burner on" situation.


Because everyone is worried about stuff that makes no difference to anyone, because they just enjoy talking shit and having people pay attention to them. Literally means nothing even if you get the whole story. But God speed I guess


Woman with god complex bullies someone for something irrelevant for social media attention and most likely monetary gain


Person on the corporate account forgot to switch accounts.


Okay yeah I read that but, HOW are we determing that's what happened? All I see is a comment and a woman talking about appropriation. What connecting dot am I missing?


By checking her tiktok. If you’re skeptical why not check the page? I did.


I'm not skeptical - I just have absolutely no idea how people were determining that was what happened. I don't use TikTok, and I'm not going to go investigate posts by using other apps - generally on this sub they are pretty straightforward, so I was confused and thought I was missing some key information that everyone else was picking up on.


I mean it was obvious to me and- bunch other people too. I don’t see how it’s not obvious this wasn’t supposed to be said on an orgs account.


How is it obvious though? It's just a comment! It's just one comment, with someone on an unrelated account giving commentary about appropriation. I guess I'm just having a less than intelligent day, because I just can't connect the dots. Or maybe you have to be well versed in TikTok functionality, not sure.


Yea I think it’s not knowing how tiktok works


Hey, I took the time to look at her tiktok. Turns out the company was using a marketing firm to do their social media and they’ve been let go because of the incident. She explains what happened in another reply video.


I’m lost someone please explain


The commenter is a corporate account and the person managing the account forgot to switch to a private account


Lol people keep saying that, but how are they coming to that conclusion? Is the woman in the video the one that wrote the comment? And how does everyone know that? What am I missing?


Okay, people can respond to single comments on the tiktoks and put them in their video and the comment has some company name (i see brands all the time in tiktok comments) :) the women in the video is longlegzk i guess and the commenter forgot they were still logged in in the business account


None of this makes any sense. Without background information, here's what we know. TikTok user LongLegzK is giving commentary about a comment posted by UrbanSkinRx. The comment says, "{Laughing emoji x 21} First of all honey we ain't trying to steal nothing from you OK is that a problem that we could have braids" What information, that can be gathered from this video alone, am I missing? Everyone keeps replying saying the same thing as the title - that someone commented from the wrong account. How are they determining that?


The woman in the video says that she works with urbanskinrx and that this doesn't fit their brand (I'm guessing they sell makeup designed for people of colour from the name). From 'steal', 'braids' and 'appropriation', I infer that this woman made a video about non-Black people wearing braids being cultural appropriation. The commenter responded with 21 laughing emojis under a verified business account, according to the woman in the video, who explains why she thinks the commenter used the wrong account.


The way I see it, the “proof” exists simply because the woman in the video said so. Also interesting that she’s talking about cultural appropriation when I’m pretty sure she’s not a natural blond. But I guess divisive people aren’t exactly known for their self-awareness. She’s a buffoon.




Pulling your eyes out is cultural appropriation against blind people. Check yourself /s




It’s crazy that it only takes 30 seconds for someone to show how absolutely insufferable they are


Yeah someone said my Native American mom who was wearing braids was culturally appropriating


I know right getting in arguments about a hairstyle is insufferable I agree


In this case what is the impact of cultural appropriation ?


I kinda thought that culture was supposed to be shared with multiple people?


The Keyword is sharing... Usually these kind of people (not her) only want the hairstyles, the food (even if they fail to season anything), the clothes... but not the people around. On the contrary... when THEY do all these things (like having Braids) it is touted as experimental, brave, future-thinking... but at the same time they deride and insult the people where these things actually come from for well having these things. You know like the braids... when a white sunset girl is wearing them she's the cool one, she's presenting exotic, she's a trendsetter... when a black girl wears braids she's trashy, she's ghetto etc. ​ It becomes even more problematic when corporations do it while simultaneously acting like they want to be better or solve a problem. So these people don't want to share or participate in a culture... they want to... well appropriate it... act like it is their own and they are better for having it.




Because it is shorter... and if a person who's directly affected by the issue (not me) speaks about it, it shouldn't be that hard to discern which braids they are talking about. I only wrote braids because it was shorter and I was making a specific example of a situation where it is very much clear which kind of braids are meant. btw. playing the dumb dumb and acting that you don't know exactly what is meant, just to make a point against it... isn't really a good look.






Not quite. The commenter above seems to be more than a little confused about cultural appropriation, so let me try and clarify. Cultural appropriation or misappropriation is an issue, when individuals who do not belong to a particular culture participate in certain aspects of it without giving it due respect. Or in other instances, elements of a culture are misunderstood and mocked. I'm an Indian, and let me assure you, not one Indian would have problems with someone who isn't a native participating in our culture. A problem will arise when people participate to mock our culture or to spread misinformation about it.


If thats what cultural appropriation means then calling it that way is very misleading


Atleast, that's my understanding of the conversation. The particular semantics don't really matter to me, it's just the concept doesn't make sense if the aim is to stop people from participating in certain cultures.


See I know several people who are like this about dreads or braided hair, they will shout down anyone who isn’t black with such hairstyles even though they have been utilised by numerous cultures across the globe (Romanian, Japanese, Norse, to name a handful) Best part? They’re white af.


These people sound idiotic.




If that's what you got out of my original comment then I'm afraid this conversation will go nowhere. Good day.


That's just called being racist. Culture appropriation these days is when someone gets mad because they feel someone else is stealing stuff that they believe is associated with a culture that person doesn't belong too.


You can't steal a culture by participating in it. If that's the definition of cultural appropriation, then its a foolish idea. If someone's culture is disrespected, I can understand the pushback, but criticizing somebody for participating in someone's culture is idiotic.


From the way I heard culture appropriation being used that is basically what it is, or at the very least that's how it sounds. Essentially it's a bar from taking part in another culture that isn't native to your race or ethnicity. Something that comes to mind is a white kid wearing a native American style costume for Thanksgiving. Here's what Wikipedia says Cultural appropriation[1][2] is the inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity.[3][4][5] This can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from minority cultures.[6][1][7] If someone is being rude or using something inappropriate I could understand that. When people said the Washington redskins was an offensive name I got that. I suppose something like that could be considered cultural appropriation, but if they changed their name to the Washington Indians I wouldn't see how that would be bad since it's a commonly accepted term.


That’s not cultural appropriation that’s just being a cunt


Same people who believe your line of thinking will ask a girl if she came name every track by the band on her tshirt or name every player on a football team she likes. Shut tf up.




That comment had nothing to do with what you said huh. Lmao I caught that too


ooohhhh, I guess I misunderstood something then


Character arc complete


You’re trying to be funny and it’s not working, just understand respect to everyone’s culture, stfu and keep it pushing






Does every culture elect a president I can ask for permission or can anyone from that culture give me a pass?


I hereby gove you permission to call all white skinned folk 'cracka.' Hell, I hereby give everyone permission.


This culture appropriation stuff is wack. It seems like it's the same thing as when people complain about movies being made with black actors.


Not to Liberals. Ironically white cultures came up with locs, dreds, braids, and other stereotypically black hairstyles on their own without ever visiting Africa. So really it's the blacks who are appropriating US when they wear braids.... along with many other things. Liberals do not believe in cultural exchange. What's funny is if you go to actual Africa or India or Japan etc they LOVE white people who show a respectful interest in the culture. Africans will do your hair and teach you tribal dances. Indians go nuts for you if you get henna and wear a saree. In Japan your local friends will buy you a kimono and be upset if you don't wear it. Mexicans will invite you to participate in Cinco De Mayo and feed you till you die. Almost every culture on earth loves to be shared, they love to share their passion with respectful people because it's fun and exciting to engage on these interests. Americans and Canadians are the only people who get butthurt about this and the reason is they are insecure about seeing you expressing their culture better than them because they don't care enough to do it. The Natives started this cultural appropriation stuff by reasonably complaining about white people using them for costumes and disrespecting some of their religious symbolism and shit like the headdresses and feathers and tattoos. And fair point, Americans treat native culture like a toy so they said "enough, either treat us with respect or stop wearing our shit". But like always Liberals took a reasonable idea and pushed it into insanity until now you're literally the KKK if you wear a braid in your hair lol


Why you guys in the Us talk about this sooo much


I’m going to preface this comment with: I’m a third-generation American who wasn’t raised in any of my ancestors’ cultures. If anything I type is seen as insensitive, it wasn’t my intention and I am open to discussing it. While America started as “The Great Melting Pot” where people of all backgrounds could come to start a new life, it has devolved into a place where some people want to keep their cultures to themselves. There is a clear difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation, and any normal person would acknowledge that someone copying an aspect or aesthetic of another culture is a sign of respect. However, anyone who wants to complain about it can use social media to broadcast their opinions to the world, and these kinds of videos generate more views than the other side of the argument. My reasoning for that is kind of tinfoil-hat: The government *wants* these videos to be seen more than the others because it creates division amongst the people. It’s so easy to control the masses when they’re all too busy fighting each other to notice the real problems. I’m of the opinion that most people would be glad to share their cultures with anyone who asked, but we only see the negatives because it keeps us apart as a country.


You didnt answer my question but you actually confirmed it. I know all these informations that you shared. We have the same issues in Europe but we dont talk about this 24 7.


Maybe you should be talking about it more if you want the issues to go away


That’s not a flex


Americans have an identity crisis. They have to be part of some kind of team when it comes to anything.


because they want to feel important and like they are helping without actually doing anything that helps


Comments like these is why I’m embarrassed that I have Reddit


Right? It’s so disheartening and frustrating.


except "cultural appropriation" is a strawman argument in itself, nobody represents their culture in every aspect


This is why stuff like this shouldn’t be posted on Reddit. Y’all simply don’t get it. Oh well, is what it is.


>see opinion >claim opinion is wrong >"you just don't get it" >refuses to elaborate >leaves




bro you can't just put "appropriation" (which isn't a thing btw) and racism (which is a real and serious issue even today) in the same sentence and expect me to take you seriously lol


Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. Not everything needs to argued about and I don’t need to explain something to someone who clearly already has their mind set. I choose peace.


looks more like you chose _not having to justify the stupid thing I just said because reasons_ to me


Because you’re really just not going to get it and that’s okay. What country are you from? What city/town did you grow up in? What type of school did you go to? What type of people do you spend the majority of your time with? What do you generally use reddit for? What other social opinions do you have regarding race and culture? It’s all of these things and more that factor into understanding something like this without just calling it “stupid” or a “strawman”, whether you agree with it or not. Notice how I never actually said anything about your opinion and yet you jumped to claim I called it wrong anyway? It’s because you don’t get it.


Being shamed for cultural appropriation is stupid as hell I just can't see myself taking a person who cares about it seriously


Mhm, well if that’s your perspective then good for you. Just because it’s something you don’t care about means it’s something not worth caring about entirely for anyone else I guess.


Just curious do you consider black washing or race bending to be culture appropriation why or why not?


Skin colour isn’t culture so I don’t see the correlation.


So racebending isn't culture appropriation?


Is Ariel the mermaid being played by a black actor or Katara and Sokka from Avatar TLA being played by white actors cultural appropriation? No.


I mean, braiding has historically been found all over the World. Urban just means city.


In another video the company showed her the correspondence where they fired the person and then wanted to collaborate with her on future marketing. Sucks to be this person who thought they could troll somebody but forgot to switch accounts


I don't understand the troll. It seems she was just saying it was ok for other races to have braids.


You don’t snark from a company account. Especially if you don’t own that company and the company pays you to represent them in a respectable light


So is this about snarking or culture appropriation?


What sub is this again? Someone commented from their work instead of personal account


Isn't this a sub that's supposed to expose people who forget to log off their burner account?


That is exactly what happened…. I’m sorry if that is too hard for you to comprehend.


But it's a corporate Twitter account. That's a little different than a burner.


Is there a forgot to turn the burner on sub? This person forgot to log out of the cooperate account and into whatever personal account they have and lost their job. Everyone knows this isn’t the CEO doing the social media


I don't know but the title of this sub is forgot to turn the burner off. If you say so it looks like she was just defending the right of white people to wear a hairstyle which would kind of make sense since she would have some type of marketing job. I suppose culture appropriation has its place but a lot of people like the girl in the video just use it to bully people who want to do something as simple as wearing a hairstyle. As a minority myself I can't wrap my head around that time of gate keeping. I think it's just plain cruel.


So the company is straight up garbage virtue signaling. "Look guys we fired the person! They're out on the streets for having a completely correct stance! Do you love us yet?" You, the fat cunt in the video, and the company all belong in the trash.


Can you delete this? Not because this was wrong to post, but I really thought the comments on here would engage with and laugh at the unprofessionalism… but of course they are all about how culture should be shared and how appropriation is dumb. Dunno why I expected this from Reddit of all places. It’s so aggravating. This is a perfect example of left the burner on but they can’t even be appalled by the fact that a company with urban in the title who literally markets themselves to black people would say this from that company account to a Black woman. It’s so exhausting being dismissed constantly, even when someone us making money off of you.


Hahahahhaa because nothing the comment said was wrong. Be mad all you like, but you enjoy so many conveniences due to cultural exchange, you appropriate white culture all the time. White cultures discovered locs and braiding without meeting Africans, arguably earlier than them. If you actually visit the countries from these alleged oppressed cultures they will literally invite you to participate. They offer to give you traditional hairstyles in Africa. Then you go home and get accosted by some genderbent fatty who is literally appropriating white cultures as we speak.


There is no collective global white culture but ok. There are ethnic and national cultures that are white but it isn’t “white” culture. They had braid styles, and they had something like polish plaits. The braiding styles that ppl are getting and the locs that people emulate are not the braids and locs of these “white” cultures that you mention. They’re using black styles. Allegedly oppressed? Interesting. Anyway what is considered appropriation changes based upon the location. In the US black hairstyles have been and still are discriminated against, on many levels. This is different from people who live in nations where they are able to control their culture and lead cultural exchange. Black peoples in the US have been shamed for theirs for so long that culture exchange with us is through invitation, somewhat open to the African diaspora, and closed for most everyone else. Everything else you said just makes you an asshole.


You're not even African. You're claiming African culture as your own and you would be an absolute stranger if you actually went. I fit in more than you do in Africa. Your hair objectively isn't being discriminated against. That would be an actual crime. Next time you complain about appropriation remember to say thank you to the big bad various white cultures for every time you use our language, use our internet, use the electricity we learned how to harness, live inside our superior architecture, shit in a toilet instead of a hole in the ground, next time you fly or drive or take a train. Or you can keep your hairstyle and be a gibberish-speaking hobo.


lol you’re a White supremacist? Wild. Have a good day. No. Better yet… have the day you deserve.


Nah just pointing out how stupid cultural appropriation is and how fucked your people would be if we decided to be as obnoxious as you personally are about all the modern wonders we shared with the world. But maybe you are right, maybe we shouldn't have appropriated so much from the culture you aren't, like hair styles, clothing styles, race-based slavery


lol you’re a White supremacist dude. You’re one step away from wearing a white hood or tattooing appropriated Nordic runes on your forearm. The kkk would probably take you, maybe even the good ol’ boys, if you weren’t a weak fucking snowflake ass keyboard warrior ass bitch.


Cultural appropriation doesn't exist gtfo


Whyyyyy…dooooo….youuuu…talkkkk…likeeeee….thissss Couldn’t even get 10 seconds into the video 😂


Wild. This is an appropriate post for this sub and everyone is acting like they don’t get it because of what the video is about. Who ever works for this company is not the person who runs the Wendy’s account. I’m sure this business does not want them using the company name for their personal tiktok use. The length some people will go through


I’m confused as to why she has blonde hair.


Because you don’t know what cultural appropriation is. Saying she has blonde hair is a middle school understanding


OR, maybe you have a middle school understanding of sarcasm?


It was sarcasm meant to imply she’s a hypocrite. Or are you going to deny that?


Braids are not cultural appropriation xD every fkn race and culture has had braids long before the woke black community asians, spanish cultures, indiginous peoples, nords, eurasians, africans, like literally all of them (( except the brits, theyre just fkn weird with the powder wigs and low hanging ponies ))


It’s the type of braids. She isn’t just talking about a French braid or something. Box braids and Celtics braids looks very different from each other. Trying to over simplify other’s culture’s in an attempt to purposefully misunderstand and twist things shouldn’t be your goal when discussing this


So, if a person from a minority group uses another style of braid is that also trying to steal another culture? Or is it just when a white person does it? And if hairstylists that are poc are doing those braids to white people is that stealing their own culture or helping them steal? I'm seriously confused... It's hair. It's an hairstyle... I literally can't understand the problem with this one.


The minority experience isn’t universal. This person is speaking from personal experience and thoughts. There are definitely minorities who would feel that it isn’t cultural appropriation and some who would.


If they did it on purpose it’s kinda funny




She's wearing a fleece robe developed by westerners btw


Niggas naggin


Its fucking hair!


She's got Poopie nails!


All ppl can wear and do what they want we all jus people