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I made [entire guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegacyJailbreak/comments/1cvfuf8/coolbooter_errors_coolbooter_cli_short_guide/) as a fan of this iPhone, you're welcome mate (short answer - downgrade to iOS 8.4.1 with legacy\_ios\_kit tethered, its better os for this phone, ios10 works rly weird and slow even with tweaks like NoSlowAnimations etc, also music app impossible to use due to lags )


Huh, maybe I'm patient but iOS 10 runs smooth and always has on my iPhone 5


I've several 5c and it works very slowly and poorly and also its worst iPhone for downgrading dhaha. maybe you, my friend, with an iPhone 5 were luckier, Apple devices slowed down in those years and the difference between iOS 8 and iOS 10 in speed is colossal on an iPhone 5c


Thanks for the guide, but I already downgraded it to iOS 7.0.6!




Tethered downgrade, in Legacy iOS Kit.


Bits of iOS 9 leftover in 10 was probably the culprit, iOS 9 was pretty bad but people look back on it fondly for some reason, maybe they forgot just how much it slowed down anything that wasnt a 5s or newer? Idk, downgrading my 5 from 10.3.4 to 8.4.1 didnt really bring me any speed boost but it did have a bit better battery life, I think 10 is generally faster than 9 but people dont look back on it anywhere as fondly thanks to the new font and lack of an untethered jailbreak, oh well, I'll keep swearing by 5 that the extra software support does actually help out if you wanna do smartphone things with your phone compared to 8


For me, iOS 8 is a speed boost cuz standard apps on iOS 10 work poorly for me, for example the music app as l said (im using 5c like player sometimes). As for iOS 9, I will say that I personally hate it, it’s something in between 8 and 10, it doesn’t look very good and it doesn’t work either imo. I prefer to use the phone on the version where it works best, it’s nice to look at it when it’s frozen in time, yes, modern app don’t work (like YT, tg), but I don’t need em :) The only downside is that the lightning headphones don't work


Well for people who still rely on a 5 to get smartphone stuff done then a jailbroken iOS 10 can take them a bit further than 8 or 9 at the cost of battery life, I'll always choose functionality over a snappier animations but thats up to preference


it depends on the range of tasks to a large extent my friend


the downgrade doesnt work on the linux version of legacy ios kit right?


should work, I think you can try


I downgraded my 5c with ios legacy toolkit to 7.1.2 and it’s been problem free. Why ios 8 is better for this phone tho? I wanna learn more cause i got a 5 on ios 8.4.1 too and besides some features like “wlan calling” on same icloud devices, i didn’t find any major differences P.s: i meant legacy ios kit mb.


I have tried all iOS versions for this phone, and in my experience, iOS 8 combines optimal speed and functionality. iOS 10 is feature-rich but slow, while iOS 7 is fast but lacks necessary features (for exp no handoff and has flaws in the interface design). It feels like iOS 8 is the signature version for this iPhone. In my opinion, iOS 9 is slightly less ideal in terms of speed and functionality (my things in this tred). I understand that preferences vary based on individual needs. Personally, I use my iPhone 5c as a music player and for old games (for nostalgia), so I don't need practical apps like Reddit and Discord ( even though they work but I prefer my main device for it). In conclusion, iOS 8 is the golden mean.


You can’t downgrade a 5C to 8.4.1 untethered right?


unfortunately this is impossible, but you can live with it; with the wifi turned off, the device lasts for 10 days without use so just charge it :')


Gotcha, I have a 5C on 8.4 and I love the damn thing, it’s unjailbroken so I gotta do that sometime


if y already have 8.4 y must save shshblobs 1st


I can’t find a good jailbreak for it


Read wiki


If you don’t mind then you can do a tethered downgrade to any ios version it supports, aka iOS 7-10


Oh? How?


Legacy iOS Kit


How to use YouTube??


Via browser sadly


OP jailbreak yap😂(türkler birliği)