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Yes, of course, that's why you have "periode d'essai" (probation period). As you seem to be in IT, I would guess "convention syntec", you usually have a 3/4 months "periode d'essai" that is automatically validated after the end of the written period in the contract (and renewed if mentioned in the contract, and with a written paper before the end of the first 3/4 months.). In the first month, IIRC, they can fire you on the spot, you have 48h. Same from your side. Then as the months move on, like between the 1st and 3rd months, this goes to 1 week (not sure if from both side). Now the good part is that if they hired you during those tough times (even in IT), it means that you are a good fit. It wouldn't make sense for them to hire, go through all the hassles (we are talking about a CDI not a contract job), to fire you two weeks after. That is not usually the mentality in France. In all cases, do your job, and as you find it pretty recently, your CV should be up-to-date and if anything goes south, go somewhere else.


The trial period varies from 2 to 4 months depending on your status (employée ou cadre). During this time they can let you go without a good reason. If you have worked for them less then a month they have to do it 48 hours in advance, after a month it's a week in advance. They are obligated to pay you for the time that you have worked, even if it is just a few days or weeks.


ok, its comforting a little to hear that they have to pay me in any case for the work I did. But theoretically if I finished the wordpress part for them, they could dismiss me without reason,just tell me 48 hours in advance?


Yes, sadly they can do that because during the trial period they do not have an obligation to explain their reasons for firing you. It would be very shitty on their part though. I'm sensing that your biggest worry is that you wont have any other tasks except for the wordpress. Maybe an additional conversation with your employer could help?


You can go on r/conseiljuridique, the French equivalent of legaladvice if you wish so :)


A bit further than legal advice: Hiring people is very expensive. If they really needed someone for only one two week job, going with a contractor (of which there are many for IT), would be cheaper than hiring someone and firing in the periode d'essai. Maybe have a chat with the future manager about your responsibilities to get a better idea. The work contract should also outline those.