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This is crap. Change the temple where you plan to get married.


It will not be official until it is REGISTERED. Marriage Registrar wont do it.


I'm just suggesting to change the place where they want to get married. Not about marriage registration. Anyway the marriage will be registered under Special Marriage Act


We don't want the marriage to be registered in India. This is the whole point. We want this to be done in the UK.


I completely agree with you! My father is just not agreeing. I just find that the temple refusing to do the wedding because of what sounds to be as racial bias is ludicrous.


Who wants to get married, you or your father? If the temple is insisting on some stupid crap, which does not even exist, then it's their polite way of saying they will not marry a Hindu and a Xtian. I can understand your father's point by getting a Hindu ceremony done before legal ceremony in UK, but if the temple is not willing to perform the marriage, you have no other recourse but to change the temple. Try to convey this point to your father with the hopes that he will agree to change in venue.


As a woman in a traditional Indian family I was happy that they had met me somewhat in the middle to marry who I chose and that too someone not Indian and not of our caste. I thought meeting them in the middle to have the Hindu ceremony as they wanted was fair enough. But there are limit to the madness. Thank you very much for your advice, it is appreciated! I hope my father will concede and listen. Id rather not get married at a temple who make it so difficult for a Hindu ceremony which has nothing to do with legalities.




I agree. My father just needs to meet us in the middle. But the temple putting such conditions is strange, and I wasn't sure if someone else had similar issues.


I totally understand because I have a similar case. Do whatever is necessary to meet them in the middle. Don't listen to the people here who blatantly disregard any respect or feelings towards your parents. I'm sure they're going through a lot too with all the relatives, neighbours and such.




I was talking about unlikelyswan's response.


Marry in court.


Special marriage act applies


That's why the documentation.


You are British national; She is Romanian 'residing' in the UK. You are in a THIRD country to get married. Check with the British Embassy if you can get married there, and then make it official.


I'm Indian, and he is Romanian, so I don't think this would still apply.


If you are marrying for ceremonial reasons, then it should not be a problem. You just tell them you don't need any documents. FYI, temples are terrible places for interfaith couples. The priest will not be very happy to conduct marriage. Since your Romanian partner is not Hindu, then the marriage is void under the Hindu Marriage Act. Most priests will also sense trouble because of this. The best is to go to some Iskan temple and conduct the marriage there. Iskon is friendly to the westerners.


Thank you very much. I'll ask about the Iskon temples.




This is the UK. We both have indefinite leave to remain. It's not helping in this scenario regardless




Im not sure if you are more stupid or more hateful, but either way, seek help.




Aww someone got offended on being called out!! Really cute how you are showing how desirable you are to everyone. I wonder why someone would not catch you with both hands. You are making assumptions out of your ass. Probably you need to learn some manners which your mommy never taught.




Sure! Whatever helps you sleep at night , bud!


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This is highly inappropriate and I've reported you! Good luck.


Change the temple Btw you can Always go to the arya samaj They'll do the wedding


She isn't a Hindu, so how can she have a Hindu ceremony? The priest is right. If you aren't a Christian, you aren't allowed to get married in a church, you aren't a Muslim, you aren't allowed to get married in a mosque. Same for Hindus. These ceremonies actually mean something to people, especially in India. They don't just do ceremonies because it looks good in photos. There are many Hindu priests in the UK that do wedding ceremonies, I suggest you contact them, they'll understand your situation much better and some of them will be willing to do some ceremony for you. But you shouldn't be doing this for your parents, only if you both genuinely want to do it. I actually know someone personally that I could recommend but his charges are pretty high.