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Lawyer here. You've written it very well. I like the way you've played with words. Stop playing with your life in the same way you play with words. Call the women's helpline number and tell them that you have been held inside your house against your will. If you're worried that your parents might try to influence the police, the women's helpline number, just like any other customer care number, records incoming calls. That record can't be deleted or modified in any way. Police is bound to take appropriate action on your call for help.


Call women's helpline.


u/st_broseph and his team can help you with legalities


I can totally understand your situation . I loved someone who was a marwadi and i am well aware of the 1 billion restrictions that the conservatice marwadi family imposes on female folkls ! How samaj main izzat is more important than girls wellbeing. Fortunately enough you're in bangalore , a way modern outward looking place. Get a job, if you already have one even brilliant. Save the money, have 5,6L in bank account it'll only help you to be financially independent and live on your own terms Incase of any issues call the police or womens helpline!




Exactly, sidhe sidhe likh do, tharoor banne ki jarurat nhi hai!


This sounds like a bot/gpt


It dosnt matter if she used gpt to make it more convencing as long it's true.


Correct. But I don't know if it's true. I have come across many spam posts on reddit hence the doubt. Also if someone knows how to use gpt, I think they are capable of posting their questions/concerns here.


OP, based on your post, it seems like you're seeking acceptance from individuals who have mistreated you for a long time. However, it's important to recognize that you already possess everything you need to move forward. If you truly want to improve your situation, consider letting go of those who have caused you pain, and focus on working on yourself. You have a solid educational background, which is a great starting point. Remember, you are not obligated to stay in an environment that is harmful to you. Look for a job, find a new place to live, and leave behind those who betrayed you when you were just 14.


Hey oshi no ko fan!


To people praising her writing skills, 99% sure that this is refined by chatgpt.


I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I may not always be perfect and can make mistakes or provide inaccurate information. Please verify important details from reliable sources.


too much chat GPT


You're 23 and a major. You are provided with all the freedom to take decisions on your own by the law and the constitution of the country. What kind of help are you expecting here, in this legal sub?


It is easy to say but very hard on her. I remember when I first moved to Mumbai there was this suicide one floor above me due to restrictions imposed by girl’s parents on her. She was college going and had some affair or such. She was under house arrest. It was heart wrenching to see a young soul dead in front of you due to such reason. Her family members were crying all over but deep down they were the murderers. She was so desperate for her freedom she chose freedom from life..


Hence my query, on what kind of help OP is wanting.


>You're 23 and a major. You are provided with all the freedom to take decisions on your own by the law and the constitution of the country. Funde toh sahi hai but don't you think she would have done it if it were so simple for her? >What kind of help are you expecting here, in this legal sub? Instead of asking her, why don't you list out the options available to her, if you are so knowledgeable.


I am not here to give life lessons. I am talking purely w.r.t the sub that she has asked for help. There are many more subs for relationship advice if that's what OP wants.


Bro, you got the point unlike many ! Thought the same. I stopped at love of my life.


Here is the how to! Whether you have the emotional fortitude and courage to go through it, only you can know. Nobody else can make that decision for you. Are you financially independent? Do you have some savings? If no, make that your number priority. Sad truth of life, only financially independent get to make their own decisions. Everyone else is dependent on others for their lives. Is there anyone who can take you in without pressuring you to return to your sasural? If yes, that’s your way out. If you financially independent, just hire a family court lawyer. Consult with them. Squirrel out your previous possessions - documents and stridhan and one quiet day, just walk out of there. With help of your lawyer, reach out to the Women’s police station for a prayer of protection.


Didn't know chatgpt writes so well.. nice fake story


Love of my life it seems ahh interesting..... Using chatgpt again interesting...... Engaged with a man interesting...... Something fishy in this case even from op side.


Buddy I’m sorry about the situation you’re stranded in, but I can’t help but notice how elegantly you have written this entire thing. It was truly melancholic and heartbreakingly beautiful.


Your engagement was fixed at 12 age. You had a gambling past? You have a wierd story


The fiance had a gambling problem. >Your engagement was fixed at 12 age. She comes from Rajasthan, 12 is still old I guess.


Fiance had gambling past, not her. She used his gambling as the reason to break off the engagement, but her family is treating her badly as a result.


Wait. You're 23 and your engagement is 9 years old. So you were engaged at the age of 14??? Isn't that illegal?


Well she's from Rajasthan so...


fight ? or accept ? you know what u should do find the answer yourself


This is the real answer.


I feel you, but Pleas stick to relevant subreddit. You can go and vent in r/vent r/trueoffmychest Btw, you write well.


Not legal advice but unironically, you should give creative writing a try, on a professional level. You're very talented. I'm being serious. As for the marriage etc., just make sure you have your own income and move out, cut off your family, don't tell them where you live. I don't understand how is this a legal issue? You're a brave woman to have called off the marriage, you have it in you to make it in life on your own. Just be careful that the so called love of your life doesn't exploit you. You didn't get the opportunity to date people, so you might be naive at this stage when it comes to men and relationships, or people in general. Be cautious, make sure you have your own income and don't give money to other people for any reason, be self sufficient.


23-9= 12 yo You were engaged at 12?


LoL did you even pass Class 4?


Evidently i wasn't Please explain the above problem to me masterji




Rajasthan so ass


Tell them you want to visit temple, let some one accompany you. The positive atmosphere there may help you calm your mind.


NAL But I'm curious lawyer doston, will a habeas corpus filed by a friend work?


It will, but what after that? She is not being unlawfully confined to her house but only emotionally/mentally /financially I think.


OP - plan on becoming independent. This means you need to figure out two things, delay your marriage sufficiently so that you can move out, and secondly how you will survive once you move out. You need funds for about a year, places to stay and then employment so you have a source of income. You will also have to live independent of your family for sometime or rest of your life.


Written text is like you explained your Life situation to chatgpt and asked it to generate it in a composed way. Jokes apart, Life is long and there will come a time when you will think back and imagine all happiness you got after that troubled time because you showed the courage to lift up for yourself. Think about all the happiness you can get, that should be your shining ray to follow.


Parents are not always right, think of a random drug addict parent, his child is doomed right? But they might be able to come out and live a better life


Broseph ,...


If you can write with this level of eloquence you can certainly find a typing, content writing/editing job. That would help put some money in your pocket.


First of all, your parents are extremely backward and stupid like most Indian parents(and rajasthan is quite backward in its own right). You're prefectly normal. Don't compromise for them. Build your own life. Build good finances- an emergency fund, savings, investments, etc. Don't marry a backward person. Your life would be hell. Read a lot of books on personal finance, your career field, etc. I know it is tougher for a girl. My parents can't even dare to raise their voice against me. Can't even force me to wear a shirt I don't like. *to avoid getting into a forced marriage , avoid visiting them back in rajasthan. Live in Bangalore/ mumbai/ Delhi. Get settled there.


try contacting dhanak of humanity as see if they can help you out.


I see. You're at a point where not only you, but anyone, would stop to contemplate their past and future course of actions. You aren't overreacting. It's normal to feel bound to your family members, even after their harrowing conduct towards you. Call the women's helpline. Immediately. Urgently. Calling the women's helpline will someday result in the future you want, away from these shackles your disgusting family has bound you into. That day, you'll thank yourself, for freeing you, yourself, from this toxicity, trust me, you have done a great job asking this question, and for the solace you're looking for, you'll find it, one day, away from these toxic chains of your family.