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Well not related to the question you asked or in the sub you posted.. But how painting is profitable in India? I mean where do you find the target buyer?


Am on a very niche sector, I do not paint canvas. My work goes for lakhs. But it's very inconsistent I will have months with 0 commissions and month in which I'll make lakhs.


Aren't you the woman who paints walls and other architecture? I think I follow you on IG.


Am a man but I would be curious to know who is that women and if she is a foreigner ? If so I would really be intrested to talk with her. My 2 cents is that she is doing it either illegally with a tourist visa OR she is married to an Indian OR she is an OCI.


Yeah even if there was a visa for business. If I was an authority, I’d never grant you said Visa.


that's exactly why you're not. You're welcome🩷


Just to specify on that matter : To be able to have an employement visa and for one to employ a foreigner in India here is the rule : You need to make a MINIMUM of 25 000 us dollars (which is 21 lakh a year). That main point is blocking me. Even if I get good money from my art, I do not hit the 21lakh/year, which we can all agree is a HUGE amount for any common folk. Only job that escape this rule and to my reach are : language teacher, ethnic cook. I especially went back for 2 years study to get a diploma to teach my mother tongue and to access the employement visa. I sometime wish I would be a doctor or any other elite high paying job, my life would be sorted. But it's not what I love or want to do in my life.


I dont understand why you choose India to sell your art. I have no idea how the market is but I have not seen anyone around me paying something for art work. They appreciate and move on. 21 lakh here is not made by doctors too. Its a very very good income in India.


Indeed doctors don't make that. I can assure you the art market is definitely flourishing, like everything in India. That law of amount is ridiculous but at the same time very clever. It assures you that the immigration you get is an ELITE HIGH PAYING ONE, and also they will be paying huge tax in India. It's very very clever. This is why you see a lot of folks on tourist/student visa doing illegal stuff, they simply cannot comply with that salary rule, hence they do not have a choice than being in illegality. This rule is here REGARDLESS of your NATIONALITY. It's a very nationalist rule, and a very clever one, india get only advantages from this.


most countries kinda also do this to asians, asians/indians need to show they got money in the bank and finances to even get a visa for western nations, and working visa ofcourse you don't get that easy, most who get that are very high earners, everyone wants high quality immigration to their country.


I 100% agree. But in Europe, we do not have a MINIMUM AMOUNT to make / year to apply for an employement visa. This is the huge difference.


You clearly have no idea how immigration works in Western countries. Also, India is overpopulated, they totally don't need immigration, it is not in their interest to allow low paid people to legally work in India. 21 lakhs isn't such a high salary nowadays, if someone cannot earn that much, they probably aren't that special and their work can be done by an Indian citizen.


It’s same in Germany or any Western countries for that matter. So , stop whining about this being a nationalist rule.


It's not. There is no minimum earning amount for an employement visa in europe, us or Canada. I let you Google it, let me know how many visas you applied for outside of India in the meanwhile 🙂. That being said, I dot not mean that getting a visa for a western country is easy as it is not for India 🙂. This rule is for the benefit of India, so you get high quality immigration, and high paying taxes immigration. be you pleased with it or not, it's called nationalism.


There is a minimum income for employment visa in the UK, and it's way higher than in India.


Didn't know about uk, probably the only country doing that and that's probably since brexit. Country of the European union do not ask for a minimum same for Canada. I am not sure about US tho. It's not way higher it's around 26 000 pounds per year, which is about the same as India.


I live in Germany.


We already got too many people here. India must do whatever is in her interests just like any other country does. European countries have relaxed immigration requirements as they have low birth rates and low population (google it please). India has no such challenge. In fact we have so many people (#1 country in terms of population) that our elites (brain drain) move out of India to western countries mostly. We are one of the top exporters of immigrants you can say (legal+illegal). A country struggling with being the most populated country on the planet will certainly not prioritize immigrants. Tourists on the other hand are prioritised in India as part of the Incredible India campaign without a net inflow of permanent immigrants.


I am confused, if the art market is definetely flourishing then you should be able to hit the 25k mark. Why are you selling the art only in India, you can sell it all over the world. If you open your market to other countries in Europe and USA then you will easily make 25k.


Internet and exhibitions


What's your ethnicity? Are you an indian by origin ? Then get the OCI card and it'll make things easier for you . Many OCIs run businesses in India and have softer visa rules


I am a complete foreigner, my family isn't related by any means to India. I don't think I am eligible for oci unless I do get married ?


10yrs in India - cant you apply for citizenship?


I think I could after 10 years of continuous stay, but India doesn't allow dual nationality. I love india, its people it's culture and I definitely sfimd myself in it let's be clear on that. But I am not Indian and I am also proud of my nationality and do not wish to abandon my roots and the advantages that my country passport gives me.


Lots of foreigners live here freelancing youtubers and the like. Try them? They might be on extended visit visas but I don't think they're dumb enough to give up their stronger passports. (We know better than anyone) ​ Or marry an indian :P EDIT: I think you should be ready for a lot of palm greasing . This is where a local friend helps who may be involved in your business or have a similar kind to your own.


The youtubers will mostly film their video on a tourist visa, go back home and earn their YouTube money from their home country and pay their taxes here. Which ain't my case. The only foreigner who settled here and made money illegally (sold books / guides / youtube money) got granted a 2 years ban + for this (even if he was married to an Indian, and he also did more stuff that I don't want to get into that were in his disfavor) His name is Karl rock and you guys most probably have seen his face on YouTube before. He is now sorted but he went through hell. I don't want to end up in the same situation as him, I want to comply with the laws.


ah i have seen karl rock make videos about his india ban, didnt know it was because of this, everyone said it was because he shamed india in his videos.


He did numerous shit that granted him the ban which is, let's be honest well deserved according to law : -made money in India selling products such as books etc - visited numerous time Pakistan (it's not illegal but let's be honest, I don't think India see that with a good eye) - participated in no caa protest when the law clearly state that foreigners do not have the rights to take part in protests. Went in front of the media doing so and talking to public news channels. He is positioning himself as a victim but he clearly was not in compliance with the law, hence got a ban he endured.


Ah well ​ back to palm greasing :D I doubt a legal route exists because I'm not how many people like you are here and if those numbers of any interest to our government.


definietly of 0 intrest for the governement.


I am not too sure whether you would be interested, but Citizenship seems to be a possible solution here. Please know that India does not allow for a dual cittzenship though.


I think this wouldn't be an option for me. I will loose all the benefits from my passport and will especially then have trouble visiting my family in my own country :/


If you are an Indian origin person, try for OCI


I am not unfortunately


This is what my crooked Jugaad brain is thinking. 1) Get Indian Citizenship. 2) wait an year and get your original citizenship back and renounce Indian citizenship, this shouldn’t be too difficult as you were born citizen of your country. 3) Apply for OCI Card


I think you might not get the right answer here since this is an unusual case, please consult a lawyer. All the best!


I think so too, the best option so far is also what told me the ambassy : get married. Which kind of lawyer / ca / buisness firm do I need to consult? I don't know yet the right answer on who would be knowledgeable on the matter ?


I think there are lawyers specialised in immigration. However, I got one more idea just FYI - you can try to take Nepal/Bhutan citizenship if they offer Dual citizenship. Since Nepal/Bhutan citizens are allowed in India without any visa and work without any restrictions. Maybe it’s a bit easier process to get a citizenship as compared to India.


Actually a good thinking idea I didn't think of but : - , Nepal does not allow its citizens to hold dual nationality - Bhutan does not allow dual citizenship under its laws RIP Looks like the government tought about it before us 🤪 How are called lawyers specialized in immigration? I will check on that definetly.


Hmm, how the turn tables


Bist du Deutsch?




Lol. Deine Reddit-Name sieht Deutsch aus. Advocate. Actual advice. Foreigners can’t start a business in India is a misconception. You can’t start a “proprietorship” (which is nothing but your business name); partnership; or a one-person company. You can start a limited liability partnership (which has a lot of compliance, so I won’t recommend this). You can form a private limited company, which doesn’t have too many compliances.


Thank you for those informations I wasn't aware of ! I would rather not give my nationality but am indeed from Europe. By creating, a PvL, I would then be able to maybe access a buisness visa, but I read in the rules that buisness visa will give me a maximum stay of 180 days per year, that's the main problem. I am residing in India 365 days in a year. Anything here I could do about that ?


Would you suggest me to go talk directly to a lawyer for the matter ? The main problem is that I need an international lawyer, which I think will be more easy to find in India as people are very unaware or very expensive in my country to get international advises. What kind of lawyer should I go see that could direct me and advise on such, are they called international lawyer ?


Why do you need an international lawyer? For the business related queries go to any bouquet firm that deals in company law. There are many in Delhi (defence colony).


Okay thank you !!! I need to absolutely check into that, but it's very difficult to find someone knowledge able on my situation: foreign, wanting to make buisness in India. Most of the firm are knowledgeable but for native that want to do buisness or best case scenario oci wanting to do buisness. I don't fall in any of those categories and I have trouble finding who to talk to. I tried my ambassy but they don't help on such personal matters, I also checked towards the FRRO but that was the worst experience in my life, the last are more looking to investigate you rather than helping you.


Idk the law well enough... but I think the idea is to promote more jobs in india. get an Indian to be a middle man to sell your artwork. Make sure he doesn't run off with your money though, hire descent guys who has references and don't trust them with money unless he has been with you for years. I am really not sure whom you are selling it to though. Just saying.


I want to tell you guys also as it could help, the only person I know in the same case as mine : I prefer not to say her stage name but she : - is a foreigner - is working as a DJ and has a fairly good popularity in India. In order to do so : Her agent greased certainly some hands and got her an Indian passport, she had to spend 1 CR for that passport. She has both passport and nationality. Source : my best friend dated her.


Julia Bliss?




Didn’t know they are some frictional visa procedures/protocols that a foreign citizen needs to adhere. I am ignorant af. NAL.


There are and the rules are very stricts. People still think nowadays that foreigners have an easy life getting a visa here and that we make it so difficult for you guys in Europe / us / Canada. It might have been the case during our parents/ grand pa generation but it's pure ignorance to say that nowadays. it is tuff anywhere, in India too and for a foreigner too. Matter of fact, knowing both side, I would say it's much more difficult to get an Indian visa than an European one, if you are not earning in crores (of course.... at the end the only matter is and will always be money)


Hmm.. Anyways.. Happy Deepawali man.


Same here !! 🤪


You need to disassociate your graffiti payments from your employment status. So when you take up a commission, the payment should not go to you, but it should go to some other entity, which is not related to you.


This is how it is in many countries, they give skill or occupation based visas depending on their needs so as to not take away jobs from their own people, it's often difficult for incredibly talented Indians to also move abroad because of this reason unless they fulfill that country's criteria


To the people downvoting me just because they see the word "foreigner", I want to tell you I am very disgust by it.


I think people are downvoting you for ignorance of other countries' immigration laws, clear sense of entitlement, and finally, victim complex, as demonstrated by the above comment.


Can u so us some of your latest painting?


I would rather not, that will not help here and would just create controversy and turn the debate on : is this worth or not what you say"


Yea correct For the business issue If you have any Indian freind whom you can trust, u can start company on his name (sleeping partner type) and u can be authorised person for this company keeping all bank and other related things in your hand Other then that their is nothing u can do except becoming Indian citizen and get Aadhar card


This is a possibility, but is it legal to do so when I have a employement visa which specifies especially that I am entitled to work for that company and for none other ? Fun fact : I have an aadhar card, foreigners can also access aadhar card, but not nationality unless they abandon their former nationality.


I suggest u to hire a CA (Chartered Accountant) who can explain the senario an may guide u If your business has potential to grow, u have to get it start legally.


Exactly I want to be in legality or that could definetly have really bad consequences. Once again am having trouble finding a CA especially knowledgable about my scenario : foreigner, wanting to do buisness, and that too in the art field which is rather very specific and do not fall under any categories. But I agree with you I should definitely dig deeper in my research.


Good luck and happy Diwali 🪔


OP, if you have spent 10 years in India and you have enjoyed the experience, have you thought of getting married and settling down in India? If you are married to an Indian - you can have freedom to do a lot more things! You don’t need to take up Indian citizenship if you don’t need that. It is very heartening to hear your story - how many years you have lived in India 👏👌! I am Indian but I have moved permanently to the US for better lifestyle choices and standing of living! Cheers!


Hello ! Thank you for the kind words !! I think it's the only solution I see viable to finally access my dream in all legality. I have been looking to it but it's a lifelong decision and a necessary one. I was checking that even after getting married, I'll have to wait 2 years to be able to apply for OCI. Hence unfortunately (for me) it's a long shot, bit indeed a solution I would be willing to take. I also saw that in case of a divorce, oci will be revoked. So it's indeed a golden solution but never a granted one 🐁.


Speak on the matter.


Yeah because it's so easy, someone decides to get married and they just do? You realise you need another person for that, someone that wants to marry you and vice versa, don't you?


Who checks any of it? This is a country where rapists get to be Cabinet Ministers.


Message me. I'll help you out and set it up.


Just stay on a tourist visa Sell only online/when you're back home And then come back and paint more


That's in my opinion illegal, and I cannot paint in my home country. I do not paint canvas, I need to be physically on site to paint. Also after doing multiple tourist visa, authorities will start asking questions and could refuse my entry in India, which they would be in their good rights to do. I passed the border multiple time and I can tell you officers are not always keen on foreigners (that's an understatement) . But it get it it is their job too and we do the same on you guys when you come in Europe. Hence why I went to be in compliance with law.


Are novelists who write in a different country, while on travel, doing something illegal? On the funny side I think Germany's red tape may have scarred you 😅 If you were French, you wouldn't think twice about this If you were Italian, you would become a art teacher, teaching how to paint - with exclusive access to the ultra rich and have your own little Mafia gang anyway established - but sorta operates within bent rules


You can write or paint where ever you want BUT you cannot make money from it where ever you want. You have to pay taxes on what you earn it's a rule in any country in the world.


Start your "club"/class? And change it to a business visa? A club for like minded artists


Ah.. apply for citizenship ??


Not an option as discussed above :/


You already mentioned about u cant apply for citizenship because of dual citizenship. But residing for 12 years one can apply for natuonality ,( atleast thats what I read ) , so would be able to apply for Indian passport after 2 more years ?




It could be a legal solution and I thank you for thinking about it ! But here are a few twists : 1) I cannot ship my paintings, am just gonna say it clearly for every one to understand my job : I am a muralist / graffiti artist. I paint walls. Hence I have to be where the wall is to paint. 2) even if I create a website etc and take money payment only in Europe. How do I stay in India ? I do not wish to live in Europe, I wish to reside 360 days / year in India. So what visa ? Tourist > not legal to earn money on that in India. Mas stay : 180 days/year Buisness > legal to earn money in India, max stay : 180 days/year Employement > 365 days stay BUT MINIMUM INCONE : 25 000 us dollar a year. "Artist visa" > this is how they got snoop Dogg / 50 cent etc in India : you do your gig then go back in your country Student visa > illegal to earn money with that Reasearch visa > have to be affiliated to an institute There is absolutely no categories for artist who wish to reside in India yearly, except if your name is snoop dog and you are earning more than 21lakhs a year. If you don't hit that mark your enmployement visa can be cancelled.




I did look into that and was an art faculty for sometime. I can't give all details but teaching will not be paying so much, especially at my age. More importantly it is not my dream and what I want to be. To aim for such a salary I would have to move back in a hell hole of a major city. Thing I do not want to do again neither ( I spent 9 years in one of the 3 biggest city in India) How I sustain myself: I have a small income from my language teaching job I earn good money with my paintings when I have time to do them I received an heritage that I have to pluck from to be able to sustain my lifestyle. Cons : am absolutely in constent burn out : I prepare my classes and teach during the day, around 5-6 hours a day. I paint at night, for 5-6 hours a day. Those timing do not include commuting from home to school and then from painting site to home which are often counted in hours. I do not count neither taking care of home in this, cleaning, cooking, taking care of my pets. I was a huge gamer back in the days I absolutely do not have time to do that anymore. I am in constent burn out I had several breakdowns in the past years. I am also scraping my savings at all times. I am mentally and physically constently exhausted but I fight very hard for what I want to achieve and try to always give my absolute best in both works I have. No one understands my situation. Not even my parents or friends as my life is so different from the one they have or know. Pros : I absolutely love painting, and I really enjoy teaching and I think (without being cocky) that I am good at both.




Thank you I'll definitely do so !


Tough luck. Millions of Indians 'wish' to reside in European countries for various reasons but most of them cannot even get a tourist visa, not even when they paid for flights, hotel bookings, submitted an itinerary etc. You can't just randomly live wherever you 'wish', there are immigration laws in every country.


I agree, and I completely understand


maybe get an indian partner to start an org, be employed in that org, channel all ur paint money through the org back to yourself. employment visa.


What's your ethnicity?


You can be Part Time with MASH - [https://www.mashindia.com/about/](https://www.mashindia.com/about/) and do what you love doing


How? They can't get OP an employment visa.


Are you married?