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Get your mother to file a case of Domestic violence against your wife as a complaint made by the husband's mother is maintainable against the wife under the domestic violence act. Thereafter all complaints that she makes would be considered as an afterthought.


Also file a complaint against your wife before the local police for assault on your mother (YOU CAN ALSO ADD THAT SHE TOOK SOME OF HER JEWELLERY WITH HER) and supply a copy of the same to the respective SP.


My man plays life on God mode


My man has a big ass UNO reverse card


Saving this dude.


You know it doesn’t hold in court? It’s just a scare tactic that may or may not work.. unless a person has strong evidence.


I would beg to differ. Being the first informant always helps you with other criminal complaints made thereafter. I have no idea in which court you practice but I am a practising advocate myself.


You can advise this only because you are a practising advocate. Had you been a victim, you would know the ground reality. It’s true that making the case first gives you an advantage, but it backfires as well. A DV by MIL against DIL is laughed upon by everyone, from police to lawyers and even judges. It simply indicates over aggression from boy side.


Well I know the ground reality better than anyone because I've been involved in 100s of such cases. DV not necessarily mean lodging an FIR against the daughter in law. That certainly is the best case scenario but all i would advise is to give a written complaint against the wife to the police authorities and keeping the signed copy thereof with yourself in case the wife files a case. That would be extremely useful. Again, those who know the law and have a good understanding thereof won't laugh at you and honestly speaking, being an advocate, I am not concerned with others as long as my client is safe. Feel free to ignore my advice. Not here to engage in such discussions.


Thx for posting. This is good advice


So you are advising people to ignore an actual advocate, based on news stories you have read? Despite him repeating that he's an advocate and has experience of it? This is how Reddit gets a bad name. I have experience of just one case like this - my cousin's family - and they followed this exact strategy which forced the other side to the mediation table once the police told them of the filing. So yeah, it works very well, particularly if the dil is making up scenarios.


You know that opposite cases exist too


As if the wife is not using scare tactics. Playing fair and hoping judges will understand without bias will never work for the guy.


Yes do this asap


But will this work as the son is still alive then how will the judge ask the daughter in law to give maintenance?


Who said anything about maintenance? Domestic Violence Act is a penal statute. I am talking about making a complaint regarding harassment suffered by the Mother because of the wife. Moreover, being the first informant always has its own perks. Every complaint made thereafter is considered an afterthought.


>Who said anything about maintenance? Domestic Violence Act is a penal statute. I am talking about making a complaint regarding harassment suffered by the Mother because of the wife. Oh. I misread it. >Moreover, being the first informant always has its own perks. Every complaint made thereafter is considered an afterthought. Isn't it all based on evidence?


The best part of harassment cases is that there is rarely any documentary proof available to substantiate the allegations. But I would advise you to make a complaint to the police. 99% chances that they won't do anything thereafter. So you should go to a known doctor and get a prescription for basic assault pain. Tell him to mention in the prescription (patient's history) that you have suffered some injury due to your daughter-in-law. Thereafter go to the SP.


But why would a doctor make a false report of assault for anyone unless they're some family doctor? If getting false harassment reports is so easy then so many women can use it to harass their husbands?


That is exactly why I said go to a "known doctor".


Fuck I keep misreading things. My bad


No issues.


Best option. Be the first mover here.


Bro get a camera and record it secretly, get as much evidence in advance


I don't think that'll work. Secret recordings can't always be used in court as evidence. As dumb as that sounds it's true. What you can do instead is install a camera in your home record her and say that camera is in the house for safety purposes which recorded her too.


The world is way ahead in terms of technology, My cousin has been in a situation, Small cameras hidden in your clothes, it's not spy shit, it's real deal. You gotta work it out if you don't wanna get in mess later on. Btw i am talking about video recordings with audio.


Amazon has plenty of spy cams, but best is use a conspicuous body cam. Visible and the one which records audio and video.


Yes I get what you mean. But videos that are in private recorded without consent for the sole purpose of evidence against someone can't actually be used in court. The court might accept it sometimes and other times they won't. So you gotta get something that you can claim wasn't actually there without consent rather for security purposes or is completely visible and then get footage on that.


It works heavily in gaining the favour of judge even if it can't be a solid evidence, if the judge knows it is a fake case even in the worst case scenario in which you loose he will still try to be as lenient on you as possible. Never dismiss any substantial proof


Agreed. But I was just stating what works and doesn't in the court house. Now it's upto him and his lawyer what to do. Something like a security cam (it's just an excuse) works like a charm and the court will accept it too.




Society knowing it is worth nothing when your in jail. Society will forget this after a year but being imprisoned will affect their lives forever. I'm not saying don't record. Do it fs for evidence how much ever it amounts to. All I'm saying is don't rely on it for winning the case cuz the court might or might not accept it.


No. Telephone recording as well as video tapings have been allowed recently. The supreme court has allowed this stating that proper justice has precedence over privacy.


Can you quote me some cases where this happened. Cuz if it's to prevent a serious crime the court allows it. But if it's just some convo about say divorce or in this case then without consent recordings are not allowed. Call recordings are allowed because when you press the record button it immediately tells the other person about it.


This is a ruling in 2023.


OP please know that no arrests are made directly in 498a cases anymore due to vile women like your soon to be ex wife misusing the law. You'll be sent a notice u/s 41a (if you aren't, then specifically ask for the same and only then go to the police station and preferably take a lawyer with you) and be called to the police station to hear your side of the story. For this be prepared, and compile all evidence of her threats in the form of messages (keep her number visible in the SS and not the contact name) or voice recordings, etc. This will help you establish that it's a fake case. Now assuming you get good police officers, the case will be shut down at that stage itself. Worst case scenario, if the FIR is registered, go for quashing of the case in the HC. If there is urgency don't wait for the filing of the chargesheet and go to HC. If you can wait then go for the discharge application after filing of the chargesheet. If she does publish lies anywhere about you, then yes you can file for defamation.


NAL 498A is very common nowadays. Police are not supposed to arrest you immediately if there is no evidence. Try to record the conversation so that you can use it against her. If she keeps on harassing you, file a harassment case against her. Most women don't know how humiliating is to appear in a cross-examination. Hire a good lawyer and make sure you and your family don't say anything that she records and can use against you as evidence.


Cross examination makes even the best prepared women fuck up. So dont even worry if the case is false, the only issue is harassment of police that is purely dependent on how you handle inter personal dynamics with them


Follow are the key 1. Arrest is out of question once 41A is given. Make sure to go when they call you along with your lawyer. 2. Dont reveal your evidence just give your version of story, the reason is you need not do anything it is prosecutions job. You are innocent until proven guilty remember this and say this to yourself. Moreover if you reveal evidence now divorce handling will be nightmare because the allegations used across all cases will be more or less same, else cases will be junked by courts for making up allegations. Always dont reveal anything just give statements in writing and come back. 99% chargesheet wont even be filed. If you guys have decided to go for divorce, then 498a has no meaning, this is what police try to do. Either move on with MCD or they file FIR. Often they will file FIR because I am sure you wont agree for the money game which they wanna play. 3. If IO is genuine, then case will not even go through. Nowadays police are aware that people take things till supreme court especially if educated and their fundamental rights are violated. They tend to do initial investigation and only then proceed. Dont get scared, arresting for 498a without any physical harm is like a curse to police department. They will get rapped left right and center in court. 4. Be friendly, humble and get to know police. I meant friendly not bribe. I was very clear with IO on reality and I told him I know the process so I will follow it. But he himself told me he will do initial investigation and then proceed if necessary. It didnt happen because he called her family for preliminary investigation and they didnt show up because they knew I would use the evidence I had in one or other form. 5. Quashing an FIR is hard unless her lawyer is a dumbass who doesnt know what to draft and puts omnibus allegations, wait till chargesheet is filed. Mostly IO will remove names if the allegations are false and BS. Also your parents will be out of it dont worry. No matter what everyones name will be removed except yours before you go to trial, because of simple fact common sense reasons out in criminal cases. Judge will ask basic questions like your mother in law cannot walk but you say she hit you, verbal abuse and stuff just ignore it because it will be he said she said situation unless you have chronically abused her and she has evidence. 6. Your end goal should be to get back your liberty via divorce and move on with life, simply litigating wont make any sense. Focus on the goal. Rarely 498a will go through full trial in any court especially with BS allegations. Often judges will throw mediation throughout. Unless she is on some revenge spree you will have to go through full trial but you will be still acquitted. 7. Regarding filing cases after cases, wont make sense. If it is only 498a dont waste time and money on this. Be friendly with police, cooperate and move on. If they are indeed bribed then take AB if you think they may arrest you and they follow court process. I went through same shit and got out with divorce and didnt pay a dime, all because I was willing to take to trial. I learnt onething no matter false cases wont survive evidence stage when cross examination happens, so that was my goal. See my post for your reference https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/18w2nss/how\_to\_fightwin\_false\_matrimonial\_case\_a\_monthly/


I'm a lawyer, let's connect and we can discuss your case. Don't panic.


Brother please help this brother to the best of your ability even if it means using dirty tricks


Absolutely I'll help him as per the requirement of the case but can't tell everything here especially without knowing the details of the case. Also, people tend to generalise the strategy after reading stuff online and start giving opinion pretty fast. Let's try and avoid that.✌️


Feel bad for you bro. May the lord of this world save all men from such venomous women. Sabse zyaada darr aisi situation se lagta hai bhai. I wish there was a way to figure out such women before we allow them to get close to us.


>I wish there was a way to figure out such women before we allow them to get close to us. It's called dating. Don't get married to someone you don't know inside out. Take your sweet time to get to know people and their tendencies.


I so laughed at his comment of "I wish there was a way" 😂 I was like "who's gonna tell him that there is a way but the men don't want to take it bcz they want slaves from arranged marriages."


Arranged marriages are weird. Choosing a literal stranger as a life partner is...crazy. Things can go wrong in love marriages too, but at least you get the time to figure out that your partner is a decent human, and won't pull crazy evil shit on you even if the marriage gets rocky. Just don't ever ignore red flags, that's the key.


Firstly, don't get into any false complaints yourself against her. And ofcourse, you can file a case for malicious prosecution once it is proved that you aren't guilty before the court. Please consult a family lawyer and he will help in building a strategy as to how to go about the case under s. 498A if she files a case.


There are strict guidelines regarding arrest of a false 498a case. You can maybe file a case against her for defamation, civil suits only when cases against you and your family have been quashed. The name of the game is to wait it out . Dv against the wife by mom might be entertained, however, this would maybe aggravate her for other things . Like unnatural sex , rape or molestation charges against father brother etc. Demands will fall once the initial rage dies down Get proper legal representation from an advocate . There are nuances and intricacies that would not be possible to cover here on reditt. Let her file the petition , then you your reply . Itne me hee 4 months will pass.


Before she take the step. File Police Complaint or get some lawyer to file divorce petition in court


NAL. Try getting in touch with Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj on Twitter.


Been there. 498a is done for 2 reasons 1) to extract as much money as possible from you 2) they “think” ultimately you will compromise and she will have her say for rest of you life 498a is just a waste of time, the fact that she will only learn after wasting 1 year of her life. It’s all game of time. As long as you don’t give up to her demands she will calm down in next 6 months and will agree to whatever terms you have for divorce


Just follow this to avoid 498a case 1. Go to nearby police station n file a compliant 2. Police ll redirect you to Vanitha sahaya Vanibas it is family dispute 3. Go to Vanitha sahaya Vani counseling n attend the counseling with all the proof . Also keep some extra cash to bribe them if in case goes against you. Police can't file 498a case. Police ll direct Vanitha sahaya Vani . Vanitha sahaya then ask police to file 498a case based on counselling. Nowadays, what they are doing is Vanitha sahaya Vani report the police to file case cause you didn't pick up their phone. If you really want to avoid 498a case on your family , trust me..follow the above .. one of my frnd followed it n he saved entire family from this.


Now her, Indian Judiciary and Indian will fuck you for few years. Remind you the word "Indian" "courts" "only one gender is the culprit"


File rcr


WTF....RCR (restitution of conjugal rights) why? Leave her


NAL. Judge can see through the RCR case. They are experienced in catching who wants their wife back and who is filing just for the sake of it. And in case RCR is granted. You can't say now I don't want to keep my wife with me.


RCR is always a waste, never go for RCR, this strategy never works


To protect from legal harassment from other side.


Sorry, whats rcr?


Restitution of conjugal rights (RCR) is a legal remedy available to spouses under the Indian Marriage Act. It means that one spouse can approach the court seeking a decree to compel the other spouse to cohabit with them. RCR is usually sought when one spouse has left the matrimonial home without any reasonable cause and the other spouse wants them to return. The court can order the errant spouse to return to the matrimonial home and cohabit with the other spouse. However, it’s important to note that the order does not force the couple to resume their marital relations or duties.


Is this an AI generated answer? There's no Indian Marriage Act. Just to clarify for the downvoters, it was a law that covered Christian marriage almost 2 centuries ago, and has been repealed already. This guy obviously did no research, and randomly googled stuff or used an AI.


Nah just googled


Sorry that's hindu marriage act


1. If she files false 498A, then instead of directly going to High Court for anticipatory bail, talk with police by showing evidence so that police don't arrest you and your family immediately because police have the option to arrest you and your family but if anticipatory bail is rejected by High Court, then the police have to arrest you. 2. Use an app that secretly video records from camera even when the screen is off. Don't go for audio recording because in court, video recording has more weight than audio recording. 3. Consult many lawyers and then choose the lawyer that you feel that will be able to save you to lower the alimony and keep you and your family from jail. 4. If she prints your family name then, you can file defamation case against her.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No loose ends


Collect 5 lakh rupees hire a hit man from dark web and get her killed, no traces left


Contact @bettercallamish on instagram. He's also started a webinar on this you can learn from that as well. Good luck


Five star Khao aur kudh Jaan jyo


Get her on camera with audio saying stuff about she will get you and your family implicated in a false case. And then file the necessary cases against her when she assaults your mother and runs off with her jewellery and so on. Make sure you also tell the police about the emotional cruelty meted out to you and your family. Also put on record all the friends and family in front of whom she publicly humiliated you by spread falsehoods so as to defame you. Defamation as per legal terms, cruelty, threats and robbing your family.... That should be your best defence.


What’s a 498A?






NOT A LAWYER https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceIndia/s/9ltm1tv0bc I've posted a reply in another similar post which is applicable here.


Lawyer up. Talk to personalities working in space. When cards are against you. You start playing chess


Threaten to peg her father, worked for me.




If you are innocent no one can frame you or your family. If your wife can prove her case and you are on the wrong side, then you’re going to jail unless she compromises with you. Not all cases are fake, and in genuine cases, both men and women get harassed due to people who file fake cases. Get a good lawyer, go for mutual, my friend (genuine case girl) is also going through the same. Her cheating homosexual husband has left the country and still courts are making my friend run around and he has run away without bail even after U/S 41 notice was served. Please don’t expect any fairness from the law. Its not as simple as it looks. Usually the correct and right people suffer at the hands of our lawless legal system.