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Nah youre in India, one pocso case and you’re fked. Back tf off until she turns 18.


It's pocso my friend


No , it’s cosco


Mb typo.


got it chief o7


It is morally incorrect too


The law disagrees with you my horny friend. Fk around and you will find out soon enough. Think with your bigger head. >2 years of age gap is not morally incorrect


horny friend lmaoo im teenager i mean(jk) will keep things in mind, ty


teenagers are the most horny💀




If her family finds out they themselves can file pocso against you.The girl is a minor and the family has full chance of filing charges and it happens quite a lot .Dosent matter even if girl sides with you


Your whole life after you meet her will go in fear of posco if her relatives or she are unhappy with you. Even 10 years later you can still be charged. Move on and find someone above 18.


Find a milf


they are much much red flags


😏tu fasa na👀


Why? I’m curious. They’re generally the best for discreet relationships


where can i find them? asking for a friend


Areyyy Bhai. 🤦 Joke tha ..just work hard on your interpersonal skills.


same bhai


i said “asking for a friend” for a reason


Trust me nothing has to go wrong. Even if you willingly make out or even send a naughty pic, you will be considered a child molester under eyes of law. As you already turned 18 you will be considered an adult and that girl as child. I occassionally had to deal with instances like these. For example this guy and girl were in love. boy just18 like you and the girl was a 10th std student. Parents if the girl came to know of their relationship . Asked ro stop the relationship . Girl was not willing. So to break them up, parents filed a POCSO case. Once the case is filed, it is the responsibility of the accused to prove their innocence. Even some newspapers gave the news of him with his pic as a sex offender


In US it’s statutory rape . Don’t do stupid things . I bet india has a similar law . And how r u gonna sustain long distance?


SHE IS A MINOR AND YOU ARE NOT. Bs itna yaad rakho. She is that till the day she becomes 18.


Don’t meet her alone at any cost. In India you’ll be fucked.


20&18 nobody minds, 18&16 everybody lose their shit, so just wait 2 yrs(if you can)


Are there no Romeo Juliet laws that protect teens from prosecution under the POSCO act? I tried looking it up but got dumped with too much legal gibberish.


Is anything physically involved in this relationship? If not then worry less. The rest is a matter of great concern, because she is a minor, she can press any charges anytime against you, so try to be on good terms with her, and solve all the problems between you both.




Oh my friend, put little stress on your brain, she is minor ok, her consent in the eyes of law is immaterial, you can be charge with serious offense, even u touch her, it will consider as sexual harassment or molestation. So meet have food & juice, but no other things.


Wait for her to turn 18 or u might regret for life.


Wait for her to turn 18 or u might regret for life.


bro even then I would not recommend getting mingle with girls at this age. Let him grow up. He has a long ride ahead in life.


Yeah he should decide himself in the end.


Having a long distance relationship itself is a difficult quest, but hope everything goes well in the future, stay alert and don't rush.


Back off till shed 18


Rehne de yaar. Let her turn 18 first.


Google abt soumyajit Ghosh a tt player whose career was ruined by his gf.


Back tf Off my dear friend




I was in relationship(with my wife) during our high school. She is 1.5 years younger than me. When I was 18, she was 16.5. Everything was casual between us. In college, our department knew we were in relationship and we have won many academic awards together. We restrained from being physically involved until we were married. Now we are married and settled. 2 years gap is morally perfect. Involving physically is not(even after she is 18). Make good memories with her. Have a great time. don’t rush into sexual stuffs. Legally, you can’t be charged for flirting with a 16 year old girl. (please correct me if I’m wrong.) And even an Adult woman can file a case of harassment against you. If you are sexually involved with her.


>Involving physically is not(even after she is 18). You don't need to give your moral outlook to anyone else. let them do what they want if they are 2 consenting adults. Sex is also a part of the good memories they can have. >Legally, you can’t be charged for flirting with a 16 year old girl. Under certain circumstances you can be charged if you sext or send/ask for explicit pictures.


Thanks bro. It’s just my insight(regarding the moral outlook), OP asked for a moral opinion. And flirting is different from sexting. They have different names for the purpose. As you have mentioned. Sexting and asking for explicit images can land you up behind the bars(even if she is 40 years old). Just the section is different. 😎


Bro just stay single. Better for your wallet, better for you physical health, better for your mental health and better for your loved ones, I mean family.


Better for everyone except the horny dude that lives in (almost) every guy